←拉丁裔男出租司机(罪恶都市)因为以下原因,您没有权限编辑本页: 您所请求的操作仅限于这些用户组的用户使用:用户、自动确认用户 您必须确认您的电子邮件地址才能编辑页面。请通过系统设置设置并确认您的电子邮件地址。 您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 {{Back|侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市}} {{GTAVCInfobox|H|M|O|CA|拉丁裔男出租司机}} 在游戏文件里,拉丁裔男出租司机的语音序号为{{GTAVCFile|3478-3541}}。 == 被堵住去路 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3478.mp3|Script = Move your ass, it's this nice lady's bill.|Translation = 滚一边去,我在送一位美女乘客。}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3479.mp3|Script = See? People in Vice City, don't know how to drive.|Translation = 看见没?罪城的人们连开车都不会。}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3480.mp3|Script = This is every day, man, move!|Translation = 天天都这个样,快走!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3481.mp3|Script = How many times you got to deal with this?|Translation = 还得碰到几回这糟心事?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3482.mp3|Script = Move it or lose the pal.|Translation = 要么滚,要么挨打,伙计。}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3483.mp3|Script = This is your final warning!|Translation = 这是对你最后的警告!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3484.mp3|Script = No more Mr. Nice game!|Translation = 我可不当好好先生了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3485.mp3|Script = I'm going to beat the crap out of you, man.|Translation = 伙计,我要把你揍出屎来!}} == 汽车碰撞 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3486.mp3|Script = Look stupid, check out my wheels, man!|Translation = 看好了蠢家伙,看看我的轮胎!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3487.mp3|Script = How am I supposed to finish my job now huh?|Translation = 现在这样叫我怎么干活,啊?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3488.mp3|Script = Tell me why, why you do this?|Translation = 给我个理由,你为啥这么做?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3489.mp3|Script = This ain't no freaking cool, man.|Translation = 这他妈可不好,哥们。}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3490.mp3|Script = Don't do this kind of shit without paying the price, man.|Translation = 伙计,干了混蛋事还不想付出代价?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3491.mp3|Script = This is it man, this is no my day.|Translation = 就这样吧,今天不走运。}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3492.mp3|Script = Get that guy's plate number.|Translation = 把那家伙的车牌号记着。}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3493.mp3|Script = Man, the light was red!|Translation = 哥们,刚才是红灯!}} == 随意交谈 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3494.mp3|Script = Yeah, just keep walking!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3495.mp3|Script = I don't think so.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3496.mp3|Script = You don't have enough pal.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3497.mp3|Script = Your guy is always looking for trouble.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3498.mp3|Script = Ai, excuse you!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3499.mp3|Script = Move aside!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3500.mp3|Script = Get out of the way, pal.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3501.mp3|Script = Tell your...|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3502.mp3|Script = Damn, you got plenty cojones, ah?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3503.mp3|Script = You blind?|Translation = }} == 撩妹 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3504.mp3|Script = Let me give you a ride, muchacha.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3505.mp3|Script = You stop reading honey.|Translation = }} == 被枪吓到 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3506.mp3|Script = I got a wave, a next wave, and saving kids.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3507.mp3|Script = I give you free rights, I promise, I promise!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3508.mp3|Script = What do you want?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3509.mp3|Script = Put the thing away!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3510.mp3|Script = You were going to shoot, shoot for the legs.|Translation = }} == 被揍 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3511.mp3|Script = Hey, this is my livelihood.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3512.mp3|Script = You take a break from my tedious mouth.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3513.mp3|Script = My wife will kill you.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3514.mp3|Script = This is no rhyming.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3515.mp3|Script = Stop! What are you doing?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3516.mp3|Script = Crazy man, this is like my office dinner.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3517.mp3|Script = I want charge getting|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3518.mp3|Script = Oye you, uh, what do you do, please?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3519.mp3|Script = Stop it, mind, this is my life.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3520.mp3|Script = Have you no compassion, man?|Translation = }} == 揍人 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3521.mp3|Script = Sorry to do this but it can be helped.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3522.mp3|Script = So, this live my friend.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3523.mp3|Script = We're Donnie Sonny Boy.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3524.mp3|Script = gehela cafe|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3525.mp3|Script = This is the way it has to be.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3526.mp3|Script = I'm Leifon and appointment.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3527.mp3|Script = Confirmed to bar, it happens to me all the time.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3528.mp3|Script = I bring a pack in a second.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3529.mp3|Script = Bye-bye for you, pal!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3530.mp3|Script = *No sound*|Translation = *没声音*}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3531.mp3|Script = *No sound*|Translation = *没声音*}} == 被抢钱 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3532.mp3|Script = Hey man, what gears?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3533.mp3|Script = Who told you what to drive?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3534.mp3|Script = Cabrón, descraciado.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3535.mp3|Script = Malpario!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3536.mp3|Script = What the hell man?|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3537.mp3|Script = You'll drive like a monkey.|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3538.mp3|Script = Look-o-oits stupido.|Translation = }} == 惊慌逃窜 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3539.mp3|Script = You just made a big mistake!|Translation = }} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3540.mp3|Script = I need that money.|Translation = }} == 叫出租车 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3541.mp3|Script = You guys finally did something!|Translation = }} {{GTAVC}} 该页面使用的模板: 模板:AudioButton(查看源代码)模板:Back(查看源代码)模板:GTAAudio(查看源代码)模板:GTAVC(查看源代码)模板:GTAVCAge(查看源代码)模板:GTAVCFile(查看源代码)模板:GTAVCGender(查看源代码)模板:GTAVCInfobox(查看源代码)模板:GTAVCRace(查看源代码)模板:GTAVCRole(查看源代码)模板:Navbox(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox subgroup(查看源代码)模板:Nowrap(查看源代码)模板:W(查看源代码)(受保护)返回至拉丁裔男出租司机(罪恶都市)。