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第4行: 第4行:
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005BE64.0B2|E|en=The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can neither be created nor destroyed, oh yeah!|zh=一个独立系统的总能量是……恒定不变的;能量不会凭空产生,也不会凭空消失,噢耶!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005BE64.0B2|E|en=The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can neither be created nor destroyed, oh yeah!|zh=一个独立系统的总能量是……恒定不变的;能量不会凭空产生,也不会凭空消失,噢耶!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005BE65.0B2|E|en=Stay on the beat and clap your feet. Stay on the beat and clap your feet. If you aren't a gorilla then clap your hands!|zh=跟着节奏拍拍脚,跟着节奏拍拍脚。如果你不是大猩猩,那就拍,拍,手!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005BE65.0B2|E|en=Stay on the beat and clap your feet. Stay on the beat and clap your feet. If you aren't a gorilla then clap your hands!|zh=跟着节奏拍拍脚,跟着节奏拍拍脚。如果你不是大猩猩,那就拍,拍,手!}}
== 在月球基地观望地球 ==
== 在月球基地观望地球 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000037611.0B2|E|en=That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there.|zh=那是家,那是我们。那儿有你爱的一切、你熟悉的一切、你听说过的一切。那里有从开始到现在,所有在那度过一生的人。那里有我们的笑声和泪水、猎人和采集者、英雄和懦夫、灿烂文明的创造者和毁灭者、国王和农民、年轻的恋人、母亲和父亲、满怀希望的孩子、发明家和探险家、圣徒和罪人。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000037611.0B2|E|en=That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there.|zh=那是家,那是我们。那儿有你爱的一切、你熟悉的一切、你听说过的一切。那里有从开始到现在,所有在那度过一生的人。那里有我们的笑声和泪水、猎人和采集者、英雄和懦夫、灿烂文明的创造者和毁灭者、国王和农民、年轻的恋人、母亲和父亲、满怀希望的孩子、发明家和探险家、圣徒和罪人。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000037612.0B2|E|en=The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth.|zh=第一还是第二天,我们看到了祖国。第三还是第四天,我们看到了大陆。而到了第五天,我们只看到一个地球。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000037612.0B2|E|en=The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth.|zh=第一还是第二天,我们看到了祖国。第三还是第四天,我们看到了大陆。而到了第五天,我们只看到一个地球。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000037628.0B2|E|en=To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold -- brothers who know now they are truly brothers.|zh=当你真正看到这颗渺小、美丽的蓝色星球,漂浮在永恒的寂静之中时,你会看到在这片永恒的深寒中,一起驰骋在那耀眼、温暖大地上的我们——手牵手、肩并肩。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000037628.0B2|E|en=To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold -- brothers who know now they are truly brothers.|zh=当你真正看到这颗渺小、美丽的蓝色星球,漂浮在永恒的寂静之中时,你会看到在这片永恒的深寒中,一起驰骋在那耀眼、温暖大地上的我们——手牵手、肩并肩。}}
== 在南极半岛 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000060F74.0B2|en=So much data at this eco-Watchpoint! I get the shivers just thinking about it.|zh=这座生态监测站里存了好多数据!光是想想我就激动得发抖。}}
== 在渣客镇 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000060F76.0B2|en=Hm, better keep an eye on the omnium radiation levels.|zh=唔,这里的智械中枢辐射等级还是多当心点儿为好。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063772.0B2|en=I hear they call him the Champ here. And to think, he used to sleep inside my pillow.|zh=听说这儿的人都叫他“冠军”。我记得他以前还睡在我的枕头里呢……}}
== 在皇家赛道 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000060F78.0B2|en=Maximilien's tastes are quite extravagant.|zh=马克西米里安的品味真够奢华的。}}
== 在中城 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000060F77.0B2|en=I bet the view at the top of the Empire State Building is great!|zh=帝国大厦楼顶上的风景应该很好看吧!}}
== 在巴黎 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000060F71.0B2|en=I would love to learn French. One day!|zh=我挺想学学法语,不过等有空再说吧!}}
== 在监测站:直布罗陀 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005C531.0B2|en=Let's make this quick. I have peanut butter banana bread in the oven.|zh=速战速决吧。我的花生酱香蕉面包还在烤箱里呢。}}

2024年2月22日 (四) 11:17的版本

< 返回上级:温斯顿


Here it comes, party mode Engaged! (Freestyle).Overwatch Logo.png存在于守望先锋1代

The total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can neither be created nor destroyed, oh yeah!Overwatch Logo.png存在于守望先锋1代

Stay on the beat and clap your feet. Stay on the beat and clap your feet. If you aren't a gorilla then clap your hands!Overwatch Logo.png存在于守望先锋1代


That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there.Overwatch Logo.png存在于守望先锋1代

The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth.Overwatch Logo.png存在于守望先锋1代

To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold -- brothers who know now they are truly brothers.Overwatch Logo.png存在于守望先锋1代


So much data at this eco-Watchpoint! I get the shivers just thinking about it.


Hm, better keep an eye on the omnium radiation levels.

I hear they call him the Champ here. And to think, he used to sleep inside my pillow.


Maximilien's tastes are quite extravagant.


I bet the view at the top of the Empire State Building is great!


I would love to learn French. One day!


Let's make this quick. I have peanut butter banana bread in the oven.