←警察(罪恶都市)因为以下原因,您没有权限编辑本页: 您所请求的操作仅限于这些用户组的用户使用:用户、自动确认用户 您必须确认您的电子邮件地址才能编辑页面。请通过系统设置设置并确认您的电子邮件地址。 您可以查看和复制此页面的源代码。 {{Back|侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市}} {{GTAVCInfoboxS|COP|警察}} 当犯罪等级为一颗星{{GTAVCStar|1}}时,大街上会有巡逻的警察来追捕你。如果手上没有武器,警察会用警棍攻击,如果手持武器,则警察会用手枪攻击。当犯罪等级为两颗星{{GTAVCStar|2}}时,会有警车对你跟踪追捕。当犯罪等级为三颗星{{GTAVCStar|3}}时,会有一架警用直升机追踪并射击你,警察会制作障碍物并放置钉条以扎爆轮胎。当犯罪等级为四颗星{{GTAVCStar|4}}时,会有驾驶更大的卡车并配备有冲锋枪和防弹背心的[[特警(罪恶都市)|特警]]前来抓捕。警察的语音序号为{{GTAVCFile|8469-8693}}。 [[File:GTAVC_Police_OfficersAndCar.jpg|thumb|300px|罪恶都市警车和警察。]] [[File:GTAVC_Police_Car.jpg|thumb|300px|罪恶都市警车。]] [[File:GTAVC_Police_Enforcer.jpg|thumb|300px|罪恶都市大型警车。]] [[File:GTAVC_Police_Maverick.jpg|thumb|300px|罪恶都市警用直升机。]] [[File:GTAVC_Police_Predator.jpg|thumb|300px|罪恶都市警用游艇。]] == 警察 #1 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8469.mp3|Script = Don't move a muscle, chump.|Translation = 不要动,傻瓜}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8470.mp3|Script = Your mine, pretty boy.|Translation = 你被我拿下了,兄弟}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8471.mp3|Script = Real smart, ain't you?|Translation = 你真聪明,不是吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8472.mp3|Script = I hope you like the words - pick up the soap.|Translation = 我希望你喜欢这个词——捡肥皂}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8473.mp3|Script = You know what else I can do with this?|Translation = 你知道我还能用这个做什么吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8474.mp3|Script = I'm coming, head down!|Translation = 我来了,低头!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8475.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8476.mp3|Script = Move along there!|Translation = 沿着那里移动!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8477.mp3|Script = All the line in the police dirty ass.|Translation = 啥活都得让警察擦屁股}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8478.mp3|Script = Out of the way!|Translation = 别挡路!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8479.mp3|Script = You're shuttling police business!|Translation = 你在穿梭于警察的业务!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8480.mp3|Script = Your ID!|Translation = 出示你的身份证!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8481.mp3|Script = Come back here!|Translation = 给我回来!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8482.mp3|Script = Stop, your under arrest!|Translation = 站住,你被捕了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8483.mp3|Script = Boys, he's over there!|Translation = 伙计们,他在那!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8484.mp3|Script = Get him!|Translation = 抓住他!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8485.mp3|Script = Cover me!|Translation = 掩护我!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8486.mp3|Script = I need a metal!|Translation = 我需要一个金属!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8487.mp3|Script = You've been drinking!|Translation = 你喝酒了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8488.mp3|Script = This is government property!|Translation = 这是政府的财产!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8489.mp3|Script = You come here!|Translation = 你来这里!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8490.mp3|Script = I got a clear shot.|Translation = 我这枪很准}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8491.mp3|Script = You get your butt over here.|Translation = 你给我过来}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8492.mp3|Script = I see him over there.|Translation = 我看到他在那里}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8493.mp3|Script = What are you doing!|Translation = 你在做什么!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8494.mp3|Script = Why you stupid chump?|Translation = 为什么你做这傻事?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8495.mp3|Script = What are you thinking!|Translation = 你在想什么呢!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8496.mp3|Script = What are you doing, I'm a trained officer!|Translation = 你在做什么,我是一个训练有素的警官!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8497.mp3|Script = What are you doing!|Translation = 你在做什么!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8498.mp3|Script = I got you covered!|Translation = 我掩护你!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8499.mp3|Script = Come on, move in!|Translation = 来吧,进去吧!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8500.mp3|Script = I hope I getting the papers for this.|Translation = 我希望我能因此升职}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8501.mp3|Script = All the line in the police dirty ass.|Translation = 啥活都得让警察擦屁股}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8502.mp3|Script = You got ID?|Translation = 你有身份证吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8503.mp3|Script = Show me your license.|Translation = 给我看看你的证件}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8504.mp3|Script = Come here!|Translation = 来这里!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8505.mp3|Script = Stop or I'll call for backup!|Translation = 站住,不然我就叫支援了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8506.mp3|Script = Don't run away from me.|Translation = 不要从我身边跑开}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8507.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8508.mp3|Script = Your surrounded!|Translation = 你被包围了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8509.mp3|Script = We have you fully surrounded, criminal.|Translation = 我们把你完全包围了,罪犯}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8510.mp3|Script = He's going down.|Translation = 他要倒下了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8511.mp3|Script = I got him, I got him.|Translation = 我抓住他了,我抓住他了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8512.mp3|Script = I got a clear shot.|Translation = 我这枪很准}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8513.mp3|Script = I see him.|Translation = 我看到他了}} == 警察 #2 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8514.mp3|Script = Take him in then beat him up.|Translation = 把他抓起来,然后揍他一顿}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8515.mp3|Script = You're going nowhere.|Translation = 你无处可去了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8516.mp3|Script = Hope you got a lawyer idiot.|Translation = 希望你有一个律师,白痴}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8517.mp3|Script = Better redo your rights.|Translation = 最好重做你的权利}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8518.mp3|Script = You asked for this!|Translation = 这是你自找的!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8519.mp3|Script = Beating punks at my age.|Translation = 揍和我年龄一样的小混混}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8520.mp3|Script = You look like you need this.|Translation = 你看起来需要这个}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8521.mp3|Script = Get out of it.|Translation = 滚出去吧}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8522.mp3|Script = Get out of the way.|Translation = 别挡路}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8523.mp3|Script = Move along.|Translation = 走吧}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8524.mp3|Script = Come on, move.|Translation = 快走}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8525.mp3|Script = Your in the way there.|Translation = 你在那里碍手碍脚的}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8526.mp3|Script = I'm trying to give chase!|Translation = 我正在努力追赶!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8527.mp3|Script = You better stop or we'll kill you!|Translation = 你最好停下来,否则我们会杀了你!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8528.mp3|Script = Don't make us chase you.|Translation = 别让我们追你}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8529.mp3|Script = I'd chase you but I had too many donuts!|Translation = 我想追你,但我吃了太多的甜甜圈!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8530.mp3|Script = Cover me, I don't wanna die.|Translation = 掩护我,我不想死}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8531.mp3|Script = I'm retiring soon cover me!|Translation = 我马上就要退休了,掩护我!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8532.mp3|Script = What's going on?|Translation = 怎么了?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8533.mp3|Script = Hitting a police car is not done.|Translation = 撞了警车这可没完}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8534.mp3|Script = My car!|Translation = 我的车!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8535.mp3|Script = Your gonna have to pay for this!|Translation = 你要为此付出代价!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8536.mp3|Script = I'm too old to jump this far!|Translation = 我太老了,跳不了这么远!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8537.mp3|Script = Come back here you idiot!|Translation = 回来,你这个白痴!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8538.mp3|Script = Come on hit me, I wanna retire!|Translation = 来打我吧,我想退休!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8539.mp3|Script = You really wanna fight?|Translation = 你真的想打架?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8540.mp3|Script = Can't you just run away!|Translation = 你就不能跑掉吗!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8541.mp3|Script = You're really boring me mister!|Translation = 你真让我厌烦,先生!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8542.mp3|Script = Give me a break!|Translation = 让我休息一下!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8543.mp3|Script = Move Forward, Move Forward!|Translation = 往前走,往前走!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8544.mp3|Script = Move in and take him out!|Translation = 上啊,把他干掉!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8545.mp3|Script = Uh, can I retire now?|Translation = 呃,我现在可以退休了吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8546.mp3|Script = I'm done getting shot for this money!|Translation = 我不想再为这些钱挨枪子了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8547.mp3|Script = Show me some ID.|Translation = 给我看一些身份证}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8548.mp3|Script = Give me an ID.|Translation = 给我一个身份证}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8549.mp3|Script = Don't make me run.|Translation = 别让我跑起来}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8550.mp3|Script = You make me run and I'll get all sweaty.|Translation = 你让我跑起来,弄得浑身是汗}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8551.mp3|Script = I'll beat you for this!|Translation = 我就为此揍你!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8552.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8553.mp3|Script = We've got him surrounded!|Translation = 我们已经把他包围了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8554.mp3|Script = Take him down.|Translation = 把他打倒}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8555.mp3|Script = I'm taking my shot.|Translation = 我在打我的枪}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8556.mp3|Script = I've got a clear shot.|Translation = 我射了很准的一枪}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8557.mp3|Script = He's outta control, cap him.|Translation = 他失去控制了,把他干掉}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8558.mp3|Script = Waste 'em were always right.|Translation = 浪费子弹总是对的}} == 警察 #3 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8559.mp3|Script = Don't move a thing!|Translation = 什么都不要动!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8560.mp3|Script = Chop him and stop him!|Translation = 揍他,阻止他!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8561.mp3|Script = Not so big now mister.|Translation = 也没那么难对付,先生}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8562.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8563.mp3|Script = You like that steak!|Translation = 你会喜欢那块牛排!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8564.mp3|Script = You deserve this my friend!|Translation = 这是你应得的,我的朋友!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8565.mp3|Script = This one's for the VCPD my friend!|Translation = 这份功劳是给VCPD的,我的朋友!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8566.mp3|Script = I'm a cop okay.|Translation = 我是个警察,好吧}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8567.mp3|Script = Police business, move please!|Translation = 警察事务,请让开!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8568.mp3|Script = Excuse me, I'm a cop!|Translation = 对不起,我是警察!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8569.mp3|Script = This is cop business sir.|Translation = 这是警察的事,先生}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8570.mp3|Script = Excuse me! Police Business!|Translation = 对不起!警察事务!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8571.mp3|Script = I'm going after him.|Translation = 我要去找他}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8572.mp3|Script = Stop!|Translation = 站住!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8573.mp3|Script = Stop him!|Translation = 阻止他!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8574.mp3|Script = Stop right now!|Translation = 马上停下来!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8575.mp3|Script = Keep cover.|Translation = 保持掩护}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8576.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8577.mp3|Script = This is government property!|Translation = 这是政府的财产!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8578.mp3|Script = That is a crime!|Translation = 这是犯罪!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8579.mp3|Script = You are breaking the law!|Translation = 你在犯法!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8580.mp3|Script = You filthy criminal!|Translation = 你这个肮脏的罪犯!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8581.mp3|Script = You nearly killed me!|Translation = 你差点杀了我!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8582.mp3|Script = You're breaking the law!|Translation = 你犯法了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8583.mp3|Script = Dangerous driving is a crime!|Translation = 危险驾驶是一种犯罪!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8584.mp3|Script = I'm trained!|Translation = 我是受过训练的!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8585.mp3|Script = I know Jiu-Jitsu sir!|Translation = 我知道柔术,先生!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8586.mp3|Script = I may have to hurt you.|Translation = 我可能要伤害你}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8587.mp3|Script = You're really making me mad!|Translation = 你真的让我很生气!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8588.mp3|Script = Move in.|Translation = 快进去}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8589.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8590.mp3|Script = My first day on the job and this happens.|Translation = 我第一天上班就发生这种事}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8591.mp3|Script = Call my mom, Tell her I'm okay!|Translation = 打电话给我妈,告诉她我没事!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8592.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8593.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8594.mp3|Script = Sir, you must stop now!|Translation = 先生,你必须马上停止!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8595.mp3|Script = Stop!|Translation = 停下来!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8596.mp3|Script = I am an officer of the law, stop!|Translation = 我是一名执法人员,停!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8597.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8598.mp3|Script = We have him surrounded!|Translation = 我们把他包围了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8599.mp3|Script = You are surrounded!|Translation = 你被包围了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8600.mp3|Script = This is just like training.|Translation = 这就像训练一样}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8601.mp3|Script = I'll get him down.|Translation = 我会把他弄下来}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8602.mp3|Script = He's mine.|Translation = 他是我的}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8603.mp3|Script = Your going down.|Translation = 你要下去了}} == 警察 #4 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8604.mp3|Script = I want ten minutes alone with this asshole.|Translation = 我想和这个混蛋独处十分钟}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8605.mp3|Script = We can have some fun with this guy.|Translation = 我们可以和这家伙好好玩玩}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8606.mp3|Script = Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, Hit 'em again.|Translation = 哈哈哈,再揍他一顿}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8607.mp3|Script = You having a good day, asshole?|Translation = 你今天过得好吗,混蛋?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8608.mp3|Script = You enjoying this?!|Translation = 你喜欢这个吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8609.mp3|Script = You mess with me!|Translation = 你惹到我了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8610.mp3|Script = I'm paid to keep law and honor!|Translation = 我的工作是维护法律和荣誉!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8611.mp3|Script = Get Lost.|Translation = 滚蛋吧}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8612.mp3|Script = You abstracting me.|Translation = 你把我弄糊涂了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8613.mp3|Script = Move, Police Business.|Translation = 快走,警察事务}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8614.mp3|Script = You wanna get arrested?|Translation = 你想被逮捕吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8615.mp3|Script = Get off of me.|Translation = 从我身上下来}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8616.mp3|Script = I'm on him!|Translation = 我在抓他!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8617.mp3|Script = That asshole's mine!|Translation = 那个混蛋是我的!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8618.mp3|Script = Boys, this way!|Translation = 伙计们,这边走!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8619.mp3|Script = There he goes I've given chase!|Translation = 他在那里,我已经追了上去!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8620.mp3|Script = Cover me, This asshole's mine!|Translation = 掩护我,这个混蛋是我的!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8621.mp3|Script = I'll drag him out by his feet!|Translation = 我要用他的脚把他拖出来!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8622.mp3|Script = My car!|Translation = 我的车!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8623.mp3|Script = My beautiful car!|Translation = 我漂亮的车!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8624.mp3|Script = You think that's funny wise guy!|Translation = 你认为这很有趣吗? 聪明的家伙!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8625.mp3|Script = I'll beat you for this!|Translation = 我会为这个打你的!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8626.mp3|Script = Big mistake asshole!|Translation = 大错特错,混蛋!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8627.mp3|Script = You think that's funny asshole!|Translation = 你认为这很有趣吗,混蛋!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8628.mp3|Script = You got a death wish or something!|Translation = 你是想死还是怎么的!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8629.mp3|Script = Your mine asshole.|Translation = 你是我的,混蛋}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8630.mp3|Script = Come on wise guy give it a shot.|Translation = 来吧,聪明的家伙,给它一个机会}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8631.mp3|Script = You massacuse boy.|Translation = 你这个混蛋}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8632.mp3|Script = What are you thinking?|Translation = 你在想什么?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8633.mp3|Script = Move in, I got your back.|Translation = 进去吧,我支持你}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8634.mp3|Script = I got you covered, Go Go Go!|Translation = 我掩护你,走吧走吧!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8635.mp3|Script = It's only a scratch.|Translation = 这只是个擦伤而已}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8636.mp3|Script = Get off of me.|Translation = 离我远点}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8637.mp3|Script = You got ID?|Translation = 你有身份证吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8638.mp3|Script = I'll need to see your license.|Translation = 我需要看看你的驾照}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8639.mp3|Script = Your under arrest.|Translation = 你被捕了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8640.mp3|Script = Hey get back here!|Translation = 嘿,给我回来!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8641.mp3|Script = Stop right now!|Translation = 马上停下来!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8642.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8643.mp3|Script = We have you surrounded asshole.|Translation = 我们把你包围了,混蛋}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8644.mp3|Script = Your Surrounded.|Translation = 你被包围了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8645.mp3|Script = I see him.|Translation = 我看到他了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8646.mp3|Script = He's mine.|Translation = 他是我的}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8647.mp3|Script = He's going down right now.|Translation = 他现在要倒下了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8648.mp3|Script = I got him.|Translation = 我抓住他了}} == 警察 #5 == {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8649.mp3|Script = Don't move a muscle!|Translation = 一下也别动!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8650.mp3|Script = Stay right there, tough guy!|Translation = 呆在那里别动,刺头!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8651.mp3|Script = Call your lawyer!|Translation = 给你的律师打电话!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8652.mp3|Script = I hope you like prison food.|Translation = 我希望你喜欢监狱的食物}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8653.mp3|Script = Yeah! you want a little more?|Translation = 是啊!你想再来点吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8654.mp3|Script = Hope you got a good doctor punk!|Translation = 希望你有个好医生,蠢货!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8655.mp3|Script = Your momma's gonna be crying punk!|Translation = 你妈妈会哭的,蠢货!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8656.mp3|Script = Ouch, I felt that!|Translation = 哎哟,我感觉到了!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8657.mp3|Script = Get out of the way.|Translation = 别挡路}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8658.mp3|Script = Disburse, immediately!|Translation = 拨出,立即拨出!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8659.mp3|Script = Don't make me shoot you by mistake.|Translation = 别让我误杀你}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8660.mp3|Script = Your in the damn way.|Translation = 你他妈挡路了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8661.mp3|Script = Get him.|Translation = 抓住他}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8662.mp3|Script = This way, come on.|Translation = 这边走,快点}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8663.mp3|Script = I'm after him.|Translation = 我在追他}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8664.mp3|Script = I see him.|Translation = 我看到他了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8665.mp3|Script = I got you covered.|Translation = 我掩护你了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8666.mp3|Script = Take Cover.|Translation = 找掩护}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8667.mp3|Script = My car!|Translation = 我的车!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8668.mp3|Script = You hit me idiot!|Translation = 你打我,白痴!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8669.mp3|Script = You hit me I'll hit you with a bat!|Translation = 你打我,我就用球棒打你!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8670.mp3|Script = I'll kick your ass.|Translation = 我要踢你的屁股}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8671.mp3|Script = Don't make me angry!|Translation = 别让我生气!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8672.mp3|Script = Don't annoy me!|Translation = 别惹我!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8673.mp3|Script = Your trying my patience tough guy.|Translation = 你在考验我的耐心,硬汉子}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8674.mp3|Script = I'm enjoying this.|Translation = 我很喜欢这样}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8675.mp3|Script = Give me a best shot big man.|Translation = 给我一个最好的机会,大人物}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8676.mp3|Script = Is that the best you got?|Translation = 你就这点能耐吗?}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8677.mp3|Script = Either, Either come on!|Translation = 要么,要么,来吧!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8678.mp3|Script = Move Forward.|Translation = 前进}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8679.mp3|Script = I hope you got a good lawyer punk.|Translation = 我希望你有个好律师,蠢货}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8680.mp3|Script = It's nothing, only a scratch.|Translation = 这没什么,只是个擦伤}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8681.mp3|Script = ... let me back out there.|Translation = ...让我回到那里}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8682.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8683.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8684.mp3|Script = I hope for your sake, I don't catch you!|Translation = 我希望为你着想,我没抓住你!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8685.mp3|Script = You're all mine, tough guy.|Translation = 你落在我手下了,刺头}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8686.mp3|Script = Just you and me, big boy.|Translation = 这里只有你和我了,大兄弟}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8687.mp3|Script = No Sound|Translation = 没有声音}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8688.mp3|Script = We got him surrounded.|Translation = 我们把他包围了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8689.mp3|Script = We got you ain't going nowhere!|Translation = 我们抓到你了,你哪儿也不能去!}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8690.mp3|Script = I'll get him.|Translation = 我会抓到他的}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8691.mp3|Script = I'm on him.|Translation = 我在抓他了}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8692.mp3|Script = Yeah, you are punk.|Translation = 耶,你就是个混蛋}} {{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_8693.mp3|Script = I got headshot.|Translation = 我一枪爆头了}} {{GTAVC}} 该页面使用的模板: 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