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Meow!|Translation = 一切就绪,准备出击!喵!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_03.mp3|Script = It's meow or never.|Translation = 机不可失,时不再来。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_04.mp3|Script = Chaos whispers, our fates are sealed.|Translation = 混乱在轻语,我们的命运早已注定。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_05.mp3|Script = Life is a box of brawlers.|Translation = 生活就是一棺材乱斗英雄。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_06.mp3|Script = The cat is out of the box.|Translation = 该去试试真本事了。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_07.mp3|Script = You cannot outrun the desert.|Translation = 你无法逃出沙漠。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_08.mp3|Script = The mask hides the predator within.|Translation = 面具下藏着的可是一位猛士。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_09.mp3|Script = I'm the catalyst of carnage!|Translation = 杀戮因我而生!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_10.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يلا يا حبيبي Let's go!}}|Translation = 亲爱的,我们上!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_11.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يلا يا رجالة}}|Translation = 大伙们,我们上!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_12.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.هفرتكم واحد واحد}}|Translation = 我要一个个的灭了你们。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_13.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.وروني هتعملوا ايه}}|Translation = 让我看看你们的本事。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_14.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=كلو ضرب ضرب، هيه! مفيش شتيمة؟}}|Translation = 都是拳脚功夫,哈!没有骂骂咧咧?}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_start_vo_15.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=هو ايه يلي بيحصل، فلم ولا مسلسل؟}}|Translation = 现在是什么情况,拍电影还是演戏呢?}} == 局势领先时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_01.mp3|Script = Purrrfection!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_02.mp3|Script = Feline fierce!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_03.mp3|Script = I like big boxes and I cannot lie!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_04.mp3|Script = Victory is empty, but I've filled it!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_05.mp3|Script = I shall have my kingdom!|Translation = 我要组建自己的王国!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_06.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يلاا Let's party!}}|Translation = 来场派对!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_07.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!ولعها}}|Translation = 火力全开!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_08.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.ها! انت طلعت كارثه}}|Translation = 哈!你就是场灾难。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_09.mp3|Script = Princesss!|Translation = 不是哥们!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_10.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!كلوو ورايااا}}|Translation = 都跟在我身后!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_11.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.ششش الزعيم بيتكلم}}|Translation = 嘘,大佬有话要讲。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_12.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.حجيبها من الاخر}}|Translation = 我来解决就好。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_lead_vo_13.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.اه... ورايا يا أسود}}|Translation = 啊……跟上我,队友们。}} == 遭受攻击时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_01.mp3|Script = That was positively embarrassing!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_02.mp3|Script = I got boxed in!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_03.mp3|Script = I'm way too curious to be furious!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_04.mp3|Script = Meow! That hurt!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_05.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يماه}}|Translation = 妈呀!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_06.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يحبيبي You're killing me!}}|Translation = 亲爱的,你差点杀了我!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_07.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يا نهار اسود}}|Translation = 今天真倒霉!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_08.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!وقعتني يا قدع}}|Translation = 哥们,你打我!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_09.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!ايه النحس دا}}|Translation = 真不走运!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_10.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!اي يظهري}}|Translation = 哎呀我的背!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_11.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.الدنيا مولعة، وانا برا الموضوع}}|Translation = 整个世界都在燃,除了我以外。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_12.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يا ساتر يا رب}}|Translation = 老天保佑我!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_13.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.اخذت على افايا}}|Translation = 我被偷后背了。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_14.mp3|Script = Meow!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_hurt_vo_15.mp3|Script = Hhhsss!|Translation = }} == 击杀敌人时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_01.mp3|Script = I'm not kitten around!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_02.mp3|Script = You are history!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_03.mp3|Script = You got boxed!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_04.mp3|Script = Slapped and wrapped!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_05.mp3|Script = Ha ha! A stray led you astray!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_06.mp3|Script = The best brawlers make the best boxes!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_07.mp3|Script = Ha ha! Give my regards to Anubis!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_08.mp3|Script = Ha! You're the mouse, I am the hunter!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_09.mp3|Script = I sold you in a box!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_10.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.اه... هفرمك}}|Translation = 啊……我灭了你。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_11.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.هاه! مساكين على أدهم}}|Translation = 哈!他们真可怜。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_12.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.ها هاه! علمت عليك تعليم}}|Translation = 哈哈!把你揍惨了。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_13.mp3|Script = Clotality!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_kill_vo_14.mp3|Script = You are hissstory!|Translation = }} == 死亡时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_01.mp3|Script = Ha! Back to the litter box!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_02.mp3|Script = I'm history!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_03.mp3|Script = I'm meowter here!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_04.mp3|Script = Ha! What a catastrophic calamity!|Translation = }} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_05.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!جبت آخري}}|Translation = 我完蛋了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_06.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.أنا كده رحت في الرجلين}}|Translation = 我彻底完了。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_07.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.اخذت على افايا}}|Translation = 我被偷后背了。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_08.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!يا ساتر يا رب}}|Translation = 老天保佑啊!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_09.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.اه... يا دنيا، مياو}}|Translation = 啊……这就是命,喵。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_10.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!مياوو... شايف النورر}}|Translation = 喵……我看到光了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dies_vo_11.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.مياوو... داه موتني}}|Translation = 喵……他干掉我了。}} == 使用超级技能时 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_01.mp3|Script = Cataclysm!|Translation = 灾变降临!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_02.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=!خلصانة بشياكة}}|Translation = 我来帮你体面!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_03.mp3|Script = {{AR|Script=.إبعد بقا! ده يومك أسود النهار ده}}|Translation = 退后!今天将是你的至暗时刻。}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_04.mp3|Script = Time Warp!|Translation = 时间乱流!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_05.mp3|Script = Ha ha! Perfect lag!|Translation = 哈哈!这延迟不错吧!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_06.mp3|Script = Ha ha! You've been paused!|Translation = 哈哈!把你暂停了!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_07.mp3|Script = Uh uh uh... No zoomies for you!|Translation = 啊啊啊……别这么亢奋!}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_vo_08.mp3|Script = Time for a catnap!|Translation = 打个盹吧!}} == 其他音效 == {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_atk_01.mp3|Script = Atk SFX|Translation = 普攻音效}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_dryfire_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Dryfire SFX|Translation = 子弹耗尽}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_reload_sfx_01.mp3|Script = Reload SFX|Translation = 填弹音效}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_timewarp_throw_01.mp3|Script = Ulti Throw|Translation = 释放大招}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_ulti_timewarp_appear_01.mp3|Script = Ulti Appear|Translation = 大招出现}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_slowdown_01.mp3|Script = Slow Down|Translation = 子弹减速}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_speedup_01.mp3|Script = Speed Up|Translation = 子弹加速}} {{BSAudio|File = BS_finx_pulse_01.mp3|Script = Pulse SFX|Translation = }} {{荒野乱斗|英雄语音}} <comments /> [[分类:荒野乱斗]][[分类:神话英雄(荒野乱斗)]] 该页面使用的模板: 模板:AR(查看源代码)模板:AudioButton(查看源代码)模板:BSAudio(查看源代码)模板:BSPortrait(查看源代码)模板:BrawlerBanner(查看源代码)模板:BrawlerRarity(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Color(查看源代码)模板:Doge(查看源代码)模板:Info(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox subgroup(查看源代码)模板:Pipe(查看源代码)模板:禁止转载(查看源代码)模板:荒野乱斗(查看源代码)返回至芬克斯。