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第1行: 第1行:
== 选择英雄 ==
== 选择英雄 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox Select|Script =Now, hear the silence of annihilation!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox Select|Script =Now, hear the silence of annihilation!|Translation=聆听灭绝的死寂吧}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox Ban|Script =Let me end this!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox Ban|Script =Let me end this!|Translation=让我带来终结}}
== 移动 ==
== 移动 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move1|Script = Pantheon, I see you! Like a lamprey you attach yourself to a host! I will carve you from this mortal's form, and eviscerate you both!|Translation=中文翻译(第一次走向潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move4|Script = They think me defeated, enchained. But I am unbowed... Noble is this carnage.|Translation=他们以为我已被击溃,被束缚,但我从不屈服。这是一场崇高的屠戮}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move2|Script = Pantheon! I will crush your godhood, I will eviscerate your ideals, even your memory... I will trample!|Translation=中文翻译(第一次走向潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move5|Script = I am your reckoner, mortals.|Translation=你们的帐,都由我来清算}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move3|Script = Targon sends an aspect against me? Prepare yourself, Pantheon, I will end all that you hope to be!|Translation=中文翻译(第一次走向潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move6|Script = Challenge me, mortals! I am here!|Translation=挑战我吧,凡人!我就在这!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move4|Script = They think me defeated, enchained. But I am unbowed... Noble is this carnage.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move7|Script = Am I the abyss? Or did I gaze into it?|Translation=我是深渊,还是那个凝视深渊的人?}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move5|Script = I am your reckoner, mortals.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move8|Script = The only peace I seek... is death!|Translation=我所追寻的唯一平静,是死亡}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move6|Script = Challenge me, mortals! I am here!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move9|Script = I am oblivion, I am destruction... I am doom.|Translation=我是湮灭,我是破坏,我是末日}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move7|Script = Am I the abyss? Or did I gaze into it?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move10|Script = The true sound of my blade can only be heard when they loathe re-incarnation.|Translation=要想听到我锋刃的真实声音,首先要懂得痛恨重生}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move8|Script = The only peace I seek... is death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move11|Script = This cursed form... This crude decaying flesh! I yield it!|Translation= 这扭曲的躯壳,这残酷的腐化,血肉,我痛恨血肉}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move9|Script = I am oblivion, I am destruction... I am doom.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move12|Script = Let them lament... my name.|Translation=哈哈哈哈...他们的挽歌应该唱我的名字}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move10|Script = The true sound of my blade can only be heard when they loathe re-incarnation.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move13|Script = I stood against the void. Now... I would welcome it.|Translation=我曾经抵抗虚空,如今,我欢迎他}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move11|Script = This cursed form... This crude decaying flesh! I yield it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move14|Script = I cannot die... until all life ends.|Translation=我不能死去,除非所有生命全都终结}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move12|Script = Let them lament... my name.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move15|Script = Primitives worship me, hoping for mercy. I shall give them death.|Translation=原始人崇拜我,向我祈求怜悯,我要赐给他们死亡}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move13|Script = I stood against the void. Now... I would welcome it.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move16|Script = They will call me a god killer!|Translation=他们将称我为弑神者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move14|Script = I cannot die... until all life ends.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move17|Script = I am doom!|Translation=我是末日!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move15|Script = Primitives worship me, hoping for mercy. I shall give them death.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move18|Script = As long as this form lives, I will punish them.|Translation=只要这副肉身还活着,我的惩戒就不会停止}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move16|Script = They will call me a god killer!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move19|Script = My suffering... I will make it bloom.|Translation=我的痛苦...我将让他绽放}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move17|Script = I am doom!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move20|Script = My darkness was not born, it was forged by my prison.|Translation=我的黑暗并非由心而生,而是被我的牢笼铸成}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move18|Script = As long as this form lives, I will punish them.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move21|Script = I am not a king, I am not a god, I am... worse...|Translation=我不是王,我不是神,我是更可怕的对手}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move19|Script = My suffering... I will make it bloom.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move22|Script = Those who call me enemy, I welcome them.|Translation=那些视我为敌的人,来者不拒}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move20|Script = My darkness was not born, it was forged by my prison.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move23|Script = I will snuff out the light, I shall make darkness eternal!|Translation=我将扑灭光明,制造永恒的黑暗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move21|Script = I am not a king, I am not a god, I am... worse...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move24|Script = All that lives, I will end!|Translation=那么多生命,都将被我终结}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move22|Script = Those who call me enemy, I welcome them.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move25|Script = There is a darkness in my heart deeper than any shadow!|Translation=我的心中存有黑暗,比任何黑影都更深邃}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move23|Script = I will snuff out the light, I shall make darkness eternal!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move26|Script = I march to death... Though I wish it was my own...|Translation=我迈向死亡...多么希望是我自己的死亡}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move24|Script = All that lives, I will end!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move27|Script = I will drown them in oceans of blood!|Translation=我将用鲜血的海洋淹没他们}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move25|Script = There is a darkness in my heart deeper than any shadow!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move28|Script = Patience, Aatrox! Patience! Your freedom will come!|Translation=耐心,亚托克斯,要耐心,你的自由会来的}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move26|Script = I march to death... Though I wish it was my own...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move29|Script = Gods and mortals, they deserve only death!|Translation=神与凡人,他们全都该死!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move27|Script = I will drown them in oceans of blood!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move30|Script = Kneel mortals! So I may split your shoulders from your spine!|Translation=跪下!你们这些凡人,让我剔干净你的脊梁}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move28|Script = Patience, Aatrox! Patience! Your freedom will come!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move31|Script = March toward vengeance... Drown this world in blood!|Translation=迈向复仇...用鲜血淹没这个世界}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move29|Script = Gods and mortals, they deserve only death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move32|Script = I must destroy even hope.|Translation=我必须连同希望,一起毁坏}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move30|Script = Kneel mortals! So I may split your shoulders from your spine!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move33|Script = For my imprisonment, they will suffer!|Translation=囚禁我的人们,将付出痛苦的代价}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move31|Script = March toward vengeance... Drown this world in blood!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move34|Script = I will render these mortals' forms into my own!|Translation=我将让这些凡人变得和我一样}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move32|Script = I must destroy even hope.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move35|Script = Their screams will be like the soothing hum of insects at dusk.|Translation=他们的惨叫声将如同黄昏时分悠悠的虫鸣}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move33|Script = For my imprisonment, they will suffer!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move36|Script = They will call me villain... Come, let me earn their hatred, again and forever.|Translation=他们称我为恶人,来,我要赢得他们的憎恨,这一次永远都不忘记}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move34|Script = I will render these mortals' forms into my own!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move37|Script = We had another name once... Now, we are Darkin.|Translation=我曾经有另一个名字,如今我们是暗裔}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move35|Script = Their screams will be like the soothing hum of insects at dusk.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move36|Script = They will call me villain... Come, let me earn their hatred, again and forever.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move37|Script = We had another name once... Now, we are Darkin.|Translation=中文翻译}}
=== 使用大灭和队友走向敌人2v2时 ===
=== 使用大灭和队友走向敌人2v2时 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move38|Script = I am ready to be the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move38|Script = I am ready to be the World-Ender!|Translation=我即将成为世界的终结者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move39|Script = I am Aatrox, I am the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move39|Script = I am Aatrox, I am the World-Ender!|Translation=我是亚托克斯,我是世界的终结者!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move40|Script = Carnage, hate, yes! I am the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move40|Script = Carnage, hate, yes! I am the World-Ender!|Translation=杀戮,憎恨,是的,我是世界的终结者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move41|Script = Take everything from them! Become the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move41|Script = Take everything from them! Become the World-Ender!|Translation=夺走他们的一切,成为世界的终结者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move42|Script = Insects, the World-Ender has come!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move42|Script = Insects, the World-Ender has come!|Translation=一群蛆虫,世界的终结者已经降临!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move43|Script = This is the time, the World-Ender is here!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move43|Script = This is the time, the World-Ender is here!|Translation=时间到了,世界的终结者来了!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move44|Script = Death to all! The World-Ender awaits!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move44|Script = Death to all! The World-Ender awaits!|Translation=一切都得死!世界的终结者在等待}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move45|Script = See your World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move45|Script = See your World-Ender!|Translation=看!世界的终结者在此!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move46|Script = Bow worms! Bow before the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move46|Script = Bow worms! Bow before the World-Ender!|Translation=跪下,你们这群蠕虫,跪拜世界的终结者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move47|Script = Behold, the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move47|Script = Behold, the World-Ender!|Translation=来瞻仰世界的终结者吧!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move48|Script = I bring silence! I am the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move48|Script = I bring silence! I am the World-Ender!|Translation=我制造死寂,我是世界的终结者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move49|Script = Quiet yourselves, the World-Ender is here!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move49|Script = Quiet yourselves, the World-Ender is here!|Translation=肃静,世界的终结者来了}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move50|Script = There is no escape from the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move50|Script = There is no escape from the World-Ender!|Translation=没有什么能逃过世界的终结者!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move51|Script = Now, I am the World-Ender!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move51|Script = Now, I am the World-Ender!|Translation=现在,我就是世界的终结者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move52|Script = The dark should fear me.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move53|Script = The dark should fear me.|Translation=中文翻译}}
=== 长距离移动时 ===
=== 长距离移动时 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move54|Script = Tricked into this existence... False slave entrapped by endless life! I shall become a beast feeding on their destruction, and making them lament my unholy birth!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move54|Script = Tricked into this existence... False slave entrapped by endless life!  
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move55|Script = I have no goodness left, it was taken from me, stolen! I... am the nemesis of life.|Translation=中文翻译}}
I shall become a beast feeding on their destruction, and making them lament my unholy birth!|Translation=被诡计陷害到这般模样,被困在无尽寿命中的肮脏奴隶,我要成为吞食毁灭的野兽,让他们用挽歌纪念我邪恶的降生}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move56|Script = They sing of love, hope and gods, all that makes them want to live! So, I will quiet that first!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move55|Script = I have no goodness left, it was taken from me, stolen! I... am the nemesis of life.|Translation=我的身上不剩下任何良知,它被夺走了,被偷走了。如今,我是一切生命的死敌}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move57|Script = I shall take their limbs. I will reap their beloved! I will tear from their consciousness, the will to live. Yes, this is my purpose.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move56|Script = They sing of love, hope and gods, all that makes them want to live! So, I will quiet that first!|Translation=他们歌颂爱、希望与神明,这些东西让他们渴望活下去,所以,我要先让这歌声静下来}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move58|Script = Cleave through them, Aatrox! Crush their skulls! Shatter their ribs! Disembowl their very souls!" *Heavy breathing* "Our vengeance is at hand!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move57|Script = I shall take their limbs. I will reap their beloved!
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move59|Script = Every dream is a candle I must snuff out... I... am the darkness...|Translation=中文翻译}}
I will tear from their consciousness, the will to live. Yes, this is my purpose.|Translation=我要扯断他们的四肢,我将收割他们的至爱,我将剥离他们的生存意志。是的,这就是我的目的}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move60|Script = The heavens, the endless skies folding into each other. Where are they now?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move58|Script = Cleave through them, Aatrox! Crush their skulls!  
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move61|Script = How far I have fallen! A god... reduced to a prisoner!|Translation=中文翻译}}
Shatter their ribs! Disembowl their very souls!" *Heavy breathing* "Our vengeance is at hand!|Translation=斩破他们,亚托克斯,碾碎他们的头颅!砍断他们的肋骨,掏空他们的灵魂,我们的复仇触手可及}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move62|Script = Once in noble battle, I screamed against the silence. I stood as light against the darkness. Now, I serve a new master... oblivion...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move59|Script = Every dream is a candle I must snuff out... I... am the darkness...|Translation=每个梦都是等我扑灭的蜡烛,我是黑暗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move63|Script = See what beasts they have reduced us to... Creatures of flesh sustained only by this filth's blood and form!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move60|Script = The heavens, the endless skies folding into each other. Where are they now?|Translation=那些天堂,那些无穷无尽层层套叠的天空,他们在哪里?}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move64|Script = From entire villages and towns, I will rend the flesh... Until I stand... as an unholy god.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move61|Script = How far I have fallen! A god... reduced to a prisoner!|Translation=我的落差有多大?从神明...变为囚徒}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move65|Script = March flesh, march toward them! We have horrors to sow! Lives to reap! Let me make them regret... being free.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move62|Script = Once in noble battle, I screamed against the silence.  
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move66|Script = Dark deeds I will do this day... Though I will carry myself as my former pride dictates!|Translation=中文翻译}}
I stood as light against the darkness. Now, I serve a new master... oblivion...|Translation=在那曾经的高贵战场上,我的战吼划破寂静,我的光明抵御黑暗,如今我侍奉新的主人————湮灭}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move67|Script = Where I was excellence, I am deformed... Recast poorly with these crude materials. But this abomination of flesh well serves my murderous intent.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move63|Script = See what beasts they have reduced us to... Creatures of flesh sustained only by this filth's blood and form!|Translation=看看我们被变成了多么原始的野兽,血肉之躯,只能靠着肮脏的鲜血和身体维持}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move68|Script = I shall not kiss the ground, nor let myself be wielded as a tool! I am damned, but I will remake this world in my dark image!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move64|Script = From entire villages and towns, I will rend the flesh... Until I stand... as an unholy god.|Translation=从村庄到城镇,我将斩骨切肉,直到我成为邪魔之神}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move69|Script = Let me tear their flesh from them. Let me break their souls... And murder their dreams.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move65|Script = March flesh, march toward them! We have horrors to sow!
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move70|Script = I am but an unholy copy of life... A mockery of its freedom... And born in the cruel betrayal of the noble ideals I would've served.|Translation=中文翻译}}
Lives to reap! Let me make them regret... being free.|Translation=前进,我的身躯。向他们前进,我们还有恐惧没有播种,还有生命没有收割。我来让他们后悔,为自由后悔}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move71|Script = I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns! Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move66|Script = Dark deeds I will do this day... Though I will carry myself as my former pride dictates!|Translation=今日我将行黑暗之举,但我依然无法抛弃从前的骄傲准则}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move72|Script = I beg, let some challenge me today... So that I may tear out their hearts! Pray! Let me watch them die, eyes knowing they served... my dark purpose...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move67|Script = Where I was excellence, I am deformed...  
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move73|Script = No beast so fierce, but knows some touch of pity... But I know none... and therefore am no beast.|Translation=中文翻译}}
Recast poorly with these crude materials. But this abomination of flesh well serves my murderous intent.|Translation=我原本最出众的形态被彻底抹除,用这些粗糙的材料拙劣的重构,但这丑恶的肉身,足以用于我的杀人意图}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move74|Script = To war, Aatrox! They shall not rob us of our nobility! We shall stand, and spit venom at our tormentors for eternity!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move68|Script = I shall not kiss the ground, nor let myself be wielded as a tool!  
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move75|Script = I do not obey! I cannot lay down! I will be the ender of all things!|Translation=中文翻译}}
I am damned, but I will remake this world in my dark image!|Translation=我不要亲吻土地,也不要成为别人手中的工具,我受到了诅咒。但我将以自己的黑暗形象重塑这个世界}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move76|Script = We march to battle... Let me carve flesh, let me cloak myself in the slaughter! Hide me in their carnage... Hide me from this suffering...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move69|Script = Let me tear their flesh from them. Let me break their souls... And murder their dreams.|Translation=我来剔出他们身上的血肉,我来打碎他们的灵魂,还要杀死他们的梦}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move77|Script = I shall regard their cries as braying steeds, waiting to be whipped, broken, and bridled!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move70|Script = I am but an unholy copy of life... A mockery of its freedom...  
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move78|Script = I am in a cage within a prison... But this foul shape reminds me of my purpose!|Translation=中文翻译}}
And born in the cruel betrayal of the noble ideals I would've served.|Translation=我只是邪恶的生命复制品,是对自由的亵渎,是残酷的背叛,造就了我。让我与原本高尚的理想诀别}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move71|Script = I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns!  
Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark...|Translation=我曾触摸过星辰,曾见证过数千个太阳的光芒,而如今我被这优雅蒙蔽了双眼,所以我的目标怎可能不黑暗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move72|Script = I beg, let some challenge me today...  
So that I may tear out their hearts!  
Pray! Let me watch them die, eyes knowing they served... my dark purpose...|Translation=但愿,今天我能遇到些许挑战。让我可以掏出他们的心脏,但愿我能看着他们死去,让他们在临死前知道自己正中我的下怀}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move73|Script = No beast so fierce, but knows some touch of pity... But I know none... and therefore am no beast.|Translation=再凶狠的野兽,也懂得一丝怜悯,然而我不懂怜悯,因此我并不是野兽}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move74|Script = To war, Aatrox! They shall not rob us of our nobility!
We shall stand, and spit venom at our tormentors for eternity!|Translation=向着战争,亚托克斯!他们不会夺走我们的高贵!我们要屹立不倒,将永世折磨我们的人们吐出毒液}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move75|Script = I do not obey! I cannot lay down! I will be the ender of all things!|Translation=我从不服从,我从不倒下,我将成为一切的终结}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move76|Script = We march to battle... Let me carve flesh, let me cloak myself in the slaughter!  
Hide me in their carnage... Hide me from this suffering...|Translation=我们迈向战场,让我割裂皮肉,让我沐浴鲜血,让我躲进他们的尸堆,让我逃离这痛苦的折磨}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move77|Script = I shall regard their cries as braying steeds, waiting to be whipped, broken, and bridled!|Translation=我会把他们的哭喊当成是等待鞭笞的叫驴,戴好了嚼子}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move78|Script = I am in a cage within a prison... But this foul shape reminds me of my purpose!|Translation=我在牢笼之中,又被枷锁束缚,但这副肮脏的躯壳,时刻提醒着我的目标}}
=== 首次走向英雄 ===
=== 首次走向英雄 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move79|Script = Do you see my edge?! Your death awaits!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move79|Script = Do you see my edge?! Your death awaits!|Translation=看到我的剑刃了吗?死亡在等你}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move80|Script = Pray, fool! You face a Darkin.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move80|Script = Pray, fool! You face a Darkin.|Translation=祈祷吧,蠢货!你面对的是暗裔}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move81|Script = This violence shall amuse!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move81|Script = This violence shall amuse!|Translation=暴力必定让人愉悦}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move82|Script = Our duel begins.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move82|Script = Our duel begins.|Translation=决斗,开始}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move83|Script = Come closer! I will show you... darkness!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move83|Script = Come closer! I will show you... darkness!|Translation=走近点儿,我来让你见识黑暗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move84|Script = Come, fight me!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move84|Script = Come, fight me!|Translation=来,和我战斗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move85|Script = Tricks, Akali? They will not hide you from me, face your doom.|Translation=中文翻译(阿卡丽)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move86|Script = Another foolish god, even the phoenix shall end.|Translation=中文翻译(艾尼维亚)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move87|Script = Scissors for legs... Okay, I thought I had seen stupid designs before... Alright, let's go.|Translation=中文翻译(卡蜜尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move88|Script = Look at your noble courage, Darius! Now learn... despair.|Translation=中文翻译(德莱厄斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move89|Script = You are unloved, Mundo! Now, face judgement!|Translation=中文翻译(蒙多)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move90|Script = I know your name, Fiora. This is not a duel you shall win.|Translation=中文翻译(菲奥娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move91|Script = A statue? Rock shatters as easily as bone! Come!|Translation=中文翻译(加里奥)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move92|Script = Guns and oranges? Are you a cliché or a joke? Come! Fight! Die!|Translation=中文翻译(普朗克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move93|Script = Scream 'Demacia', Garen! Scream its name before I crush you, and it!|Translation=中文翻译盖伦}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move94|Script = I kill gods, priestess. Let us continue this fight... until all things stop!|Translation=中文翻译(俄洛伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move95|Script = A worthy vessel! Come, Jax!|Translation=中文翻译(贾克斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move96|Script = You would rush towards me, Kai'Sa? What fool would build a strategy on that idea? Come, let us begin.|Translation=中文翻译(卡莎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move97|Script = Let me show you your error, Kayle! You are not worthy of ascension! You, are not worthy of the worms!|Translation=中文翻译(凯尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move98|Script = Ooh, a shadow warrior! How edgy!|Translation=中文翻译(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move99|Script = I did not think my fellows weak, Rhaast! Already you disappoint me!|Translation=中文翻译(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move100|Script = A lightning squirrel?" *Laughs* "Thank you! Your death will amuse me!|Translation=中文翻译(凯南)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move101|Script = Are you a joke, you loud, horrible thing? I shall kill you and your steed!|Translation=中文翻译(克烈)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move102|Script = Where is your head, rock thing? Where is the neck I shall sever?|Translation=中文翻译(墨菲斯特)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move103|Script = Am I challenged by a tree?! Fine, let me build a pyre from you!|Translation=中文翻译(茂凯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move104|Script = You would bind yourself to this realm. Morgana? Fine, let me show you the ground!|Translation=中文翻译(莫甘娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move105|Script = Nasus, is your wisdom enough to know your fate? I am your death!|Translation=中文翻译(内瑟斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move106|Script = Your noble purpose amuses me, Nautilus! Fight me, see true death!|Translation=中文翻译(诺提勒斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move107|Script = Hail father Ornn, god of fire and forge!" *Laughs* "I am Aatrox, and I am the god killer!|Translation=中文翻译(奥恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move108|Script = Hail Pantheon! Let me hear you cry of friendship! Let me hear you scream of brotherhood!|Translation=中文翻译(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move109|Script = Hail Pantheon! See the weapon I have become! Watch as you are destroyed!|Translation=中文翻译(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move110|Script = Hail Pantheon! How noble and proud he carries himself! Come betrayer! Come fiend!|Translation=中文翻译(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move111|Script = A bird? You would challenge me with a bird?! *Laughs* Come!|Translation=中文翻译(奎因)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move112|Script = Renekton! In your madness, you know my suffering! Though I shall end yours.|Translation=中文翻译(雷克顿)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move113|Script = Riven, dance, child! That broken blade is no match for me!|Translation=中文翻译(瑞文)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move114|Script = You would challenge me in a machine? You are a strange spirit, Rumble.|Translation=中文翻译(兰博)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move115|Script = A spirit blade, master Shen? Test it agaist me, let me shatter your illusions!|Translation=中文翻译(慎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move116|Script = Yes Sion! I kill even that which will not die! I end all things!|Translation=中文翻译(塞恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move117|Script = Hail the protector! Hail Taric, aspect of- get a haircut!|Translation=中文翻译(塔里克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move118|Script = Cowardly spirit, how annoying you are! I will savour killing you, Teemo!|Translation=中文翻译(提莫)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move119|Script = A troll king?! Come! Defend your throne, king of trolls!|Translation=中文翻译(特朗德尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move120|Script = Yes, Tryndamere! I am the cause of your suffering! See if you can cut justice from me!|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move121|Script = I wait for you, Tryndamere! Come, take your vengeance!|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move122|Script = Remember the screams of your kinsmen as you fall to me, Tryndamere!|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move123|Script = Rage? You are just flesh, Tryndamere, ready for harvesting!|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move124|Script = You would end worlds? As a bow?!|Translation=中文翻译(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move125|Script = I will not send you to death, Yorick! I bring oblivion!|Translation=中文翻译(约里克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move126|Script = I know it was you, trickster! You gave them the tools to trap me! Come, let me kill you! A thousand times isn't enough!|Translation=中文翻译(佐伊)}}
== 嘲讽 ==
== 互动 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt1|Script = My will... is beyond death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
=== 玩笑 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt2|Script = I am Darkin! I do not die!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.joke1|Script = I am like a demon, but more edgy, right? You know, cause I'm a sword. Hmm...|Translation=我像个恶魔,不过,比较尖酸,是吗?你也知道,毕竟我是一把剑呐,嗯哼?}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt3|Script = Behold, immortality!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.joke2|Script = So uh, I'm Aatrox. I'm a transcendental being trapped inside cutlery... What's your deal?|Translation=你好,我是亚托克斯,我是超凡的天界存在,被困在一把刀里。你贵姓?}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt4|Script = A scythe? A scythe?! Are you planning on murdering fields of wheat?!|Translation=中文翻译(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.joke3|Script = Uh, nice world you have here. I intend to destroy it, you know, FYI.|Translation=呃...你这个世界挺漂亮,我想毁了它,所以和你提前打一声招呼}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt5|Script = I chose a sword, the noblest weapon, Rhaast. You- seriously I don't understand... Were you trapped in the gardening section?|Translation=中文翻译(凯隐)}}
=== 嘲讽 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt6|Script = We all agreed on the double 'A' thing, Varus. The double 'A' thing!|Translation=中文翻译(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt1|Script = My will... is beyond death!|Translation=我的意志,超越死亡}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt7|Script = Varus, 'V' 'A' 'R' 'U' 'S', your name should have an 'A' and then another 'A', Varus. There was a memo, Varus, there was a memo!|Translation=中文翻译(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt2|Script = I am Darkin! I do not die!|Translation=我是暗裔!我不死!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt8|Script = I will find a way to tear down the heavens and reveal you as fiends! Not today obviously...|Translation=中文翻译(巨神峰英雄)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt3|Script = Behold, immortality!|Translation=见证不朽吧}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt9|Script = Do I resemble you, abomination? Your form isn't my destiny... is it? You don't know how to talk, do you? Shit...|Translation=中文翻译(虚空英雄)}}
== 玩笑 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.joke1|Script = I am like a demon, but more edgy, right? You know, cause I'm a sword. Hmm...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.joke2|Script = So uh, I'm Aatrox. I'm a transcendental being trapped inside cutlery... What's your deal?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.joke3|Script = Uh, nice world you have here. I intend to destroy it, you know, FYI.|Translation=中文翻译}}
== 大笑 ==
== 大笑 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.laugh1|Script = aatrox laughs.|Translation=笑声1 }}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.laugh1|Script = aatrox laughs.|Translation=笑声1 }}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.laugh2|Script = aatrox laughs.|Translation=笑声2 }}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.laugh3|Script = aatrox laughs.|Translation=笑声2 }}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.laugh3|Script = aatrox laughs.|Translation=笑声3 }}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.laugh4|Script = aatrox laughs.|Translation=笑声3 }}
== 普通攻击 ==
== 攻击敌方英雄时 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack1|Script = Come, let me show you darkness!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack1|Script = Come, let me show you darkness!|Translation=来,我让你见识黑暗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack2|Script = Fight! Join me in death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack2|Script = Fight! Join me in death!|Translation=战斗吧!与我相会于死地}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack3|Script = Your death awaits!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack3|Script = Your death awaits!|Translation=你的死亡在等待!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack4|Script = I will hack and chop and cleave, and sunder the filth of your forms!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack4|Script = I will hack and chop and cleave, and sunder the filth of your forms!|Translation=我要把你这肮胀脏的躯体砍断切开剁碎}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack5|Script = I am not your enemy, I am the enemy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack5|Script = I am not your enemy, I am the enemy!|Translation=我并不想与你为敌,我是要与世界为敌}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack6|Script = I am Darkin! Your gods fear me!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack6|Script = I am Darkin! Your gods fear me!|Translation=我是暗裔,你的神惧怕我}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack7|Script = I will sever your limbs! I will carve your souls!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack7|Script = I will sever your limbs! I will carve your souls!|Translation=我将切断你的四肢,我将刺入你的灵魂}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack8|Script = Carnage is my method.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack8|Script = Carnage is my method.|Translation=杀戮,是我的手段}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack9|Script = I can smile, and murder while I smile.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack9|Script = I can smile, and murder while I smile.|Translation=我也会微笑,而且一边微笑,一边杀人}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack10|Script = Suffer, as I suffer!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack10|Script = Suffer, as I suffer!|Translation=感受我的痛苦吧}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack11|Script = Carnage... Hoooooome...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack11|Script = Carnage... Hoooooome...|Translation=杀戮...呵啊...}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack12|Script = Hear this cursed form sing!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack12|Script = Hear this cursed form sing!|Translation=这幅被诅咒的躯体,正在歌唱}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack13|Script = Sorrow... I shall deliver it to you.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack13|Script = Sorrow... I shall deliver it to you.|Translation=悲伤的味道,我来让你品尝}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack14|Script = I begged for death, now I am its bringer!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack14|Script = I begged for death, now I am its bringer!|Translation=曾经我求死不得,如今,我赐死不谢}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack15|Script = I am the god killer!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack15|Script = I am the god killer!|Translation=我是,弑神者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack16|Script = Come!" *Grunt* "Destiny awaits!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack16|Script = Come!" *Grunt* "Destiny awaits!|Translation=来,唔啊!命运在等待}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack17|Script = You would fight me?! Come, let me show you hell!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack17|Script = You would fight me?! Come, let me show you hell!|Translation=你想对抗我?来,我让你见识地狱}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack18|Script = Your annihilation beckons!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack18|Script = Your annihilation beckons!|Translation=你的毁灭在召唤}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack19|Script = Violence... distracts me from these chains!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack19|Script = Violence... distracts me from these chains!|Translation=暴力能让我暂时忘记这枷锁}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack20|Script = Aatrox snarls.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack20|Script = Aatrox snarls.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack21|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack21|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack22|Script = I come for you, Pantheon.|Translation=中文翻译(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack23|Script = The power of an aspect, wasted on a fool!|Translation=中文翻译(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack24|Script = I killed your tribe. Now, join them!|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack25|Script = Tryndamere! This is your destiny!|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack26|Script = I will gut you, and tear you from existence, trickster!|Translation=中文翻译(佐伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack27|Script = Aspect of change! Now you die!|Translation=中文翻译(佐伊)}}
== 释放技能 ==
== 技能 ==
=== 释放q技能暗裔利刃时 ===
=== 释放q技能{{LOLAI|The Darkin Blade|暗裔利刃}} ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.q1|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.q1|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.q2|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.q2|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音2}}
第201行: 第154行:
{{LOL|File =aatrox.q6|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音6}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.q6|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音6}}
=== 释放w技能恶火束链时 ===
=== 释放w技能{{LOLAI|Infernal Chains|恶火束链}} ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.w1|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.w1|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.w1|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.w2|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.w1|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音3}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.w3|Script = Aatrox yells.|Translation=语音3}}
=== 释放e技能暗影冲决时 ===
=== 释放e技能{{LOLAI|Umbral Dush|暗影冲决}} ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.e1|Script = Aatrox grunts.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.e1|Script = Aatrox grunts.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.e1|Script = Aatrox grunts.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.e2|Script = Aatrox grunts.|Translation=语音2}}
=== 释放r技能大灭时 ===
=== 释放r技能{{LOLAI|World Ender|大灭}} ===
==== 亚托克斯听到的语音 ====
==== 亚托克斯听到的语音 ====
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult1|Script = Fight! Or be forgotten!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult1|Script = Fight! Or be forgotten!|Translation=战斗!否则就被遗忘!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult2|Script = Become... hate!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult2|Script = Become... hate!|Translation=化身为————憎恨}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult3|Script = I offer you victory!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult3|Script = I offer you victory!|Translation=我给你带来胜利}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult4|Script = Let blood be our sacrament!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult4|Script = Let blood be our sacrament!|Translation=让鲜血为我们神圣洗礼}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult5|Script = Follow me into destruction!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult5|Script = Follow me into destruction!|Translation=随我一同冲入毁灭吧}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult6|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult6|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult7|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult7|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult8|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult8|Script = Aatrox roars.|Translation=语音3}}
==== 敌人听到的语音 ====
==== 敌人听到的语音 ====
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult9|Script = Fight! Or be forgotten!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult1|Script = Fight! Or be forgotten!|Translation=战斗!否则就被遗忘!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult10|Script = Become... hate!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult2|Script = Become... hate!|Translation=化身为————憎恨}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult11|Script = I offer you victory!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult3|Script = I offer you victory!|Translation=我给你带来胜利}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult12|Script = Let blood be our sacrament!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult4|Script = Let blood be our sacrament!|Translation=让鲜血为我们神圣洗礼}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult13|Script = Follow me into destruction!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.ult5|Script = Follow me into destruction!|Translation=随我一同冲入毁灭吧}}
== 击杀英雄 ==
== 击杀英雄 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill1|Script = This is your absolution.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill1|Script = This is your absolution.|Translation=这,是你的赦免}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill2|Script = To the end of times, I shall kill you again and again.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill2|Script = To the end of times, I shall kill you again and again.|Translation=从现在开始,到时间的尽头,我将杀你一遍,又一遍}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill3|Script = This was reckoning.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill3|Script = This was reckoning.|Translation=新仇旧恨一起算}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill4|Script = You die... a fool.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill4|Script = You die... a fool.|Translation=你死的好蠢}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill5|Script = I brought you the one true gift, I brought you... death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill5|Script = I brought you the one true gift, I brought you... death!|Translation=我带给你最真实的赠礼,我带给你死亡}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill6|Script = Your broken form speaks only of failure.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill6|Script = Your broken form speaks only of failure.|Translation=你残破的躯体是失败的证明}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill7|Script = Carnage, my last joy.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill7|Script = Carnage, my last joy.|Translation=杀戮,是我最后的乐趣}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill8|Script = This is the silence I seek.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill8|Script = This is the silence I seek.|Translation=我要的只是安静}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill9|Script = I will have silence.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill9|Script = I will have silence.|Translation=我要让世界静下来}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill10|Script = Resurrect! Return! So I may kill you again...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill10|Script = Resurrect! Return! So I may kill you again...|Translation=复活吧,归来吧。让我再杀你一遍}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill11|Script = This is my gift to mortals.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill11|Script = This is my gift to mortals.|Translation=这是我给凡人的礼物}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill12|Script = I sing only in your deaths.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill12|Script = I sing only in your deaths.|Translation=你的死亡是我的歌声}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill13|Script = I do not need to show my mastery, it is self-evident.|Translation=中文翻译(亚托克斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill14|Script = Resurrection, an endless cycle of life... A dead bird.|Translation=中文翻译(艾尼维亚)}}
== 死亡 ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill15|Script = What foolish plan bore a woman such as you, Camille? You were a folly, crafted by an idiot.|Translation=中文翻译(卡蜜尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.death1|Script = Aatrox groans.|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill16|Script = The axe suited you, Darius, the weapon of a simpleton!|Translation=中文翻译(德莱厄斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.death2|Script = Aatrox groans.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill17|Script = I expected you to be nimble, Fiora. Too easily, my blade crushed your spine.|Translation=中文翻译(菲奥娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.death3|Script = Aatrox groans.|Translation=语音3}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill18|Script = Yo ho, Gangplank, yo ho.|Translation=中文翻译(普朗克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill19|Script = Demacia! *Laughs* Whatever 'Demacia' is, I will slay it next!|Translation=中文翻译(盖伦)}}
== 在大灭期间复活(守护天使同样生效) ==
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill20|Script = In time I will learn how to kill even your god, Illaoi!|Translation=中文翻译(俄洛伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill21|Script = I cannot know if I was corrupted by the void, but at least my choices were not asinine.|Translation=中文翻译(卡莎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp6|Script = Insects, you think you can kill me? Behold my curse!|Translation=虫豸,你们觉得能杀死我吗?见证我的诅咒吧}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill22|Script = Die, Kayle, knowing your potential will never be reached.|Translation=中文翻译(凯尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp7|Script = You cannot destroy me!|Translation=你无法摧毁我}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill23|Script = I cannot have brotherhood with incompetence.|Translation=中文翻译(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp8|Script = I do not die!|Translation=我,不死!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill24|Script = What is property? Why did this dead hamster want me off of it?|Translation=中文翻译(克烈)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp9|Script = *Grunt* Nothing can kill me!|Translation=啊,没有什么能杀死我}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill25|Script = I kill mountains, Malphite! Dumb piles of rocks!|Translation=中文翻译(墨菲斯特)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp10|Script = I return!|Translation=我回来了}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill26|Script = Hear me, tree spirit. Your form is but kindling, and your forests I will burn!|Translation=中文翻译(茂凯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp11|Script = *Laughs* Yes! Fight me!|Translation=哈哈哈,是的,与我战斗}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill27|Script = You disgust me, Morgana. Die in the filth of your bound flesh!|Translation=中文翻译(莫甘娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp12|Script = I... am not a mortal!|Translation=我是不朽者}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill28|Script = Yes, Shurima was meant to fall, Nasus, as were you!|Translation=中文翻译(内瑟斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp13|Script = Did you think you could kill me?!|Translation=你觉得你能杀死我?!}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill29|Script = Journey back to the deep!|Translation=中文翻译(诺提勒斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp14|Script = You think you can kill me?|Translation=你认为你能杀掉我吗?}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill30|Script = Ornn, like all gods, you disappoint!|Translation=中文翻译(奥恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp15|Script = As long as life exists, as long as time has meaning, I am not done!|Translation=只要生命还存在,只要时间很有意义,我就不会罢休}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill31|Script = Pantheon, you crawl forward like a worm! Ready to be squashed again?|Translation=中文翻译(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp16|Script = Aatrox laughs|Translation=语音1}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill32|Script = Now your body matches your blade, Riven: broken and worthless!|Translation=中文翻译(瑞文)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp17|Script = Aatrox gasps.|Translation=语音2}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill33|Script = Die, Shen, knowing the Eye of the Twilight is blinded and plucked.|Translation=中文翻译(慎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp18|Script = Aatrox gasps.|Translation=语音3}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill34|Script = You fought to live, Sion, yet it is I who am still alive. This at least amuses.|Translation=中文翻译(塞恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp19|Script = Aatrox gasps.|Translation=语音4}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill35|Script = Lord of starlight, lord of hair! I trample on your corpse, Taric! I spit on your aspect's purpose!|Translation=中文翻译(塔里克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp20|Script = Aatrox gasps.|Translation=语音5}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill36|Script = A spirit for cowards, I laugh at your tricks and mushrooms!|Translation=中文翻译(提莫)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp21|Script = Aatrox gasps, then roars.|Translation=语音6}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill37|Script = I thought you my next vessel, Tryndamere. Pity, you failed even to become a slave.|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill38|Script = Return again to your prison, Varus. Think upon your worthlessness!|Translation=中文翻译(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill39|Script = Honestly, a bow and two boys? What was your plan, Varus?|Translation=中文翻译(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill40|Script = How I loathe your freedom, trickster! I will take this vengeance upon you, until the end of times!|Translation=中文翻译(佐伊)}}
== 购买装备 ==
== 彩蛋 ==
=== 敌方英雄展示成就 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp1|Script = Mastery? I must congratulate you, obviously your parents never had reason to.|Translation=大师级的技艺?那我一定要恭喜你了,显然你的父母从来都不怎么看重你}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp2|Script = Yes, your mastery is the master of masters! I am fighting... an imbecile...|Translation=是的,你是大师中的大师!唉...我在和一个弱智打架}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp3|Script = Somehow, I doubt you've mastered self-esteem.|Translation=不知为何,我怀疑你是自卑能力的大师}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp4|Script = Mastery, how I idolise your greatness! Though I suspect your weapon lacks... impact.|Translation=大师级的技艺,我太崇拜你了。不过...我觉得你的武器有点儿...软绵绵}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.sp5|Script = Ah, mastery, well done! Now master your insignificance.|Translation=啊...大师级的技艺,不错,百无一用的大师}}
== 插眼 ==
=== 遇到特定英雄 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move85|Script = Tricks, Akali? They will not hide you from me, face your doom.|Translation=耍花招吗,阿卡丽?你是躲不掉的,接受毁灭吧(阿卡丽)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move86|Script = Another foolish god, even the phoenix shall end.|Translation=又一个愚蠢的神,即使是凤凰,也有终结(艾尼维亚)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move87|Script = Scissors for legs... Okay, I thought I had seen stupid designs before... Alright, let's go.|Translation=剪刀当腿?好吧,我还以为我已经见惯了蠢事,行了,开始吧(卡蜜尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move88|Script = Look at your noble courage, Darius! Now learn... despair.|Translation=看看你这高贵的勇气,德莱厄斯,让我来教教你绝望(德莱厄斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move89|Script = You are unloved, Mundo! Now, face judgement!|Translation=没人爱你,蒙多,现在接受审判吧(蒙多)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move90|Script = I know your name, Fiora. This is not a duel you shall win.|Translation=我听说过你,菲奥娜,这场决斗,你赢不了(菲奥娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move91|Script = A statue? Rock shatters as easily as bone! Come!|Translation=一尊雕像,石头和骨头一样易碎,来吧(加里奥)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move92|Script = Guns and oranges? Are you a cliché or a joke? Come! Fight! Die!|Translation=火枪和柑橘,你是老古董,还是开玩笑?来吧,战斗,受死(普朗克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move93|Script = Scream 'Demacia', Garen! Scream its name before I crush you, and it!|Translation=再喊最后一次,德玛西亚,盖伦,然后我就将你和他一起碾碎(盖伦)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move94|Script = I kill gods, priestess. Let us continue this fight... until all things stop!|Translation=我是弑神者,而你只是祭司,继续和我打吧,直到一切停止运动(俄洛伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move95|Script = A worthy vessel! Come, Jax!|Translation=一副有资格的躯壳,来,贾克斯(贾克斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move96|Script = You would rush towards me, Kai'Sa? What fool would build a strategy on that idea? Come, let us begin.|Translation=你要冲到我面前吗,卡莎?多么愚蠢的战术,来,开始吧(卡莎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move97|Script = Let me show you your error, Kayle! You are not worthy of ascension! You, are not worthy of the worms!|Translation=让我告诉你错在哪儿,凯尔。你不配飞升,你甚至不配为蛆虫!(凯尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move98|Script = Ooh, a shadow warrior! How edgy!|Translation=哦,这不是暗影武士吗?真华丽(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move99|Script = I did not think my fellows weak, Rhaast! Already you disappoint me!|Translation=我没想到自己的同族如此弱小,拉亚斯特,你让我很失望(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move100|Script = A lightning squirrel?" *Laughs* "Thank you! Your death will amuse me!|Translation=闪电松鼠?哈哈哈哈哈,谢谢你,你的死会让我感到愉悦(凯南)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move101|Script = Are you a joke, you loud, horrible thing? I shall kill you and your steed!|Translation=你就是个玩笑吧?聒噪的东西,我要杀了你和你的坐骑(克烈)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move102|Script = Where is your head, rock thing? Where is the neck I shall sever?|Translation=你的头在哪儿?我要砍的脖子在哪儿?(墨菲特)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move103|Script = Am I challenged by a tree?! Fine, let me build a pyre from you!|Translation=一棵树来挑战我?很好,我要把你做成柴堆(茂凯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move104|Script = You would bind yourself to this realm. Morgana? Fine, let me show you the ground!|Translation=你要将自己禁锢在此地?很好,我来送你入土(莫甘娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move105|Script = Nasus, is your wisdom enough to know your fate? I am your death!|Translation=内瑟斯,渊博如你,是否知道了自己的宿命?我是你的死神(内瑟斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move106|Script = Your noble purpose amuses me, Nautilus! Fight me, see true death!|Translation=你的高尚目标让我发笑,诺提勒斯,和我战斗,见证真正的死亡(诺提勒斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move107|Script = Hail father Ornn, god of fire and forge!" *Laughs* "I am Aatrox, and I am the god killer!|Translation=伟大的奥恩,火焰与锻造之神,哼哼哼哈哈哈哈哈,我是亚托克斯,我是弑神者(奥恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move108|Script = Hail Pantheon! Let me hear you cry of friendship! Let me hear you scream of brotherhood!|Translation=伟大的潘森,让我听到你对友谊的呼唤!让我听到你对兄弟的嘶嚎!(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move109|Script = Hail Pantheon! See the weapon I have become! Watch as you are destroyed!|Translation=伟大的潘森!仔细看好变成武器的我,仔细看好你的毁灭!(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move110|Script = Hail Pantheon! How noble and proud he carries himself! Come betrayer! Come fiend!|Translation=伟大的潘森!多么自视崇高,自命不凡,过来,背叛者,邪魔(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move111|Script = A bird? You would challenge me with a bird?! *Laughs* Come!|Translation=一只鸟,你带了一只鸟来挑战我?哈哈哈哈哈,来吧(奎因)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move112|Script = Renekton! In your madness, you know my suffering! Though I shall end yours.|Translation=雷克顿,陷入疯狂的你理解我的痛苦,然而我要终结你的痛苦(雷克顿)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move113|Script = Riven, dance, child! That broken blade is no match for me!|Translation=锐雯,起舞吧孩子,那把断剑,不是我的对手(瑞文)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move114|Script = You would challenge me in a machine? You are a strange spirit, Rumble.|Translation=你要坐在机器里挑战我吗?你可真是个怪东西,兰博(兰博)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move115|Script = A spirit blade, master Shen? Test it agaist me, let me shatter your illusions!|Translation=魂刃吗?慎大师。与我交锋,我来打碎你的幻想(慎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move116|Script = Yes Sion! I kill even that which will not die! I end all things!|Translation=是的,塞恩,即使是不死的东西,也能被我杀掉,我终结一切(塞恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move117|Script = Hail the protector! Hail Taric, aspect of- get a haircut!|Translation=伟大的保护者!伟大的塔里克!瓦罗兰之~(吸气)emmm...你去把头发剪了好吗?!(塔里克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move118|Script = Cowardly spirit, how annoying you are! I will savour killing you, Teemo!|Translation=懦弱的东西,你太讨厌了,我会细细品尝你的死,提莫(提莫)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move119|Script = A troll king?! Come! Defend your throne, king of trolls!|Translation=巨魔之王,来,守护你的王会吧,巨魔之王(特朗德尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move120|Script = Yes, Tryndamere! I am the cause of your suffering! See if you can cut justice from me!|Translation=哼哈哈哈哈,是的,泰达米尔,你的痛苦全是因为我,来试试你能不能让我血债血偿(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move121|Script = I wait for you, Tryndamere! Come, take your vengeance!|Translation=我等你,泰达米尔。来!给你复仇的机会(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move122|Script = Remember the screams of your kinsmen as you fall to me, Tryndamere!|Translation=记住你族人的惨叫声吧,泰达米尔。他们将陪伴你倒在我的脚下(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move123|Script = Rage? You are just flesh, Tryndamere, ready for harvesting!|Translation=愤怒,你只是待宰的牲畜,泰达米尔(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move124|Script = You would end worlds? As a bow?!|Translation=你用于终结世界的是一张弓?(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move125|Script = I will not send you to death, Yorick! I bring oblivion!|Translation=我送你的不是死亡,约里克。我带来的是万物归于虚无(约里克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move126|Script = I know it was you, trickster! You gave them the tools to trap me! Come, let me kill you! A thousand times isn't enough!|Translation=我知道是你干的,欺诈者,他们禁锢我的工具是你给的,来,让我杀你!一千遍!也不够!(佐伊)}}
== 回城 ==
=== 首次移动 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move1|Script = Pantheon, I see you! Like a lamprey you attach yourself to a host!
I will carve you from this mortal's form, and eviscerate you both!|Translation=潘森,我看到你了,像七鳃鳗一样贴在宿主身上。我将把你从这副凡人躯壳上剥离,把你们的五脏六腑统统掏空!(敌方队伍存在潘森时)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move2|Script = Pantheon! I will crush your godhood, I will eviscerate your ideals, even your memory... I will trample!|Translation=潘森!我将碾碎你的神格,我将掏空你的心智,甚至你的记忆也将被我践踏(敌方队伍存在潘森时)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.move3|Script = Targon sends an aspect against me? Prepare yourself, Pantheon, I will end all that you hope to be!|Translation=巨神派来了星灵对付我,准备好了潘森,我将终结你的全部希望(敌方队伍存在潘森时)}}
== 死亡 ==
=== 击杀特定英雄 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill13|Script = I do not need to show my mastery, it is self-evident.|Translation=我不需要炫耀我的技艺,一切不言自明(亚托克斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill14|Script = Resurrection, an endless cycle of life... A dead bird.|Translation=复活,无尽的生命循环,一只死鸟(艾尼维亚)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill15|Script = What foolish plan bore a woman such as you, Camille? You were a folly, crafted by an idiot.|Translation=什么样的愚蠢计划才能造就你这样的人,卡蜜尔,你是个白痴造出来的拙劣品(卡蜜尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill16|Script = The axe suited you, Darius, the weapon of a simpleton!|Translation=斧子很适合你,德莱厄斯,傻子的武器(德莱厄斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill17|Script = I expected you to be nimble, Fiora. Too easily, my blade crushed your spine.|Translation=我以为你很灵活呢,菲奥娜,切碎你的骨头太轻松了(菲奥娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill18|Script = Yo ho, Gangplank, yo ho.|Translation=哟呼,普朗克,哟呼(普朗克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill19|Script = Demacia! *Laughs* Whatever 'Demacia' is, I will slay it next!|Translation=德玛西亚!呵哈哈哈...不知道德玛西亚是什么东西,不过,下一个就杀它(盖伦)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill20|Script = In time I will learn how to kill even your god, Illaoi!|Translation=迟早有一天,俄洛伊,即使是你的神也能被我杀死(俄洛伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill21|Script = I cannot know if I was corrupted by the void, but at least my choices were not asinine.|Translation=我不知道自己是否被虚空腐化,但至少我的选择没有你那么蠢(卡莎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill22|Script = Die, Kayle, knowing your potential will never be reached.|Translation=死吧,凯尔,你永远都不能瞑目(凯尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill23|Script = I cannot have brotherhood with incompetence.|Translation=我拒绝与不敌之人称兄道弟(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill24|Script = What is property? Why did this dead hamster want me off of it?|Translation=这是谁的地界?为什么这些死仓鼠要我离开?(克烈)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill25|Script = I kill mountains, Malphite! Dumb piles of rocks!|Translation=我能杀死群山,墨菲特!而你只是一堆石块(墨菲特)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill26|Script = Hear me, tree spirit. Your form is but kindling, and your forests I will burn!|Translation=听好了,树精,你只是柴薪,而我就烧光你的森林(茂凯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill27|Script = You disgust me, Morgana. Die in the filth of your bound flesh!|Translation=你让我恶心,莫甘娜。在你肮脏的血肉禁锢中受死吧(莫甘娜)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill28|Script = Yes, Shurima was meant to fall, Nasus, as were you!|Translation=是的,恕瑞玛注定陨落。内瑟斯,你也一样(内瑟斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill29|Script = Journey back to the deep!|Translation=回到深渊去吧(诺提勒斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill30|Script = Ornn, like all gods, you disappoint!|Translation=奥恩,你和其他神一样令我失望(奥恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill31|Script = Pantheon, you crawl forward like a worm! Ready to be squashed again?|Translation=潘森,你就像一只爬行的蠕虫,准备好再次被捏死了吗?(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill32|Script = Now your body matches your blade, Riven: broken and worthless!|Translation=你和你的剑刃很配,锐雯,你们一样残破而无能(瑞雯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill33|Script = Die, Shen, knowing the Eye of the Twilight is blinded and plucked.|Translation=死吧,慎!暮光之眼已被戳瞎挖空(慎)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill34|Script = You fought to live, Sion, yet it is I who am still alive. This at least amuses.|Translation=你战斗是为了活着,塞恩。而现在活着的是我,听上去多么好笑啊(塞恩)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill35|Script = Lord of starlight, lord of hair! I trample on your corpse, Taric! I spit on your aspect's purpose!|Translation=星光之王,长发之王,我践踏你的尸体,塔里克,我唾弃你心灵的意志(塔里克)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill36|Script = A spirit for cowards, I laugh at your tricks and mushrooms!|Translation=懦弱的东西,我嘲笑你的诡计和蘑菇(提莫)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill37|Script = I thought you my next vessel, Tryndamere. Pity, you failed even to become a slave.|Translation=我原打算把你当做下一个宿主,泰达米尔,可惜你连奴隶都不配做(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill38|Script = Return again to your prison, Varus. Think upon your worthlessness!|Translation=回到你的牢笼中吧,维鲁斯,忏悔你的无能(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill39|Script = Honestly, a bow and two boys? What was your plan, Varus?|Translation=说真的,一把弓和两个小伙子,你打算做什么?韦鲁斯(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill40|Script = How I loathe your freedom, trickster! I will take this vengeance upon you, until the end of times!|Translation=我憎恨你的自由,欺诈者,我对你的复仇将持续到时间尽头(佐伊)}}
=== 攻击特定英雄 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack22|Script = I come for you, Pantheon.|Translation=我来找你了,潘森(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack23|Script = The power of an aspect, wasted on a fool!|Translation=星灵的力量,浪费在蠢货身上(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack24|Script = I killed your tribe. Now, join them!|Translation=我屠光了你的部族,现在,去找他们吧(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack25|Script = Tryndamere! This is your destiny!|Translation=泰达米尔,这是你的宿命(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack26|Script = I will gut you, and tear you from existence, trickster!|Translation=我要掏出你的肠子,把你撕成碎片,欺诈者(佐伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack27|Script = Aspect of change! Now you die!|Translation=暮光星灵,你该死啊(佐伊)}}
=== 嘲讽特定英雄 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt4|Script = A scythe? A scythe?! Are you planning on murdering fields of wheat?!|Translation=一把镰刀?一把镰刀?!你的对手是一大片麦田吗?(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt5|Script = I chose a sword, the noblest weapon, Rhaast. You- seriously I don't understand... Were you trapped in the gardening section?|Translation=我选择的是剑,最高贵的武器,拉亚斯特,你...老实讲我不明白,你是被困在花园里了吗?(凯隐)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt6|Script = We all agreed on the double 'A' thing, Varus. The double 'A' thing!|Translation=我们不是都记得吗,要有亚字,韦鲁斯,要有亚字(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt7|Script = Varus, 'V' 'A' 'R' 'U' 'S', your name should have an 'A' and then another 'A', Varus. There was a memo, Varus, there was a memo!|Translation=韦鲁斯,韦~鲁~斯~,你的名字应该有个"亚"字,你怎么忘了,韦鲁斯。你怎么忘了?(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt8|Script = I will find a way to tear down the heavens and reveal you as fiends! Not today obviously...|Translation=我将用尽浑身解数摧毁天堂,接受你们恶灵的面目。当然,还不到时候(巨神峰英雄)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt9|Script = Do I resemble you, abomination? Your form isn't my destiny... is it? You don't know how to talk, do you? Shit...|Translation=我和你很像吗?丑恶的化身,你的躯壳不是我的终点。不是吧?你是不是不会说话啊?唉...(虚空英雄)}}
{{LOL Navigation}}
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2022年10月12日 (三) 03:15的最新版本

Lol aatrox icon.png 暗裔剑魔



Media:aatrox Select.mp3Media:aatrox Select_zh.mp3 Now, hear the silence of annihilation!


Media:aatrox Ban.mp3Media:aatrox Ban_zh.mp3 Let me end this!


Media:aatrox.move4.mp3Media:aatrox.move4_zh.mp3 They think me defeated, enchained. But I am unbowed... Noble is this carnage.
Media:aatrox.move5.mp3Media:aatrox.move5_zh.mp3 I am your reckoner, mortals.
Media:aatrox.move6.mp3Media:aatrox.move6_zh.mp3 Challenge me, mortals! I am here!
Media:aatrox.move7.mp3Media:aatrox.move7_zh.mp3 Am I the abyss? Or did I gaze into it?
Media:aatrox.move8.mp3Media:aatrox.move8_zh.mp3 The only peace I seek... is death!
Media:aatrox.move9.mp3Media:aatrox.move9_zh.mp3 I am oblivion, I am destruction... I am doom.
Media:aatrox.move10.mp3Media:aatrox.move10_zh.mp3 The true sound of my blade can only be heard when they loathe re-incarnation.
Media:aatrox.move11.mp3Media:aatrox.move11_zh.mp3 This cursed form... This crude decaying flesh! I yield it!
Media:aatrox.move12.mp3Media:aatrox.move12_zh.mp3 Let them lament... my name.
Media:aatrox.move13.mp3Media:aatrox.move13_zh.mp3 I stood against the void. Now... I would welcome it.
Media:aatrox.move14.mp3Media:aatrox.move14_zh.mp3 I cannot die... until all life ends.
Media:aatrox.move15.mp3Media:aatrox.move15_zh.mp3 Primitives worship me, hoping for mercy. I shall give them death.
Media:aatrox.move16.mp3Media:aatrox.move16_zh.mp3 They will call me a god killer!
Media:aatrox.move17.mp3Media:aatrox.move17_zh.mp3 I am doom!
Media:aatrox.move18.mp3Media:aatrox.move18_zh.mp3 As long as this form lives, I will punish them.
Media:aatrox.move19.mp3Media:aatrox.move19_zh.mp3 My suffering... I will make it bloom.
Media:aatrox.move20.mp3Media:aatrox.move20_zh.mp3 My darkness was not born, it was forged by my prison.
Media:aatrox.move21.mp3Media:aatrox.move21_zh.mp3 I am not a king, I am not a god, I am... worse...
Media:aatrox.move22.mp3Media:aatrox.move22_zh.mp3 Those who call me enemy, I welcome them.
Media:aatrox.move23.mp3Media:aatrox.move23_zh.mp3 I will snuff out the light, I shall make darkness eternal!
Media:aatrox.move24.mp3Media:aatrox.move24_zh.mp3 All that lives, I will end!
Media:aatrox.move25.mp3Media:aatrox.move25_zh.mp3 There is a darkness in my heart deeper than any shadow!
Media:aatrox.move26.mp3Media:aatrox.move26_zh.mp3 I march to death... Though I wish it was my own...
Media:aatrox.move27.mp3Media:aatrox.move27_zh.mp3 I will drown them in oceans of blood!
Media:aatrox.move28.mp3Media:aatrox.move28_zh.mp3 Patience, Aatrox! Patience! Your freedom will come!
Media:aatrox.move29.mp3Media:aatrox.move29_zh.mp3 Gods and mortals, they deserve only death!
Media:aatrox.move30.mp3Media:aatrox.move30_zh.mp3 Kneel mortals! So I may split your shoulders from your spine!
Media:aatrox.move31.mp3Media:aatrox.move31_zh.mp3 March toward vengeance... Drown this world in blood!
Media:aatrox.move32.mp3Media:aatrox.move32_zh.mp3 I must destroy even hope.
Media:aatrox.move33.mp3Media:aatrox.move33_zh.mp3 For my imprisonment, they will suffer!
Media:aatrox.move34.mp3Media:aatrox.move34_zh.mp3 I will render these mortals' forms into my own!
Media:aatrox.move35.mp3Media:aatrox.move35_zh.mp3 Their screams will be like the soothing hum of insects at dusk.
Media:aatrox.move36.mp3Media:aatrox.move36_zh.mp3 They will call me villain... Come, let me earn their hatred, again and forever.
Media:aatrox.move37.mp3Media:aatrox.move37_zh.mp3 We had another name once... Now, we are Darkin.


Media:aatrox.move38.mp3Media:aatrox.move38_zh.mp3 I am ready to be the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move39.mp3Media:aatrox.move39_zh.mp3 I am Aatrox, I am the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move40.mp3Media:aatrox.move40_zh.mp3 Carnage, hate, yes! I am the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move41.mp3Media:aatrox.move41_zh.mp3 Take everything from them! Become the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move42.mp3Media:aatrox.move42_zh.mp3 Insects, the World-Ender has come!
Media:aatrox.move43.mp3Media:aatrox.move43_zh.mp3 This is the time, the World-Ender is here!
Media:aatrox.move44.mp3Media:aatrox.move44_zh.mp3 Death to all! The World-Ender awaits!
Media:aatrox.move45.mp3Media:aatrox.move45_zh.mp3 See your World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move46.mp3Media:aatrox.move46_zh.mp3 Bow worms! Bow before the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move47.mp3Media:aatrox.move47_zh.mp3 Behold, the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move48.mp3Media:aatrox.move48_zh.mp3 I bring silence! I am the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move49.mp3Media:aatrox.move49_zh.mp3 Quiet yourselves, the World-Ender is here!
Media:aatrox.move50.mp3Media:aatrox.move50_zh.mp3 There is no escape from the World-Ender!
Media:aatrox.move51.mp3Media:aatrox.move51_zh.mp3 Now, I am the World-Ender!


Media:aatrox.move54.mp3Media:aatrox.move54_zh.mp3 Tricked into this existence... False slave entrapped by endless life!

I shall become a beast feeding on their destruction, and making them lament my unholy birth!

Media:aatrox.move55.mp3Media:aatrox.move55_zh.mp3 I have no goodness left, it was taken from me, stolen! I... am the nemesis of life.
Media:aatrox.move56.mp3Media:aatrox.move56_zh.mp3 They sing of love, hope and gods, all that makes them want to live! So, I will quiet that first!
Media:aatrox.move57.mp3Media:aatrox.move57_zh.mp3 I shall take their limbs. I will reap their beloved!

I will tear from their consciousness, the will to live. Yes, this is my purpose.

Media:aatrox.move58.mp3Media:aatrox.move58_zh.mp3 Cleave through them, Aatrox! Crush their skulls!

Shatter their ribs! Disembowl their very souls!" *Heavy breathing* "Our vengeance is at hand!

Media:aatrox.move59.mp3Media:aatrox.move59_zh.mp3 Every dream is a candle I must snuff out... I... am the darkness...
Media:aatrox.move60.mp3Media:aatrox.move60_zh.mp3 The heavens, the endless skies folding into each other. Where are they now?
Media:aatrox.move61.mp3Media:aatrox.move61_zh.mp3 How far I have fallen! A god... reduced to a prisoner!
Media:aatrox.move62.mp3Media:aatrox.move62_zh.mp3 Once in noble battle, I screamed against the silence.

I stood as light against the darkness. Now, I serve a new master... oblivion...

Media:aatrox.move63.mp3Media:aatrox.move63_zh.mp3 See what beasts they have reduced us to... Creatures of flesh sustained only by this filth's blood and form!
Media:aatrox.move64.mp3Media:aatrox.move64_zh.mp3 From entire villages and towns, I will rend the flesh... Until I stand... as an unholy god.
Media:aatrox.move65.mp3Media:aatrox.move65_zh.mp3 March flesh, march toward them! We have horrors to sow!

Lives to reap! Let me make them regret... being free.

Media:aatrox.move66.mp3Media:aatrox.move66_zh.mp3 Dark deeds I will do this day... Though I will carry myself as my former pride dictates!
Media:aatrox.move67.mp3Media:aatrox.move67_zh.mp3 Where I was excellence, I am deformed...

Recast poorly with these crude materials. But this abomination of flesh well serves my murderous intent.

Media:aatrox.move68.mp3Media:aatrox.move68_zh.mp3 I shall not kiss the ground, nor let myself be wielded as a tool!

I am damned, but I will remake this world in my dark image!

Media:aatrox.move69.mp3Media:aatrox.move69_zh.mp3 Let me tear their flesh from them. Let me break their souls... And murder their dreams.
Media:aatrox.move70.mp3Media:aatrox.move70_zh.mp3 I am but an unholy copy of life... A mockery of its freedom...

And born in the cruel betrayal of the noble ideals I would've served.

Media:aatrox.move71.mp3Media:aatrox.move71_zh.mp3 I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns!

Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark...

Media:aatrox.move72.mp3Media:aatrox.move72_zh.mp3 I beg, let some challenge me today...

So that I may tear out their hearts! Pray! Let me watch them die, eyes knowing they served... my dark purpose...

Media:aatrox.move73.mp3Media:aatrox.move73_zh.mp3 No beast so fierce, but knows some touch of pity... But I know none... and therefore am no beast.
Media:aatrox.move74.mp3Media:aatrox.move74_zh.mp3 To war, Aatrox! They shall not rob us of our nobility!

We shall stand, and spit venom at our tormentors for eternity!

Media:aatrox.move75.mp3Media:aatrox.move75_zh.mp3 I do not obey! I cannot lay down! I will be the ender of all things!
Media:aatrox.move76.mp3Media:aatrox.move76_zh.mp3 We march to battle... Let me carve flesh, let me cloak myself in the slaughter!

Hide me in their carnage... Hide me from this suffering...

Media:aatrox.move77.mp3Media:aatrox.move77_zh.mp3 I shall regard their cries as braying steeds, waiting to be whipped, broken, and bridled!
Media:aatrox.move78.mp3Media:aatrox.move78_zh.mp3 I am in a cage within a prison... But this foul shape reminds me of my purpose!


Media:aatrox.move79.mp3Media:aatrox.move79_zh.mp3 Do you see my edge?! Your death awaits!
Media:aatrox.move80.mp3Media:aatrox.move80_zh.mp3 Pray, fool! You face a Darkin.
Media:aatrox.move81.mp3Media:aatrox.move81_zh.mp3 This violence shall amuse!
Media:aatrox.move82.mp3Media:aatrox.move82_zh.mp3 Our duel begins.
Media:aatrox.move83.mp3Media:aatrox.move83_zh.mp3 Come closer! I will show you... darkness!
Media:aatrox.move84.mp3Media:aatrox.move84_zh.mp3 Come, fight me!



Media:aatrox.joke1.mp3Media:aatrox.joke1_zh.mp3 I am like a demon, but more edgy, right? You know, cause I'm a sword. Hmm...
Media:aatrox.joke2.mp3Media:aatrox.joke2_zh.mp3 So uh, I'm Aatrox. I'm a transcendental being trapped inside cutlery... What's your deal?
Media:aatrox.joke3.mp3Media:aatrox.joke3_zh.mp3 Uh, nice world you have here. I intend to destroy it, you know, FYI.


Media:aatrox.taunt1.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt1_zh.mp3 My will... is beyond death!
Media:aatrox.taunt2.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt2_zh.mp3 I am Darkin! I do not die!
Media:aatrox.taunt3.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt3_zh.mp3 Behold, immortality!


Media:aatrox.laugh1.mp3Media:aatrox.laugh1_zh.mp3 aatrox laughs.
Media:aatrox.laugh3.mp3Media:aatrox.laugh3_zh.mp3 aatrox laughs.
Media:aatrox.laugh4.mp3Media:aatrox.laugh4_zh.mp3 aatrox laughs.


Media:aatrox.attack1.mp3Media:aatrox.attack1_zh.mp3 Come, let me show you darkness!
Media:aatrox.attack2.mp3Media:aatrox.attack2_zh.mp3 Fight! Join me in death!
Media:aatrox.attack3.mp3Media:aatrox.attack3_zh.mp3 Your death awaits!
Media:aatrox.attack4.mp3Media:aatrox.attack4_zh.mp3 I will hack and chop and cleave, and sunder the filth of your forms!
Media:aatrox.attack5.mp3Media:aatrox.attack5_zh.mp3 I am not your enemy, I am the enemy!
Media:aatrox.attack6.mp3Media:aatrox.attack6_zh.mp3 I am Darkin! Your gods fear me!
Media:aatrox.attack7.mp3Media:aatrox.attack7_zh.mp3 I will sever your limbs! I will carve your souls!
Media:aatrox.attack8.mp3Media:aatrox.attack8_zh.mp3 Carnage is my method.
Media:aatrox.attack9.mp3Media:aatrox.attack9_zh.mp3 I can smile, and murder while I smile.
Media:aatrox.attack10.mp3Media:aatrox.attack10_zh.mp3 Suffer, as I suffer!
Media:aatrox.attack11.mp3Media:aatrox.attack11_zh.mp3 Carnage... Hoooooome...
Media:aatrox.attack12.mp3Media:aatrox.attack12_zh.mp3 Hear this cursed form sing!
Media:aatrox.attack13.mp3Media:aatrox.attack13_zh.mp3 Sorrow... I shall deliver it to you.
Media:aatrox.attack14.mp3Media:aatrox.attack14_zh.mp3 I begged for death, now I am its bringer!
Media:aatrox.attack15.mp3Media:aatrox.attack15_zh.mp3 I am the god killer!
Media:aatrox.attack16.mp3Media:aatrox.attack16_zh.mp3 Come!" *Grunt* "Destiny awaits!
Media:aatrox.attack17.mp3Media:aatrox.attack17_zh.mp3 You would fight me?! Come, let me show you hell!
Media:aatrox.attack18.mp3Media:aatrox.attack18_zh.mp3 Your annihilation beckons!
Media:aatrox.attack19.mp3Media:aatrox.attack19_zh.mp3 Violence... distracts me from these chains!
Media:aatrox.attack20.mp3Media:aatrox.attack20_zh.mp3 Aatrox snarls.
Media:aatrox.attack21.mp3Media:aatrox.attack21_zh.mp3 Aatrox roars.



Media:aatrox.q1.mp3Media:aatrox.q1_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.q2.mp3Media:aatrox.q2_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.q3.mp3Media:aatrox.q3_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.q4.mp3Media:aatrox.q4_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.q5.mp3Media:aatrox.q5_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.q6.mp3Media:aatrox.q6_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.


Media:aatrox.w1.mp3Media:aatrox.w1_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.w2.mp3Media:aatrox.w2_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.
Media:aatrox.w3.mp3Media:aatrox.w3_zh.mp3 Aatrox yells.


Media:aatrox.e1.mp3Media:aatrox.e1_zh.mp3 Aatrox grunts.
Media:aatrox.e2.mp3Media:aatrox.e2_zh.mp3 Aatrox grunts.



Media:aatrox.ult1.mp3Media:aatrox.ult1_zh.mp3 Fight! Or be forgotten!
Media:aatrox.ult2.mp3Media:aatrox.ult2_zh.mp3 Become... hate!
Media:aatrox.ult3.mp3Media:aatrox.ult3_zh.mp3 I offer you victory!
Media:aatrox.ult4.mp3Media:aatrox.ult4_zh.mp3 Let blood be our sacrament!
Media:aatrox.ult5.mp3Media:aatrox.ult5_zh.mp3 Follow me into destruction!
Media:aatrox.ult6.mp3Media:aatrox.ult6_zh.mp3 Aatrox roars.
Media:aatrox.ult7.mp3Media:aatrox.ult7_zh.mp3 Aatrox roars.
Media:aatrox.ult8.mp3Media:aatrox.ult8_zh.mp3 Aatrox roars.


Media:aatrox.ult1.mp3Media:aatrox.ult1_zh.mp3 Fight! Or be forgotten!
Media:aatrox.ult2.mp3Media:aatrox.ult2_zh.mp3 Become... hate!
Media:aatrox.ult3.mp3Media:aatrox.ult3_zh.mp3 I offer you victory!
Media:aatrox.ult4.mp3Media:aatrox.ult4_zh.mp3 Let blood be our sacrament!
Media:aatrox.ult5.mp3Media:aatrox.ult5_zh.mp3 Follow me into destruction!


Media:aatrox.kill1.mp3Media:aatrox.kill1_zh.mp3 This is your absolution.
Media:aatrox.kill2.mp3Media:aatrox.kill2_zh.mp3 To the end of times, I shall kill you again and again.
Media:aatrox.kill3.mp3Media:aatrox.kill3_zh.mp3 This was reckoning.
Media:aatrox.kill4.mp3Media:aatrox.kill4_zh.mp3 You die... a fool.
Media:aatrox.kill5.mp3Media:aatrox.kill5_zh.mp3 I brought you the one true gift, I brought you... death!
Media:aatrox.kill6.mp3Media:aatrox.kill6_zh.mp3 Your broken form speaks only of failure.
Media:aatrox.kill7.mp3Media:aatrox.kill7_zh.mp3 Carnage, my last joy.
Media:aatrox.kill8.mp3Media:aatrox.kill8_zh.mp3 This is the silence I seek.
Media:aatrox.kill9.mp3Media:aatrox.kill9_zh.mp3 I will have silence.
Media:aatrox.kill10.mp3Media:aatrox.kill10_zh.mp3 Resurrect! Return! So I may kill you again...
Media:aatrox.kill11.mp3Media:aatrox.kill11_zh.mp3 This is my gift to mortals.
Media:aatrox.kill12.mp3Media:aatrox.kill12_zh.mp3 I sing only in your deaths.


Media:aatrox.death1.mp3Media:aatrox.death1_zh.mp3 Aatrox groans.
Media:aatrox.death2.mp3Media:aatrox.death2_zh.mp3 Aatrox groans.
Media:aatrox.death3.mp3Media:aatrox.death3_zh.mp3 Aatrox groans.



Media:aatrox.sp6.mp3Media:aatrox.sp6_zh.mp3 Insects, you think you can kill me? Behold my curse!
Media:aatrox.sp7.mp3Media:aatrox.sp7_zh.mp3 You cannot destroy me!
Media:aatrox.sp8.mp3Media:aatrox.sp8_zh.mp3 I do not die!
Media:aatrox.sp9.mp3Media:aatrox.sp9_zh.mp3 *Grunt* Nothing can kill me!
Media:aatrox.sp10.mp3Media:aatrox.sp10_zh.mp3 I return!
Media:aatrox.sp11.mp3Media:aatrox.sp11_zh.mp3 *Laughs* Yes! Fight me!
Media:aatrox.sp12.mp3Media:aatrox.sp12_zh.mp3 I... am not a mortal!
Media:aatrox.sp13.mp3Media:aatrox.sp13_zh.mp3 Did you think you could kill me?!
Media:aatrox.sp14.mp3Media:aatrox.sp14_zh.mp3 You think you can kill me?
Media:aatrox.sp15.mp3Media:aatrox.sp15_zh.mp3 As long as life exists, as long as time has meaning, I am not done!
Media:aatrox.sp16.mp3Media:aatrox.sp16_zh.mp3 Aatrox laughs
Media:aatrox.sp17.mp3Media:aatrox.sp17_zh.mp3 Aatrox gasps.
Media:aatrox.sp18.mp3Media:aatrox.sp18_zh.mp3 Aatrox gasps.
Media:aatrox.sp19.mp3Media:aatrox.sp19_zh.mp3 Aatrox gasps.
Media:aatrox.sp20.mp3Media:aatrox.sp20_zh.mp3 Aatrox gasps.
Media:aatrox.sp21.mp3Media:aatrox.sp21_zh.mp3 Aatrox gasps, then roars.



Media:aatrox.sp1.mp3Media:aatrox.sp1_zh.mp3 Mastery? I must congratulate you, obviously your parents never had reason to.
Media:aatrox.sp2.mp3Media:aatrox.sp2_zh.mp3 Yes, your mastery is the master of masters! I am fighting... an imbecile...
Media:aatrox.sp3.mp3Media:aatrox.sp3_zh.mp3 Somehow, I doubt you've mastered self-esteem.
Media:aatrox.sp4.mp3Media:aatrox.sp4_zh.mp3 Mastery, how I idolise your greatness! Though I suspect your weapon lacks... impact.
Media:aatrox.sp5.mp3Media:aatrox.sp5_zh.mp3 Ah, mastery, well done! Now master your insignificance.


Media:aatrox.move85.mp3Media:aatrox.move85_zh.mp3 Tricks, Akali? They will not hide you from me, face your doom.
Media:aatrox.move86.mp3Media:aatrox.move86_zh.mp3 Another foolish god, even the phoenix shall end.
Media:aatrox.move87.mp3Media:aatrox.move87_zh.mp3 Scissors for legs... Okay, I thought I had seen stupid designs before... Alright, let's go.
Media:aatrox.move88.mp3Media:aatrox.move88_zh.mp3 Look at your noble courage, Darius! Now learn... despair.
Media:aatrox.move89.mp3Media:aatrox.move89_zh.mp3 You are unloved, Mundo! Now, face judgement!
Media:aatrox.move90.mp3Media:aatrox.move90_zh.mp3 I know your name, Fiora. This is not a duel you shall win.
Media:aatrox.move91.mp3Media:aatrox.move91_zh.mp3 A statue? Rock shatters as easily as bone! Come!
Media:aatrox.move92.mp3Media:aatrox.move92_zh.mp3 Guns and oranges? Are you a cliché or a joke? Come! Fight! Die!
Media:aatrox.move93.mp3Media:aatrox.move93_zh.mp3 Scream 'Demacia', Garen! Scream its name before I crush you, and it!
Media:aatrox.move94.mp3Media:aatrox.move94_zh.mp3 I kill gods, priestess. Let us continue this fight... until all things stop!
Media:aatrox.move95.mp3Media:aatrox.move95_zh.mp3 A worthy vessel! Come, Jax!
Media:aatrox.move96.mp3Media:aatrox.move96_zh.mp3 You would rush towards me, Kai'Sa? What fool would build a strategy on that idea? Come, let us begin.
Media:aatrox.move97.mp3Media:aatrox.move97_zh.mp3 Let me show you your error, Kayle! You are not worthy of ascension! You, are not worthy of the worms!
Media:aatrox.move98.mp3Media:aatrox.move98_zh.mp3 Ooh, a shadow warrior! How edgy!
Media:aatrox.move99.mp3Media:aatrox.move99_zh.mp3 I did not think my fellows weak, Rhaast! Already you disappoint me!
Media:aatrox.move100.mp3Media:aatrox.move100_zh.mp3 A lightning squirrel?" *Laughs* "Thank you! Your death will amuse me!
Media:aatrox.move101.mp3Media:aatrox.move101_zh.mp3 Are you a joke, you loud, horrible thing? I shall kill you and your steed!
Media:aatrox.move102.mp3Media:aatrox.move102_zh.mp3 Where is your head, rock thing? Where is the neck I shall sever?
Media:aatrox.move103.mp3Media:aatrox.move103_zh.mp3 Am I challenged by a tree?! Fine, let me build a pyre from you!
Media:aatrox.move104.mp3Media:aatrox.move104_zh.mp3 You would bind yourself to this realm. Morgana? Fine, let me show you the ground!
Media:aatrox.move105.mp3Media:aatrox.move105_zh.mp3 Nasus, is your wisdom enough to know your fate? I am your death!
Media:aatrox.move106.mp3Media:aatrox.move106_zh.mp3 Your noble purpose amuses me, Nautilus! Fight me, see true death!
Media:aatrox.move107.mp3Media:aatrox.move107_zh.mp3 Hail father Ornn, god of fire and forge!" *Laughs* "I am Aatrox, and I am the god killer!
Media:aatrox.move108.mp3Media:aatrox.move108_zh.mp3 Hail Pantheon! Let me hear you cry of friendship! Let me hear you scream of brotherhood!
Media:aatrox.move109.mp3Media:aatrox.move109_zh.mp3 Hail Pantheon! See the weapon I have become! Watch as you are destroyed!
Media:aatrox.move110.mp3Media:aatrox.move110_zh.mp3 Hail Pantheon! How noble and proud he carries himself! Come betrayer! Come fiend!
Media:aatrox.move111.mp3Media:aatrox.move111_zh.mp3 A bird? You would challenge me with a bird?! *Laughs* Come!
Media:aatrox.move112.mp3Media:aatrox.move112_zh.mp3 Renekton! In your madness, you know my suffering! Though I shall end yours.
Media:aatrox.move113.mp3Media:aatrox.move113_zh.mp3 Riven, dance, child! That broken blade is no match for me!
Media:aatrox.move114.mp3Media:aatrox.move114_zh.mp3 You would challenge me in a machine? You are a strange spirit, Rumble.
Media:aatrox.move115.mp3Media:aatrox.move115_zh.mp3 A spirit blade, master Shen? Test it agaist me, let me shatter your illusions!
Media:aatrox.move116.mp3Media:aatrox.move116_zh.mp3 Yes Sion! I kill even that which will not die! I end all things!
Media:aatrox.move117.mp3Media:aatrox.move117_zh.mp3 Hail the protector! Hail Taric, aspect of- get a haircut!
Media:aatrox.move118.mp3Media:aatrox.move118_zh.mp3 Cowardly spirit, how annoying you are! I will savour killing you, Teemo!
Media:aatrox.move119.mp3Media:aatrox.move119_zh.mp3 A troll king?! Come! Defend your throne, king of trolls!
Media:aatrox.move120.mp3Media:aatrox.move120_zh.mp3 Yes, Tryndamere! I am the cause of your suffering! See if you can cut justice from me!
Media:aatrox.move121.mp3Media:aatrox.move121_zh.mp3 I wait for you, Tryndamere! Come, take your vengeance!
Media:aatrox.move122.mp3Media:aatrox.move122_zh.mp3 Remember the screams of your kinsmen as you fall to me, Tryndamere!
Media:aatrox.move123.mp3Media:aatrox.move123_zh.mp3 Rage? You are just flesh, Tryndamere, ready for harvesting!
Media:aatrox.move124.mp3Media:aatrox.move124_zh.mp3 You would end worlds? As a bow?!
Media:aatrox.move125.mp3Media:aatrox.move125_zh.mp3 I will not send you to death, Yorick! I bring oblivion!
Media:aatrox.move126.mp3Media:aatrox.move126_zh.mp3 I know it was you, trickster! You gave them the tools to trap me! Come, let me kill you! A thousand times isn't enough!


Media:aatrox.move1.mp3Media:aatrox.move1_zh.mp3 Pantheon, I see you! Like a lamprey you attach yourself to a host!

I will carve you from this mortal's form, and eviscerate you both!

Media:aatrox.move2.mp3Media:aatrox.move2_zh.mp3 Pantheon! I will crush your godhood, I will eviscerate your ideals, even your memory... I will trample!
Media:aatrox.move3.mp3Media:aatrox.move3_zh.mp3 Targon sends an aspect against me? Prepare yourself, Pantheon, I will end all that you hope to be!


Media:aatrox.kill13.mp3Media:aatrox.kill13_zh.mp3 I do not need to show my mastery, it is self-evident.
Media:aatrox.kill14.mp3Media:aatrox.kill14_zh.mp3 Resurrection, an endless cycle of life... A dead bird.
Media:aatrox.kill15.mp3Media:aatrox.kill15_zh.mp3 What foolish plan bore a woman such as you, Camille? You were a folly, crafted by an idiot.
Media:aatrox.kill16.mp3Media:aatrox.kill16_zh.mp3 The axe suited you, Darius, the weapon of a simpleton!
Media:aatrox.kill17.mp3Media:aatrox.kill17_zh.mp3 I expected you to be nimble, Fiora. Too easily, my blade crushed your spine.
Media:aatrox.kill18.mp3Media:aatrox.kill18_zh.mp3 Yo ho, Gangplank, yo ho.
Media:aatrox.kill19.mp3Media:aatrox.kill19_zh.mp3 Demacia! *Laughs* Whatever 'Demacia' is, I will slay it next!
Media:aatrox.kill20.mp3Media:aatrox.kill20_zh.mp3 In time I will learn how to kill even your god, Illaoi!
Media:aatrox.kill21.mp3Media:aatrox.kill21_zh.mp3 I cannot know if I was corrupted by the void, but at least my choices were not asinine.
Media:aatrox.kill22.mp3Media:aatrox.kill22_zh.mp3 Die, Kayle, knowing your potential will never be reached.
Media:aatrox.kill23.mp3Media:aatrox.kill23_zh.mp3 I cannot have brotherhood with incompetence.
Media:aatrox.kill24.mp3Media:aatrox.kill24_zh.mp3 What is property? Why did this dead hamster want me off of it?
Media:aatrox.kill25.mp3Media:aatrox.kill25_zh.mp3 I kill mountains, Malphite! Dumb piles of rocks!
Media:aatrox.kill26.mp3Media:aatrox.kill26_zh.mp3 Hear me, tree spirit. Your form is but kindling, and your forests I will burn!
Media:aatrox.kill27.mp3Media:aatrox.kill27_zh.mp3 You disgust me, Morgana. Die in the filth of your bound flesh!
Media:aatrox.kill28.mp3Media:aatrox.kill28_zh.mp3 Yes, Shurima was meant to fall, Nasus, as were you!
Media:aatrox.kill29.mp3Media:aatrox.kill29_zh.mp3 Journey back to the deep!
Media:aatrox.kill30.mp3Media:aatrox.kill30_zh.mp3 Ornn, like all gods, you disappoint!
Media:aatrox.kill31.mp3Media:aatrox.kill31_zh.mp3 Pantheon, you crawl forward like a worm! Ready to be squashed again?
Media:aatrox.kill32.mp3Media:aatrox.kill32_zh.mp3 Now your body matches your blade, Riven: broken and worthless!
Media:aatrox.kill33.mp3Media:aatrox.kill33_zh.mp3 Die, Shen, knowing the Eye of the Twilight is blinded and plucked.
Media:aatrox.kill34.mp3Media:aatrox.kill34_zh.mp3 You fought to live, Sion, yet it is I who am still alive. This at least amuses.
Media:aatrox.kill35.mp3Media:aatrox.kill35_zh.mp3 Lord of starlight, lord of hair! I trample on your corpse, Taric! I spit on your aspect's purpose!
Media:aatrox.kill36.mp3Media:aatrox.kill36_zh.mp3 A spirit for cowards, I laugh at your tricks and mushrooms!
Media:aatrox.kill37.mp3Media:aatrox.kill37_zh.mp3 I thought you my next vessel, Tryndamere. Pity, you failed even to become a slave.
Media:aatrox.kill38.mp3Media:aatrox.kill38_zh.mp3 Return again to your prison, Varus. Think upon your worthlessness!
Media:aatrox.kill39.mp3Media:aatrox.kill39_zh.mp3 Honestly, a bow and two boys? What was your plan, Varus?
Media:aatrox.kill40.mp3Media:aatrox.kill40_zh.mp3 How I loathe your freedom, trickster! I will take this vengeance upon you, until the end of times!


Media:aatrox.attack22.mp3Media:aatrox.attack22_zh.mp3 I come for you, Pantheon.
Media:aatrox.attack23.mp3Media:aatrox.attack23_zh.mp3 The power of an aspect, wasted on a fool!
Media:aatrox.attack24.mp3Media:aatrox.attack24_zh.mp3 I killed your tribe. Now, join them!
Media:aatrox.attack25.mp3Media:aatrox.attack25_zh.mp3 Tryndamere! This is your destiny!
Media:aatrox.attack26.mp3Media:aatrox.attack26_zh.mp3 I will gut you, and tear you from existence, trickster!
Media:aatrox.attack27.mp3Media:aatrox.attack27_zh.mp3 Aspect of change! Now you die!


Media:aatrox.taunt4.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt4_zh.mp3 A scythe? A scythe?! Are you planning on murdering fields of wheat?!
Media:aatrox.taunt5.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt5_zh.mp3 I chose a sword, the noblest weapon, Rhaast. You- seriously I don't understand... Were you trapped in the gardening section?
Media:aatrox.taunt6.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt6_zh.mp3 We all agreed on the double 'A' thing, Varus. The double 'A' thing!
Media:aatrox.taunt7.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt7_zh.mp3 Varus, 'V' 'A' 'R' 'U' 'S', your name should have an 'A' and then another 'A', Varus. There was a memo, Varus, there was a memo!
Media:aatrox.taunt8.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt8_zh.mp3 I will find a way to tear down the heavens and reveal you as fiends! Not today obviously...
Media:aatrox.taunt9.mp3Media:aatrox.taunt9_zh.mp3 Do I resemble you, abomination? Your form isn't my destiny... is it? You don't know how to talk, do you? Shit...




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好想做佐伊小姐的狗啊 哈哈哈哈哈哈↗