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第1行: 第1行:
== 营业通知 ==
== 营业通知 ==
=== 开门 ===
=== 开门 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_open_01.wav|en = Good morning, Navezgane! We're open!|zh = 早上好,纳维兹甘!我们开张了!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_open_01.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Good morning Navesgane! We're open!|zh = [喇叭语音]早上好,纳维戈恩!我们开门了!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_open_02.wav|en = Greetings Wasteland, Trader Jen's is open for business.|zh = 废土居民们,你们好,杰恩商店开张营业了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_open_02.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Greetings wasteland! Trader Jens is now open for business.|zh = [喇叭语音]荒野居民们!商人杰恩家现已开门营业。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_open_03.wav|en = Trader Jen's is now open.|zh = 杰恩商店现已开张。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_open_03.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Trader Jens is now open.|zh = [喇叭语音]商人杰恩家现已开门。}}
=== 即将关门 ===
=== 即将关门 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closing_01.wav|en = We'll be closing soon, so make your final purchases and stay safe out there.|zh = 我们马上就要关门了,抓住最后的购买机会,在外照顾好自己。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closing_01.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] We'll be closing soon so make your final purchases and stay safe out there!|zh = [喇叭语音]我们即将打烊,请尽快完成购买,外出时注意安全!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closing_02.wav|en = Trader Jen's will be closing in a few minutes, but come back soon. We restock often.|zh = 杰恩商店几分钟后就关门了,但不久就回来。我们经常进货。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closing_02.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Trader Jens will be closing in a few minutes, but come back soon: we restock often!|zh = [喇叭语音]商人杰恩家将在几分钟后打烊,但很快就会开门:我们经常补货!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closing_03.wav|en = Thank you for shopping at Trader Jen's. We'll be closing soon, so make your final purchases.|zh = 感谢你们在杰恩商店购物,我们马上就要关门了,抓住最后的购买机会。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closing_03.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Thank you for shopping at Trader Jens. We'll be closing soon so make your final purchases.|zh = [喇叭语音]感谢你在商人杰恩家购物。我们很快就要打烊了,请尽快完成购买。}}
=== 关门 ===
=== 关门 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closed_01.wav|en = Trader Jen's is now closed. Goodnight, wasteland!|zh = 杰恩商店现在关门了,晚安,废土!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closed_01.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Trader Jens is now closed. Goodnight wasteland!|zh = [喇叭语音]商人杰恩家现已打烊。晚安,荒野!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closed_02.wav|en = Trader Jen here. We're now closed. Have a good night and don't let the zombies bite!|zh = 这里是商人杰恩,我们现在关门了。祝你们晚安,别被僵尸咬了哦!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closed_02.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Trader Jen here, we're now closed. Have a good night and don't let the zombies bite!|zh = [喇叭语音]我是商人杰恩,我们现在打烊了。晚安,小心别让僵尸咬了!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closed_03.wav|en = Trader Jen says goodnight and stay safe. If not, we'll patch you up in the morning.|zh = 商人杰恩祝你们晚安,还要平平安安。如果没有,我们明早会为你包扎伤口。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_closed_03.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] Trader Jen says goodnight and stay safe. If not, we'll patch you up in the morning!|zh = [喇叭语音]商人杰恩家祝你晚安。请务必注意安全,否则我们要到早上再给你包扎!}}
== 问候 ==
== 问候相关 ==
=== 进门问候 ===
=== 进门问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_firstgreet_01.wav|en = Welcome to Trader Jen's. We carry a little bit of everything, but specialize in medical supplies.|zh = 欢迎光临杰恩商店。我们啥都卖一点,但主要还是卖医疗用品。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_firstgreet_01.wav|en = Welcome to Trader Jens. We carry a little bit of everything but specialize in medical supplies.|zh = 欢迎来到商人杰恩家。我们什么都卖,但主营医疗用品。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_firstgreet_02.wav|en = Hi, I'm Jenny, but you can call me Dr. Jen. It's always good to see a new face. Do you need any medical attention or supplies?|zh = 嗨,我叫杰恩妮,但你可以叫我杰恩医生。看到新面孔总是好的。您需要任何医疗护理或用品吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_firstgreet_02.wav|en = Hi I'm Jenny, but you can call me Doctor Jen. It's always good to see a new face. Do you need any medical attention or supplies?|zh = 嗨,我是杰恩,你可以叫我杰恩医生。新面孔总是令人愉悦。你需要医疗护理或用品吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_firstgreet_03.wav|en = Greetings, Traveler. I'm Trader Jen. We sell a bit of everything, but mostly medicine.|zh = 你好,旅行者。我是商人杰恩。我们什么都卖,但主要是卖药品。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_firstgreet_03.wav|en = Greetings traveller, I'm Trader Jen. We sell a bit of everything but mostly medicine.|zh = 你好啊,旅行者,我是商人杰恩。我们什么都卖,但主要出售药品。}}
=== 下午问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_01.wav|en = Good afternoon.|zh = 下午好!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_02.wav|en = Good afternoon. It's good to see you're still breathing.|zh = 下午好,看到你还能喘气真是太好了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_03.wav|en = Konnichiwa. That's good afternoon in Japanese.|zh = こんにちは。这是日语下午好的意思。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_04.wav|en = Sure is a wonderful afternoon. How can I help you today?|zh = 真是个每秒的下午啊,今天要我怎么帮您?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_05.wav|en = It's good you beat the ... evening rush. Take your time and stay awhile.|zh = 祝贺你度过了……夜间尸潮。不用着急多逛逛。}}
=== 血夜问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_01.wav|en = You'd have to be a little crazy to be out before a blood moon like this.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_02.wav|en = Oh, you should seriously stock up on medical supplies because blood moons are dangerous.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_03.wav|en = I get so scared on blood moons. I wish someone could stay the night.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_04.wav|en = I hate the blood moons, but I love the business. Everyone needs patched up the next day.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_05.wav|en = Supplies are always low around blood moons. You should stock up for the night.|zh = }}
=== 晚间问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_01.wav|en = Good evening.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_02.wav|en = Hope it's just a pretty sunset and not a blood moon.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_03.wav|en = Welcome to my store this fine evening. Now, how can the best doctor in the wasteland assist you?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_04.wav|en = It's a wonderful evening to sell medical supplies.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_05.wav|en = For you good-looking, I would stay open all night.|zh = }}
=== 普通问候 ===
=== 普通问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_01.wav|en = Another stranger in need? I've got what you're looking for.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_01.wav|en = Another stranger in need? I've got what you're looking for.|zh = 又来一位需要帮助的陌生人?我正好有你想要的东西。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_02.wav|en = Hello, traveler. What's Aylenia?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_02.wav|en = Hello traveller! What's ailing ya'?|zh = 你好啊,旅行者!你有什么需要?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_03.wav|en = If you got the dukes, I'll make the time.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_03.wav|en = If you've got the Dukes, I'll make the time!|zh = 只要你有公爵币,我就能挤出时间招待你!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_04.wav|en = Well, look what the cat dragged in.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_04.wav|en = Woah, look what the cat dragged in...|zh = 哟,什么风把你给刮来了……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_05.wav|en = If you're, uh, feeling under the weather, I've got just what the doctor ordered.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_05.wav|en = If you're uh, feeling under the weather, I've got what the doctor ordered.|zh = 呃,如果你觉得不太舒服,我手上正好有医生的药。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_06.wav|en = We've got the best prices in the wasteland.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_06.wav|en = We've got the best prices in the wasteland.|zh = 我们的价格是全荒野最优惠的。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_07.wav|en = The name's Jenny, but you can call me Dr. Jen.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_07.wav|en = Name's Jenny, but you can call me Doctor Jen.|zh = 我叫杰恩,你可以叫我杰恩医生。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_08.wav|en = So, what are you buying today?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_08.wav|en = So... what are ya' buying today?|zh = 那么……你今天要买点什么?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_10.wav|en = You don't look so good. You might want to get some antibiotics for that.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_10.wav|en = You... don't look so good. You might want to get some antibiotics for that.|zh = 你……看起来不太舒服。要不要吃点抗生素?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_11.wav|en = If you are here to buy, I've got the best selection of medicine in the Wasteland.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_11.wav|en = If you're here to buy, I've got the best selection of medicine in the wasteland.|zh = 如果你是来购物的,我备有全荒野最顶尖的药品。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_12.wav|en = meds, drugs, booze. I've got it all.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_12.wav|en = Meds, drugs, booze. I've got it all!|zh = 医疗物品、药品、酒水——我应有尽有!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_13.wav|en = You again. I'm starting to think you like Dr. Jin.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_13.wav|en = You again? I'm starting to think you like Doctor Jen...|zh = 又是你?我开始觉得你看上杰恩医生了……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_14.wav|en = I am so glad to see your face. I get lonely sitting by myself all day.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_14.wav|en = I am so glad to see your face, I get lonely sitting by myself all day!|zh = 很高兴见到你,我独自坐上一整天会感到无聊!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_15.wav|en = Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? What can I get you?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_15.wav|en = Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes. What can I get you?|zh = 你可真是让人眼前一亮。需要点什么?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_16.wav|en = You're looking kinda rough. You didn't get bit, did you?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeting_16.wav|en = You're looking kinda rough... you didn't get bit did you?|zh = 你看起来有点狼狈……你没被咬吧?}}
=== 清晨问候 ===
=== 清晨问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_01.wav|en = Good morning, survivor.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_01.wav|en = Good morning survivor.|zh = 早上好,幸存者。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_02.wav|en = Sorry for my foul mood. My coffee maker's on the fritz again.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_02.wav|en = Sorry for my foul mood... my coffee maker's on the fritz again.|zh = 抱歉,我心情不太好……因为咖啡壶又坏了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_03.wav|en = Well, you're here early. What can I do for you?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_03.wav|en = Well you're early, what can I do for you?|zh = 你来得真早,需要我做些什么?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_04.wav|en = Another wonderful morning in the apocalypse. How can I help you?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_04.wav|en = Another wonderful morning in the apocalypse. How can I help ya'?|zh = 末世里的又一个美妙清晨。我能帮你做些什么?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_05.wav|en = Good morning to my favorite customer!|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetmorn_05.wav|en = Good morning to my favorite customer!|zh = 早上好,我最喜欢的顾客!}}
=== 下午问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_01.wav|en = Good afternoon!|zh = 下午好!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_02.wav|en = Good afternoon, it's good to see you're still breathing.|zh = 下午好,很高兴看到你还有呼吸。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_03.wav|en = Konichiwa! That's good afternoon in Japanese.|zh = 空尼奇瓦!这是日语中的“下午好”。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_04.wav|en = Sure is a wonderful afternoon. How can I help you today?|zh = 多么美妙的下午啊。今天我能为你做些什么?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetaft_05.wav|en = It's good you beat the, uh, evening rush. Take your time and stay a while.|zh = 很高兴你从,呃……晚高峰中活下来了。慢慢逛吧,不着急。}}
=== 傍晚问候 ===
=== 傍晚问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_01.wav|en = You're cutting it close, aren't ya?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_01.wav|en = You're cutting it close aren't ya'?|zh = 你真懂候分克数,不是吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_02.wav|en = Hey, I'm closing up soon.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_02.wav|en = Hey I'm closing up soon.|zh = 嘿,我马上就要打烊了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_03.wav|en = I was about to close up for the night, but I guess I'll make time for one more customer.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_03.wav|en = I was about to close up for the night, but I guess I'll make time for one more customer...|zh = 我正准备打烊,但可以腾出时间再接待一位顾客……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_04.wav|en = It's closing time soon. You got here just in time.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetnightfall_04.wav|en = It's closing time soon. You got here just in time!|zh = 马上就到打烊时间了。你来得正是时候!}}
=== 晚间问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_01.wav|en = Good evening!|zh = 晚上好!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_02.wav|en = Hope it's just a pretty sunset and not a bloodmoon...|zh = 希望这只是一轮美丽的落日,而非初生的血月……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_03.wav|en = Welcome to my store this fine evening. Now how can the best doctor in the wasteland assist you?|zh = 欢迎在这个美妙的夜晚来到我的商店。你需要全荒野最好的医生提供什么帮助呢?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_04.wav|en = It's a wonderful evening to sell medical supplies.|zh = 今晚是销售医疗用品的好时机。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greeteve_05.wav|en = For you, good lookin'? I would stay open all night.|zh = 为了你这个美人儿?我愿意通宵营业。}}
=== 血月问候 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_01.wav|en = You'd have to be a little crazy to be out before a bloodmoon like this.|zh = 在这样的血月下外出,你多少有点大病。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_02.wav|en = Oh you should seruously stock up on medical supplies because bloodmoons are dangerous!|zh = 讲真,你应该多储备点医疗用品,血月是很危险的!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_03.wav|en = I get so scared on bloodmoons. I wish someone could stay the night.|zh = 血月时期总让我倍感恐惧。希望有人能留下来陪我过夜。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_04.wav|en = I hate the bloodmoons but I love the business. Everyone needs to be patched up the next day.|zh = 我厌恶血月,但我喜欢生意。所有人都得在第二天好好包扎一番。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_greetbloodmoon_05.wav|en = Supplies are always low around bloodmoons. You should stock up for the night.|zh = 血月前后的补给品总是很紧销。建议你囤货过夜。}}
== 任务相关 ==
== 任务相关 ==
=== 接受任务 ===
=== 接受任务 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_01.wav|en = Fantastic! Hope to see you soon!|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_01.wav|en = Fantastic! Hope to see you soon!|zh = 好极了!希望很快能再见到你!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_02.wav|en = Hurry back soon, and I'll have a nice reward for you!|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_02.wav|en = Hurry back soon, and I'll have a nice reward for you!|zh = 快点回来,我会给你丰厚的奖励!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_03.wav|en = If you finish two more jobs this week, I will give you Employee of the Month.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_03.wav|en = If you finish two more jobs this week I will give you... employee of the month!|zh = 如果你这周再完成两件工作,我就给你……本月最佳员工的称号!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_04.wav|en = I had a good feeling about you. Good luck!|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_04.wav|en = I had a good feeling about you, good luck!|zh = 我对你很有信心,祝你好运!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_05.wav|en = Oh thank goodness. I couldn't find anyone to do that job.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_05.wav|en = Oh thank goodness, I couldn't find anyone to do that job.|zh = 谢天谢地,这件工作我都找不到人接。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_06.wav|en = Okay, be careful and try not to get yourself killed.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_06.wav|en = Ok, be careful and try not to get yourself killed.|zh = 好了,小心点,尽量不要害死自己。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_07.wav|en = Do hurry. I have a protection payment coming up soon.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_07.wav|en = Do hurry, I have a protection payment coming up soon.|zh = 搞快点,我马上得交保护费了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_08.wav|en = Thanks, son. I knew you wouldn't let me down.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_08.wav|en = Thanks hun, I knew you wouldn't let me down.|zh = 谢谢,宝贝儿,我就知道你不会让我失望的。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_09.wav|en = This is dangerous work, but I believe you can handle it.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_09.wav|en = This is dangerous work, but I believe you can handle it.|zh = 这项工作很危险,但我相信你能应付。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_10.wav|en = Oh, I would kiss you, but, um, you know, apocalypse hygiene and all.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_10.wav|en = Oh I would kiss you but, um, you know, apocalypse hygeine and all...|zh = 哇,我真想亲你一口。但是,呃,你懂的,得注意末世卫生……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_11.wav|en = Oh, this is a dangerous one. Try not to, um, get radiated.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_accepted_11.wav|en = Oh this is a dangeous one. Try not to, um... get radiated...|zh = 哇,这活儿很危险哦。尽量不要……呃,被辐射到……}}
=== 完成任务 ===
=== 完成任务 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_01.wav|en = You are quite the daring adventurer. Good job.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_01.wav|en = You... are quite the daring adventurer. Good job.|zh = 你……真是个大胆的冒险家。干得好。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_02.wav|en = Congratulations! I can make my payment to the Duke now.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_02.wav|en = Congratulations! I can make my payment to The Duke now.|zh = 恭喜!我现在付钱给公爵了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_03.wav|en = Good job. I knew you could do it.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_03.wav|en = Good job, I knew you could do it.|zh = 干得好,我就知道你能行。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_04.wav|en = Amazing! I hope you like your reward.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_04.wav|en = Amazing! I hope you like your reward.|zh = 棒极了!希望你喜欢这份报酬。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_05.wav|en = Don't spend it all in one place, but if you do, make sure it's here.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_05.wav|en = Don't spend it all in one place. But if you do, make sure it's here.|zh = 不要把钱都花在一个地方。如果一定要花,就来找我花。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_06.wav|en = I knew you had it in you. Good work.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_06.wav|en = I knew you had it in you. Good work!|zh = 我就知道你有本事。干得好!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_07.wav|en = Well, that didn't take long. Nice work.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_07.wav|en = Well that didn't take long. Nice work!|zh = 没花多久嘛。干得好!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_08.wav|en = Here's your pay for a job well done.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_08.wav|en = Here's your pay for a job well done.|zh = 这是你出色工作的报酬。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_09.wav|en = Wow, I didn't think you had it in you. Good job!|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_09.wav|en = Wow, I didn't think you had it in you. Good job!|zh = 哇,我真没想到你还有这本事。干得好!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_10.wav|en = Now that you have some money to spend, we're running a 10% off sale for the rest of the day.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_complete_10.wav|en = Now that you have some money to spend, we're running a 10% off sale for the rest of the day.|zh = 你既然手头有钱了,我们今天正好打 9 折。}}
=== 取消任务 ===
=== 取消任务 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_01.wav|en = I'm just a broker for these jobs, so it's not my fault if you don't like the work.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_01.wav|en = I'm just a broker for these jobs. So it's not my fault if you don't like the work.|zh = 我只是介绍工作的中介。所以你要是不喜欢这些工作,可别怪我。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_02.wav|en = Money doesn't grow on trees. You really should take some work.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_02.wav|en = Money doesn't grow on trees. You really should take some work.|zh = 钱不是大风刮来的。你真应该接点工作。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_03.wav|en = Yeah, if you could just go ahead and take a job, that would be great.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_03.wav|en = Yeah, if you could just go ahead and take a job... that would be great.|zh = 唔,如果你能直接接下工作……那就太好了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_04.wav|en = I'm so disappointed in you. Well, maybe next time.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_04.wav|en = Grrr... so disappointed in you. Well, maybe next time.|zh = 哎……我对你太失望了。行,下次再说。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_05.wav|en = Oh, come on. The Duke's gonna slap me around if I don't make my quota this week.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_05.wav|en = Oh come on! The Duke's gonna slap me around if I don't make my quota this week!|zh = 拜托!如果我这周不能完成指标,会被公爵狠狠报复的!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_06.wav|en = The Duke is blocking all shipments until that job is done. I really wish you could help me.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_06.wav|en = The Duke is blocking all shipments until that job is done. I really wish you could help me.|zh = 公爵拦下了所有货运,直到这项工作完成。真的希望你能帮助我。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_07.wav|en = Ah, you scared of a little work? And I thought you were a tough wastelander.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_07.wav|en = Aww you scared of a little work? And I thought you were a tough wastelander.|zh = 哇,你是在害怕一点小工作吗?我还以为你是强悍的荒野高手。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_08.wav|en = If you take a job, I'd be glad to take my commission.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_08.wav|en = If you take a job, I'd be glad to take my commission.|zh = 如果你接下工作,我就能快乐地抽取佣金。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_09.wav|en = Take some nerve to ask for work and then turn down a job.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_09.wav|en = Takes some nerve to ask for work and then turn down a job.|zh = 询问工作然后又拒绝,你胆子可真大。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_10.wav|en = Oh well, check back soon. Maybe we'll have something for you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_10.wav|en = Oh well, check back soon. Maybe we'll have something for you.|zh = 行吧,回头再来瞧瞧,也许会有适合你的。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_11.wav|en = Did you know that I heard you can harvest landmines with a wrench?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_declined_11.wav|en = Did you know that I heard you can harvest landmines with a wrench?|zh = 你知道吗?我听说你可以用扳手采集地雷?}}
=== 任务失败 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_01.wav|en = Didn't I just give you a job? Yeah, let's finish that up first.|zh = }}
=== 任务还未完成 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_02.wav|en = Take care of that job I already gave you. Then we can find you more work.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_01.wav|en = Didn't I just give you a job? Yep, let's finish that up first.|zh = 我不是刚交给你一份工作吗?没错,先把那件事做完吧。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_03.wav|en = Don't you already have a job to do?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_02.wav|en = Take care of that job I already gave you, then we can find you more work.|zh = 先解决我已经交给你的工作,然后再来协商更多工作。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_04.wav|en = If you finish that other job, I'll have something for you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_03.wav|en = Don't you already have a job to do?|zh = 你不是已经有工作要做了吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_05.wav|en = Finish the work you have, then we'll talk.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_04.wav|en = If you finish that other job, I'll have something for ya'.|zh = 如果你完成那份工作,我会给你点甜头。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_incomplete_05.wav|en = Finish the work you have, then we'll talk.|zh = 先完成你手头的工作,然后我们再谈。}}
=== 提供任务 ===
=== 提供任务 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_01.wav|en = I've got just the job for someone with your talents.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_01.wav|en = I've got just the job for someone with your talents!|zh = 我有份工作正适合你这样的人才!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_02.wav|en = You need some work? I need some commissions.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_02.wav|en = You need some work? I need some commissions!|zh = 你需要工作吗?我需要佣金!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_03.wav|en = You looking to earn some dukes? I got jobs for someone like you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_03.wav|en = You're looking to earn some Dukes? I've got jobs for someone like you.|zh = 你想赚点公爵币吗?我有工作可以交给你这样的人。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_04.wav|en = You look like you could handle yourself. Wanna earn some coin?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_04.wav|en = You look like you could handle yourself. Wanna earn some coin?|zh = 你看起来挺有本事的。想赚点钱吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_05.wav|en = We're always looking for some adventurous souls. Have a look.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_05.wav|en = We're always looking for some adventurous souls. Have a look.|zh = 我们一直在寻找敢于冒险的人。来瞧瞧吧。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_07.wav|en = You know, I always admired a hard worker.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_07.wav|en = Ya' know? I always admired a hard worker.|zh = 你知道吗?我向来钦佩勤奋工作的人。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_08.wav|en = I would love to give you a job.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_08.wav|en = I would love to give you a job.|zh = 我很乐意给你一份工作。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_09.wav|en = I need someone who's willing to get their hands dirty.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_09.wav|en = I need someone who's willing to get their hands dirty.|zh = 我需要愿意干活,不怕脏手的人。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_10.wav|en = I've got a bit of a problem. Can you help me out?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_10.wav|en = I've got a bit of a problem. Can you help me out?|zh = 我遇到点小麻烦。你能帮我吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_11.wav|en = I think I've got a job or two.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_11.wav|en = I think I've got a job or two...|zh = 我手头应该有几份工作……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_12.wav|en = If you do this for me, I will never forget you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_12.wav|en = If you do this for me I will... never forget you!|zh = 如果你帮我这次,我……永远不会忘记你的!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_13.wav|en = We always need someone to handle the tough jobs.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_13.wav|en = We always need someone to handle the tough jobs.|zh = 我们经常需要人手来处理棘手的工作。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_14.wav|en = Oh, this is the best way to get Dukes. And rewards.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_quest_offer_14.wav|en = Oh this is the best way to get Dukes and rewards!|zh = 这可是赚取公爵币和报酬的最佳方式!}}
== 交易相关 ==
== 交易相关 ==
=== 交易接受 ===
=== 交易接受 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_01.wav|en = Alrighty then. Stay safe out there.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_01.wav|en = Alrighty then, stay safe out there!|zh = 行吧,外面时注意安全!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_02.wav|en = I just knew you'd find something you'd like.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_02.wav|en = I just knew you'd find something you'd like!|zh = 我就知道你会找到想要东西!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_03.wav|en = I hope you get feeling better.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_03.wav|en = I hope you get feelin' better.|zh = 希望你尽快好起来。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_04.wav|en = Remember me if you need medical supplies.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_04.wav|en = Remember me if you need medical supplies.|zh = 需要医疗用品时,别忘记来找我。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_05.wav|en = Now that was a good deal. Trust me, I'm a doctor.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_05.wav|en = Now that was a good deal. Trust me, I'm a doctor.|zh = 这笔交易很划算。相信我,我可是医生。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_06.wav|en = Thanks for the business. Stay safe out there.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_06.wav|en = Thanks for the business, stay safe out there!|zh = 多谢惠顾。外面时注意安全!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_07.wav|en = I hope you come back and see me sometime.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_07.wav|en = I hope you come back and see me sometime!|zh = 希望你以后还会来找我!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_08.wav|en = Well, you just brightened my day. I'm glad I could help you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_08.wav|en = Well you just brightened my day. I'm glad I could help you!|zh = 你是我今天的开心果儿。很高兴能帮上你!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_09.wav|en = Thanks for letting me take care of you. And tell your friends.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_09.wav|en = Thanks for letting me take care of you... and tell your friends!|zh = 谢谢你接受我的服务……别忘记推荐给你的朋友!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_10.wav|en = Thank you so much. Hey, come again.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_10.wav|en = Thank you so much! Hey, come again!|zh = 非常感谢!嘿,务必再次光临哦!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_11.wav|en = Thanks for the business. We're open from dawn to dusk since, you know, we don't have clocks.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_accepted_11.wav|en = Thanks for the business. We're open from dawn to dusk since, y'know, we don't have clocks...|zh = 多谢惠顾。我们从黎明营业到黄昏,因为你懂的,我们没有时钟……}}
=== 交易取消 ===
=== 交易取消 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_01.wav|en = And you came all this way. What a waste.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_01.wav|en = ...and you came all this way. What a waste!|zh = ……你大老远跑来这里,真是浪费!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_02.wav|en = Really? Well, okay then.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_02.wav|en = Really? Well ok then.|zh = 真的吗?那好吧。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_03.wav|en = Don't let a zombie dog bite you in the ass on your way out. And if he does, hey, we'll take care of it for you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_03.wav|en = Don't let a zombie dog bite you on the ass on your way out. And if he does? Hey, we'll take care of it for you!|zh = 出去的时候别被丧尸狗咬到屁股。如果真被咬了,我们会帮你处理的!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_04.wav|en = You know, a few things turned up missing the other day. You don't know anything about that, do you?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_04.wav|en = Y'know, a few things turned up missing the other day. You don't know anything about that do you?|zh = 话说,我们前几天丢了些东西。这件事跟你没关系吧?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_05.wav|en = Poppin' pills might have what you were looking for.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_05.wav|en = A Pop 'n' Pills might have what you were looking for.|zh = 药物狂欢那边可能有你想要的东西。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_06.wav|en = You should stock up on medical supplies. There's a zombie apocalypse out there.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_06.wav|en = You should stock up on medical supplies. There's a zombie apocalypse out there.|zh = 建议你多储备点医疗用品。毕竟外面已经是丧尸末日了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_07.wav|en = If I had a Duke for every time someone was just looking, I'd be as rich as Trader Joel.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_07.wav|en = If I had a Duke for every time someone was just looking, I'd be as rich as Trader Joel.|zh = 如果每次有人“随便看看”,我就能获得一枚公爵币,那我早就像商人约珥一样暴富了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_08.wav|en = Maybe next time I'll have what you need.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_08.wav|en = Maybe next time I'll have what you need.|zh = 也许下次我这里会有你需要的东西。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_09.wav|en = Oh, are you leaving so soon? I was hoping we could hang out a while.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_09.wav|en = Aww you're leaving so soon? I was hoping we could hang out a while!|zh = 这么快就要走了?我还想跟你多相处一会儿呢!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_10.wav|en = It's too bad I couldn't help you. Well, maybe next time.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_10.wav|en = It's too bad I couldn't help you. Well, maybe next time.|zh = 我帮不了你,太遗憾了。下次再说吧。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_11.wav|en = Sorry, but I've never heard of a stim pack.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_11.wav|en = Sorry but I've never heard of a stim-pack...|zh = 抱歉,我从没有听说过“兴奋剂”……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_12.wav|en = Aw, nothing this time?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_12.wav|en = Aww, nothing this time?|zh = 咦,这次什么都不要?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_13.wav|en = Not one thing? Well, there's always next time.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_13.wav|en = Not one thing? Well, there's always next time.|zh = 一件都不要?好吧,下次再来。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_14.wav|en = If you find any extra medicine out there, I'll buy it off you for a discount.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_sale_declined_14.wav|en = If you find any extra medicine out there, I'll buy it off you for a discount!|zh = 如果你在外面找到多余的药,我愿意折价购买!}}
=== 打折 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_special_01.wav|en = We are running a 10% sale on all items right now. Stop in, check us out!|zh = 我们现在所有商品正在打9折。走过路过,不要错过!}}
=== 打折促销 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_special_02.wav|en = All medical items are 15% off today. Stock up or bleed out.|zh = 所有医疗用品今日打85折,别等到血止不住了才来囤货。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_special_01.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] We are running a 10% sale on all items right now. Stop in, check us out.|zh = [喇叭语音]我们正在全场 9 折促销。快来瞧一瞧看一看。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_special_03.wav|en = All firearms and ammo are 15% off today. Stock up! The bloodmoon is coming!|zh = 所有枪支弹药今日打85折。快点囤货!血夜要来了!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_special_02.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] All medical items are 15% off today. Stock up or bleed out.|zh = [喇叭语音]今天所有医疗用品全部 85 折优惠。赶紧囤货,避免流血至死。}}
=== 买入稀有物品 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_announce_special_03.wav|en = [Over loudspeaker] All firearms and ammo are 15% off today. Stock up: the bloodmoon is coming!|zh = [喇叭语音]今天所有枪支和弹药全部 85 折优惠。赶紧囤货,血月就要来了!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_01.wav|en = Wow! You don't see many of those.|zh = 哇哦!这玩意可不是哪儿都能见到的。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_02.wav|en = Where did you get that? I can sell this for a nice profit.|zh = 你在哪里得到的?我靠卖这个赚大利润呢。}}
=== 收购稀有物品 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_03.wav|en = Who did you kill to get this? You know what? Never mind. I don't want to know.|zh = 你是宰了谁才获得这玩意的?你知道吗?别管了,我其实不想知道。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_01.wav|en = Hmm hmm, wow! You don't see many of those.|zh = 哇!这可不多见。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_04.wav|en = Well, you are quite the treasure hunter. This is a very rare piece.|zh = 好吧,你真是个宝藏猎手。这玩意特别稀有的。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_02.wav|en = Where did you get that? I can sell this for a nice profit!|zh = 你从哪里找来的?我可以卖个好价钱!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_03.wav|en = Who did you kill to get this? You know what, nevermind. I don't want to know.|zh = 你从谁的尸体上搜刮来的?算了,不用告诉我。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_buy_rare_item_04.wav|en = Well, you are quite the treasure hunter! This is a very rare piece.|zh = 哟,你可真是个寻宝达人!这玩意儿可稀罕了。}}
=== 治疗玩家 ===
=== 治疗玩家 ===
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_01.wav|en = I can fix you up. What do you say?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_01.wav|en = I can fix you up. What do ya' say?|zh = 我可以帮你治疗,怎么样?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_02.wav|en = I'll heal you. For some dukes.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_02.wav|en = I'll heal you... for some Dukes.|zh = 我可以治好你……前提是你支付公爵币。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_03.wav|en = I'm a doctor, but I'm still running a business.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_03.wav|en = I'm a doctor but I'm still running a business.|zh = 我是医生,但我也是店铺老板。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_04.wav|en = Pay my price and I'll heal you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_04.wav|en = Pay my price, and I'll heal you.|zh = 你付钱,我治疗。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_05.wav|en = Ooh, you look banged up. Let me help you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_heal_player_05.wav|en = Ooh, you look banged up! Let me help you.|zh = 哇,你看起来狼狈极了!让我来帮你。}}
== 长时间静止 ==
== 长时间静止 ==
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_01.wav|en = At least the weather's been nice lately.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_01.wav|en = At least the weather's been nice lately...|zh = 至少最近天气不错……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_02.wav|en = Oh yeah, I'm good. Just take your time.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_02.wav|en = Oh yeah I'm good, just uh, take your time.|zh = 嗯,我没事。你慢慢逛。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_03.wav|en = I swear it seems like someone's been sneaking around here stealing things again.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_03.wav|en = I swear it seems like someone's been sneaking around here stealing things again.|zh = 我发誓,好像又有人偷偷溜进来偷东西了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_04.wav|en = Would you like to see my secret stash?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_04.wav|en = Would you... like to see my secret... stash?|zh = 你想……看看我的秘密……库存吗?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_05.wav|en = We have the best selection of medicine in Navezgane.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_05.wav|en = We have the best selection of medicine in Navezgane.|zh = 我们备有全纳维戈恩最顶尖的药品。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_06.wav|en = Why are beakers so hard to find?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_06.wav|en = Why are beakers so hard to find?|zh = 为什么烧杯如此难找?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_07.wav|en = We sell guns and ammo too, because bullet holes are good for business.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_07.wav|en = We sell guns and ammo too, 'cause bullet holes are good for business.|zh = 我们也卖枪支和弹药,因为弹孔对生意有好处。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_08.wav|en = If you can't decide, I would go with the big one.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_08.wav|en = If you can't decide, I would go with the big one.|zh = 如果你拿不定主意,我建议选择大的。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_09.wav|en = If you find any moldy bread, don't throw it away. It's good for antibiotics.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_09.wav|en = If you find any mouldy bread, don't throw it away. It's good for antibiotics.|zh = 如果你发现发霉的面包,不要扔掉,可以用来制造抗生素。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_10.wav|en = Make sure to check my secret stash. I'm sure there's something good in there.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_10.wav|en = Make sure to check my secret stash. I'm sure there's something good in there.|zh = 务必来瞧瞧我的秘密库存。我确信里面有好东西。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_11.wav|en = Did you know Higashi Labs was working on some crazy technology before the bombs dropped?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_11.wav|en = Did you know Higashi Labs was working on some crazy technology before the bombs dropped?|zh = 你知道吗?爆炸发生之前,东实验室正在研究某种疯狂的技术。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_12.wav|en = I heard grandpa bathed in the same tub he mixed his famous elixirs in.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_12.wav|en = I heard Grandpa bathed in the same tub he mixed his famous elixers in.|zh = 我听说祖父就在他搅拌著名的妙药的浴缸里洗澡。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_13.wav|en = Did you know Tray Direct is always grumpy because he's hungover? Yeah, he's the nicest guy, if you give him a beer.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_13.wav|en = Did you know Trader Rekt is always grumpy because he's hungover? Yeah, he's the nicest guy if you give him a beer.|zh = 你知道商人雷克特为什么总是脾气暴躁吗?因为他整天宿醉未醒!没错,只要给他一杯啤酒,他就会变成最和蔼的人。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_14.wav|en = Trader Bob likes to tinker with all kinds of stuff. I heard he built a gyrocopter out of junk.|zh = 商人鲍勃喜欢摆弄各种各样的东西。我听说他用垃圾造了一架旋翼机。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_14.wav|en = Trader Bob likes to tinker with all kinds of stuff. I heard he built a gyrocopter out of junk.|zh = 商人鲍勃喜欢摆弄各种各样的小东西。我听说他用垃圾制造了一架旋翼机。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_15.wav|en = I heard that Trader Hugh is a little crazy and shot a customer for not buying anything.|zh = 我听说商人休有点疯疯癫癫的,曾经因为有位顾客不买他家任何东西,他就把人家给射杀了。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_15.wav|en = I heard that Trader Hugh is a little crazy and shot a customer for not buying anything.|zh = 我听说商人休有点疯癫,曾经因为一个顾客什么都没买就开枪打死了他。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_16.wav|en = Trader Joel used to run a sporting goods store before the bombs dropped. No wonder he has the best outfits.|zh = 在核弹爆炸之前,商人约珥开的是家运动装备店,怪不得他拥有最好的服饰。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_16.wav|en = Trader Joel used to run a sporting goods store before the bombs dropped. No wonder he has the best outfits.|zh = 爆炸发生前,商人约珥是开体育用品店的。难怪他卖的服装最好。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_17.wav|en = Ahem, ahem!|zh = 咳咳!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_17.wav|en = Hmm hmm...|zh = 嗯嗯……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_18.wav|en = Ahem, ahem, ahem!|zh = 咳咳咳!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_18.wav|en = [Clears throat]|zh = [清嗓子]}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_19.wav|en = (cough) Buy something!|zh = (咳嗽)买点东西!}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_19.wav|en = [Clears throat] Buy something! [Coughs]|zh = [清嗓子]买点东西![咳嗽]}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_20.wav|en = (cough) Oh. Sorry! I might have caught a bug.|zh = (咳嗽)哦,抱歉!我可能有点感冒。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_20.wav|en = [Coughs] Oh, sorry, might have caught a bug.|zh = [咳嗽]哦,对不起,我可能有点小感冒。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_21.wav|en = (yawn) I need some more coffee.|zh = (打哈欠)我还需要更多咖啡。}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_idle_21.wav|en = [Yawns] I need some more coffee!|zh = [哈欠]我需要更多咖啡!}}
== 讲述传闻 ==
== 讲述传闻 ==
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_berzerker_bills_01.wav|en = I heard a rumor that the hamburgers from Berserker Bills give you special powers if you eat them.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_berzerker_bills_01.wav|en = I heard the hamburgers from Bezerker Bills give you special powers if you eat them...|zh = 我听说吃下狂战士比尔的汉堡可以获得特殊的力量……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_evil_01.wav|en = Rumor has it something evil lurks in an old cabin in the woods. We've sent several runners there and no one heard from them again.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_evil_01.wav|en = Rumor has it something evil lurks in an old cabin in the woods. We've sent several runners there and no one heard from them again...|zh = 有传言说,森林里的一间旧屋中潜伏着某种邪恶的东西。我们已经派了多名探子前去,但一个都没有回来……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_fates_01.wav|en = I heard the Fates Hotel is haunted. I'd stay away from there if I were you.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_fates_01.wav|en = I heard the Fates Hotel is haunted. I'd stay away from there if I were you...|zh = 听说命运酒店闹鬼。换成我的话,肯定会远离那里……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_ford_01.wav|en = I heard the Ford Theater had Wilkes' revolver on display when the apocalypse started. I wonder if it's still there?|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_ford_01.wav|en = I heard the Ford Theatre had Wilk's revolver on display when the apocalypse started. I wonder if it's still there?|zh = 我听说末世开始时,福特剧院正在展出威尔克的左轮手枪。不知道它是否还在那里?}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_johnnytown_01.wav|en = You know, people have been talking about moving to Johnny Town, but nobody knows where it is exactly. One of my couriers found this note, though.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_johnnytown_01.wav|en = Y'know people have been talking about moving to Johnny Town? But nobody knows where it is exactly. One of my couriers found this note though...|zh = 你知道吗?很多人都在讨论搬去约翰尼镇的事,但没有人知道它到底在哪里。不过,我的一个送货员发现了这张纸条……}}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_motivation_01.wav|en = I heard some weirdo has been giving motivational speeches at his house. But everyone who goes there ends up missing.|zh = }}
{{7D2DAudio|file = 7D2D_trader_jen_rumor_motivation_01.wav|en = I heard some weirdo has been giving motivational speeches at his house, but everyone who goes there ends up missing...|zh = 我听说某个怪人经常在他家里发表励志演讲,但去过的所有人都失踪了……}}

2024年9月3日 (二) 18:54的最新版本

< 返回上级:七日杀




[Over loudspeaker] Good morning Navesgane! We're open!
[Over loudspeaker] Greetings wasteland! Trader Jens is now open for business.
[Over loudspeaker] Trader Jens is now open.


[Over loudspeaker] We'll be closing soon so make your final purchases and stay safe out there!
[Over loudspeaker] Trader Jens will be closing in a few minutes, but come back soon: we restock often!
[Over loudspeaker] Thank you for shopping at Trader Jens. We'll be closing soon so make your final purchases.


[Over loudspeaker] Trader Jens is now closed. Goodnight wasteland!
[Over loudspeaker] Trader Jen here, we're now closed. Have a good night and don't let the zombies bite!
[Over loudspeaker] Trader Jen says goodnight and stay safe. If not, we'll patch you up in the morning!



Welcome to Trader Jens. We carry a little bit of everything but specialize in medical supplies.
Hi I'm Jenny, but you can call me Doctor Jen. It's always good to see a new face. Do you need any medical attention or supplies?
Greetings traveller, I'm Trader Jen. We sell a bit of everything but mostly medicine.


Another stranger in need? I've got what you're looking for.
Hello traveller! What's ailing ya'?
If you've got the Dukes, I'll make the time!
Woah, look what the cat dragged in...
If you're uh, feeling under the weather, I've got what the doctor ordered.
We've got the best prices in the wasteland.
Name's Jenny, but you can call me Doctor Jen.
So... what are ya' buying today?
You... don't look so good. You might want to get some antibiotics for that.
If you're here to buy, I've got the best selection of medicine in the wasteland.
Meds, drugs, booze. I've got it all!
You again? I'm starting to think you like Doctor Jen...
I am so glad to see your face, I get lonely sitting by myself all day!
Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes. What can I get you?
You're looking kinda rough... you didn't get bit did you?


Good morning survivor.
Sorry for my foul mood... my coffee maker's on the fritz again.
Well you're early, what can I do for you?
Another wonderful morning in the apocalypse. How can I help ya'?
Good morning to my favorite customer!


Good afternoon!
Good afternoon, it's good to see you're still breathing.
Konichiwa! That's good afternoon in Japanese.
Sure is a wonderful afternoon. How can I help you today?
It's good you beat the, uh, evening rush. Take your time and stay a while.


You're cutting it close aren't ya'?
Hey I'm closing up soon.
I was about to close up for the night, but I guess I'll make time for one more customer...
It's closing time soon. You got here just in time!


Good evening!
Hope it's just a pretty sunset and not a bloodmoon...
Welcome to my store this fine evening. Now how can the best doctor in the wasteland assist you?
It's a wonderful evening to sell medical supplies.
For you, good lookin'? I would stay open all night.


You'd have to be a little crazy to be out before a bloodmoon like this.
Oh you should seruously stock up on medical supplies because bloodmoons are dangerous!
I get so scared on bloodmoons. I wish someone could stay the night.
I hate the bloodmoons but I love the business. Everyone needs to be patched up the next day.
Supplies are always low around bloodmoons. You should stock up for the night.



Fantastic! Hope to see you soon!
Hurry back soon, and I'll have a nice reward for you!
If you finish two more jobs this week I will give you... employee of the month!
I had a good feeling about you, good luck!
Oh thank goodness, I couldn't find anyone to do that job.
Ok, be careful and try not to get yourself killed.
Do hurry, I have a protection payment coming up soon.
Thanks hun, I knew you wouldn't let me down.
This is dangerous work, but I believe you can handle it.
Oh I would kiss you but, um, you know, apocalypse hygeine and all...
Oh this is a dangeous one. Try not to, um... get radiated...


You... are quite the daring adventurer. Good job.
Congratulations! I can make my payment to The Duke now.
Good job, I knew you could do it.
Amazing! I hope you like your reward.
Don't spend it all in one place. But if you do, make sure it's here.
I knew you had it in you. Good work!
Well that didn't take long. Nice work!
Here's your pay for a job well done.
Wow, I didn't think you had it in you. Good job!
Now that you have some money to spend, we're running a 10% off sale for the rest of the day.
你既然手头有钱了,我们今天正好打 9 折。


I'm just a broker for these jobs. So it's not my fault if you don't like the work.
Money doesn't grow on trees. You really should take some work.
Yeah, if you could just go ahead and take a job... that would be great.
Grrr... so disappointed in you. Well, maybe next time.
Oh come on! The Duke's gonna slap me around if I don't make my quota this week!
The Duke is blocking all shipments until that job is done. I really wish you could help me.
Aww you scared of a little work? And I thought you were a tough wastelander.
If you take a job, I'd be glad to take my commission.
Takes some nerve to ask for work and then turn down a job.
Oh well, check back soon. Maybe we'll have something for you.
Did you know that I heard you can harvest landmines with a wrench?


Didn't I just give you a job? Yep, let's finish that up first.
Take care of that job I already gave you, then we can find you more work.
Don't you already have a job to do?
If you finish that other job, I'll have something for ya'.
Finish the work you have, then we'll talk.


I've got just the job for someone with your talents!
You need some work? I need some commissions!
You're looking to earn some Dukes? I've got jobs for someone like you.
You look like you could handle yourself. Wanna earn some coin?
We're always looking for some adventurous souls. Have a look.
Ya' know? I always admired a hard worker.
I would love to give you a job.
I need someone who's willing to get their hands dirty.
I've got a bit of a problem. Can you help me out?
I think I've got a job or two...
If you do this for me I will... never forget you!
We always need someone to handle the tough jobs.
Oh this is the best way to get Dukes and rewards!



Alrighty then, stay safe out there!
I just knew you'd find something you'd like!
I hope you get feelin' better.
Remember me if you need medical supplies.
Now that was a good deal. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Thanks for the business, stay safe out there!
I hope you come back and see me sometime!
Well you just brightened my day. I'm glad I could help you!
Thanks for letting me take care of you... and tell your friends!
Thank you so much! Hey, come again!
Thanks for the business. We're open from dawn to dusk since, y'know, we don't have clocks...


...and you came all this way. What a waste!
Really? Well ok then.
Don't let a zombie dog bite you on the ass on your way out. And if he does? Hey, we'll take care of it for you!
Y'know, a few things turned up missing the other day. You don't know anything about that do you?
A Pop 'n' Pills might have what you were looking for.
You should stock up on medical supplies. There's a zombie apocalypse out there.
If I had a Duke for every time someone was just looking, I'd be as rich as Trader Joel.
Maybe next time I'll have what you need.
Aww you're leaving so soon? I was hoping we could hang out a while!
It's too bad I couldn't help you. Well, maybe next time.
Sorry but I've never heard of a stim-pack...
Aww, nothing this time?
Not one thing? Well, there's always next time.
If you find any extra medicine out there, I'll buy it off you for a discount!


[Over loudspeaker] We are running a 10% sale on all items right now. Stop in, check us out.
[喇叭语音]我们正在全场 9 折促销。快来瞧一瞧看一看。
[Over loudspeaker] All medical items are 15% off today. Stock up or bleed out.
[喇叭语音]今天所有医疗用品全部 85 折优惠。赶紧囤货,避免流血至死。
[Over loudspeaker] All firearms and ammo are 15% off today. Stock up: the bloodmoon is coming!
[喇叭语音]今天所有枪支和弹药全部 85 折优惠。赶紧囤货,血月就要来了!


Hmm hmm, wow! You don't see many of those.
Where did you get that? I can sell this for a nice profit!
Who did you kill to get this? You know what, nevermind. I don't want to know.
Well, you are quite the treasure hunter! This is a very rare piece.


I can fix you up. What do ya' say?
I'll heal you... for some Dukes.
I'm a doctor but I'm still running a business.
Pay my price, and I'll heal you.
Ooh, you look banged up! Let me help you.


At least the weather's been nice lately...
Oh yeah I'm good, just uh, take your time.
I swear it seems like someone's been sneaking around here stealing things again.
Would you... like to see my secret... stash?
We have the best selection of medicine in Navezgane.
Why are beakers so hard to find?
We sell guns and ammo too, 'cause bullet holes are good for business.
If you can't decide, I would go with the big one.
If you find any mouldy bread, don't throw it away. It's good for antibiotics.
Make sure to check my secret stash. I'm sure there's something good in there.
Did you know Higashi Labs was working on some crazy technology before the bombs dropped?
I heard Grandpa bathed in the same tub he mixed his famous elixers in.
Did you know Trader Rekt is always grumpy because he's hungover? Yeah, he's the nicest guy if you give him a beer.
Trader Bob likes to tinker with all kinds of stuff. I heard he built a gyrocopter out of junk.
I heard that Trader Hugh is a little crazy and shot a customer for not buying anything.
Trader Joel used to run a sporting goods store before the bombs dropped. No wonder he has the best outfits.
Hmm hmm...
[Clears throat]
[Clears throat] Buy something! [Coughs]
[Coughs] Oh, sorry, might have caught a bug.
[Yawns] I need some more coffee!


I heard the hamburgers from Bezerker Bills give you special powers if you eat them...
Rumor has it something evil lurks in an old cabin in the woods. We've sent several runners there and no one heard from them again...
I heard the Fates Hotel is haunted. I'd stay away from there if I were you...
I heard the Ford Theatre had Wilk's revolver on display when the apocalypse started. I wonder if it's still there?
Y'know people have been talking about moving to Johnny Town? But nobody knows where it is exactly. One of my couriers found this note though...
I heard some weirdo has been giving motivational speeches at his house, but everyone who goes there ends up missing...