←麦茜因为以下原因,您没有权限编辑本页: 您所请求的操作仅限于这些用户组的用户使用:用户、自动确认用户 您必须确认您的电子邮件地址才能编辑页面。请通过系统设置设置并确认您的电子邮件地址。 您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 {{BrawlerBanner|Name=Maisie|Rarity=Chromatic|Description=麦茜是星妙电影院的安保助理,她负责保证大家在乱斗好莱坞拍电影时不会受伤。}} == 登场时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_start_vo_01.mp3|Script = I've got your back!|Translation= 姐罩着你呢!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_start_vo_02.mp3|Script = Let's stay calm but think fast.|Translation= 冷静下来,迅速思考}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_start_vo_03.mp3|Script = I might be armless, but I'm in no way harmless.|Translation= 我也许没有手臂,但并非毫无威力}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_start_vo_04.mp3|Script = Armed and ready!|Translation= 全副武装,准备战斗!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_start_vo_05.mp3|Script = Ready to face the flames!|Translation= 准备迎接烈焰!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_start_vo_06.mp3|Script = I'm gonna snuff you out!|Translation= 我要灭了你们!}} == 局势领先时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_lead_vo_01.mp3|Script = Now you see how it's done.|Translation= 现在知道怎么一回事了吧}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_lead_vo_02.mp3|Script = Fortune favors the brave.|Translation= 幸运眷顾勇者}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_lead_vo_03.mp3|Script = I'm A-Maisie-in'!|Translation= 我真的强无敌!}} == 受到伤害时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_hurt_vo_01.mp3|Script = Ugh! You are about to feel the heat!|Translation= 啊!得给你上点强度了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_hurt_vo_02.mp3|Script = You wanna show, I'll give you one!|Translation= 想要表现是吧,我给你个机会!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_hurt_vo_03.mp3|Script = Holy smoke!|Translation= 我的天呀!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_hurt_vo_04.mp3|Script = Watch out, that's a fire hazard!|Translation= 当心,那小子虎得很/是个火灾隐患!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_hurt_vo_05.mp3|Script = Ugh!|Translation= 啊!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_hurt_vo_06.mp3|Script = Ugh!|Translation= 啊!}} == 击杀敌人时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_kill_vo_01.mp3|Script = Boom! That's how it's done!|Translation= 嘣!就是这么回事!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_kill_vo_02.mp3|Script = That was a blast!|Translation= 刚刚真的是嗨到爆!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_kill_vo_03.mp3|Script = Where there's smoke, there's fire.|Translation= 百因必有果,有烟就有火}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_kill_vo_04.mp3|Script = Maisie to the rescue.|Translation= 麦茜来拯救你}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_kill_vo_05.mp3|Script = This arm means harm.|Translation= 这条手臂,代表致命一击}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_kill_vo_06.mp3|Script = Ew! Why are you foaming at the mouth?|Translation= 呕!你怎么口吐白沫了?}} == 死亡时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_01.mp3|Script = Keep on fighting!|Translation= 继续战斗!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_02.mp3|Script = At least I went down in a blaze of glory.|Translation= 至少我带着荣誉退场}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_03.mp3|Script = Hmm... need a change of plan.|Translation= 嗯...得换个思路}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_04.mp3|Script = I might be out, but I'm not done.|Translation= 我虽然倒下了,但还没放弃}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_05.mp3|Script = I went up in smoke!|Translation= 我化作青烟了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_06.mp3|Script = What am I fighting for?|Translation= 我究竟在为何而战?}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_07.mp3|Script = No!|Translation= 不!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_die_vo_08.mp3|Script = No way!|Translation= 不要啊!}} == 释放终极技能时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_ulti_vo_01.mp3|Script = Stand back!|Translation= 都退后!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_ulti_vo_02.mp3|Script = Watch out!|Translation= 当心!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_ulti_vo_03.mp3|Script = You better run!|Translation= 识相点就快逃!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_ulti_vo_04.mp3|Script = Shockwave!|Translation= 震荡波!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_ulti_vo_05.mp3|Script = Smoking!|Translation= 硝烟四起!}} == 其他音效 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_atk_01.mp3|Script = Atk SFX.|Translation = 普攻音效}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_dryfire_01.mp3|Script = DryFire SFX.|Translation = 子弹耗尽}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_reload_01.mp3|Script = Reload SFX.|Translation = 填弹音效}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_maisie_ulti_01.mp3|Script = Ulti SFX.|Translation = 大招音效}} {{BrawlStars Navigation}} <comments /> [[分类:荒野乱斗]][[分类:流彩英雄(荒野乱斗)]] 该页面使用的模板: 模板:AudioButton(查看源代码)模板:BSAudio(查看源代码)模板:BSPortrait(查看源代码)模板:BSTrio(查看源代码)模板:BrawlerBanner(查看源代码)模板:BrawlerRarity(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:FAIcon(查看源代码)模板:Navbox(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox subgroup(查看源代码)模板:Pipe(查看源代码)模板:VA(查看源代码)模板:荒野乱斗(查看源代码)返回至麦茜。