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Time for more humiliation.|Translation = 很好!再去羞辱他们一番。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_02.mp3|Script = Let's melt your hopes and freeze your dreams.|Translation = 粉碎你的希望,冻结你的梦想。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_03.mp3|Script = Ain't no valley low enough.|Translation = 再深的峡谷也挡不住我们。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_04.mp3|Script = Time to turn that frown further down.|Translation = 再给他们添些麻烦吧。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_05.mp3|Script = War is my canvas, time to doodle!|Translation = 战争是我的画板,我要肆意挥洒!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_06.mp3|Script = Here comes an extra scoop of Berry sugar.|Translation = 再来一勺拜瑞的甜美吧。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_07.mp3|Script = Sweet and sour, candy is my power.|Translation = 糖果之力在手,酸的甜的都有。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_08.mp3|Script = It's gonna be a sweet ride.|Translation = 这趟旅程会很甜美。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_start_vo_09.mp3|Script = Berry nice to meet you, sparkles.|Translation = 拜瑞遇见你很高兴,小朋友。}} == 局势领先时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_lead_vo_01.mp3|Script = So amazing, go me.|Translation = 太厉害了,我可真是。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_lead_vo_02.mp3|Script = Sweet dreams are made of this.|Translation = 美梦也就大抵如此吧。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_lead_vo_03.mp3|Script = Rainbow sparkles, woo!|Translation = 虹光四射,芜!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_lead_vo_04.mp3|Script = In chaos we find our true colors.|Translation = 属于我们的色彩只能在混乱中寻得。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_lead_vo_05.mp3|Script = Prepare for a bitter dose of reality with a dash of Berry.|Translation = 让拜瑞的冲击给你来上一剂现实的苦涩。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_lead_vo_06.mp3|Script = So many emotions.|Translation = 心情很复杂。}} == 遭受攻击时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_hurt_vo_01.mp3|Script = Oh, stop horsing around!|Translation = 啊,别胡闹了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_hurt_vo_02.mp3|Script = Oh, don't need the horn!|Translation = 啊,这角留着也没用了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_hurt_vo_03.mp3|Script = Ow! Color me sad.|Translation = 嗷,我真的很难过。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_hurt_vo_04.mp3|Script = Art is pain.|Translation = 搞艺术真是折磨。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_hurt_vo_05.mp3|Script = Oh, the bitter taste of disgrace.|Translation = 哦,丢脸的滋味可不好受啊。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_hurt_vo_06.mp3|Script = Salty, sour and sore.|Translation = 又急又气又无奈。}} == 击杀敌人时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_01.mp3|Script = Wow, you didn't even try.|Translation = 哇哦,你真的使劲了吗?}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_02.mp3|Script = Why the long face? Oh, that's me.|Translation = 怎么拉着长脸啊?哦,是我啊。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_03.mp3|Script = What a colorful demise!|Translation = 死法还挺花哨!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_04.mp3|Script = Color me bad...|Translation = 我真的很伤心……}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_05.mp3|Script = My candy is not for kids.|Translation = 我的糖不是给小朋友吃的。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_06.mp3|Script = I like to beat the brush.|Translation = 我就喜欢直截了当。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_07.mp3|Script = Time for candy. Ugh, gotta watch out for Mandy.|Translation = 来点糖果吧。呃,得看着点[[曼迪]]。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_08.mp3|Script = Happy horsie!|Translation = 开心小马!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_09.mp3|Script = Some tears for dessert.|Translation = 给甜点加点泪水。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_10.mp3|Script = Sweet dreams!|Translation = 做个好梦!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_11.mp3|Script = The sound of salty tears brings sweetness to my ears.|Translation = 气急败坏的哭声是我最爱的天籁。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_12.mp3|Script = Yummy gummy, what a dummy!|Translation = 可口软糖,蠢到破防!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_kill_vo_13.mp3|Script = Sour, not sweet. Enjoy your defeat.|Translation = 保酸不保甜,你的失败恕不退换。}} == 死亡时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_01.mp3|Script = Oh, peace at last...|Translation = 哦,终于安宁了……}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_02.mp3|Script = Always with the self-destruction! Ugh!|Translation = 每次都得把自己搭上!啊!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_03.mp3|Script = Ah, you got me.|Translation = 啊,你赢了。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_04.mp3|Script = Unicorn tears.|Translation = 独角兽也会流泪。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_05.mp3|Script = We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents.|Translation = 我们不会犯错,那些只是奇妙的意外。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_06.mp3|Script = Faking the sour with the sweet! Getting back on my feet!|Translation = 以甜美粉饰辛酸,打起精神继续向前!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_die_vo_07.mp3|Script = Not gonna sugarcoat it!|Translation = 没什么好遮掩的!}} == 使用超级技能时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ulti_vo_01.mp3|Script = All the colors of the rainbow!|Translation = 让彩虹铺满战场!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ulti_vo_02.mp3|Script = Crushing dreams and candy-coating nightmares!|Translation = 击碎你的梦想,噩梦用糖果伪装!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ulti_vo_03.mp3|Script = Rainbows and mayhem!|Translation = 彩虹嗨翻天!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ulti_vo_04.mp3|Script = Unicorn power activate!|Translation = 释放独角兽之力!}} == 其他音效 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_atk_hit_01.mp3|Script = Atk Hit|Translation=普攻命中}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_atk_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Atk SFX|Translation=普攻音效}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_dryfire_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Dryfire SFX|Translation=弹药耗尽}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_gadget_1_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Gadget SFX|Translation=妙具音效}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ice_end_01.mp3|Script = Ice End|Translation = 冰冻结束}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_reload_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Reload SFX|Translation=装填弹药}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ulti_atk_hit_01.mp3|Script = Ulti Atk|Translation=大招攻击}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_berry_ulti_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Ulti SFX|Translation=大招音效}} {{荒野乱斗|英雄语音}} <comments /> [[分类:荒野乱斗]][[分类:史诗英雄(荒野乱斗)]] 该页面使用的模板: 模板:AudioButton(查看源代码)模板:BSAudio(查看源代码)模板:BSPortrait(查看源代码)模板:BSTrio(查看源代码)模板:BrawlerBanner(查看源代码)模板:BrawlerRarity(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox subgroup(查看源代码)模板:Pipe(查看源代码)模板:荒野乱斗(查看源代码)返回至拜瑞。