目前语音维基上有2057个页面。 在上方输入您想创建的页面名称或单击以下标题之一,即可开始撰写!



第1行: 第1行:
== 选择英雄 ==
== 选择英雄 ==
{{OWVoiceTable|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064BD9.0B2|en1=Our tale continues in Adlersbrunn...|zh1=故事回到了阿德勒斯布鲁恩……}}
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=000000064AA9.0B2|en1=An outlaw on the hunt for wealth and treasure.|zh1=一名逃犯,她的黑暗魔法曾是阿德勒斯布鲁恩的希望。
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064AAB.0B2|en2=A butcher, who dealt in death and cadavers.|zh2=一名屠夫,整日与死亡和尸骸打交道。
|hero3=Witch Kiriko|file3=000000064AA8.0B2|en3=A fortune teller, forever haunted by the future.|zh3=一位占卜师,未来的景象纠缠着她,永无止境。
|hero4=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file4=000000064AAA.0B2|en4=A sleuth, who faced more questions than answers.|zh4=一位神探,她找到的谜团比真相更多。
== 开场白 ==
== 开场白 ==
{{OWVoiceTable|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000065426.0B2|en1=Not long ago, four heroes slew the mad Doctor Junkenstein and saved the lord of the castle. Tonight, in zomnic-haunted streets beneath the full moon glow, four more heroes would face a new peril. They would suffer the Wrath of the Bride.|zh1=不久之前,四名英雄消灭了疯狂的弗兰狂斯鼠博士,拯救了城堡领主。今晚,满月的辉光洒在遍布机械僵尸的街道上,又有四位英雄将要面临新的危机。等待她们的便是新娘之怒。}}
*The Narrator: Not long ago, four heroes slew the mad Doctor Junkenstein and saved the lord of the castle. Tonight, in zomnic-haunted streets beneath the full moon glow, four more heroes would face a new peril. They would suffer the Wrath of the Bride.
== 打破挡板 ==
== 打破挡板 ==
第10行: 第19行:
== 在旅店会合 ==
== 在旅店会合 ==
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=000000064A98.0B2|en1=Glad to see other survivors!|zh1=太好了,终于见到其他幸存者了!
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=000000064A98.0B2|en1=Glad to see other survivors!|zh1=太好了,终于见到其他幸存者了!
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064A97.0B2|en2=We won't last long out here. Let's get inside and figure this out.|zh2=在外面待着太危险了,我们还是进去研究一下情况吧。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064A97.0B2|en2=We won't last long out here. Let's get inside and figure this out.|zh2=在外面待着太危险了,我们还是进去研究一下情况吧。
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=0000000646A8.0B2|en1=You're a sleuth, huh? What case are you on?|zh1=你是个神探,对吗?在探什么案子?
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=0000000646A8.0B2|en1=You're a sleuth, huh? What case are you on?|zh1=你是个神探,对吗?在探什么案子?
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=0000000646A7.0B2|en2=Right now? The Case of "What The Hell's Going On In This Town".|zh2=现在吗?在探“这座镇子到底闹了什么鬼名堂”的案子。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=0000000646A7.0B2|en2=Right now? The Case of "What The Hell's Going On In This Town".|zh2=现在吗?在探“这座镇子到底闹了什么鬼名堂”的案子。
|hero3=Kiriko|file3=0000000648D9.0B2|en3=I'd try a shorter title.|zh3=我可不会把名字起这么长。
|hero3=Witch Kiriko|file3=0000000648D9.0B2|en3=I'd try a shorter title.|zh3=我可不会把名字起这么长。
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=0000000646A9.0B2|en1=What brings a fortune teller to Adlersbrunn?|zh1=你一个占卜师,来阿德勒斯布鲁恩做什么?
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=0000000646A9.0B2|en1=What brings a fortune teller to Adlersbrunn?|zh1=你一个占卜师,来阿德勒斯布鲁恩做什么?
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=0000000646AA.0B2|en2=People like to know what's coming. With this town's luck, I can see why.|zh2=人人都想知道未来会怎样。见识了这座镇子的运势,我也能理解了。
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=0000000646AA.0B2|en2=People like to know what's coming. With this town's luck, I can see why.|zh2=人人都想知道未来会怎样。见识了这座镇子的运势,我也能理解了。
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=0000000646AE.0B2|en1=You've been through Adlersbrunn before, right?|zh1=你以前是不是来过阿德勒斯布鲁恩?
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=0000000646AE.0B2|en1=You've been through Adlersbrunn before, right?|zh1=你以前是不是来过阿德勒斯布鲁恩?
|hero2=Ashe|file2=0000000646AF.0B2|en2=Once or twice.|zh2=也就一两回吧。
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=0000000646AF.0B2|en2=Once or twice.|zh2=也就一两回吧。
|hero3=Kiriko|file3=0000000646B1.0B2|en3=Ever cross paths with a swordmaster?|zh3=有没有遇到过一位剑术大师?
|hero3=Witch Kiriko|file3=0000000646B1.0B2|en3=Ever cross paths with a swordmaster?|zh3=有没有遇到过一位剑术大师?
|hero4=Kiriko|file4=0000000646B0.0B2|en4=Ever cross paths with an archer?|zh4=有没有遇到过一位弓箭手?
|hero4=Witch Kiriko|file4=0000000646B0.0B2|en4=Ever cross paths with an archer?|zh4=有没有遇到过一位弓箭手?
|hero5=Ashe|file5=0000000646B2.0B2|en5=I steer clear of trouble like him.|zh5=我可不会跟他那种扫把星摊上关系。
|hero5=Warlock Ashe|file5=0000000646B2.0B2|en5=I steer clear of trouble like him.|zh5=我可不会跟他那种扫把星摊上关系。
|hero1=Ashe|file1=0000000646B7.0B2|en1=This place looks just as bad as the last time I passed through.|zh1=这地方比我上次过来的时候更惨了。
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=0000000646B7.0B2|en1=This place looks just as bad as the last time I passed through.|zh1=这地方比我上次过来的时候更惨了。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=0000000646B8.0B2|en2=Is this town always in trouble when you're here?|zh2=所以说只要你一来,麻烦也跟着来了?
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=0000000646B8.0B2|en2=Is this town always in trouble when you're here?|zh2=所以说只要你一来,麻烦也跟着来了?
|hero3=Ashe|file3=0000000646B9.0B2|en3=Unless that's an accusation, stop wasting my time.|zh3=你要么就大大方方地指控我,要么就别浪费我的时间。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=0000000646B9.0B2|en3=Unless that's an accusation, stop wasting my time.|zh3=你要么就大大方方地指控我,要么就别浪费我的时间。
第39行: 第48行:
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=000000064C1B.0B2|en1=Are you all hearing this?|zh1=你们都听到了吗?
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=000000064C1B.0B2|en1=Are you all hearing this?|zh1=你们都听到了吗?
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=000000064C2C.0B2|en2=Ugh! Will someone shut that racket up?|zh2=呃!谁去把那破玩意关了?
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064C2C.0B2|en2=Ugh! Will someone shut that racket up?|zh2=呃!谁去把那破玩意关了?
|hero3=Ashe|file3=000000064C2B.0B2|en3=Can't hear myself think with that radio blaring.|zh3=那个收音机吵得我脑袋嗡嗡叫。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=000000064C2B.0B2|en3=Can't hear myself think with that radio blaring.|zh3=那个收音机吵得我脑袋嗡嗡叫。
== 查看收音机 ==
== 查看收音机 ==
|hero1=The Radio|file1=000000064C1C.0B2|en1=The castle has fallen. Approach at your own peril.|zh1=城堡已经陷落了。你们离末日更近了一步。
|hero1=The Radio|file1=000000064C1C.0B2|en1=The castle has fallen. Approach at your own peril.|zh1=城堡已经陷落了。你们离末日更近了一步。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=0000000643FB.0B2|en2=These messages... I hope everyone got out safe.|zh2=这些消息……但愿大家都平安逃出来了。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=0000000643FB.0B2|en2=These messages... I hope everyone got out safe.|zh2=这些消息……但愿大家都平安逃出来了。
|hero3=Kiriko|file3=0000000643FC.0B2|en3=Does anyone know what's going on here?|zh3=有人知道这里发生了什么吗?
|hero3=Witch Kiriko|file3=0000000643FC.0B2|en3=Does anyone know what's going on here?|zh3=有人知道这里发生了什么吗?
|hero4=Ashe|file4=0000000648AF.0B2|en4=I'd bet these zomnics have something to do with the lord of the castle… and Doctor Junkenstein, no doubt.|zh4=我敢说这些机械僵尸跟城堡领主脱不了关系……弗兰狂斯鼠博士肯定也有份。
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=0000000648AF.0B2|en4=I'd bet these zomnics have something to do with the lord of the castle… and Doctor Junkenstein, no doubt.|zh4=我敢说这些机械僵尸跟城堡领主脱不了关系……弗兰狂斯鼠博士肯定也有份。
|hero5=Junker Queen|file5=0000000648B0.0B2|en5=What are we waiting for? Let's get to the castle and chop that doctor to bits!|zh5=那咱们还等什么呢?赶紧去城堡剁了那个博士吧!
|hero5=Butcher Junker Queen|file5=0000000648B0.0B2|en5=What are we waiting for? Let's get to the castle and chop that doctor to bits!|zh5=那咱们还等什么呢?赶紧去城堡剁了那个博士吧!
|hero1=Ashe|file1=000000064718.0B2|en1=If I'm not mistaken, you knew that crackpot doctor?|zh1=没记错的话,你认识那个怪博士?
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=000000064718.0B2|en1=If I'm not mistaken, you knew that crackpot doctor?|zh1=没记错的话,你认识那个怪博士?
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=000000064716.0B2|en2='Course! He paid through the nose for my carcasses. Dunno why.|zh2=那当然!他花了大价钱从我那儿买尸体。鬼知道他怎么想的。
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064716.0B2|en2='Course! He paid through the nose for my carcasses. Dunno why.|zh2=那当然!他花了大价钱从我那儿买尸体。鬼知道他怎么想的。
|hero3=Ashe|file3=000000064717.0B2|en3=When a mad scientist asks to buy your corpses, you say no.|zh3=碰上找你买尸体的疯狂科学家,就该果断拒绝他。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=000000064717.0B2|en3=When a mad scientist asks to buy your corpses, you say no.|zh3=碰上找你买尸体的疯狂科学家,就该果断拒绝他。
第64行: 第73行:
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=0000000646AD.0B2|en1=So... how do you earn a name like the Butcher?|zh1=话说……你这个“屠夫”的名号是怎么来的?
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=0000000646AD.0B2|en1=So... how do you earn a name like the Butcher?|zh1=话说……你这个“屠夫”的名号是怎么来的?
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=0000000646AC.0B2|en2=By butcherin'! Not quick for a sleuth, are ya?|zh2=当然是干屠宰得来的!你一个神探连这都要问?
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=0000000646AC.0B2|en2=By butcherin'! Not quick for a sleuth, are ya?|zh2=当然是干屠宰得来的!你一个神探连这都要问?
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=0000000646AB.0B2|en3=Never hurts to ask.|zh3=问问又不会怎么着。
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=0000000646AB.0B2|en3=Never hurts to ask.|zh3=问问又不会怎么着。
|hero1=Ashe|file1=0000000648BC.0B2|en1=Don't reckon you can see if we survive the night?|zh1=我们能不能活过今晚,你预测得出来吗?
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=0000000648BC.0B2|en1=Don't reckon you can see if we survive the night?|zh1=我们能不能活过今晚,你预测得出来吗?
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=0000000648BD.0B2|en2=Something's clouding my sight. Can't predict much of anything right now.|zh2=我的灵视受到了干扰。现在什么都预言不了。
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=0000000648BD.0B2|en2=Something's clouding my sight. Can't predict much of anything right now.|zh2=我的灵视受到了干扰。现在什么都预言不了。
|hero3=Ashe|file3=0000000648BE.0B2|en3=Hmph. 'Course not.|zh3=哼。我就知道。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=0000000648BE.0B2|en3=Hmph. 'Course not.|zh3=哼。我就知道。
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=0000000648B6.0B2|en1=Oi, Fortune Teller! How many armies is it gonna take to kill me?|zh1=喂,占卜师!为了杀我到底费了多少大军?
|hero1=Butcher Junker Queen|file1=0000000648B6.0B2|en1=Oi, Fortune Teller! How many armies is it gonna take to kill me?|zh1=喂,占卜师!为了杀我到底费了多少大军?
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=0000000648B7.0B2|en2=Actually, you die peacefully of old age.|zh2=其实,你是安详地老死的。
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=0000000648B7.0B2|en2=Actually, you die peacefully of old age.|zh2=其实,你是安详地老死的。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=0000000648B5.0B2|en3=(Shocked) You take that back!|zh3=(震惊)把那句话给我收回去!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=0000000648B5.0B2|en3=(Shocked) You take that back!|zh3=(震惊)把那句话给我收回去!
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=0000000648B3.0B2|en1=You really think Junkenstein's behind this?|zh1=你真觉得是弗兰狂斯鼠在背后搞鬼?
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=0000000648B3.0B2|en1=You really think Junkenstein's behind this?|zh1=你真觉得是弗兰狂斯鼠在背后搞鬼?
|hero2=Ashe|file2=0000000648B4.0B2|en2=Wouldn't be the first time he clawed his way out of the grave.|zh2=这也不是他第一回从坟墓里钻出来了。
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=0000000648B4.0B2|en2=Wouldn't be the first time he clawed his way out of the grave.|zh2=这也不是他第一回从坟墓里钻出来了。
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=0000000648D8.0B2|en3=Let's be sure to close his case this time.|zh3=这次得把他的案子彻底结掉。
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=0000000648D8.0B2|en3=Let's be sure to close his case this time.|zh3=这次得把他的案子彻底结掉。
== 找到钥匙并打开城墙大门 ==
== 找到钥匙并打开城墙大门 ==
|hero1=Ashe|file1=0000000646B5.0B2|en1=Door's locked. Won't get to the castle without a key.|zh1=大门锁上了。没有钥匙可进不了城堡。
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=0000000646B5.0B2|en1=Door's locked. Won't get to the castle without a key.|zh1=大门锁上了。没有钥匙可进不了城堡。
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=0000000646B6.0B2|en2=It's locked! Need a key to get to the castle.|zh2=锁住了!想进城堡,得先弄把钥匙。
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=0000000646B6.0B2|en2=It's locked! Need a key to get to the castle.|zh2=锁住了!想进城堡,得先弄把钥匙。
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=0000000646B3.0B2|en3=Locked. Not getting to the castle without a key.|zh3=门锁住了。没有钥匙,就进不了城堡。
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=0000000646B3.0B2|en3=Locked. Not getting to the castle without a key.|zh3=门锁住了。没有钥匙,就进不了城堡。
|hero4=Kiriko|file4=0000000646B4.0B2|en4=My sight tells me it's somewhere nearby.|zh4=我用灵视看到,钥匙就在这附近。
|hero4=Witch Kiriko|file4=0000000646B4.0B2|en4=My sight tells me it's somewhere nearby.|zh4=我用灵视看到,钥匙就在这附近。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=0000000648A0.0B2|en1=The dreadful Banshee lunged out of the screaming gales and snatched the key from the hero's hands.|zh1=可怕的女妖从狂风中呼啸而出,一把夺走了英雄们手中的钥匙。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=0000000648A0.0B2|en1=The dreadful Banshee lunged out of the screaming gales and snatched the key from the hero's hands.|zh1=可怕的女妖从狂风中呼啸而出,一把夺走了英雄们手中的钥匙。
|hero2=Ashe|file2=000000064C3F.0B2|en2=Drop that now or I'll give you something to wail about!|zh2=赶紧给我放下,不然我让你叫个够!
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=000000064C3F.0B2|en2=Drop that now or I'll give you something to wail about!|zh2=赶紧给我放下,不然我让你叫个够!
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064A99.0B2|en1=As the wind swept away the Banshee's remains, a haunting voice filled the minds of the heroes.|zh1=女妖飘散在风里,一个声音回荡在英雄们的脑海中。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064A99.0B2|en1=As the wind swept away the Banshee's remains, a haunting voice filled the minds of the heroes.|zh1=女妖飘散在风里,一个声音回荡在英雄们的脑海中。
|hero2=Sombra|file2=000000064872.0B2|en2=I expected more from my Banshee friend.|zh2=啧啧啧,还以为我的女妖朋友会更厉害点儿呢。
|hero2=Bride Sombra|file2=000000064872.0B2|en2=I expected more from my Banshee friend.|zh2=啧啧啧,还以为我的女妖朋友会更厉害点儿呢。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000064715.0B2|en3=Hey! Who's yapping in my head?|zh3=嘿!是谁在我脑子里吵吵?
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064715.0B2|en3=Hey! Who's yapping in my head?|zh3=嘿!是谁在我脑子里吵吵?
|hero4=Sombra|file4=000000064873.0B2|en4=Do yourselves a favor. Stay away from the castle... or else.|zh4=劝你们好自为之,别来城堡惹事……不然嘛……
|hero4=Bride Sombra|file4=000000064873.0B2|en4=Do yourselves a favor. Stay away from the castle... or else.|zh4=劝你们好自为之,别来城堡惹事……不然嘛……
|hero5=Sojourn|file5=0000000646BA.0B2|en5=Guess we found our culprit.|zh5=看来罪魁祸首已经现身了。
|hero5=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file5=0000000646BA.0B2|en5=Guess we found our culprit.|zh5=看来罪魁祸首已经现身了。
|hero6=Ashe|file6=0000000646BB.0B2|en6=Now to put a stop to her.|zh6=接下来就该阻止她了。
|hero6=Warlock Ashe|file6=0000000646BB.0B2|en6=Now to put a stop to her.|zh6=接下来就该阻止她了。
== 穿过城墙 ==
== 穿过城墙 ==
|hero1=Ashe|file1=000000064401.0B2|en1=Castle should be up this way.|zh1=从这儿上去应该就是城堡了。
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=000000064401.0B2|en1=Castle should be up this way.|zh1=从这儿上去应该就是城堡了。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064402.0B2|en2=Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?|zh2=你们感觉到了吗?好像有人在盯着我们。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064402.0B2|en2=Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?|zh2=你们感觉到了吗?好像有人在盯着我们。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000064403.0B2|en3=Yeah, and I don't take kindly to people lookin' at me!|zh3=是么,敢盯着我看的可没有好果子吃!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064403.0B2|en3=Yeah, and I don't take kindly to people lookin' at me!|zh3=是么,敢盯着我看的可没有好果子吃!
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=000000064A9A.0B2|en1=Something is coming! Above us!|zh1=有东西来了!就在头顶!
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=000000064A9A.0B2|en1=Something is coming! Above us!|zh1=有东西来了!就在头顶!
== 击败石像鬼 ==
== 击败石像鬼 ==
第120行: 第129行:
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=0000000648C0.0B2|en1=These zombots don't scare me!|zh1=这些铁皮僵尸吓不倒我!
|hero1=Butcher Junker Queen|file1=0000000648C0.0B2|en1=These zombots don't scare me!|zh1=这些铁皮僵尸吓不倒我!
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=0000000648C1.0B2|en2=What about the one behind you?|zh2=那你背后的东西呢?
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=0000000648C1.0B2|en2=What about the one behind you?|zh2=那你背后的东西呢?
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=0000000648C2.0B2|en3=If you're tryin'ta make me turn my back so you can kill me and sell my corpse, it won't work!|zh3=你是想趁我转过身的时候宰了我,拿我的尸体卖钱吗?想得挺美!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=0000000648C2.0B2|en3=If you're tryin'ta make me turn my back so you can kill me and sell my corpse, it won't work!|zh3=你是想趁我转过身的时候宰了我,拿我的尸体卖钱吗?想得挺美!
|hero4=Kiriko|file4=0000000648BF.0B2|en4=Drat. You got me.|zh4=见鬼,被你发现了。
|hero4=Witch Kiriko|file4=0000000648BF.0B2|en4=Drat. You got me.|zh4=见鬼,被你发现了。
第129行: 第138行:
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064AA6.0B2|en1=The gargoyles crumbled, and the strange voice spoke once more.|zh1=随着石像鬼纷纷化为碎屑,那个奇怪的声音再一次响起。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064AA6.0B2|en1=The gargoyles crumbled, and the strange voice spoke once more.|zh1=随着石像鬼纷纷化为碎屑,那个奇怪的声音再一次响起。
|hero2=Sombra|file2=0000000648A5.0B2|en2=Aw, you killed my favorite pets!|zh2=噢,你们害死了我心爱的宠物!
|hero2=Bride Sombra|file2=0000000648A5.0B2|en2=Aw, you killed my favorite pets!|zh2=噢,你们害死了我心爱的宠物!
|hero3=Kiriko|file3=0000000648A6.0B2|en3=You aren't the doctor. Who are you?|zh3=你不是博士。你是谁?
|hero3=Witch Kiriko|file3=0000000648A6.0B2|en3=You aren't the doctor. Who are you?|zh3=你不是博士。你是谁?
|hero4=Sombra|file4=0000000648A7.0B2|en4=A grieving widow.|zh4=我是悲伤的寡妇。
|hero4=Bride Sombra|file4=0000000648A7.0B2|en4=A grieving widow.|zh4=我是悲伤的寡妇。
|hero5=Junker Queen|file5=0000000648A8.0B2|en5=(gasp) You're the Bride of Jinkenstone!|zh5=(吸气)你就是腐烂狂死鼠的新娘!
|hero5=Butcher Junker Queen|file5=0000000648A8.0B2|en5=(gasp) You're the Bride of Jinkenstone!|zh5=(吸气)你就是腐烂狂死鼠的新娘!
|hero6=Sombra|file6=0000000648A9.0B2|en6=Ay, Seriously? I blocked the path to the castle, so this is where your tale ends.|zh6=唉,认真的?通往城堡的道路已经被我封上了,你们的故事到此为止。
|hero6=Bride Sombra|file6=0000000648A9.0B2|en6=Ay, Seriously? I blocked the path to the castle, so this is where your tale ends.|zh6=唉,认真的?通往城堡的道路已经被我封上了,你们的故事到此为止。
|hero7=Ashe|file7=000000064406.0B2|en7=Reckon I know another way through. Let's get to the dungeon.|zh7=我知道另一条路。我们去地下城吧。
|hero7=Warlock Ashe|file7=000000064406.0B2|en7=Reckon I know another way through. Let's get to the dungeon.|zh7=我知道另一条路。我们去地下城吧。
== 找到隐藏的拉杆 ==
== 找到隐藏的拉杆 ==
|hero1=Ashe|file1=0000000646BC.0B2|en1=Should be a lever 'round here that'll open the secret passage.|zh1=附近应该有个能打开密道的拉杆。
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=0000000646BC.0B2|en1=Should be a lever 'round here that'll open the secret passage.|zh1=附近应该有个能打开密道的拉杆。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=0000000646BD.0B2|en2=Do I want to ask how you know about this?|zh2=能不能问问你是怎么知道这些的?
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=0000000646BD.0B2|en2=Do I want to ask how you know about this?|zh2=能不能问问你是怎么知道这些的?
|hero3=Ashe|file3=0000000646BE.0B2|en3=There ain't a prison around that could keep me locked up. Now get pullin'.|zh3=世上没有哪座监狱能关得住我。赶紧拉拉杆吧。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=0000000646BE.0B2|en3=There ain't a prison around that could keep me locked up. Now get pullin'.|zh3=世上没有哪座监狱能关得住我。赶紧拉拉杆吧。
第147行: 第156行:
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=0000000648B9.0B2|en1=How'd you end up an outlaw?|zh1=你是怎么变成逃犯的?
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=0000000648B9.0B2|en1=How'd you end up an outlaw?|zh1=你是怎么变成逃犯的?
|hero2=Ashe|file2=0000000648BA.0B2|en2=The close-minded folks out west don't take kindly to conjurers.|zh2=西部那帮死脑筋不喜欢我这种念咒的。
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=0000000648BA.0B2|en2=The close-minded folks out west don't take kindly to conjurers.|zh2=西部那帮死脑筋不喜欢我这种念咒的。
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=0000000648BB.0B2|en3=Is that so?|zh3=真的吗?
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=0000000648BB.0B2|en3=Is that so?|zh3=真的吗?
|hero4=Ashe|file4=0000000648B8.0B2|en4=And maybe I made a town's gold disappear. Happy?|zh4=也可能是因为我把一座镇子里的黄金都变没了。满意了吗?
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=0000000648B8.0B2|en4=And maybe I made a town's gold disappear. Happy?|zh4=也可能是因为我把一座镇子里的黄金都变没了。满意了吗?
== 在梦魇中存活 ==
== 在梦魇中存活 ==
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=000000064474.0B2|en1=Are we... dreaming?|zh1=我们这是在……做梦吗?
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=000000064474.0B2|en1=Are we... dreaming?|zh1=我们这是在……做梦吗?
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=000000064475.0B2|en2=Feels more like a bloody nightmare!|zh2=我看做的纯粹是噩梦!
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064475.0B2|en2=Feels more like a bloody nightmare!|zh2=我看做的纯粹是噩梦!
== 抵达城堡 ==
== 抵达城堡 ==
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064AA7.0B2|en1=Though the Marionette's nightmare ended, the Bride still haunted the heroes.|zh1=尽管提线木偶的梦魇不复存在,新娘的幽影依然纠缠着英雄们……
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064AA7.0B2|en1=Though the Marionette's nightmare ended, the Bride still haunted the heroes.|zh1=尽管提线木偶的梦魇不复存在,新娘的幽影依然纠缠着英雄们……
|hero2=Sombra|file2=0000000648AB.0B2|en2=I was hoping you wouldn't wake up.|zh2=要是你们没醒来就好了。
|hero2=Bride Sombra|file2=0000000648AB.0B2|en2=I was hoping you wouldn't wake up.|zh2=要是你们没醒来就好了。
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=000000064409.0B2|en3=What have you done with the lord of the castle?|zh3=你对城堡领主做了什么?
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=000000064409.0B2|en3=What have you done with the lord of the castle?|zh3=你对城堡领主做了什么?
|hero4=Sombra|file4=0000000648AA.0B2|en4=I have plans for him. And now, I have plans for you too.|zh4=我对他自有安排。至于现在,我也给你们安排了一些事情。
|hero4=Bride Sombra|file4=0000000648AA.0B2|en4=I have plans for him. And now, I have plans for you too.|zh4=我对他自有安排。至于现在,我也给你们安排了一些事情。
== 击败城堡守卫 ==
== 击败城堡守卫 ==
第170行: 第179行:
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=0000000646C2.0B2|en1=The Summoner? She was... dead, wasn't she?|zh1=召唤师?她不是……早就死了吗?
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=0000000646C2.0B2|en1=The Summoner? She was... dead, wasn't she?|zh1=召唤师?她不是……早就死了吗?
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064BEB.0B2|en2=Seems the Bride stoked her back to life.|zh2=可能是新娘复活了她。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064BEB.0B2|en2=Seems the Bride stoked her back to life.|zh2=可能是新娘复活了她。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=0000000646C1.0B2|en3=Well she's dead again now. And the Bride's next, once we bust through this door!|zh3=反正她现在又挂了。等咱们砸了这扇门,下一个就要新娘的命!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=0000000646C1.0B2|en3=Well she's dead again now. And the Bride's next, once we bust through this door!|zh3=反正她现在又挂了。等咱们砸了这扇门,下一个就要新娘的命!
|hero4=Ashe|file4=000000064BD8.0B2|en4=Step aside, gals. My dynamite will burn this door to the ground.|zh4=都靠边站,姑娘们。我的炸药会把这扇门烧得渣都不剩。
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=000000064BD8.0B2|en4=Step aside, gals. My dynamite will burn this door to the ground.|zh4=都靠边站,姑娘们。我的炸药会把这扇门烧得渣都不剩。
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=000000064BE5.0B2|en1=(Exasperated) What's takin' you so long with that dynamite, Outlaw?|zh1=(恼怒)这都半天了,逃犯,你的炸药到底还放不放?
|hero1=Butcher Junker Queen|file1=000000064BE5.0B2|en1=*Exasperated* What's takin' you so long with that dynamite, Outlaw?|zh1=*恼怒*这都半天了,逃犯,你的炸药到底还放不放?
|hero2=Ashe|file2=000000064BE6.0B2|en2=(Frustrated) I'm workin' on it!|zh2=(懊恼)我在弄了!
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=000000064BE6.0B2|en2=*Frustrated* I'm workin' on it!|zh2=*懊恼*我在弄了!
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=000000064BE9.0B2|en1=Waiting on that dynamite, Outlaw!|zh1=等你的炸药呢,逃犯!
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=000000064BE9.0B2|en1=Waiting on that dynamite, Outlaw!|zh1=等你的炸药呢,逃犯!
|hero2=Ashe|file2=000000064BEA.0B2|en2=All right! Just hold your horses!|zh2=知道了!急什么急!
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=000000064BEA.0B2|en2=All right! Just hold your horses!|zh2=知道了!急什么急!
第191行: 第200行:
== 找到城堡领主 ==
== 找到城堡领主 ==
|hero1=Sombra|file1=0000000648B1.0B2|en1=Oh, you've finally made it. I'll have my butler show you in. (chuckle)|zh1=喔,你们可算来了。我这就让管家带你们进来。(冷笑)
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=0000000648B1.0B2|en1=Oh, you've finally made it. I'll have my butler show you in. (chuckle)|zh1=喔,你们可算来了。我这就让管家带你们进来。(冷笑)
|hero2=Ashe|file2=0000000646EE.0B2|en2=Stay away from that thing, unless you wanna be in a world of hurt!|zh2=要是不想被痛苦淹没,就离那东西远点!
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=0000000646EE.0B2|en2=Stay away from that thing, unless you wanna be in a world of hurt!|zh2=要是不想被痛苦淹没,就离那东西远点!
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=000000064A5C.0B2|en1=Her butler's back for revenge!|zh1=她的管家回来复仇了!
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064A67.0B2|en2=Why's everyone want revenge on us? We didn't do anything.|zh2=为啥全都来找我们复仇?我们明明什么都没干。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=000000064A62.0B2|en3=Speak for yourself.|zh3=我可不觉得。
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=0000000646EC.0B2|en1=You never mentioned the castle is haunted.|zh1=你之前可没说过城堡里在闹鬼。
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=0000000646EC.0B2|en1=You never mentioned the castle is haunted.|zh1=你之前可没说过城堡里在闹鬼。
|hero2=Ashe|file2=0000000646ED.0B2|en2=Ever seen one that wasn't?|zh2=哪有不闹鬼的城堡?
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=0000000646ED.0B2|en2=Ever seen one that wasn't?|zh2=哪有不闹鬼的城堡?
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=0000000646EB.0B2|en3=Stay focused. That ghost could be back any minute.|zh3=别闹了。刚才的鬼魂随时都有可能回来。
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=0000000646EB.0B2|en3=Stay focused. That ghost could be back any minute.|zh3=别闹了。刚才的鬼魂随时都有可能回来。
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=00000006475C.0B2|en1=Did the Bride reanimate all these zomnics?|zh1=这些机械僵尸都是新娘复活的吗?
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=00000006475C.0B2|en1=Did the Bride reanimate all these zomnics?|zh1=这些机械僵尸都是新娘复活的吗?
|hero2=Ashe|file2=0000000648AC.0B2|en2=Seems Junkenstein wasn't the only inventive? one.|zh2=看来爱搞“发明”的不只弗兰狂斯鼠一个人。
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=0000000648AC.0B2|en2=Seems Junkenstein wasn't the only inventive? one.|zh2=看来爱搞“发明”的不只弗兰狂斯鼠一个人。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000064A7A.0B2|en3=Question. Is she married to the doctor? Or his monster?|zh3=喔,我就问问,她的新郎是博士?还是博士的怪物?
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064A7A.0B2|en3=Question. Is she married to the doctor? Or his monster?|zh3=喔,我就问问,她的新郎是博士?还是博士的怪物?
|hero4=Sojourn|file4=000000064A75.0B2|en4=Really not important right now.|zh4=我说,现在的重点不是这个吧。
|hero4=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file4=000000064A75.0B2|en4=Really not important right now.|zh4=我说,现在的重点不是这个吧。
|hero5=Junker Queen|file5=000000064A6E.0B2|en5=(Scoff) Says you.|zh5=(冷笑)你算老几。
|hero5=Butcher Junker Queen|file5=000000064A6E.0B2|en5=*Scoff* Says you.|zh5=*冷笑*你算老几。
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=00000006473C.0B2|en1=Look at all this. The Bride idolized Junkenstein, even after his demise.|zh1=看这东西做的。虽然弗兰狂斯鼠已经死了,新娘还是把他奉为偶像。
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=00000006473C.0B2|en1=Look at all this. The Bride idolized Junkenstein, even after his demise.|zh1=看这东西做的。虽然弗兰狂斯鼠已经死了,新娘还是把他奉为偶像。
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=00000006473D.0B2|en2=And now she's returned to where it all ended... to finish what he started.|zh2=现在新娘回到了博士被终结的地方……要替他完成未竟的事业。
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=00000006473D.0B2|en2=And now she's returned to where it all ended... to finish what he started.|zh2=现在新娘回到了博士被终结的地方……要替他完成未竟的事业。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=0000000648AD.0B2|en3=What for?|zh3=什么事业?
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=0000000648AD.0B2|en3=What for?|zh3=什么事业?
|hero4=Ashe|file4=00000006473B.0B2|en4=What else? Revenge.|zh4=还能是什么?当然是复仇。
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=00000006473B.0B2|en4=What else? Revenge.|zh4=还能是什么?当然是复仇。
|hero5=Sojourn|file5=0000000648AE.0B2|en5=We need to find the lord. Fast.|zh5=快走吧,我们得赶紧找到领主。
|hero5=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file5=0000000648AE.0B2|en5=We need to find the lord. Fast.|zh5=快走吧,我们得赶紧找到领主。
== 解救城堡领主 ==
== 解救城堡领主 ==
|hero1=Reinhardt|file1=000000064D25.0B2|en1=Help... me... !|zh1=来人……救我……!
|hero1=Castle Lord Reinhardt|file1=000000064D25.0B2|en1=Help... me... !|zh1=来人……救我……!
|hero2=Reinhardt|file2=000000064D27.0B2|en2=Please... I need help!|zh2=来人啊……帮我一把!
|hero2=Castle Lord Reinhardt|file2=000000064D27.0B2|en2=Please... I need help!|zh2=来人啊……帮我一把!
|hero3=Reinhardt|file3=000000064D24.0B2|en3=Someone... please!|zh3=有人吗……帮帮我!
|hero3=Castle Lord Reinhardt|file3=000000064D24.0B2|en3=Someone... please!|zh3=有人吗……帮帮我!
|hero4=Ashe|file4=000000064CAF.0B2|en4=That sounds like the lord! Get a move on!|zh4=好像是领主的声音!快去看看!
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=000000064CAF.0B2|en4=That sounds like the lord! Get a move on!|zh4=好像是领主的声音!快去看看!
|hero5=Junker Queen|file5=000000064CB7.0B2|en5=That sounds like the lord of the castle!|zh5=好像是城堡领主在叫唤!
|hero5=Butcher Junker Queen|file5=000000064CB7.0B2|en5=That sounds like the lord of the castle!|zh5=好像是城堡领主在叫唤!
|hero6=Sojourn|file6=000000064CB3.0B2|en6=That's the lord of the castle! Hurry!|zh6=是城堡领主!赶快!
|hero6=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file6=000000064CB3.0B2|en6=That's the lord of the castle! Hurry!|zh6=是城堡领主!赶快!
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064415.0B2|en1=Within the throne room, the heroes found the lord bound to an operating table, held at the whim of.|zh1=英雄们来到王座大厅,只见领主被绑在操作台上,禁锢他的正是弗兰狂斯鼠的新娘。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064415.0B2|en1=Within the throne room, the heroes found the lord bound to an operating table, held at the whim of the Bride of Junkenstein.|zh1=英雄们来到王座大厅,只见领主被绑在操作台上,禁锢他的正是弗兰狂斯鼠的新娘。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064666.0B2|en1=The Bride sought vengeance for her fallen creator. She would turn the lord into a monster most fou.|zh1=新娘要为她不幸殒命的创造者报仇雪恨。如果英雄们没能阻止她……领主将被变成邪恶至极的怪物。
|hero1=The Narrator|file1=000000064666.0B2|en1=The Bride sought vengeance for her fallen creator. She would turn the lord into a monster most foul, should the heroes fail to stop her.|zh1=新娘要为她不幸殒命的创造者报仇雪恨。如果英雄们没能阻止她……领主将被变成邪恶至极的怪物。
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=000000064BC0.0B2|en1=Don't let her pull that switch!|zh1=别让她拉那个开关!
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=000000064BC0.0B2|en1=Don't let her pull that switch!|zh1=别让她拉那个开关!
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064BC2.0B2|en2=Get her off that switch!|zh2=让她离开关远点!
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064BC2.0B2|en2=Get her off that switch!|zh2=让她离开关远点!
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000064BC4.0B2|en3=Pry her off that switch!|zh3=别让她的脏手碰到开关了!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064BC4.0B2|en3=Pry her off that switch!|zh3=别让她的脏手碰到开关了!
|hero4=Ashe|file4=000000064BC5.0B2|en4=She's on the switch--stop her!|zh4=她在拉开关了——阻止她!
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=000000064BC5.0B2|en4=She's on the switch - stop her!|zh4=她在拉开关了——阻止她!
|hero5=Ashe|file5=000000064BBF.0B2|en5=Do not let her pull that switch!|zh5=别让她拉那个开关!
|hero5=Warlock Ashe|file5=000000064BBF.0B2|en5=Do not let her pull that switch!|zh5=别让她拉那个开关!
|hero6=Kiriko|file6=000000064BC6.0B2|en6=The Bride's on that switch!|zh6=新娘在拉开关了!
|hero6=Witch Kiriko|file6=000000064BC6.0B2|en6=The Bride's on that switch!|zh6=新娘在拉开关了!
|hero7=Sojourn|file7=000000064BC1.0B2|en7=Don't let her throw that switch!|zh7=别让她碰那个开关!
|hero7=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file7=000000064BC1.0B2|en7=Don't let her throw that switch!|zh7=别让她碰那个开关!
|hero8=Junker Queen|file8=000000064BC3.0B2|en8=Oi! Get off of that switch!|zh8=喂!给我离开关远点儿!
|hero8=Butcher Junker Queen|file8=000000064BC3.0B2|en8=Oi! Get off of that switch!|zh8=喂!给我离开关远点儿!
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A4A.0B2|en1=You can't catch me.|zh1=别想抓住我。
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A4A.0B2|en1=You can't catch me.|zh1=别想抓住我。
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=000000064A59.0B2|en2=Yes I can! Get off that switch!|zh2=做梦吧你!把手从开关上拿开!
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064A59.0B2|en2=Yes I can! Get off that switch!|zh2=做梦吧你!把手从开关上拿开!
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=000000064A6A.0B2|en3=She's at the switch! Stop her!|zh3=她去拉开关了!拦住她!
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=000000064A6A.0B2|en3=She's at the switch! Stop her!|zh3=她去拉开关了!拦住她!
|hero4=Ashe|file4=000000064A58.0B2|en4=Knock her off the switch, quick!|zh4=别让她碰开关,快点!
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=000000064A58.0B2|en4=Knock her off the switch, quick!|zh4=别让她碰开关,快点!
|hero5=Kiriko|file5=000000064A6B.0B2|en5=She's back at the switch. Stop her!|zh5=她回去拉开关了。阻止她!
|hero5=Witch Kiriko|file5=000000064A6B.0B2|en5=She's back at the switch. Stop her!|zh5=她回去拉开关了。阻止她!
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A4E.0B2|en1=This will be quick and painful.|zh1=接下来会很痛快,又痛又快。
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A4E.0B2|en1=This will be quick and painful.|zh1=接下来会很痛快,又痛又快。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064A76.0B2|en2=She's pulling the switch!|zh2=她在拉开关了!
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064A76.0B2|en2=She's pulling the switch!|zh2=她在拉开关了!
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000064A4C.0B2|en3=She's on the switch!|zh3=她去弄开关了!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064A4C.0B2|en3=She's on the switch!|zh3=她去弄开关了!
|hero4=Ashe|file4=000000064A77.0B2|en4=She's at the switch!|zh4=她在拉开关了!
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=000000064A77.0B2|en4=She's at the switch!|zh4=她在拉开关了!
|hero5=Kiriko|file5=000000064A4B.0B2|en5=She's at the switch!|zh5=她在拉开关了!
|hero5=Witch Kiriko|file5=000000064A4B.0B2|en5=She's at the switch!|zh5=她在拉开关了!
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A4D.0B2|en1=Don't be shocked.|zh1=别被吓到喽……
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A4D.0B2|en1=Don't be shocked.|zh1=别被吓到喽……
|hero2=Ashe|file2=000000064A5D.0B2|en2=She's at a switch again!|zh2=她又去拉开关了!
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=000000064A5D.0B2|en2=She's at a switch again!|zh2=她又去拉开关了!
|hero1=Ashe|file1=000000064A4F.0B2|en1=Bride's gone. She's a tricky one.|zh1=新娘跑了,真够狡猾的。
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=000000064A4F.0B2|en1=Bride's gone. She's a tricky one.|zh1=新娘跑了,真够狡猾的。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064A53.0B2|en2=We can't let her flip any more switches.|zh2=不能再让她拨别的开关了。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064A53.0B2|en2=We can't let her flip any more switches.|zh2=不能再让她拨别的开关了。
|hero3=Ashe|file3=000000064A74.0B2|en3=This experiment of hers is downright... unnatural.|zh3=她的这项实验完全违背了自然。
|hero3=Warlock Ashe|file3=000000064A74.0B2|en3=This experiment of hers is downright... unnatural.|zh3=她的这项实验完全违背了自然。
|hero4=Sojourn|file4=000000064A6F.0B2|en4=I wouldn't go pointing fingers if I were you.|zh4=我要是你,可不好意思批评别人。
|hero4=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file4=000000064A6F.0B2|en4=I wouldn't go pointing fingers if I were you.|zh4=我要是你,可不好意思批评别人。
|hero1=Junker Queen|file1=000000064A7B.0B2|en1=Where'd the Bride go? I wasn't done killing her yet!|zh1=新娘跑哪去了?我还没宰了她呢!
|hero1=Butcher Junker Queen|file1=000000064A7B.0B2|en1=Where'd the Bride go? I wasn't done killing her yet!|zh1=新娘跑哪去了?我还没宰了她呢!
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064A53.0B2|en2=We can't let her flip any more switches.|zh2=不能再让她拨别的开关了。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064A53.0B2|en2=We can't let her flip any more switches.|zh2=不能再让她拨别的开关了。
|hero3=Junker Queen|file3=000000064A70.0B2|en3=Idea. We flip 'em first.|zh3=我有个主意,我们先拨不就好了。
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064A70.0B2|en3=Idea. We flip 'em first.|zh3=我有个主意,我们先拨不就好了。
|hero4=Sojourn|file4=000000064A52.0B2|en4=(Sigh) Leave the ideas to me.|zh4=(叹气)出主意的事还是交给我吧。
|hero4=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file4=000000064A52.0B2|en4=(Sigh) Leave the ideas to me.|zh4=(叹气)出主意的事还是交给我吧。
|hero1=Kiriko|file1=000000064A51.0B2|en1=I can feel the Bride's aura. She's still close.|zh1=我能感觉到新娘的灵气,她还在附近。
|hero1=Witch Kiriko|file1=000000064A51.0B2|en1=I can feel the Bride's aura. She's still close.|zh1=我能感觉到新娘的灵气,她还在附近。
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064A53.0B2|en2=We can't let her flip any more switches.|zh2=不能再让她拨别的开关了。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064A53.0B2|en2=We can't let her flip any more switches.|zh2=不能再让她拨别的开关了。
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=000000064A72.0B2|en3=Think you can predict the one she'll pick next?|zh3=你能预言接下来她会动哪个吗?
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=000000064A72.0B2|en3=Think you can predict the one she'll pick next?|zh3=你能预言接下来她会动哪个吗?
|hero4=Kiriko|file4=000000064A50.0B2|en4=I see her... choosing the one we least expect.|zh4=我看到她……选了我们都没想到的那一个。
|hero4=Witch Kiriko|file4=000000064A50.0B2|en4=I see her... choosing the one we least expect.|zh4=我看到她……选了我们都没想到的那一个。
|hero5=Sojourn|file5=000000064A73.0B2|en5=This is why people hate fortune tellers.|zh5=难怪大家都讨厌占卜师呢。
|hero5=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file5=000000064A73.0B2|en5=This is why people hate fortune tellers.|zh5=难怪大家都讨厌占卜师呢。
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A78.0B2|en1=Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠被人剥夺了复仇的机会。他的错误我不会再犯了!
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A78.0B2|en1=Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠被人剥夺了复仇的机会。他的错误我不会再犯了!
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=000000064A64.0B2|en2=Vengeance only leads to suffering.|zh2=复仇只会带来痛苦。
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=000000064A64.0B2|en2=Vengeance only leads to suffering.|zh2=复仇只会带来痛苦。
|hero3=Sombra|file3=000000064A5E.0B2|en3=That's kind of what I'm going for?|zh3=那不就是我想要的么?
|hero3=Bride Sombra|file3=000000064A5E.0B2|en3=That's kind of what I'm going for?|zh3=那不就是我想要的么?
|hero4=Witch Kiriko|file4=000000064A65.0B2|en4=Okay.|zh4=那……好吧。
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A78.0B2|en1=Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠被人剥夺了复仇的机会。他的错误我不会再犯了!
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A78.0B2|en1=Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠被人剥夺了复仇的机会。他的错误我不会再犯了!
|hero2=Junker Queen|file2=000000064A79.0B2|en2=About that, can you settle an argument? Are you married to him or to the monster?|zh2=话说我们在争一个问题,你回答一下呗?你的新郎到底是他还是那个怪物?
|hero2=Butcher Junker Queen|file2=000000064A79.0B2|en2=About that, can you settle an argument? Are you married to him or to the monster?|zh2=话说我们在争一个问题,你回答一下呗?你的新郎到底是他还是那个怪物?
|hero3=Sombra|file3=000000064A68.0B2|en3=I am the Bride of Vengeance!|zh3=我是复仇的新娘!
|hero3=Bride Sombra|file3=000000064A68.0B2|en3=I am the Bride of Vengeance!|zh3=我是复仇的新娘!
|hero4=Kiriko|file4=000000064A55.0B2|en4=Yeah, that clears things up.|zh4=是么,你不说我们都不知道呢。
|hero4=Witch Kiriko|file4=000000064A55.0B2|en4=Yeah, that clears things up.|zh4=是么,你不说我们都不知道呢。
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A78.0B2|en1=Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠被人剥夺了复仇的机会。他的错误我不会再犯了!
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A78.0B2|en1=Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠被人剥夺了复仇的机会。他的错误我不会再犯了!
|hero2=Ashe|file2=000000064A60.0B2|en2=You need a better hobby. Maybe one that won't lead to your untimely demise.|zh2=你要不要考虑换个爱好,不会一不小心害死你的那种。
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=000000064A60.0B2|en2=You need a better hobby. Maybe one that won't lead to your untimely demise.|zh2=你要不要考虑换个爱好,不会一不小心害死你的那种。
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=000000064A63.0B2|en3=Uh... Isn't she already dead?|zh3=呃……她不是早就死了吗?
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=000000064A63.0B2|en3=Uh... Isn't she already dead?|zh3=呃……她不是早就死了吗?
|hero4=Ashe|file4=000000064A5F.0B2|en4=I don't know. I ain't a necromancer!|zh4=我哪知道,我又不是死灵法师!
|hero4=Warlock Ashe|file4=000000064A5F.0B2|en4=I don't know. I ain't a necromancer!|zh4=我哪知道,我又不是死灵法师!
|hero1=Sojourn|file1=000000064A5B.0B2|en1=That ghost is back. Keep moving!|zh1=鬼魂回来了。保持移动!
|hero1=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file1=000000064A5B.0B2|en1=That ghost is back. Keep moving!|zh1=鬼魂回来了。保持移动!
|hero2=Kiriko|file2=000000064A5A.0B2|en2=I feel... rage in him. Pain... ugh!|zh2=我感受到了他的怒火。好痛……呃!
|hero2=Witch Kiriko|file2=000000064A5A.0B2|en2=I feel... rage in him. Pain... ugh!|zh2=我感受到了他的怒火。好痛……呃!
|hero3=Sojourn|file3=000000064A69.0B2|en3=I'd feel sorry for him, but I'm a little busy!|zh3=我也想替他难过,但我现在顾不上!
|hero3=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file3=000000064A69.0B2|en3=I'd feel sorry for him, but I'm a little busy!|zh3=我也想替他难过,但我现在顾不上!
== 击败新娘 ==
== 击败新娘 ==
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A6C.0B2|en1=Suffer the wrath of the Bride!|zh1=感受新娘的怒火吧!
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A6C.0B2|en1=Suffer the wrath of the Bride!|zh1=感受新娘的怒火吧!
|hero1=Sombra|file1=000000064A57.0B2|en1=You won't put a stop to my plans so easily!|zh1=想阻挠我的计划可没那么容易!
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064A57.0B2|en1=You won't put a stop to my plans so easily!|zh1=想阻挠我的计划可没那么容易!
|hero2=Sojourn|file2=000000064A56.0B2|en2=We've got you cornered. Give it up.|zh2=你已经无路可逃了。投降吧。
|hero2=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file2=000000064A56.0B2|en2=We've got you cornered. Give it up.|zh2=你已经无路可逃了。投降吧。
|hero3=Kiriko|file3=000000064A6D.0B2|en3=Fate turns against you. This is the end!|zh3=命运背叛了你,今天就是你的末日!
|hero3=Witch Kiriko|file3=000000064A6D.0B2|en3=Fate turns against you. This is the end!|zh3=命运背叛了你,今天就是你的末日!
|hero4=Junker Queen|file4=000000064A54.0B2|en4=We're gonna stomp on your plans. And then, we're gonna stomp on you!|zh4=等我们先砸烂你的小算盘,下一个就砸烂你!
|hero4=Butcher Junker Queen|file4=000000064A54.0B2|en4=We're gonna stomp on your plans. And then, we're gonna stomp on you!|zh4=等我们先砸烂你的小算盘,下一个就砸烂你!
|hero5=Ashe|file5=000000064A61.0B2|en5=You got a debt to pay, hon. And we aim to collect.|zh5=你欠了一笔债,宝贝儿。我们是来讨债的。
|hero5=Warlock Ashe|file5=000000064A61.0B2|en5=You got a debt to pay, hon. And we aim to collect.|zh5=你欠了一笔债,宝贝儿。我们是来讨债的。
== 结算 ==
== 结算 ==
=== 胜利 ===
=== 胜利 ===
{{OWVoiceTable|hero1=The Narrator|file1=0000000646FE.0B2|en1=The Bride of Junkenstein met the same end as her creator: a death at the hands of four brave heroes. The lord of the castle was saved, and once more could Aldersbrunn rest soundly... for now.|zh1=弗兰狂斯鼠的新娘迎来了和她的创造者一样的结局,被四位勇敢的英雄终结了生命。城堡领主终于得救,阿德勒斯布鲁恩再一次恢复了……暂时的和平。}}
*The Narrator: The Bride of Junkenstein met the same end as her creator: a death at the hands of four brave heroes. The lord of the castle was saved, and once more could Aldersbrunn rest soundly... for now.
=== 战败 ===
=== 战败 ===
{{OWVoiceTable|hero1=The Narrator|file1=0000000648B2.0B2|en1=The heroes fell to the forces of evil and joined the lord of the castle in undead servitude. With their demise, no one remains to save Aldersbrunn from the monster's Warth of the Bride.|zh1=英雄们败给了邪恶,和城堡领主一起沦为不死的奴仆。从此再也没有人能从恐怖的新娘之怒中拯救阿德勒斯布鲁恩了。}}
== 其他语音 ==
=== 动作很慢 ===
|hero1=Warlock Ashe|file1=000000064CAD.0B2|en1=Hurry up, hurry up!|zh1=快点,快点!
|hero2=Warlock Ashe|file2=000000064CAE.0B2|en2=Get a move on!|zh2=赶快动起来!
|hero3=Butcher Junker Queen|file3=000000064CB5.0B2|en3=Hurry! Hurry!|zh3=赶紧!赶紧!
|hero4=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file4=000000064CB1.0B2|en4=Come on, speed it up!|zh4=别磨蹭了,快动起来!
|hero5=Cyber Detective Sojourn|file5=000000064CB2.0B2|en5=What's taking so long?|zh5=怎么耽误这么久?
=== 新娘快赢了 ===
|hero1=Bride Sombra|file1=000000064BC9.0B2|en1=This won't hurt... much.|zh1=别怕,不疼的……才怪……
|hero2=Bride Sombra|file2=000000064BC8.0B2|en2=It won't be long now.|zh2=很快就好了……
|hero3=Bride Sombra|file3=000000064BCB.0B2|en3=You're in for a surprise.|zh3=给你们准备了一个惊喜……
|hero4=Bride Sombra|file4=000000064BCA.0B2|en4=You'll learn how it feels to be a monster.|zh4=很快你们就会知道,成为怪物是什么感觉。
|hero5=Bride Sombra|file5=000000064BC7.0B2|en5=I'll get my revenge!|zh5=我会完成我的复仇!

2024年2月20日 (二) 00:37的最新版本

< 返回上级:守望先锋2
守望先锋 游戏模式 新娘之怒.png


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文Our tale continues in Adlersbrunn...


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文An outlaw on the hunt for wealth and treasure.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文A butcher, who dealt in death and cadavers.


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文A fortune teller, forever haunted by the future.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文A sleuth, who faced more questions than answers.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文Not long ago, four heroes slew the mad Doctor Junkenstein and saved the lord of the castle. Tonight, in zomnic-haunted streets beneath the full moon glow, four more heroes would face a new peril. They would suffer the Wrath of the Bride.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The heroes emerged from their shelters, hoping to reunite with other survivors in the safety of the tavern.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Glad to see other survivors!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文We won't last long out here. Let's get inside and figure this out.


  • 英雄间互怼,随机触发
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文You're a sleuth, huh? What case are you on?


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Right now? The Case of "What The Hell's Going On In This Town".


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文I'd try a shorter title.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文What brings a fortune teller to Adlersbrunn?


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文People like to know what's coming. With this town's luck, I can see why.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文You've been through Adlersbrunn before, right?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Once or twice.


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Ever cross paths with a swordmaster?


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Ever cross paths with an archer?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文I steer clear of trouble like him.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文This place looks just as bad as the last time I passed through.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Is this town always in trouble when you're here?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Unless that's an accusation, stop wasting my time.



  • 收音机:锁好你的房门,把灯关掉!
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Are you all hearing this?


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Ugh! Will someone shut that racket up?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Can't hear myself think with that radio blaring.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Radio Icon.png

英文The castle has fallen. Approach at your own peril.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文These messages... I hope everyone got out safe.


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Does anyone know what's going on here?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文I'd bet these zomnics have something to do with the lord of the castle… and Doctor Junkenstein, no doubt.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文What are we waiting for? Let's get to the castle and chop that doctor to bits!


  • 随机触发的对话
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文If I'm not mistaken, you knew that crackpot doctor?


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文'Course! He paid through the nose for my carcasses. Dunno why.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文When a mad scientist asks to buy your corpses, you say no.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The heroes set off toward the castle, and the howling wind spelled an ominous portent.


  • 以下四段对话根据所选英雄随机触发
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文So... how do you earn a name like the Butcher?


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文By butcherin'! Not quick for a sleuth, are ya?


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Never hurts to ask.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Don't reckon you can see if we survive the night?


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Something's clouding my sight. Can't predict much of anything right now.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Hmph. 'Course not.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Oi, Fortune Teller! How many armies is it gonna take to kill me?


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Actually, you die peacefully of old age.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文(Shocked) You take that back!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文You really think Junkenstein's behind this?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Wouldn't be the first time he clawed his way out of the grave.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Let's be sure to close his case this time.



  • 发现城墙被锁住时
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Door's locked. Won't get to the castle without a key.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文It's locked! Need a key to get to the castle.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Locked. Not getting to the castle without a key.


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文My sight tells me it's somewhere nearby.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The dreadful Banshee lunged out of the screaming gales and snatched the key from the hero's hands.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Drop that now or I'll give you something to wail about!


  • 击败女妖
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文As the wind swept away the Banshee's remains, a haunting voice filled the minds of the heroes.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文I expected more from my Banshee friend.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Hey! Who's yapping in my head?


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Do yourselves a favor. Stay away from the castle... or else.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Guess we found our culprit.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Now to put a stop to her.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Castle should be up this way.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Yeah, and I don't take kindly to people lookin' at me!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Something is coming! Above us!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文From high upon the ramparts, the gargoyles shattered their prisons and rained on the heroes below.


  • 随机触发的对话
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文These zombots don't scare me!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文What about the one behind you?


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文If you're tryin'ta make me turn my back so you can kill me and sell my corpse, it won't work!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Drat. You got me.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The gargoyles crumbled, and the strange voice spoke once more.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Aw, you killed my favorite pets!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文You aren't the doctor. Who are you?


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文A grieving widow.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文(gasp) You're the Bride of Jinkenstone!


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Ay, Seriously? I blocked the path to the castle, so this is where your tale ends.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Reckon I know another way through. Let's get to the dungeon.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Should be a lever 'round here that'll open the secret passage.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Do I want to ask how you know about this?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文There ain't a prison around that could keep me locked up. Now get pullin'.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文In the depths of the dungeon, the heroes fell under the hypnotizing gaze of the Marionette.


  • 随机触发的对话
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文How'd you end up an outlaw?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文The close-minded folks out west don't take kindly to conjurers.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Is that so?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文And maybe I made a town's gold disappear. Happy?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Are we... dreaming?


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Feels more like a bloody nightmare!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文Though the Marionette's nightmare ended, the Bride still haunted the heroes.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文I was hoping you wouldn't wake up.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文What have you done with the lord of the castle?


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文I have plans for him. And now, I have plans for you too.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文In a twist of fate, the Summoner stood guard over the castle door she had once sought to destroy.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文The Summoner? She was... dead, wasn't she?


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Seems the Bride stoked her back to life.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Well she's dead again now. And the Bride's next, once we bust through this door!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Step aside, gals. My dynamite will burn this door to the ground.


  • 艾什一直不扔炸弹
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文*Exasperated* What's takin' you so long with that dynamite, Outlaw?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文*Frustrated* I'm workin' on it!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Waiting on that dynamite, Outlaw!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文All right! Just hold your horses!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文Behind the castle door, the heroes met only with shadows… and looming fear.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Oh, you've finally made it. I'll have my butler show you in. (chuckle)


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Stay away from that thing, unless you wanna be in a world of hurt!


  • 英雄间对话
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Her butler's back for revenge!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Why's everyone want revenge on us? We didn't do anything.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Speak for yourself.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文You never mentioned the castle is haunted.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Ever seen one that wasn't?


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Stay focused. That ghost could be back any minute.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Did the Bride reanimate all these zomnics?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Seems Junkenstein wasn't the only inventive? one.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Question. Is she married to the doctor? Or his monster?


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Really not important right now.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文*Scoff* Says you.


  • 捡到钥匙后
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Look at all this. The Bride idolized Junkenstein, even after his demise.


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文And now she's returned to where it all ended... to finish what he started.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文What for?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文What else? Revenge.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文We need to find the lord. Fast.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Castle Lord Reinhardt Icon.png

英文Help... me... !


OW2 Castle Lord Reinhardt Icon.png

英文Please... I need help!


OW2 Castle Lord Reinhardt Icon.png

英文Someone... please!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文That sounds like the lord! Get a move on!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文That sounds like the lord of the castle!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文That's the lord of the castle! Hurry!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文Within the throne room, the heroes found the lord bound to an operating table, held at the whim of the Bride of Junkenstein.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The Bride sought vengeance for her fallen creator. She would turn the lord into a monster most foul, should the heroes fail to stop her.


  • 新娘在拉开关
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Don't let her pull that switch!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Get her off that switch!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Pry her off that switch!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文She's on the switch - stop her!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Do not let her pull that switch!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文The Bride's on that switch!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Don't let her throw that switch!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Oi! Get off of that switch!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文You can't catch me.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Yes I can! Get off that switch!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文She's at the switch! Stop her!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Knock her off the switch, quick!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文She's back at the switch. Stop her!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文This will be quick and painful.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文She's pulling the switch!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文She's on the switch!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文She's at the switch!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文She's at the switch!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Don't be shocked.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文She's at a switch again!


  • 新娘拉了不止一个开关
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Bride's gone. She's a tricky one.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文We can't let her flip any more switches.


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文This experiment of hers is downright... unnatural.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文I wouldn't go pointing fingers if I were you.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Where'd the Bride go? I wasn't done killing her yet!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文We can't let her flip any more switches.


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Idea. We flip 'em first.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文(Sigh) Leave the ideas to me.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文I can feel the Bride's aura. She's still close.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文We can't let her flip any more switches.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Think you can predict the one she'll pick next?


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文I see her... choosing the one we least expect.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文This is why people hate fortune tellers.


  • 阻止成功,以下对话随机触发一个
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Vengeance only leads to suffering.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文That's kind of what I'm going for?


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文About that, can you settle an argument? Are you married to him or to the monster?


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文I am the Bride of Vengeance!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Yeah, that clears things up.


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Junkenstein was robbed of his revenge. I won't make the same mistakes!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文You need a better hobby. Maybe one that won't lead to your untimely demise.


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Uh... Isn't she already dead?


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文I don't know. I ain't a necromancer!


  • 鬼魂回来了
英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文That ghost is back. Keep moving!


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文I feel... rage in him. Pain... ugh!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文I'd feel sorry for him, but I'm a little busy!



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文Suffer the wrath of the Bride!


英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文You won't put a stop to my plans so easily!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文We've got you cornered. Give it up.


OW2 Witch Kiriko Icon.png

英文Fate turns against you. This is the end!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文We're gonna stomp on your plans. And then, we're gonna stomp on you!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文You got a debt to pay, hon. And we aim to collect.




英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The Bride of Junkenstein met the same end as her creator: a death at the hands of four brave heroes. The lord of the castle was saved, and once more could Aldersbrunn rest soundly... for now.



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 The Narrator Icon.png

英文The heroes fell to the forces of evil and joined the lord of the castle in undead servitude. With their demise, no one remains to save Aldersbrunn from the monster's Warth of the Bride.




英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Hurry up, hurry up!


OW2 Warlock Ashe Icon.png

英文Get a move on!


OW2 Butcher Junker Queen Icon.png

英文Hurry! Hurry!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文Come on, speed it up!


OW2 Cyber Detective Sojourn Icon.png

英文What's taking so long?



英雄 语音 台词
OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文This won't hurt... much.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文It won't be long now.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文You're in for a surprise.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文You'll learn how it feels to be a monster.


OW2 Bride Sombra Icon.png

英文I'll get my revenge!
