{{OW2Audio|File=000000057314.0B2|en=(singing) I'm going to shoot you down, Pharah reporting, coming to town!|zh=(Karaoke)}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067BE1.0B2|en=(singing) I'm the best when push comes to shove, direct complaints to my metal glove, here comes the moment that.|zh=(singing) I'm the best when push comes to shove, direct complaints to my metal glove, here comes the moment that}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067BE2.0B2|en=(singing) Pop it, lock it, Mercy in my pocket, even Genji can't seem to block it!|zh=(singing) Pop it, lock it, Mercy in my pocket, even Genji can't seem to block it!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000067BE3.0B2|en=(singing) Fly fools, get with the times, prepare yourselves for Pharah's rhymes!|zh=(singing) Fly fools, get with the times, prepare yourselves for Pharah's rhymes!}}