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第20行: 第20行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move9|Script = Yeah, I like it out here. Freedom, communing with nature, killing hikers.|Translation=嗯,我喜欢外面的世界,自由自在,聆听自然,再杀掉郊游的人}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move9|Script = Yeah, I like it out here. Freedom, communing with nature, killing hikers.|Translation=嗯,我喜欢外面的世界,自由自在,聆听自然,再杀掉郊游的人}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move10|Script = They ain't ready for us.|Translation=他们可没法应付我们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move10|Script = They ain't ready for us.|Translation=他们可没法应付我们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move11|Script = I keep hallucinating that you can talk. (Skaarl growls) Nah, I'm sure it'll pass.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move11|Script = I keep hallucinating that you can talk. (Skaarl growls) Nah, I'm sure it'll pass.|Translation=我老觉得你会说话。(斯嘎尔叫)中文}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move12|Script = Skaarl! This ain't no time for philosophying!|Translation=斯嘎尔,没时间琢磨这么多破事儿了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move12|Script = Skaarl! This ain't no time for philosophying!|Translation=斯嘎尔,没时间琢磨这么多破事儿了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move13|Script = Killing a few things might loosen this up.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move13|Script = Killing a few things might loosen this up.|Translation=打打杀杀有益身心}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move14|Script = No more of that! You're upsetting the invisible badgers!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move14|Script = No more of that! You're upsetting the invisible badgers!|Translation=别叫唤了,你把看不见的猎物都吓跑了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move15|Script = My land begins where I walk. It ends where the sun don't shine!|Translation=我的地盘,从我的脚下开始算起,直到太阳落山的那头}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move15|Script = My land begins where I walk. It ends where the sun don't shine!|Translation=我的地盘,从我的脚下开始算起,直到太阳落山的那头}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move16|Script = Damn cowards, making me ride over to kill 'em.|Translation=混账胆小鬼,等我骑过去宰了他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move16|Script = Damn cowards, making me ride over to kill 'em.|Translation=混账胆小鬼,等我骑过去宰了他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move17|Script = Well, maybe I am looking to start a fight!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move17|Script = Well, maybe I am looking to start a fight!|Translation=我就是想找茬儿跟他们打仗啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move18|Script = I do prefer to ride into battle.|Translation=我要骑进战斗里}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move18|Script = I do prefer to ride into battle.|Translation=我要骑进战斗里}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move19|Script = Yeah, but... then how we gonna' invade both bases at once?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move19|Script = Yeah, but... then how we gonna' invade both bases at once?|Translation=是这样的,但我们怎样才能同时推掉两边的基地呢?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move20|Script = No, I'm positive, I ain't delusional! ...More than usual...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move20|Script = No, I'm positive, I ain't delusional! ...More than usual...|Translation=不,我非常肯定,我不是在胡说八道}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move21|Script = Of course I'm paranoid! You tried to kill me yesterday!|Translation=我就是妄想狂啊,你昨天还想杀掉我呢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move21|Script = Of course I'm paranoid! You tried to kill me yesterday!|Translation=我就是妄想狂啊,你昨天还想杀掉我呢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move22|Script = I came to cut off a piece of that Noxian dream... and I ain't sharing my piece!|Translation=诺克萨斯的梦想,有我的一份,但是没人能分走我的一份儿}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move22|Script = I came to cut off a piece of that Noxian dream... and I ain't sharing my piece!|Translation=诺克萨斯的梦想,有我的一份,但是没人能分走我的一份儿}}
第41行: 第41行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move30|Script = Don't need a plan... long as I got this axe.|Translation=需要什么计划?我有斧子不就行了?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move30|Script = Don't need a plan... long as I got this axe.|Translation=需要什么计划?我有斧子不就行了?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move31|Script = Yeah, they just confirming our suspicions, ain't they?|Translation=对呀,他们刚刚印证了我们的猜想,不是吗?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move31|Script = Yeah, they just confirming our suspicions, ain't they?|Translation=对呀,他们刚刚印证了我们的猜想,不是吗?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move32|Script = I don't have trouble communicating. Words is just treacherous bastards.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move32|Script = I don't have trouble communicating. Words is just treacherous bastards.|Translation=我才没有沟通障碍,我只是觉得语言是不可靠的王八蛋}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move33|Script = You ready, Skaarl? This day's gonna' require some mindblowing weirdness.|Translation=准备好了吗,斯嘎尔?今天是个大风天,疯子的疯啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move33|Script = You ready, Skaarl? This day's gonna' require some mindblowing weirdness.|Translation=准备好了吗,斯嘎尔?今天是个大风天,疯子的疯啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move34|Script = Are you ready for anything? (Skaarl growls) Of course you are!|Translation=}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move34|Script = Are you ready for anything? (Skaarl growls) Of course you are!|Translation=你准备好了吗?(斯嘎尔叫)中文}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move35|Script = Hey, it's Forward Admiral Major Kled! I ain't been a Mister since ever!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move35|Script = Hey, it's Forward Admiral Major Kled! I ain't been a Mister since ever!|Translation=喂,你应该叫我骠骑大将克烈少校,我从来不是什么先生}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move36|Script = Shh! Them brain weasels probably listening for us.|Translation=嘘,他们的猪脑子可能会听见我们的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move36|Script = Shh! Them brain weasels probably listening for us.|Translation=嘘,他们的猪脑子可能会听见我们的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move37|Script = Let's get to killing them interloping intruders!|Translation=让我们干掉那些瞎闯进来的家伙}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move37|Script = Let's get to killing them interloping intruders!|Translation=让我们干掉那些瞎闯进来的家伙}}
第57行: 第57行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move46|Script = First, we kill 'em, then we make 'em tell us where they came from.|Translation=我们先杀光他们,然后再弄明白他们是从哪儿来的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move46|Script = First, we kill 'em, then we make 'em tell us where they came from.|Translation=我们先杀光他们,然后再弄明白他们是从哪儿来的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move47|Script = Remember when we sacked Trevale, and that general thought we'd be willing to share the spoils? Pheh! Officers die just as easy as anybody.|Translation=记得那时我们刚打劫了特雷瓦尔,那个将军还以为我们会分他一份儿,当官儿的和普通人一样,也会死嘛}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move47|Script = Remember when we sacked Trevale, and that general thought we'd be willing to share the spoils? Pheh! Officers die just as easy as anybody.|Translation=记得那时我们刚打劫了特雷瓦尔,那个将军还以为我们会分他一份儿,当官儿的和普通人一样,也会死嘛}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move48|Script = There ain't no land that ain't mine. Just land I ain't got around to claiming.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move48|Script = There ain't no land that ain't mine. Just land I ain't got around to claiming.|Translation=只有我还没去到的地方,没有不属于我的地方}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move49|Script = Just 'cause they're our team don't mean we can trust 'em.|Translation=虽然他们和我们一队,但不代表我们能信任他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move49|Script = Just 'cause they're our team don't mean we can trust 'em.|Translation=虽然他们和我们一队,但不代表我们能信任他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move50|Script = They're all trespassers, we're just killing them five first.|Translation=他们都是乱闯进来的,先宰了他们五个再说}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move50|Script = They're all trespassers, we're just killing them five first.|Translation=他们都是乱闯进来的,先宰了他们五个再说}}
第65行: 第65行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move54|Script = I am deep-fried courage, and an apple pie of angry!|Translation=我现在勇气高涨,怒火冲天}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move54|Script = I am deep-fried courage, and an apple pie of angry!|Translation=我现在勇气高涨,怒火冲天}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move55|Script = I know, I know.|Translation=我懂,我懂}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move55|Script = I know, I know.|Translation=我懂,我懂}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move56|Script = Would you stop bitching for one minute?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move56|Script = Would you stop bitching for one minute?|Translation=你能闭上你的臭嘴吗}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move57|Script = Because I know someone is trying to sneak up on us!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move57|Script = Because I know someone is trying to sneak up on us!|Translation=因为我知道有人在埋伏我们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move58|Script = Yeah, they think they so clever! Brains don't win fights, brains is what splatter on you!|Translation=他们觉得自己非常聪明,但是脑子可打不了架,只会被打出来喷在地上}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move58|Script = Yeah, they think they so clever! Brains don't win fights, brains is what splatter on you!|Translation=他们觉得自己非常聪明,但是脑子可打不了架,只会被打出来喷在地上}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move59|Script = Well, you the only thing I trust.|Translation=你是我唯一信任的东西}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move59|Script = Well, you the only thing I trust.|Translation=你是我唯一信任的东西}}
第87行: 第87行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move76|Script = Woo, it's darn pretty round here. Glad it's mine.|Translation=哦,这里真的漂亮的要死,幸好都是我的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move76|Script = Woo, it's darn pretty round here. Glad it's mine.|Translation=哦,这里真的漂亮的要死,幸好都是我的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move77|Script = You can't be lonely when the land is this beautiful.|Translation=大地风光无限,你就不会觉得寂寞了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move77|Script = You can't be lonely when the land is this beautiful.|Translation=大地风光无限,你就不会觉得寂寞了}}
=== 非骑乘状态时 ===
=== 非骑乘状态时 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.move78|Script = This world is rough. You gotta' be tough or die.|Translation=世界很残酷的,你要么坚强,要么去死}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move78|Script = This world is rough. You gotta' be tough or die.|Translation=世界很残酷的,你要么坚强,要么去死}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move79|Script = Yes, a sane man would run, but I ain't the running kind!|Translation=正常人都会跑掉,但我不会跑}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move79|Script = Yes, a sane man would run, but I ain't the running kind!|Translation=正常人都会跑掉,但我不会跑}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move80|Script = No-one tells me what to do.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move80|Script = No-one tells me what to do.|Translation=没人能命令我}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move81|Script = This here land is mine!|Translation=这里的整块地盘都是我的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move81|Script = This here land is mine!|Translation=这里的整块地盘都是我的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move82|Script = This is just a victory waiting to happen!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move82|Script = This is just a victory waiting to happen!|Translation=胜券在握}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move83|Script = This desert sky's gonna' open up with a rain of heavenly bloodshed and glorious violence!|Translation=荒凉的天空会打开一条口子,降下粘稠的血雨和光辉的暴力}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move83|Script = This desert sky's gonna' open up with a rain of heavenly bloodshed and glorious violence!|Translation=荒凉的天空会打开一条口子,降下粘稠的血雨和光辉的暴力}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move84|Script = I am the brutal instrument of my own destiny!|Translation=我是自己命运的残暴傀儡}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move84|Script = I am the brutal instrument of my own destiny!|Translation=我是自己命运的残暴傀儡}}
第101行: 第102行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move89|Script = I don't need nothing but this axe... and this gun... and this hat.|Translation=我什么都不需要,除了这把斧子,这把枪,这顶帽子}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move89|Script = I don't need nothing but this axe... and this gun... and this hat.|Translation=我什么都不需要,除了这把斧子,这把枪,这顶帽子}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move90|Script = Why's all these intruders so far away?|Translation=为什么这些闯地盘,家伙还有这么远?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move90|Script = Why's all these intruders so far away?|Translation=为什么这些闯地盘,家伙还有这么远?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move91|Script = I know that lizard ain't talking, but I still hear him. Shut up, lizard. Shut up!|Translation=我知道蜥蜴不会说话,但我还是能听见他,闭嘴,蠢蜥蜴,闭嘴}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move91|Script = I know that lizard ain't talking, but I still hear him. Shut up, lizard. Shut up!|Translation=我知道蜥蜴不会说话,但我还是能听见她,闭嘴,蠢蜥蜴,闭嘴}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move92|Script = Stop talking, you stupid brain badgers!|Translation=别再叫了,脑子里的家伙}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move92|Script = Stop talking, you stupid brain badgers!|Translation=别再叫了,脑子里的家伙}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move93|Script = Hey, what was that? Of course I don't need Skaarl... but he helps.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move93|Script = Hey, what was that? Of course I don't need Skaarl... but he helps.|Translation=你说什么呢?斯嘎尔又不是没他就不行,只不过它很有用啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move94|Script = What was that? Run straight into the tower?|Translation=你说什么?叫我直接冲塔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move94|Script = What was that? Run straight into the tower?|Translation=你说什么?叫我直接冲塔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move95|Script = I don't need a team to start a teamfight!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move95|Script = I don't need a team to start a teamfight!|Translation=团战不一定非要一团人才能打}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move96|Script = Sure! I'll kill all of them myself!|Translation=好啊,我一个人干翻他们全部}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move96|Script = Sure! I'll kill all of them myself!|Translation=好啊,我一个人干翻他们全部}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move97|Script = I don't need you Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move97|Script = I don't need you Skaarl!|Translation=我没你也一样,斯嘎尔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move98|Script = I said I wasn't not backing off, no how!|Translation=我说了我不会后退的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move98|Script = I said I wasn't not backing off, no how!|Translation=我说了我不会后退的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move99|Script = Even if I lose, I win! Just means I get to come back and kill you later!|Translation=就算我被打败了,我也是赢的,只不过意味着我得晚点儿再回来收拾你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move99|Script = Even if I lose, I win! Just means I get to come back and kill you later!|Translation=就算我被打败了,我也是赢的,只不过意味着我得晚点儿再回来收拾你}}
第116行: 第117行:
{{LOL|File =kled.move104|Script = Damnit, Skaarl! I hate walking!|Translation=该死的斯嘎尔,我讨厌走路}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move104|Script = Damnit, Skaarl! I hate walking!|Translation=该死的斯嘎尔,我讨厌走路}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move105|Script = I didn't not earn the rank of Sergeant double Admiral by not running!|Translation=中士大将的头衔,可不是靠逃跑换来的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move105|Script = I didn't not earn the rank of Sergeant double Admiral by not running!|Translation=中士大将的头衔,可不是靠逃跑换来的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move106|Script = Folks say I got violent tendencies.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move106|Script = Folks say I got violent tendencies.|Translation=大家说我禀性暴烈,呵呵嘿嘿,呵呵,呵哈哈哈哈哈哈}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move107|Script = Oh, she'll see, she'll see! She'll come strolling back when I turn them interlopers into a purée.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move107|Script = Oh, she'll see, she'll see! She'll come strolling back when I turn them interlopers into a purée.|Translation=哦,她会明白的,她一定会的,等我把这些闯地盘的打成一滩肉泥的时候,她就会回来了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move108|Script = Ain't nobody tough as Kled! I've got gravel in my guts and a fire in my head!|Translation=没人像克烈一样坚强,我胆似铁打,怒火攻心}}
{{LOL|File =kled.move108|Script = Ain't nobody tough as Kled! I've got gravel in my guts and a fire in my head!|Translation=没人像克烈一样坚强,我胆似铁打,怒火攻心}}
第123行: 第124行:
=== 玩笑 ===
=== 玩笑 ===
====回应玩笑 ====
====回应玩笑 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.joke1|Script = So, that's what considered funny in the city, huh?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke1|Script = So, that's what considered funny in the city, huh?|Translation=所以,那就是城里人觉得好笑的东西,啊?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke2|Script = I got a joke too! It's called me kicking your teeth in!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke2|Script = I got a joke too! It's called me kicking your teeth in!|Translation=我也会说俏皮话,一脚踢断你的牙}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke3|Script = That it? That was your joke, huh?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke3|Script = That it? That was your joke, huh?|Translation=完了?你说的是笑话,嗯?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke4|Script = Was you making fun of my Skaarl?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke4|Script = Was you making fun of my Skaarl?|Translation=你是在嘲笑我的斯嘎尔吗?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke5|Script = Real funny! Knew a funny guy in the Drekan Campaign - took a javelin in the spine, couldn't walk after that. Used him as a coat rack.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.joke5|Script = Real funny! Knew a funny guy in the Drekan Campaign - took a javelin in the spine, couldn't walk after that. Used him as a coat rack.|Translation=这个好笑,垂垦战役的时候有个家伙,脊椎骨被穿了一根标枪,他就没法走路了,我们拿他来挂大衣}}
=== 嘲讽 ===
=== 嘲讽 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt1|Script = Don't worry, them voices ain't telling me to kill you no more...! Yeah, of course we still gonna' kill 'im.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt1|Script = Don't worry, them voices ain't telling me to kill you no more...! Yeah, of course we still gonna' kill 'im.|Translation=别担心,我的脑子没有叫我杀掉你,当然啦,我们肯定会杀掉他的啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt2|Script = You do realise... you're on my property?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt2|Script = You do realise... you're on my property?|Translation=你意识到自己在我的地盘上吗?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt3|Script = I figure I'll help you kill 'em... before I kill you.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt3|Script = I figure I'll help you kill 'em... before I kill you.|Translation=我觉得我能帮你杀掉他们,然后再杀掉你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt4|Script = Usually I find conversation boring and useless. You remind me I'm right.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt4|Script = Usually I find conversation boring and useless. You remind me I'm right.|Translation=我通常会觉得聊天既无聊又无用,你让我想起这个说法是多么的正确}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt5|Script = You feel like arguing about something? It'll make what happens later easier for you.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt5|Script = You feel like arguing about something? It'll make what happens later easier for you.|Translation=你想说点什么吗?因为接下来的事情可能会让你没法开口哦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt6|Script = So... when exactly you planning on getting the hell outta' here?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt6|Script = So... when exactly you planning on getting the hell outta' here?|Translation=那么,你到底打算什么时候,滚出我的地盘呢?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt7|Script = Woo, no sir, I ain't gonna' kill you and feed you to my lizard! Them's just... malicious rumours!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt7|Script = Woo, no sir, I ain't gonna' kill you and feed you to my lizard! Them's just... malicious rumours!|Translation=哇哦,不会的,这位先生,我不会把你杀掉,也不会拿你去喂我的蜥蜴,那些都是不怀好意的传闻而已}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt8|Script = Oh, before I forget, what, uh... rank are you, exactly?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt8|Script = Oh, before I forget, what, uh... rank are you, exactly?|Translation=那个...趁我还没忘记,你是什么段位,什么头衔来着?}}
==== 回应嘲讽 ====
==== 回应嘲讽 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt9|Script = Say that again! I dare you.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt9|Script = Say that again! I dare you.|Translation=你再说一遍!?有种的话}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt10|Script = Thems fighting words! See, Skaarl? That's why I don't like people.|Translation=他们在打嘴仗耶。看见没斯嘎尔,这就是为什么我不喜欢人类}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt10|Script = Thems fighting words! See, Skaarl? That's why I don't like people.|Translation=他们在打嘴仗耶。看见没斯嘎尔,这就是为什么我不喜欢人类}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt11|Script = Shut your mouth hole! Them badgers are listening.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt11|Script = Shut your mouth hole! Them badgers are listening.|Translation=闭上你的臭嘴!有些家伙在听着呢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt12|Script = I'm just a Yordle standing in front of you, asking you to shut the hell up!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt12|Script = I'm just a Yordle standing in front of you, asking you to shut the hell up!|Translation=我只是个约德尔人,站在你的面前,请你闭上你的破嘴}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt13|Script = Of course you realize, this means war.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.taunt13|Script = Of course you realize, this means war.|Translation=是啊,你也发觉了吧,这就是宣战}}
== 大笑 ==
== 大笑 ==
第152行: 第153行:
== 攻击敌方英雄时 ==
== 攻击敌方英雄时 ==
=== 骑着斯嘎尔时 ===
=== 骑着斯嘎尔时 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.attack1|Script = Slow down so I can kill something!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack1|Script = Slow down so I can kill something!|Translation=慢点跑我才能弄死他们呢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack2|Script = Get off my lawn!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack2|Script = Get off my lawn!|Translation=滚出我的地界}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack3|Script = They's about to be dead!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack3|Script = They's about to be dead!|Translation=他们已经是死人了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack4|Script = This land is my land!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack4|Script = This land is my land!|Translation=这块地方是我的地方}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack5|Script = Damn trespassers!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack5|Script = Damn trespassers!|Translation=闯进来的都是混蛋}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack6|Script = Step on my land again, you're done!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack6|Script = Step on my land again, you're done!|Translation=你再闯进来试试?你就完了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack7|Script = How about a long axe in your guts?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack7|Script = How about a long axe in your guts?|Translation=肚子来一斧子,滋味如何呀?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack8|Script = You are perturbing my tranquility!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack8|Script = You are perturbing my tranquility!|Translation=你这家伙扰人清静}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack9|Script = You should run! Skaarl likes his food lively!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack9|Script = You should run! Skaarl likes his food lively!|Translation=你快跑起来,斯嘎尔喜欢吃活的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack10|Script = Don't interrupt me! I'm trying to start a fight!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack10|Script = Don't interrupt me! I'm trying to start a fight!|Translation=别烦我,我要跟人打架了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack11|Script = Damn city folk!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack11|Script = Damn city folk!|Translation=该死的城里人}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack12|Script = I'm Kled, and this here's Skaarl. Prepare to die.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack12|Script = I'm Kled, and this here's Skaarl. Prepare to die.|Translation=我是克烈,这是斯嘎尔,准备受死吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack13|Script = This is how it's gonna work: I kill you, then I take your stuff.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack13|Script = This is how it's gonna work: I kill you, then I take your stuff.|Translation=事情是这样安排的,我干掉你,然后拿走你的东西}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack14|Script = Look, Skaarl! It's dinner time!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack14|Script = Look, Skaarl! It's dinner time!|Translation=看,斯嘎尔,晚饭时间到了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack15|Script = You see my welcome sign back there? No? It was your friend's skull!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack15|Script = You see my welcome sign back there? No? It was your friend's skull!|Translation=你刚刚看到我插在那儿的欢迎牌了吗?没有?我用你朋友的脑袋做的那个喔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack16|Script = You will salute when you address me!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack16|Script = You will salute when you address me!|Translation=你在称呼我的时候要同时敬礼}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack17|Script = Let's get them trespassers!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack17|Script = Let's get them trespassers!|Translation=让我们来搞掉那些闯空门的吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack18|Script = Why ain't they saluting me? They should be saluting me! Salute me now!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack18|Script = Why ain't they saluting me? They should be saluting me! Salute me now!|Translation=他们为什么不敬礼?他们看到我就该敬礼的,现在给我敬礼}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack19|Script = You get my invitation to visit? No? 'cause there ain't one!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack19|Script = You get my invitation to visit? No? 'cause there ain't one!|Translation=你收到我的请柬了吗?没有吧,因为根本没有什么请柬}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack20|Script = Let's do it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack20|Script = Let's do it!|Translation=我们上吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack21|Script = Oh, it's on!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack21|Script = Oh, it's on!|Translation=哦,来啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack22|Script = I got your welcoming present right here!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack22|Script = I got your welcoming present right here!|Translation=我为你准备了一份见面礼}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack23|Script = The badgers command your death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack23|Script = The badgers command your death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack24|Script = Only coffin's gonna' be this lizard's belly!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack24|Script = Only coffin's gonna' be this lizard's belly!|Translation=这头蜥蜴的肚子,就是你的棺材}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack25|Script = Let's get 'em, Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack25|Script = Let's get 'em, Skaarl!|Translation=我们去干掉他们,斯嘎尔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack26|Script = I might have to jump off this lizard and put my boot in your watoosie!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack26|Script = I might have to jump off this lizard and put my boot in your watoosie!|Translation=我现在要跳下蜥蜴,一脚踩爆你的头}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack27|Script = Let's get 'em, 'fore they get us.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack27|Script = Let's get 'em, 'fore they get us.|Translation=我们要主动出击,先发制人}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack28|Script = I'm gonna murder you to death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack28|Script = I'm gonna murder you to death!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack29|Script = I will murder your whole family!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack29|Script = I will murder your whole family!|Translation=我要杀你全家}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack30|Script = My brain is on fire, my soul is strong, and my lizard is hungry!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack30|Script = My brain is on fire, my soul is strong, and my lizard is hungry!|Translation=我现在脑子发热,心理饥渴,这只蜥蜴正好也饿了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack31|Script = You mocking me?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack31|Script = You mocking me?|Translation=你敢笑我啊?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack32|Script = He looked at me funny! Get him.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack32|Script = He looked at me funny! Get him.|Translation=他在取笑我,杀了他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack33|Script = You can't take what's mine!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack33|Script = You can't take what's mine!|Translation=是我的,你别想带走}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack34|Script = You looking at me? 'cause I'm gonna' kill you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack34|Script = You looking at me? 'cause I'm gonna' kill you!|Translation=你在看我吗?因为我要杀你啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack35|Script = You can't bushwhack a bushwhacker!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack35|Script = You can't bushwhack a bushwhacker!|Translation=你还想埋伏劫道儿的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack36|Script = You just justified a preemptive retaliatory strike!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack36|Script = You just justified a preemptive retaliatory strike!|Translation=你等着吧,我会狠狠的报复你的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack37|Script = They came looking for a fight? Let's oblige 'em.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack37|Script = They came looking for a fight? Let's oblige 'em.|Translation=他们来找人打架的?好啊,我们去实现他们的愿望吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack38|Script = I am justified, and I am armed!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack38|Script = I am justified, and I am armed!|Translation=我手里有武器,我就是道理}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack39|Script = Howdy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack39|Script = Howdy!|Translation=你好啊,呵哈哈哈哈哈哈}}
=== 非骑乘状态时 ===
=== 非骑乘状态时 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.attack40|Script = I'm through running!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack40|Script = I'm through running!|Translation=我已经跑够了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack41|Script = Die!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack41|Script = Die!|Translation=死吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack42|Script = I'll kill you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack42|Script = I'll kill you!|Translation=我要宰了你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack43|Script = Now you done it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack43|Script = Now you done it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack44|Script = I'll gut you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack44|Script = I'll gut you!|Translation=我开你的膛}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack45|Script = I'll say something witty after I kill you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack45|Script = I'll say something witty after I kill you!|Translation=俏皮话儿,等我先杀掉你再说}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack46|Script = I'm gonna' cut you open and use your spine for a back scratcher, because it is itchy! Very itchy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack46|Script = I'm gonna' cut you open and use your spine for a back scratcher, because it is itchy! Very itchy!|Translation=我要拿你的骨头来挠痒痒,因为我背上痒,非常痒}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack47|Script = I can only express myself through violence!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack47|Script = I can only express myself through violence!|Translation=我只会用暴力来表达自己}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack48|Script = Who sent you?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack48|Script = Who sent you?|Translation=谁让你来的?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack49|Script = Welcome to Noxus!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack49|Script = Welcome to Noxus!|Translation=诺克萨斯欢迎你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack50|Script = This! Is! Noxus!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack50|Script = This! Is! Noxus!|Translation=这里就是诺克萨斯}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack51|Script = I hate you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack51|Script = I hate you!|Translation=我恨你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack52|Script = You's trying my patience!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack52|Script = You's trying my patience!|Translation=你在挑战我的耐心}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack53|Script = Come back here and fight!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack53|Script = Come back here and fight!|Translation=回来打一架吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack54|Script = My axe talks for me!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack54|Script = My axe talks for me!|Translation=我的斧子为我代言}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack55|Script = You thought I was done? Kled ain't never done!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack55|Script = You thought I was done? Kled ain't never done!|Translation=你以为我已经完了,克烈根本不知道完字怎么写}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack56|Script = I can't be reasoned with!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack56|Script = I can't be reasoned with!|Translation=我不和人讲道理}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack57|Script = It's go time!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack57|Script = It's go time!|Translation=时间到啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack58|Script = I ain't stopping!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack58|Script = I ain't stopping!|Translation=我停不下来}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack59|Script = You see, Skaarl? I'm doing it alone!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack59|Script = You see, Skaarl? I'm doing it alone!|Translation=看见了吗?斯嘎尔,我一个人也能行}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack60|Script = I'll kill 'em all!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack60|Script = I'll kill 'em all!|Translation=我要杀光他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack61|Script = See, Skaarl? I don't need help!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack61|Script = See, Skaarl? I don't need help!|Translation=看呐,斯嘎尔,我不用帮手}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack62|Script = Skaarl! You're missing the fun!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack62|Script = Skaarl! You're missing the fun!|Translation=斯嘎尔,你错过好玩的东西啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack63|Script = I'm just beginning to fight!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack63|Script = I'm just beginning to fight!|Translation=我的战斗才刚刚开始}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack64|Script = I'll kick the crap outta' you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack64|Script = I'll kick the crap outta' you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack65|Script = No trespassing!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack65|Script = No trespassing!|Translation=别过界}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack66|Script = Intruder!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack66|Script = Intruder!|Translation=闯空门的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack67|Script = You're a cockroach, and it's half-past stomping time!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack67|Script = You're a cockroach, and it's half-past stomping time!|Translation=你就是只蟑螂,我要踩爆你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack68|Script = My brain is full of weasels!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack68|Script = My brain is full of weasels!|Translation=我的脑子很多话}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack69|Script = Serenity now!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack69|Script = Serenity now!|Translation=给我安静}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack70|Script = I don't like sharing!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack70|Script = I don't like sharing!|Translation=我不喜欢跟人分享}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack71|Script = Oh, you prancing bastard!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack71|Script = Oh, you prancing bastard!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack72|Script = My blood is piss and vinegar!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack72|Script = My blood is piss and vinegar!|Translation=我的血管里淌着的都是烈酒}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack73|Script = Kled laughs.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack73|Script = Kled laughs.|Translation=(笑声)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack74|Script = I'm gonna reach down your throat, and turn your lungs into mittens!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack74|Script = I'm gonna reach down your throat, and turn your lungs into mittens!|Translation=我会把手伸进你的喉咙,掏出你的肺来做一副手套}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack75|Script = I'm gonna make you wish you were a hallucination!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack75|Script = I'm gonna make you wish you were a hallucination!|Translation=我会让你希望自己只是出现了幻觉}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack76|Script = You think I don't hear you laughing?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack76|Script = You think I don't hear you laughing?|Translation=你以为我没听见你在笑吗?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack77|Script = There's fixing to be two sounds: me hitting you, and---|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack77|Script = There's fixing to be two sounds: me hitting you, and---|Translation=我告诉你,你会听见两个声音,一个是我打中你,一个是啊~~}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack78|Script = Lord Colonel Major Centurion Kled don't run, no he don't!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack78|Script = Lord Colonel Major Centurion Kled don't run, no he don't!|Translation=少校,上校,百夫长,克烈大王不会逃跑,从来不会}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack79|Script = I came here to... well, I don't know what I came here for, but I'm gonna' defend it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.attack79|Script = I came here to... well, I don't know what I came here for, but I'm gonna' defend it!|Translation=我来这儿是为了...好吧,我也不知道为了什么,但我会守住它的}}
== 技能 ==
== 技能 ==
=== 被动怯战蜥蜴 ===
=== 被动怯战蜥蜴 ===
==== 当斯嘎尔血量低时 ====
==== 当斯嘎尔血量低时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.passive1|Script = Don't get weird on me!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive1|Script = Don't get weird on me!|Translation=你可别怪我}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive2|Script = Dang nabbit, you're gonna' get us killed!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive2|Script = Dang nabbit, you're gonna' get us killed!|Translation=要命啊,你差点搞死我们俩}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive3|Script = Calm down, you damn-!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive3|Script = Calm down, you damn-!|Translation=冷静点,你这贱兮兮的小畜生}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive4|Script = Whoa! Whoa! Don't get excited, now!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive4|Script = Whoa! Whoa! Don't get excited, now!|Translation=哇哦,哇哦,现在别冲动}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive5|Script = Don't get your britches all rumpled!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive5|Script = Don't get your britches all rumpled!|Translation=别把马裤给弄皱了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive6|Script = Calm down, girl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive6|Script = Calm down, girl!|Translation=冷静,小妞}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive7|Script = Whoa, Skaarl, whoa!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive7|Script = Whoa, Skaarl, whoa!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive8|Script = Skaarl, I got this!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive8|Script = Skaarl, I got this!|Translation=斯嘎尔,交给我来}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive9|Script = Don't you run off on me! Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive9|Script = Don't you run off on me! Skaarl!|Translation=我警告你别抛下我,斯嘎尔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive10|Script = Easy, girl, easy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive10|Script = Easy, girl, easy!|Translation=放松点孩子,放松}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive11|Script = Quit your worryin'!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive11|Script = Quit your worryin'!|Translation=别担心了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive12|Script = No Skaarl, no! Bad Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive12|Script = No Skaarl, no! Bad Skaarl!|Translation=不,斯嘎尔,别这样,斯嘎尔真坏}}
==== 当斯嘎尔逃跑时 ====
==== 当斯嘎尔逃跑时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.passive13|Script = Hey! We ain't done!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive13|Script = Hey! We ain't done!|Translation=喂,我们还没完事儿呢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive14|Script = Get back here you-!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive14|Script = Get back here you-!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive15|Script = Darn nabbit! You lily-livered flea bucket!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive15|Script = Darn nabbit! You lily-livered flea bucket!|Translation=要命啊,你个全身虱子的胆小鬼}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive16|Script = What are you doing?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive16|Script = What are you doing?|Translation=白眼狼,你在干什么呢?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive17|Script = I knew you was a coward!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive17|Script = I knew you was a coward!|Translation=我就知道你是个胆小鬼}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive18|Script = I ain't never forgiving you, you flea-bitten-!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive18|Script = I ain't never forgiving you, you flea-bitten-!|Translation=我永远不会原谅你,虱子咬的破烂货}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive19|Script = Go home, get! I never needed you no how!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive19|Script = Go home, get! I never needed you no how!|Translation=滚远远的吧,要你有什么用?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive20|Script = Not again!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive20|Script = Not again!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive21|Script = No, no! The other way! Get back here!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive21|Script = No, no! The other way! Get back here!|Translation=不不不,你跑错方向了,回来}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive22|Script = The fighting's this way!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive22|Script = The fighting's this way!|Translation=战场在这头}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive23|Script = You stupid, dumb animal!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive23|Script = You stupid, dumb animal!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive24|Script = Kled curses.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive24|Script = Kled curses.|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive25|Script = Kled curses.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive25|Script = Kled curses.|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive26|Script = Kled curses|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive26|Script = Kled curses|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive27|Script = Kled curses|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive27|Script = Kled curses|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive28|Script = Kled curses|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive28|Script = Kled curses|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive29|Script = Kled curses|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive29|Script = Kled curses|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive30|Script = Get back here, you---|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive30|Script = Get back here, you---|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive31|Script = I will--- I ain't backing down! I don't back down! Never!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive31|Script = I will--- I ain't backing down! I don't back down! Never!|Translation=唔噜噜噜,我,我不会撤退,我从来不撤的,从来不}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive32|Script = Where you going? We got 'em right where we want 'em!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive32|Script = Where you going? We got 'em right where we want 'em!|Translation=嘎啊啊,你去哪儿?我们已经逮到他们了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive33|Script = Now I gotta' walk!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive33|Script = Now I gotta' walk!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive34|Script = Traitor!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive34|Script = Traitor!|Translation=叛徒!}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive35|Script = Fine! I'll kill 'em!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive35|Script = Fine! I'll kill 'em!|Translation=随你的大便,我自己干翻他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive36|Script = I'll take 'em alone!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive36|Script = I'll take 'em alone!|Translation=中文翻译}}
==== 当斯嘎尔回来时 ====
==== 当斯嘎尔回来时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.passive37|Script = Yeah!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive37|Script = Yeah!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive38|Script = Yahoo!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive38|Script = Yahoo!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive39|Script = Wahoo!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive39|Script = Wahoo!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive40|Script = Now we got 'em!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive40|Script = Now we got 'em!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive41|Script = If you does that one more time I'll skewer you and roast you myself!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive41|Script = If you does that one more time I'll skewer you and roast you myself!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive42|Script = Where you been?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive42|Script = Where you been?|Translation=你去哪儿了?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive43|Script = Get over here, buddy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive43|Script = Get over here, buddy!|Translation=好家伙,快过来}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive44|Script = Woo, good timing!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive44|Script = Woo, good timing!|Translation=哦,时机刚好}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive45|Script = I knew you'd be back.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive45|Script = I knew you'd be back.|Translation=我就知道你会回来的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive46|Script = Dang nabbit, I love this lizard!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive46|Script = Dang nabbit, I love this lizard!|Translation=要命啊,我爱死这只蜥蜴啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive47|Script = Boy am I glad to see you!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive47|Script = Boy am I glad to see you!|Translation=谢天谢地,很高兴见到你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive48|Script = Kled laughs.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive48|Script = Kled laughs.|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive49|Script = Kled laughs.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive49|Script = Kled laughs.|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive50|Script = The badgers command it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive50|Script = The badgers command it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive51|Script = For the brain weasels!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive51|Script = For the brain weasels!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive52|Script = Yeehaw! I knew you couldn't quit me, Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.passive52|Script = Yeehaw! I knew you couldn't quit me, Skaarl!|Translation=噫哈哦,我知道你不舍得我的,斯嘎尔}}
=== 释放q技能飞索捕熊器时 ===
=== 释放q技能飞索捕熊器时 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.q1|Script = Gotcha now!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q1|Script = Gotcha now!|Translation=这下抓到你了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q2|Script = How you like that leash?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q2|Script = How you like that leash?|Translation=这一手怎么样?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q3|Script = Gotcha!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q3|Script = Gotcha!|Translation=抓到你了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q4|Script = Oh, you ain't getting away!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q4|Script = Oh, you ain't getting away!|Translation=嗷,你别急着走嘛}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q5|Script = You ain't running!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q5|Script = You ain't running!|Translation=哦,你跑不了喽}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q6|Script = Just try and run!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q6|Script = Just try and run!|Translation=你试着跑跑看}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q7|Script = You ain't going nowhere!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q7|Script = You ain't going nowhere!|Translation=你哪儿也去不了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q8|Script = Get back here!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q8|Script = Get back here!|Translation=给我回来}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q9|Script = Thought you wanted to visit!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q9|Script = Thought you wanted to visit!|Translation=你就当这是请柬吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q10|Script = You think you can run?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q10|Script = You think you can run?|Translation=你还以为自己能跑啊?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q11|Script = I'm gonna learn you about pain!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q11|Script = I'm gonna learn you about pain!|Translation=我来教你疼字儿怎么写}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q12|Script = Come back, I gotta' put an axe in your brain!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q12|Script = Come back, I gotta' put an axe in your brain!|Translation=快回来,让我在你脑袋上来一斧子}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q13|Script = Aw, you ain't leaving, are you?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q13|Script = Aw, you ain't leaving, are you?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q14|Script = Oops, bear trap in your neck!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.q14|Script = Oops, bear trap in your neck!|Translation=哦,你的脖子上有一个补虫器}}
=== 释放e技能决斗时 ===
=== 释放e技能决斗时 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.e1|Script = Get 'em!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e1|Script = Get 'em!|Translation=抓住他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e2|Script = Hyaah!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e2|Script = Hyaah!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e3|Script = Woo!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e3|Script = Woo!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e4|Script = Get 'em, Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e4|Script = Get 'em, Skaarl!|Translation=抓住他们,斯嘎尔}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e5|Script = Yeehaw!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e5|Script = Yeehaw!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e6|Script = Yip yip!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e6|Script = Yip yip!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e7|Script = Wowee!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e7|Script = Wowee!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e8|Script = Ha!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e8|Script = Ha!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e9|Script = Whoa!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e9|Script = Whoa!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e10|Script = Wahah!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e10|Script = Wahah!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e11|Script = Woo!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e11|Script = Woo!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e12|Script = Yah!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e12|Script = Yah!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e13|Script = Hee hee!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e13|Script = Hee hee!|Translation=(音效)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e14|Script = Ha ha!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.e14|Script = Ha ha!|Translation=(音效)}}
=== 释放r技能冲啊啊啊啊啊啊!!时 ===
=== 释放r技能冲啊啊啊啊啊啊!!时 ===
{{LOL|File =kled.ult1|Script = Chaaaaarge!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult1|Script = Chaaaaarge!|Translation=中文翻译}}
第328行: 第330行:
{{LOL|File =kled.ult6|Script = Yeeeehaaaw!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult6|Script = Yeeeehaaaw!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult7|Script = Yeaaaaaaah!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult7|Script = Yeaaaaaaah!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult8|Script = Follow meeeee!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult8|Script = Follow meeeee!|Translation=跟我来~~}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult9|Script = No prisoneeeers!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.ult9|Script = No prisoneeeers!|Translation=天下大赦!!!}}
== 击杀英雄 ==
== 击杀英雄 ==
{{LOL|File =kled.kill1|Script = This is Noxus, son! Winner takes all!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill1|Script = This is Noxus, son! Winner takes all!|Translation=这里是诺克萨斯,小子,赢家通吃}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill2|Script = That'll learn 'em!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill2|Script = That'll learn 'em!|Translation=这下该让他们明白了吧?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill3|Script = Thought you could take my land, huh? How'd that work out for you?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill3|Script = Thought you could take my land, huh? How'd that work out for you?|Translation=你以为你能抢走我的土地?现在服不服?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill4|Script = How's that dirt taste?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill4|Script = How's that dirt taste?|Translation=吃土的滋味如何?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill5|Script = Don't worry, Skaarl! We'll come back so you can eat 'em later.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill5|Script = Don't worry, Skaarl! We'll come back so you can eat 'em later.|Translation=别担心斯嘎尔,我们还会回来的,到时候再吃叫他们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill6|Script = Whoops! Looks like I accidentally stabbed you with my long axe - until you were dead!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill6|Script = Whoops! Looks like I accidentally stabbed you with my long axe - until you were dead!|Translation=唉呀,我好像一不小心用我的斧子捅了你一下,你死透了没有?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill7|Script = You were a visitor, now you're mulch!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill7|Script = You were a visitor, now you're mulch!|Translation=你之前是过路的,现在是铺路的啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill8|Script = Skaarl, that was what we call a predictable scenario.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill8|Script = Skaarl, that was what we call a predictable scenario.|Translation=斯嘎尔,这就是我们说的,早就能想到的结果}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill9|Script = I told 'em what was gonna' happen if they came onto my land!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill9|Script = I told 'em what was gonna' happen if they came onto my land!|Translation=踏上我的地盘会有什么后果?我早就警告过他们了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill10|Script = Next time you visit, bring more stuff I can take!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill10|Script = Next time you visit, bring more stuff I can take!|Translation=下次你再来的时候,记得多带点东西让我抢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill11|Script = I might be a deranged lizard-riding bandito, but I whooped you real good!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill11|Script = I might be a deranged lizard-riding bandito, but I whooped you real good!|Translation=我可能看起来是个神经兮兮的,骑着蜥蜴的强盗,但我揍人可厉害了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill12|Script = Now, I might have overreacted to you unlawfully entering my property - but I don't think so!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill12|Script = Now, I might have overreacted to you unlawfully entering my property - but I don't think so!|Translation=你也许会觉得我对你擅自闯入的非法行为反应过度了,但我不觉得}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill13|Script = Ahahahaha! I warned him! I did warn him!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill13|Script = Ahahahaha! I warned him! I did warn him!|Translation=嗯哈哈哈,我已经警告过他们了,真的警告过了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill14|Script = It's funny, 'cause he died right on the border of my land, and more of my land!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill14|Script = It's funny, 'cause he died right on the border of my land, and more of my land!|Translation=有意思的是,她正好死在了我的地盘儿的边界上,我的地盘儿又变大了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill15|Script = Glad you could visit!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill15|Script = Glad you could visit!|Translation=很高兴你能来}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill16|Script = Don't let the door hit you on your way to hell!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill16|Script = Don't let the door hit you on your way to hell!|Translation=黄泉路上别崴了脚}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill17|Script = They never learn.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill17|Script = They never learn.|Translation=他们永远学不到教训}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill18|Script = Tried to bushwhack a bushwhacker!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill18|Script = Tried to bushwhack a bushwhacker!|Translation=试试看,来打劫一个打劫的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill19|Script = That learned 'em real good.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill19|Script = That learned 'em real good.|Translation=他们能学乖了吧?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill20|Script = We didn't come here to teach lessons in humanity!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill20|Script = We didn't come here to teach lessons in humanity!|Translation=我们来这儿的目的不是跟你聊人性}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill21|Script = Y'all made a nice stabbing bag.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill21|Script = Y'all made a nice stabbing bag.|Translation=你们都是不错的靶子}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill22|Script = Killing makes me thirsty.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill22|Script = Killing makes me thirsty.|Translation=杀来杀去的,我都渴了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill23|Script = Nothing like a river of blood to send a message.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill23|Script = Nothing like a river of blood to send a message.|Translation=血流成河是最合适不过的告示}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill24|Script = Y'know, a long time ago, being crazy meant something.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.kill24|Script = Y'know, a long time ago, being crazy meant something.|Translation=你知道在很久以前,疯子还有别的意思}}
== 放置守卫 ==
== 放置守卫 ==
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard1|Script = I keep my eyes open - all the time.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard1|Script = I keep my eyes open - all the time.|Translation=我得一直睁大眼睛}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard2|Script = I ain't paranoid - I'm ready. Real ready.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard2|Script = I ain't paranoid - I'm ready. Real ready.|Translation=我绝对不是在妄想,我准备好啦,真真儿的}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard3|Script = They's always trying to sneak up on us. Trying, that is.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard3|Script = They's always trying to sneak up on us. Trying, that is.|Translation=他们老是想偷袭我们,想得美}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard4|Script = I know them trespassers is somewhere...|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard4|Script = I know them trespassers is somewhere...|Translation=我知道那些瞎闯的家伙就在附近}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard5|Script = Them sneaky-sneaks ain't gonna' sneak on us, no sir!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard5|Script = Them sneaky-sneaks ain't gonna' sneak on us, no sir!|Translation=偷偷摸摸的家伙想整我们,门儿都没有}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard6|Script = It's mine, and I got my eye on it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard6|Script = It's mine, and I got my eye on it!|Translation=是我的,我就得看紧了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard7|Script = Yeah, any of them varmints sneak up on us, we'll know.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard7|Script = Yeah, any of them varmints sneak up on us, we'll know.|Translation=现在,我看谁还敢来偷,我们都看着点儿}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard8|Script = It ain't paranoia if everyone is out to get you.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard8|Script = It ain't paranoia if everyone is out to get you.|Translation=如果他们全体出动来抓你,那可就不是我在妄想啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard9|Script = Paranoia... means having all the facts.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard9|Script = Paranoia... means having all the facts.|Translation=妄想的意思是,掌握了所有的情况}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard10|Script = There's no such thing as paranoia; your worst fears can come true at any moment.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard10|Script = There's no such thing as paranoia; your worst fears can come true at any moment.|Translation=被害妄想根本就不存在,你恐惧的事情随时有可能成真}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard11|Script = Paranoia is just another word for ignorance.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard11|Script = Paranoia is just another word for ignorance.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard12|Script = Total paranoia is just total awareness!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.placingWard12|Script = Total paranoia is just total awareness!|Translation=中文翻译}}
== 回城 ==
== 回城 ==
{{LOL|File =kled.b1|Script = Skaarl! Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.b1|Script = Skaarl! Skaarl!|Translation=斯嘎尔?斯嘎尔!丑东西,胆小鬼}}
== 彩蛋 ==
== 彩蛋 ==
=== 击杀特定英雄 ===
=== 击杀特定英雄 ===
==== 击杀约德尔阵营英雄时 ====
==== 击杀约德尔阵营英雄时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp1|Script = Just 'cause we was kin don't mean I ain't feeding you to Skaarl!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp1|Script = Just 'cause we was kin don't mean I ain't feeding you to Skaarl!|Translation=我们虽然是同胞,但你照样是斯嘎尔的口粮}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp2|Script = Hey cous', glad you came to visit!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp2|Script = Hey cous', glad you came to visit!|Translation=唉呀,老乡,我是不是该欢迎你呢?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp3|Script = A relative's just another unwanted guest.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp3|Script = A relative's just another unwanted guest.|Translation=亲戚又怎样?也是不速之客呀}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp4|Script = Afraid I had to cut your visit short.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp4|Script = Afraid I had to cut your visit short.|Translation=你好像没待多久哦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp5|Script = You ain't cute now!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp5|Script = You ain't cute now!|Translation=你这样就不可爱喽}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp6|Script = Aw, you are so cute... fore I ripped your fuzzy head off!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp6|Script = Aw, you are so cute... fore I ripped your fuzzy head off!|Translation=哦,你好可爱呀,不过是在我把你的毛扒光之前}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp7|Script = I could feel bad about killing you, or we could stomp on your corpse!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp7|Script = I could feel bad about killing you, or we could stomp on your corpse!|Translation=我觉得杀掉你并不开心,但我们可以踩着你的尸体呀}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp8|Script = You was cute - lousy, but cute.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp8|Script = You was cute - lousy, but cute.|Translation=你原来很可爱,邋里邋遢,但是可爱}}
==== 击杀亚托克斯时 ====
==== 击杀亚托克斯时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp9|Script = He died as dumb as he sounded.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp9|Script = He died as dumb as he sounded.|Translation=他死的好蠢,而且一声不出}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp10|Script = And he ain't even had the indignity to call himself a demon.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp10|Script = And he ain't even had the indignity to call himself a demon.|Translation=身为恶魔的无耻,他一点也没有啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp11|Script = Never had much to say, but I'm sure glad we shut him up.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp11|Script = Never had much to say, but I'm sure glad we shut him up.|Translation=他话不多,但我觉得是我们让他闭嘴的}}
==== 击杀卡西奥佩娅时 ====
==== 击杀卡西奥佩娅时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp12|Script = Girl was all messed up. (Skaarl growls) I mean, before we killed her. Snake for legs? Crazy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp12|Script = Girl was all messed up. (Skaarl growls) I mean, before we killed her. Snake for legs? Crazy!|Translation=这位小姐乱七八糟的。(斯嘎尔叫)我说的是他活着的时候,蛇还长角?疯了吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp13|Script = I guess it's snake dinner tonight!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp13|Script = I guess it's snake dinner tonight!|Translation=我猜,今晚的晚餐是蛇肉}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp14|Script = Was that lady half-snake, or that snake half-human? She is... confusing. Dead, but confusing.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp14|Script = Was that lady half-snake, or that snake half-human? She is... confusing. Dead, but confusing.|Translation=那到底是一位小姐半身是蛇,还是一条蛇半身是人?好奇怪呀,虽然死了,但真的很奇怪}}
==== 击杀德莱厄斯时 ====
==== 击杀德莱厄斯时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp15|Script = Hey, lizard food! What exactly was you general of?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp15|Script = Hey, lizard food! What exactly was you general of?|Translation=嘿,蜥蜴的粮食,你到底是管什么的将军?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp16|Script = Nice axe! Learn to use it!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp16|Script = Nice axe! Learn to use it!|Translation=斧头是不错啊,你得学着用啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp17|Script = Death by my hand!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp17|Script = Death by my hand!|Translation=我这一手弄死你}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp18|Script = He wanted to unify Noxus. Guess that makes me a secessionist.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp18|Script = He wanted to unify Noxus. Guess that makes me a secessionist.|Translation=他想联合整个诺克萨斯,所以就当我是个分裂分子吧}}
==== 击杀德莱文时 ====
==== 击杀德莱文时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp19|Script = KLEEEEEED... naw, it's just Kled.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp19|Script = KLEEEEEED... naw, it's just Kled.|Translation=克~~烈~,不,就叫克烈}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp20|Script = Who wants some Kled?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp20|Script = Who wants some Kled?|Translation=谁想要来点儿克烈?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp21|Script = This is where Kled shines!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp21|Script = This is where Kled shines!|Translation=这就是克烈魅力四射的地方}}
==== 击杀俄洛伊时 ====
==== 击杀俄洛伊时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp22|Script = Skaarl? You eatin' good tonight! That girl's got some meat on her!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp22|Script = Skaarl? You eatin' good tonight! That girl's got some meat on her!|Translation=斯嘎尔,你今晚可有饱餐了,那位小姐分量不轻啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp23|Script = And you thought I talked crazy!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp23|Script = And you thought I talked crazy!|Translation=你居然觉得我说的是疯话?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp24|Script = I gotta' stop the mushroom juice... I swear that girl had some tentacles or something!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp24|Script = I gotta' stop the mushroom juice... I swear that girl had some tentacles or something!|Translation=我不能再喝蘑菇汁儿了,我发誓我看见的姑娘有触手之类的东西}}
==== 击杀烬时 ====
==== 击杀烬时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp25|Script = Bye bye, fancy pants!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp25|Script = Bye bye, fancy pants!|Translation=拜拜啦,小白脸儿}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp26|Script = Hey, fancy pants! Got your cloak dirty!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp26|Script = Hey, fancy pants! Got your cloak dirty!|Translation=唉呀,小白脸儿,弄脏你的斗篷啦}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp27|Script = I don't know what he was. I just needed him to shut up.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp27|Script = I don't know what he was. I just needed him to shut up.|Translation=我也不知道他是个什么东西,反正让他闭嘴就行了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp28|Script = I can respect crazy, but what kind of fool reloads in the middle of a fight?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp28|Script = I can respect crazy, but what kind of fool reloads in the middle of a fight?|Translation=我尊重疯子,但是为什么要在打仗到一半的时候装子弹呢?该有多蠢}}
==== 击杀卡特琳娜时 ====
==== 击杀卡特琳娜时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp29|Script = A sinister blade? Heck, girl, Skaarl's got farts more sinister than you was.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp29|Script = A sinister blade? Heck, girl, Skaarl's got farts more sinister than you was.|Translation=不详?真是的,小姑娘,斯嘎尔放的屁可臭了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp30|Script = I like a girl with moxie. (Skaarl growls) No, obviously she didn't have any! That's the darn point!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp30|Script = I like a girl with moxie. (Skaarl growls) No, obviously she didn't have any! That's the darn point!|Translation=我喜欢有本事的女孩。(斯嘎尔叫)但是,她完全没有,这就很糟糕了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp31|Script = Humans is such easy prey.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp31|Script = Humans is such easy prey.|Translation=人类真是很容易打到的猎物啊}}
==== 击杀乐芙兰时 ====
==== 击杀乐芙兰时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp32|Script = She had one crazy getup! Them city-folk clothes is getting ridiculous. (Skaarl growls) Yeah, I'll try it on later.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp32|Script = She had one crazy getup! Them city-folk clothes is getting ridiculous. (Skaarl growls) Yeah, I'll try it on later.|Translation=她的打扮真够疯的,城里人的衣服越来越没道理了。(斯嘎尔叫)对,我之后也要试试}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp33|Script = Go back to Noxus Prime!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp33|Script = Go back to Noxus Prime!|Translation=滚回诺克萨斯的城里去}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp34|Script = All your little city-girl dreams just got stomped.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp34|Script = All your little city-girl dreams just got stomped.|Translation=小城姑娘的梦啊,全被我踩灭咯}}
==== 击杀雷克塞时 ====
==== 击杀雷克塞时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp35|Script = We wrecked that thing!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp35|Script = We wrecked that thing!|Translation=我们把那家伙打湿了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp36|Script = Damn varmint left holes all over the yard.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp36|Script = Damn varmint left holes all over the yard.|Translation=在地上到处打洞的混账家伙}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp37|Script = Queen of what? Darn thing made Skaarl look smart!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp37|Script = Queen of what? Darn thing made Skaarl look smart!|Translation=什么女王?斯嘎尔都比你像样}}
==== 击杀瑞雯时 ====
==== 击杀瑞雯时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp38|Script = Pure Noxian girl. Almost liked her. Almost.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp38|Script = Pure Noxian girl. Almost liked her. Almost.|Translation=诺克萨斯的本地姑娘,差点儿喜欢上他,差一点}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp39|Script = Seems to have lost your bounce, girl.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp39|Script = Seems to have lost your bounce, girl.|Translation=好像跳不起来了哟,小姑娘?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp40|Script = All that hippy hop! Getting on my nerves!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp40|Script = All that hippy hop! Getting on my nerves!|Translation=蹦来蹦去蹦来蹦去的,惹毛我了}}
==== 击杀塞恩时 ====
==== 击杀塞恩时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp41|Script = How many times do I gotta' kill him? (Skaarl growls) I know!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp41|Script = How many times do I gotta' kill him? (Skaarl growls) I know!|Translation=我要杀他几次才行啊?(斯嘎尔叫)}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp42|Script = Too stupid to live, too dumb to die.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp42|Script = Too stupid to live, too dumb to die.|Translation=笨的活不了,蠢的死不掉}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp43|Script = I don't think you can eat that one. (Skaarl growls) He looks a little overripe.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp43|Script = I don't think you can eat that one. (Skaarl growls) He looks a little overripe.|Translation=我觉得你吃不了他。(斯嘎尔叫)他看起来已经烂了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp44|Script = Huh. I liked him better when he was alive.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp44|Script = Huh. I liked him better when he was alive.|Translation=啊,我觉得她活着的时候更讨人喜欢}}
==== 击杀斯维因时 ====
==== 击杀斯维因时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp45|Script = Tactician? More like bird brain.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp45|Script = Tactician? More like bird brain.|Translation=测试?你不就是只鸟吗?}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp46|Script = Master Tactician? He can keep that title.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp46|Script = Master Tactician? He can keep that title.|Translation=策士统领,这个头衔他自己留着吧}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp47|Script = He gonna' taste good deep-fried.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp47|Script = He gonna' taste good deep-fried.|Translation=油炸过后,他应该味道不错}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp48|Script = I figure he gonna' taste like chicken. (Skaarl growls) Sure!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp48|Script = I figure he gonna' taste like chicken. (Skaarl growls) Sure!|Translation=我觉得它尝起来应该和鸡肉差不多(斯嘎尔叫)没错啊}}
==== 击杀塔姆时 ====
==== 击杀塔姆时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp49|Script = Well, that shut him up!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp49|Script = Well, that shut him up!|Translation=这样他就闭嘴了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp50|Script = Finally, some silence.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp50|Script = Finally, some silence.|Translation=终于,清静了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp51|Script = I knew he was a liar, 'cause he used them big words.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp51|Script = I knew he was a liar, 'cause he used them big words.|Translation=我知道他是个骗人精,因为他就喜欢拽词儿}}
==== 击杀泰隆时 ====
==== 击杀泰隆时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp52|Script = I've seem some dumb outfits, Skaarl, but a cape made out of knives? Woo, ha! That took the cake!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp52|Script = I've seem some dumb outfits, Skaarl, but a cape made out of knives? Woo, ha! That took the cake!|Translation=斯嘎尔,我也见过一些很傻的装扮。至于一张刀片做成的斗篷,哦,我的天呐,他赢了}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp53|Script = Another dead city boy, thinking he could sneaky-sneak on my land.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp53|Script = Another dead city boy, thinking he could sneaky-sneak on my land.|Translation=又一个城里的死孩子,他还以为能在我的地盘上偷鸡摸狗}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp54|Script = Let that be a lesson for all them sneaky-sneaks!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp54|Script = Let that be a lesson for all them sneaky-sneaks!|Translation=让那些鬼鬼祟祟的人都看看他的下场}}
=== 嘲讽特定英雄 ===
=== 嘲讽特定英雄 ===
==== 嘲讽诺克萨斯阵营英雄时 ====
==== 嘲讽诺克萨斯阵营英雄时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp55|Script = You may be from Noxus, but you ain't Noxian.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp55|Script = You may be from Noxus, but you ain't Noxian.|Translation=你也许生在诺克萨斯,但你不是诺克萨斯人}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp56|Script = Don't mess with Noxus, brother.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp56|Script = Don't mess with Noxus, brother.|Translation=别惹诺克萨斯,哥们儿}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp57|Script = You know, I like you, brother. As much as I can like a lily-livered jungle-sniffer.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp57|Script = You know, I like you, brother. As much as I can like a lily-livered jungle-sniffer.|Translation=你懂的哥们儿,我不讨厌你,就像我也不讨厌丛林里缩头缩尾的探子们}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp58|Script = You sure you're Noxian? You look a little Ionian to me.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp58|Script = You sure you're Noxian? You look a little Ionian to me.|Translation=你真的是诺克萨斯人吗?我觉得你有点像...艾欧尼亚人呢}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp59|Script = Watch your stepping! That's my land you're gallivanting on!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp59|Script = Watch your stepping! That's my land you're gallivanting on!|Translation=看着点脚下你晃来晃去的,可是我的地盘}}
==== 嘲讽亚托克斯时 ====
==== 嘲讽亚托克斯时 ====
{{LOL|File =kled.sp60|Script = Drinking from battle? What kind of dumb crap is that?|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp60|Script = Drinking from battle? What kind of dumb crap is that?|Translation=你要在战场上打井,这是多蠢的念头啊}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp61|Script = Telling people you're a god? Hell, you're barely a paring knife.|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp61|Script = Telling people you're a god? Hell, you're barely a paring knife.|Translation=你说你也是神明?见鬼了,你只是一把菜刀而已}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp62|Script = Something caught in your throat? 'cause you sound desperate!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =kled.sp62|Script = Something caught in your throat? 'cause you sound desperate!|Translation=你喉咙里卡着什么东西吗?因为你听起来好无助呢}}
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2021年5月19日 (三) 20:19的最新版本

见**的鬼!你们全部都是胆小鬼!!(发动 暴烈秉性

Lol kled icon.png 暴怒骑士



Media:kled Select.mp3Media:kled Select_zh.mp3 I find courage unpredictable, it's total insanity you can rely on!


Media:kled Ban.mp3Media:kled Ban_zh.mp3 Oh, I knew you was all yeller!



Media:kled.move1.mp3Media:kled.move1_zh.mp3 This land was made for me - and me alone.
Media:kled.move2.mp3Media:kled.move2_zh.mp3 I hate to advocate violence and insanity, but it's worked for me.
Media:kled.move3.mp3Media:kled.move3_zh.mp3 Were you just talking, or was it the voices again?
Media:kled.move4.mp3Media:kled.move4_zh.mp3 I do not want my lands tamed. I want them unruly and free.
Media:kled.move5.mp3Media:kled.move5_zh.mp3 I'm from all over. It's next to nowhere and shut the hell up!
Media:kled.move6.mp3Media:kled.move6_zh.mp3 I play with guns. I work with an axe.
Media:kled.move7.mp3Media:kled.move7_zh.mp3 Mushrooms are healthy! Once you get used to the madness and paranoia.
Media:kled.move8.mp3Media:kled.move8_zh.mp3 A man without a weapon ain't worth listening to.
Media:kled.move9.mp3Media:kled.move9_zh.mp3 Yeah, I like it out here. Freedom, communing with nature, killing hikers.
Media:kled.move10.mp3Media:kled.move10_zh.mp3 They ain't ready for us.
Media:kled.move11.mp3Media:kled.move11_zh.mp3 I keep hallucinating that you can talk. (Skaarl growls) Nah, I'm sure it'll pass.
Media:kled.move12.mp3Media:kled.move12_zh.mp3 Skaarl! This ain't no time for philosophying!
Media:kled.move13.mp3Media:kled.move13_zh.mp3 Killing a few things might loosen this up.
Media:kled.move14.mp3Media:kled.move14_zh.mp3 No more of that! You're upsetting the invisible badgers!
Media:kled.move15.mp3Media:kled.move15_zh.mp3 My land begins where I walk. It ends where the sun don't shine!
Media:kled.move16.mp3Media:kled.move16_zh.mp3 Damn cowards, making me ride over to kill 'em.
Media:kled.move17.mp3Media:kled.move17_zh.mp3 Well, maybe I am looking to start a fight!
Media:kled.move18.mp3Media:kled.move18_zh.mp3 I do prefer to ride into battle.
Media:kled.move19.mp3Media:kled.move19_zh.mp3 Yeah, but... then how we gonna' invade both bases at once?
Media:kled.move20.mp3Media:kled.move20_zh.mp3 No, I'm positive, I ain't delusional! ...More than usual...
Media:kled.move21.mp3Media:kled.move21_zh.mp3 Of course I'm paranoid! You tried to kill me yesterday!
Media:kled.move22.mp3Media:kled.move22_zh.mp3 I came to cut off a piece of that Noxian dream... and I ain't sharing my piece!
Media:kled.move23.mp3Media:kled.move23_zh.mp3 Nah, them we kill them too! Ain't nobody on my team but you.
Media:kled.move24.mp3Media:kled.move24_zh.mp3 Don't try and understand 'em, just rope, throw and brand 'em.
Media:kled.move25.mp3Media:kled.move25_zh.mp3 I grew up mean and now I'm older than murder.
Media:kled.move26.mp3Media:kled.move26_zh.mp3 Ain't nothing more beautiful than the Noxian plains... excepting a rich corpse.
Media:kled.move27.mp3Media:kled.move27_zh.mp3 All we need is open country, but we gonna' take everything they got!
Media:kled.move28.mp3Media:kled.move28_zh.mp3 I fight better when I've had my... medicine.
Media:kled.move29.mp3Media:kled.move29_zh.mp3 No! Planning and strategy? That's city-folk stuff!
Media:kled.move30.mp3Media:kled.move30_zh.mp3 Don't need a plan... long as I got this axe.
Media:kled.move31.mp3Media:kled.move31_zh.mp3 Yeah, they just confirming our suspicions, ain't they?
Media:kled.move32.mp3Media:kled.move32_zh.mp3 I don't have trouble communicating. Words is just treacherous bastards.
Media:kled.move33.mp3Media:kled.move33_zh.mp3 You ready, Skaarl? This day's gonna' require some mindblowing weirdness.
Media:kled.move34.mp3Media:kled.move34_zh.mp3 Are you ready for anything? (Skaarl growls) Of course you are!
Media:kled.move35.mp3Media:kled.move35_zh.mp3 Hey, it's Forward Admiral Major Kled! I ain't been a Mister since ever!
Media:kled.move36.mp3Media:kled.move36_zh.mp3 Shh! Them brain weasels probably listening for us.
Media:kled.move37.mp3Media:kled.move37_zh.mp3 Let's get to killing them interloping intruders!
Media:kled.move38.mp3Media:kled.move38_zh.mp3 Was the battle of Fallgren when I first took the rank of Sergeant General Colonel. Least, I think that's what rank they was. Gotta' remember to ask before killing them.
Media:kled.move39.mp3Media:kled.move39_zh.mp3 Ain't nothing like having the wind on your back and blood on your face.
Media:kled.move40.mp3Media:kled.move40_zh.mp3 It's your birthday, Skaarl! Let's bake a murder cake!
Media:kled.move41.mp3Media:kled.move41_zh.mp3 Well, my foot wanted to meet your ass, and I'm about to give them a shotgun wedding!
Media:kled.move42.mp3Media:kled.move42_zh.mp3 Shh! It's time to get violent... and weird.
Media:kled.move43.mp3Media:kled.move43_zh.mp3 Oh, we find 'em, tie 'em up, then they's like a piñata full of meat.
Media:kled.move44.mp3Media:kled.move44_zh.mp3 Damnit Skaarl, d'you hide my mushroom juice again?
Media:kled.move45.mp3Media:kled.move45_zh.mp3 After we finish murdering these folks, what do you think? Tacos? Yeah, tacos.
Media:kled.move46.mp3Media:kled.move46_zh.mp3 First, we kill 'em, then we make 'em tell us where they came from.
Media:kled.move47.mp3Media:kled.move47_zh.mp3 Remember when we sacked Trevale, and that general thought we'd be willing to share the spoils? Pheh! Officers die just as easy as anybody.
Media:kled.move48.mp3Media:kled.move48_zh.mp3 There ain't no land that ain't mine. Just land I ain't got around to claiming.
Media:kled.move49.mp3Media:kled.move49_zh.mp3 Just 'cause they're our team don't mean we can trust 'em.
Media:kled.move50.mp3Media:kled.move50_zh.mp3 They're all trespassers, we're just killing them five first.
Media:kled.move51.mp3Media:kled.move51_zh.mp3 Yeah, yeah, invade Ionia you said, it'll be fine you said! (Skaarl growls) Fine, you said!
Media:kled.move52.mp3Media:kled.move52_zh.mp3 Yeah, reminds me of the siege of Ruug. Lot of men died on its high walls. It was fun.
Media:kled.move53.mp3Media:kled.move53_zh.mp3 At the gates of Qualthala, they tried using that boiling oil on us, but you can't deep-fry courage!
Media:kled.move54.mp3Media:kled.move54_zh.mp3 I am deep-fried courage, and an apple pie of angry!
Media:kled.move55.mp3Media:kled.move55_zh.mp3 I know, I know.
Media:kled.move56.mp3Media:kled.move56_zh.mp3 Would you stop bitching for one minute?
Media:kled.move57.mp3Media:kled.move57_zh.mp3 Because I know someone is trying to sneak up on us!
Media:kled.move58.mp3Media:kled.move58_zh.mp3 Yeah, they think they so clever! Brains don't win fights, brains is what splatter on you!
Media:kled.move59.mp3Media:kled.move59_zh.mp3 Well, you the only thing I trust.
Media:kled.move60.mp3Media:kled.move60_zh.mp3 Yeah, well, that's what I thought.
Media:kled.move61.mp3Media:kled.move61_zh.mp3 Shut your hole, you dumb lizard.
Media:kled.move62.mp3Media:kled.move62_zh.mp3 Well, just 'cause you're a hallucination and I don't speak lizard don't mean I can't understand you!
Media:kled.move63.mp3Media:kled.move63_zh.mp3 You do come up with the best ideas.
Media:kled.move64.mp3Media:kled.move64_zh.mp3 No, it's when I don't drink mushroom juice that I have a problem!
Media:kled.move65.mp3Media:kled.move65_zh.mp3 I am Kled! High Major Commodore of the First Legion Third Multiplication Double Admiral Artillery Vanguard Company! You will respect my authority!
Media:kled.move66.mp3Media:kled.move66_zh.mp3 We was having a nice conversation, then they showed up... uninvited!
Media:kled.move67.mp3Media:kled.move67_zh.mp3 Noxus was created to train the faithful.
Media:kled.move68.mp3Media:kled.move68_zh.mp3 What are you whining about? I already fed you half a platoon!
Media:kled.move69.mp3Media:kled.move69_zh.mp3 Don't you bite me again!
Media:kled.move70.mp3Media:kled.move70_zh.mp3 Naw, it's just like the assault on Glorft. You seen one artillery vanguard in a commando fleet action, you seen 'em all.
Media:kled.move71.mp3Media:kled.move71_zh.mp3 Noxus ends where I say it ends.
Media:kled.move72.mp3Media:kled.move72_zh.mp3 Ain't much I love. Only this big sky, and this dumb lizard.
Media:kled.move73.mp3Media:kled.move73_zh.mp3 Let's get some new property.
Media:kled.move74.mp3Media:kled.move74_zh.mp3 The sky is my roof, the open plains are my bed, and this lizard is the only company I need.
Media:kled.move75.mp3Media:kled.move75_zh.mp3 This big sky, this green land. Now how could I share this with anyone?
Media:kled.move76.mp3Media:kled.move76_zh.mp3 Woo, it's darn pretty round here. Glad it's mine.
Media:kled.move77.mp3Media:kled.move77_zh.mp3 You can't be lonely when the land is this beautiful.


Media:kled.move78.mp3Media:kled.move78_zh.mp3 This world is rough. You gotta' be tough or die.
Media:kled.move79.mp3Media:kled.move79_zh.mp3 Yes, a sane man would run, but I ain't the running kind!
Media:kled.move80.mp3Media:kled.move80_zh.mp3 No-one tells me what to do.
Media:kled.move81.mp3Media:kled.move81_zh.mp3 This here land is mine!
Media:kled.move82.mp3Media:kled.move82_zh.mp3 This is just a victory waiting to happen!
Media:kled.move83.mp3Media:kled.move83_zh.mp3 This desert sky's gonna' open up with a rain of heavenly bloodshed and glorious violence!
Media:kled.move84.mp3Media:kled.move84_zh.mp3 I am the brutal instrument of my own destiny!
Media:kled.move85.mp3Media:kled.move85_zh.mp3 Ain't nobody gonna' give you nothing. Gotta' take it yourself.
Media:kled.move86.mp3Media:kled.move86_zh.mp3 Impossible ain't a Noxian word.
Media:kled.move87.mp3Media:kled.move87_zh.mp3 I didn't become a Rear Forward Brigadier Admiral from running!
Media:kled.move88.mp3Media:kled.move88_zh.mp3 I don't need that lizard! Kled's got his own ideas.
Media:kled.move89.mp3Media:kled.move89_zh.mp3 I don't need nothing but this axe... and this gun... and this hat.
Media:kled.move90.mp3Media:kled.move90_zh.mp3 Why's all these intruders so far away?
Media:kled.move91.mp3Media:kled.move91_zh.mp3 I know that lizard ain't talking, but I still hear him. Shut up, lizard. Shut up!
Media:kled.move92.mp3Media:kled.move92_zh.mp3 Stop talking, you stupid brain badgers!
Media:kled.move93.mp3Media:kled.move93_zh.mp3 Hey, what was that? Of course I don't need Skaarl... but he helps.
Media:kled.move94.mp3Media:kled.move94_zh.mp3 What was that? Run straight into the tower?
Media:kled.move95.mp3Media:kled.move95_zh.mp3 I don't need a team to start a teamfight!
Media:kled.move96.mp3Media:kled.move96_zh.mp3 Sure! I'll kill all of them myself!
Media:kled.move97.mp3Media:kled.move97_zh.mp3 I don't need you Skaarl!
Media:kled.move98.mp3Media:kled.move98_zh.mp3 I said I wasn't not backing off, no how!
Media:kled.move99.mp3Media:kled.move99_zh.mp3 Even if I lose, I win! Just means I get to come back and kill you later!
Media:kled.move100.mp3Media:kled.move100_zh.mp3 I know you're listening, brain weasels! I ain't falling for it!
Media:kled.move101.mp3Media:kled.move101_zh.mp3 I am Sir Admiral Major Kled, and I smell a victory potpourri!
Media:kled.move102.mp3Media:kled.move102_zh.mp3 First thing you learn as a Lieutenant Sergeant Commodore: rely only on yourself.
Media:kled.move103.mp3Media:kled.move103_zh.mp3 Skaarl! Come back, buddy! Skaarl?
Media:kled.move104.mp3Media:kled.move104_zh.mp3 Damnit, Skaarl! I hate walking!
Media:kled.move105.mp3Media:kled.move105_zh.mp3 I didn't not earn the rank of Sergeant double Admiral by not running!
Media:kled.move106.mp3Media:kled.move106_zh.mp3 Folks say I got violent tendencies.
Media:kled.move107.mp3Media:kled.move107_zh.mp3 Oh, she'll see, she'll see! She'll come strolling back when I turn them interlopers into a purée.
Media:kled.move108.mp3Media:kled.move108_zh.mp3 Ain't nobody tough as Kled! I've got gravel in my guts and a fire in my head!




Media:kled.joke1.mp3Media:kled.joke1_zh.mp3 So, that's what considered funny in the city, huh?
Media:kled.joke2.mp3Media:kled.joke2_zh.mp3 I got a joke too! It's called me kicking your teeth in!
Media:kled.joke3.mp3Media:kled.joke3_zh.mp3 That it? That was your joke, huh?
Media:kled.joke4.mp3Media:kled.joke4_zh.mp3 Was you making fun of my Skaarl?
Media:kled.joke5.mp3Media:kled.joke5_zh.mp3 Real funny! Knew a funny guy in the Drekan Campaign - took a javelin in the spine, couldn't walk after that. Used him as a coat rack.


Media:kled.taunt1.mp3Media:kled.taunt1_zh.mp3 Don't worry, them voices ain't telling me to kill you no more...! Yeah, of course we still gonna' kill 'im.
Media:kled.taunt2.mp3Media:kled.taunt2_zh.mp3 You do realise... you're on my property?
Media:kled.taunt3.mp3Media:kled.taunt3_zh.mp3 I figure I'll help you kill 'em... before I kill you.
Media:kled.taunt4.mp3Media:kled.taunt4_zh.mp3 Usually I find conversation boring and useless. You remind me I'm right.
Media:kled.taunt5.mp3Media:kled.taunt5_zh.mp3 You feel like arguing about something? It'll make what happens later easier for you.
Media:kled.taunt6.mp3Media:kled.taunt6_zh.mp3 So... when exactly you planning on getting the hell outta' here?
Media:kled.taunt7.mp3Media:kled.taunt7_zh.mp3 Woo, no sir, I ain't gonna' kill you and feed you to my lizard! Them's just... malicious rumours!
Media:kled.taunt8.mp3Media:kled.taunt8_zh.mp3 Oh, before I forget, what, uh... rank are you, exactly?


Media:kled.taunt9.mp3Media:kled.taunt9_zh.mp3 Say that again! I dare you.
Media:kled.taunt10.mp3Media:kled.taunt10_zh.mp3 Thems fighting words! See, Skaarl? That's why I don't like people.
Media:kled.taunt11.mp3Media:kled.taunt11_zh.mp3 Shut your mouth hole! Them badgers are listening.
Media:kled.taunt12.mp3Media:kled.taunt12_zh.mp3 I'm just a Yordle standing in front of you, asking you to shut the hell up!
Media:kled.taunt13.mp3Media:kled.taunt13_zh.mp3 Of course you realize, this means war.


Media:kled.laugh1.mp3Media:kled.laugh1_zh.mp3 kled laughs.
Media:kled.laugh2.mp3Media:kled.laugh2_zh.mp3 kled laughs.
Media:kled.laugh3.mp3Media:kled.laugh3_zh.mp3 kled laughs.



Media:kled.attack1.mp3Media:kled.attack1_zh.mp3 Slow down so I can kill something!
Media:kled.attack2.mp3Media:kled.attack2_zh.mp3 Get off my lawn!
Media:kled.attack3.mp3Media:kled.attack3_zh.mp3 They's about to be dead!
Media:kled.attack4.mp3Media:kled.attack4_zh.mp3 This land is my land!
Media:kled.attack5.mp3Media:kled.attack5_zh.mp3 Damn trespassers!
Media:kled.attack6.mp3Media:kled.attack6_zh.mp3 Step on my land again, you're done!
Media:kled.attack7.mp3Media:kled.attack7_zh.mp3 How about a long axe in your guts?
Media:kled.attack8.mp3Media:kled.attack8_zh.mp3 You are perturbing my tranquility!
Media:kled.attack9.mp3Media:kled.attack9_zh.mp3 You should run! Skaarl likes his food lively!
Media:kled.attack10.mp3Media:kled.attack10_zh.mp3 Don't interrupt me! I'm trying to start a fight!
Media:kled.attack11.mp3Media:kled.attack11_zh.mp3 Damn city folk!
Media:kled.attack12.mp3Media:kled.attack12_zh.mp3 I'm Kled, and this here's Skaarl. Prepare to die.
Media:kled.attack13.mp3Media:kled.attack13_zh.mp3 This is how it's gonna work: I kill you, then I take your stuff.
Media:kled.attack14.mp3Media:kled.attack14_zh.mp3 Look, Skaarl! It's dinner time!
Media:kled.attack15.mp3Media:kled.attack15_zh.mp3 You see my welcome sign back there? No? It was your friend's skull!
Media:kled.attack16.mp3Media:kled.attack16_zh.mp3 You will salute when you address me!
Media:kled.attack17.mp3Media:kled.attack17_zh.mp3 Let's get them trespassers!
Media:kled.attack18.mp3Media:kled.attack18_zh.mp3 Why ain't they saluting me? They should be saluting me! Salute me now!
Media:kled.attack19.mp3Media:kled.attack19_zh.mp3 You get my invitation to visit? No? 'cause there ain't one!
Media:kled.attack20.mp3Media:kled.attack20_zh.mp3 Let's do it!
Media:kled.attack21.mp3Media:kled.attack21_zh.mp3 Oh, it's on!
Media:kled.attack22.mp3Media:kled.attack22_zh.mp3 I got your welcoming present right here!
Media:kled.attack23.mp3Media:kled.attack23_zh.mp3 The badgers command your death!
Media:kled.attack24.mp3Media:kled.attack24_zh.mp3 Only coffin's gonna' be this lizard's belly!
Media:kled.attack25.mp3Media:kled.attack25_zh.mp3 Let's get 'em, Skaarl!
Media:kled.attack26.mp3Media:kled.attack26_zh.mp3 I might have to jump off this lizard and put my boot in your watoosie!
Media:kled.attack27.mp3Media:kled.attack27_zh.mp3 Let's get 'em, 'fore they get us.
Media:kled.attack28.mp3Media:kled.attack28_zh.mp3 I'm gonna murder you to death!
Media:kled.attack29.mp3Media:kled.attack29_zh.mp3 I will murder your whole family!
Media:kled.attack30.mp3Media:kled.attack30_zh.mp3 My brain is on fire, my soul is strong, and my lizard is hungry!
Media:kled.attack31.mp3Media:kled.attack31_zh.mp3 You mocking me?
Media:kled.attack32.mp3Media:kled.attack32_zh.mp3 He looked at me funny! Get him.
Media:kled.attack33.mp3Media:kled.attack33_zh.mp3 You can't take what's mine!
Media:kled.attack34.mp3Media:kled.attack34_zh.mp3 You looking at me? 'cause I'm gonna' kill you!
Media:kled.attack35.mp3Media:kled.attack35_zh.mp3 You can't bushwhack a bushwhacker!
Media:kled.attack36.mp3Media:kled.attack36_zh.mp3 You just justified a preemptive retaliatory strike!
Media:kled.attack37.mp3Media:kled.attack37_zh.mp3 They came looking for a fight? Let's oblige 'em.
Media:kled.attack38.mp3Media:kled.attack38_zh.mp3 I am justified, and I am armed!
Media:kled.attack39.mp3Media:kled.attack39_zh.mp3 Howdy!


Media:kled.attack40.mp3Media:kled.attack40_zh.mp3 I'm through running!
Media:kled.attack41.mp3Media:kled.attack41_zh.mp3 Die!
Media:kled.attack42.mp3Media:kled.attack42_zh.mp3 I'll kill you!
Media:kled.attack43.mp3Media:kled.attack43_zh.mp3 Now you done it!
Media:kled.attack44.mp3Media:kled.attack44_zh.mp3 I'll gut you!
Media:kled.attack45.mp3Media:kled.attack45_zh.mp3 I'll say something witty after I kill you!
Media:kled.attack46.mp3Media:kled.attack46_zh.mp3 I'm gonna' cut you open and use your spine for a back scratcher, because it is itchy! Very itchy!
Media:kled.attack47.mp3Media:kled.attack47_zh.mp3 I can only express myself through violence!
Media:kled.attack48.mp3Media:kled.attack48_zh.mp3 Who sent you?
Media:kled.attack49.mp3Media:kled.attack49_zh.mp3 Welcome to Noxus!
Media:kled.attack50.mp3Media:kled.attack50_zh.mp3 This! Is! Noxus!
Media:kled.attack51.mp3Media:kled.attack51_zh.mp3 I hate you!
Media:kled.attack52.mp3Media:kled.attack52_zh.mp3 You's trying my patience!
Media:kled.attack53.mp3Media:kled.attack53_zh.mp3 Come back here and fight!
Media:kled.attack54.mp3Media:kled.attack54_zh.mp3 My axe talks for me!
Media:kled.attack55.mp3Media:kled.attack55_zh.mp3 You thought I was done? Kled ain't never done!
Media:kled.attack56.mp3Media:kled.attack56_zh.mp3 I can't be reasoned with!
Media:kled.attack57.mp3Media:kled.attack57_zh.mp3 It's go time!
Media:kled.attack58.mp3Media:kled.attack58_zh.mp3 I ain't stopping!
Media:kled.attack59.mp3Media:kled.attack59_zh.mp3 You see, Skaarl? I'm doing it alone!
Media:kled.attack60.mp3Media:kled.attack60_zh.mp3 I'll kill 'em all!
Media:kled.attack61.mp3Media:kled.attack61_zh.mp3 See, Skaarl? I don't need help!
Media:kled.attack62.mp3Media:kled.attack62_zh.mp3 Skaarl! You're missing the fun!
Media:kled.attack63.mp3Media:kled.attack63_zh.mp3 I'm just beginning to fight!
Media:kled.attack64.mp3Media:kled.attack64_zh.mp3 I'll kick the crap outta' you!
Media:kled.attack65.mp3Media:kled.attack65_zh.mp3 No trespassing!
Media:kled.attack66.mp3Media:kled.attack66_zh.mp3 Intruder!
Media:kled.attack67.mp3Media:kled.attack67_zh.mp3 You're a cockroach, and it's half-past stomping time!
Media:kled.attack68.mp3Media:kled.attack68_zh.mp3 My brain is full of weasels!
Media:kled.attack69.mp3Media:kled.attack69_zh.mp3 Serenity now!
Media:kled.attack70.mp3Media:kled.attack70_zh.mp3 I don't like sharing!
Media:kled.attack71.mp3Media:kled.attack71_zh.mp3 Oh, you prancing bastard!
Media:kled.attack72.mp3Media:kled.attack72_zh.mp3 My blood is piss and vinegar!
Media:kled.attack73.mp3Media:kled.attack73_zh.mp3 Kled laughs.
Media:kled.attack74.mp3Media:kled.attack74_zh.mp3 I'm gonna reach down your throat, and turn your lungs into mittens!
Media:kled.attack75.mp3Media:kled.attack75_zh.mp3 I'm gonna make you wish you were a hallucination!
Media:kled.attack76.mp3Media:kled.attack76_zh.mp3 You think I don't hear you laughing?
Media:kled.attack77.mp3Media:kled.attack77_zh.mp3 There's fixing to be two sounds: me hitting you, and---
Media:kled.attack78.mp3Media:kled.attack78_zh.mp3 Lord Colonel Major Centurion Kled don't run, no he don't!
Media:kled.attack79.mp3Media:kled.attack79_zh.mp3 I came here to... well, I don't know what I came here for, but I'm gonna' defend it!




Media:kled.passive1.mp3Media:kled.passive1_zh.mp3 Don't get weird on me!
Media:kled.passive2.mp3Media:kled.passive2_zh.mp3 Dang nabbit, you're gonna' get us killed!
Media:kled.passive3.mp3Media:kled.passive3_zh.mp3 Calm down, you damn-!
Media:kled.passive4.mp3Media:kled.passive4_zh.mp3 Whoa! Whoa! Don't get excited, now!
Media:kled.passive5.mp3Media:kled.passive5_zh.mp3 Don't get your britches all rumpled!
Media:kled.passive6.mp3Media:kled.passive6_zh.mp3 Calm down, girl!
Media:kled.passive7.mp3Media:kled.passive7_zh.mp3 Whoa, Skaarl, whoa!
Media:kled.passive8.mp3Media:kled.passive8_zh.mp3 Skaarl, I got this!
Media:kled.passive9.mp3Media:kled.passive9_zh.mp3 Don't you run off on me! Skaarl!
Media:kled.passive10.mp3Media:kled.passive10_zh.mp3 Easy, girl, easy!
Media:kled.passive11.mp3Media:kled.passive11_zh.mp3 Quit your worryin'!
Media:kled.passive12.mp3Media:kled.passive12_zh.mp3 No Skaarl, no! Bad Skaarl!


Media:kled.passive13.mp3Media:kled.passive13_zh.mp3 Hey! We ain't done!
Media:kled.passive14.mp3Media:kled.passive14_zh.mp3 Get back here you-!
Media:kled.passive15.mp3Media:kled.passive15_zh.mp3 Darn nabbit! You lily-livered flea bucket!
Media:kled.passive16.mp3Media:kled.passive16_zh.mp3 What are you doing?
Media:kled.passive17.mp3Media:kled.passive17_zh.mp3 I knew you was a coward!
Media:kled.passive18.mp3Media:kled.passive18_zh.mp3 I ain't never forgiving you, you flea-bitten-!
Media:kled.passive19.mp3Media:kled.passive19_zh.mp3 Go home, get! I never needed you no how!
Media:kled.passive20.mp3Media:kled.passive20_zh.mp3 Not again!
Media:kled.passive21.mp3Media:kled.passive21_zh.mp3 No, no! The other way! Get back here!
Media:kled.passive22.mp3Media:kled.passive22_zh.mp3 The fighting's this way!
Media:kled.passive23.mp3Media:kled.passive23_zh.mp3 You stupid, dumb animal!
Media:kled.passive24.mp3Media:kled.passive24_zh.mp3 Kled curses.
Media:kled.passive25.mp3Media:kled.passive25_zh.mp3 Kled curses.
Media:kled.passive26.mp3Media:kled.passive26_zh.mp3 Kled curses
Media:kled.passive27.mp3Media:kled.passive27_zh.mp3 Kled curses
Media:kled.passive28.mp3Media:kled.passive28_zh.mp3 Kled curses
Media:kled.passive29.mp3Media:kled.passive29_zh.mp3 Kled curses
Media:kled.passive30.mp3Media:kled.passive30_zh.mp3 Get back here, you---
Media:kled.passive31.mp3Media:kled.passive31_zh.mp3 I will--- I ain't backing down! I don't back down! Never!
Media:kled.passive32.mp3Media:kled.passive32_zh.mp3 Where you going? We got 'em right where we want 'em!
Media:kled.passive33.mp3Media:kled.passive33_zh.mp3 Now I gotta' walk!
Media:kled.passive34.mp3Media:kled.passive34_zh.mp3 Traitor!
Media:kled.passive35.mp3Media:kled.passive35_zh.mp3 Fine! I'll kill 'em!
Media:kled.passive36.mp3Media:kled.passive36_zh.mp3 I'll take 'em alone!


Media:kled.passive37.mp3Media:kled.passive37_zh.mp3 Yeah!
Media:kled.passive38.mp3Media:kled.passive38_zh.mp3 Yahoo!
Media:kled.passive39.mp3Media:kled.passive39_zh.mp3 Wahoo!
Media:kled.passive40.mp3Media:kled.passive40_zh.mp3 Now we got 'em!
Media:kled.passive41.mp3Media:kled.passive41_zh.mp3 If you does that one more time I'll skewer you and roast you myself!
Media:kled.passive42.mp3Media:kled.passive42_zh.mp3 Where you been?
Media:kled.passive43.mp3Media:kled.passive43_zh.mp3 Get over here, buddy!
Media:kled.passive44.mp3Media:kled.passive44_zh.mp3 Woo, good timing!
Media:kled.passive45.mp3Media:kled.passive45_zh.mp3 I knew you'd be back.
Media:kled.passive46.mp3Media:kled.passive46_zh.mp3 Dang nabbit, I love this lizard!
Media:kled.passive47.mp3Media:kled.passive47_zh.mp3 Boy am I glad to see you!
Media:kled.passive48.mp3Media:kled.passive48_zh.mp3 Kled laughs.
Media:kled.passive49.mp3Media:kled.passive49_zh.mp3 Kled laughs.
Media:kled.passive50.mp3Media:kled.passive50_zh.mp3 The badgers command it!
Media:kled.passive51.mp3Media:kled.passive51_zh.mp3 For the brain weasels!
Media:kled.passive52.mp3Media:kled.passive52_zh.mp3 Yeehaw! I knew you couldn't quit me, Skaarl!


Media:kled.q1.mp3Media:kled.q1_zh.mp3 Gotcha now!
Media:kled.q2.mp3Media:kled.q2_zh.mp3 How you like that leash?
Media:kled.q3.mp3Media:kled.q3_zh.mp3 Gotcha!
Media:kled.q4.mp3Media:kled.q4_zh.mp3 Oh, you ain't getting away!
Media:kled.q5.mp3Media:kled.q5_zh.mp3 You ain't running!
Media:kled.q6.mp3Media:kled.q6_zh.mp3 Just try and run!
Media:kled.q7.mp3Media:kled.q7_zh.mp3 You ain't going nowhere!
Media:kled.q8.mp3Media:kled.q8_zh.mp3 Get back here!
Media:kled.q9.mp3Media:kled.q9_zh.mp3 Thought you wanted to visit!
Media:kled.q10.mp3Media:kled.q10_zh.mp3 You think you can run?
Media:kled.q11.mp3Media:kled.q11_zh.mp3 I'm gonna learn you about pain!
Media:kled.q12.mp3Media:kled.q12_zh.mp3 Come back, I gotta' put an axe in your brain!
Media:kled.q13.mp3Media:kled.q13_zh.mp3 Aw, you ain't leaving, are you?
Media:kled.q14.mp3Media:kled.q14_zh.mp3 Oops, bear trap in your neck!


Media:kled.e1.mp3Media:kled.e1_zh.mp3 Get 'em!
Media:kled.e2.mp3Media:kled.e2_zh.mp3 Hyaah!
Media:kled.e3.mp3Media:kled.e3_zh.mp3 Woo!
Media:kled.e4.mp3Media:kled.e4_zh.mp3 Get 'em, Skaarl!
Media:kled.e5.mp3Media:kled.e5_zh.mp3 Yeehaw!
Media:kled.e6.mp3Media:kled.e6_zh.mp3 Yip yip!
Media:kled.e7.mp3Media:kled.e7_zh.mp3 Wowee!
Media:kled.e8.mp3Media:kled.e8_zh.mp3 Ha!
Media:kled.e9.mp3Media:kled.e9_zh.mp3 Whoa!
Media:kled.e10.mp3Media:kled.e10_zh.mp3 Wahah!
Media:kled.e11.mp3Media:kled.e11_zh.mp3 Woo!
Media:kled.e12.mp3Media:kled.e12_zh.mp3 Yah!
Media:kled.e13.mp3Media:kled.e13_zh.mp3 Hee hee!
Media:kled.e14.mp3Media:kled.e14_zh.mp3 Ha ha!


Media:kled.ult1.mp3Media:kled.ult1_zh.mp3 Chaaaaarge!
Media:kled.ult2.mp3Media:kled.ult2_zh.mp3 Chaaaaarge!
Media:kled.ult3.mp3Media:kled.ult3_zh.mp3 Let's get 'em!
Media:kled.ult4.mp3Media:kled.ult4_zh.mp3 Yaaaahoooo!
Media:kled.ult5.mp3Media:kled.ult5_zh.mp3 Yaaaahoooo!
Media:kled.ult6.mp3Media:kled.ult6_zh.mp3 Yeeeehaaaw!
Media:kled.ult7.mp3Media:kled.ult7_zh.mp3 Yeaaaaaaah!
Media:kled.ult8.mp3Media:kled.ult8_zh.mp3 Follow meeeee!
Media:kled.ult9.mp3Media:kled.ult9_zh.mp3 No prisoneeeers!


Media:kled.kill1.mp3Media:kled.kill1_zh.mp3 This is Noxus, son! Winner takes all!
Media:kled.kill2.mp3Media:kled.kill2_zh.mp3 That'll learn 'em!
Media:kled.kill3.mp3Media:kled.kill3_zh.mp3 Thought you could take my land, huh? How'd that work out for you?
Media:kled.kill4.mp3Media:kled.kill4_zh.mp3 How's that dirt taste?
Media:kled.kill5.mp3Media:kled.kill5_zh.mp3 Don't worry, Skaarl! We'll come back so you can eat 'em later.
Media:kled.kill6.mp3Media:kled.kill6_zh.mp3 Whoops! Looks like I accidentally stabbed you with my long axe - until you were dead!
Media:kled.kill7.mp3Media:kled.kill7_zh.mp3 You were a visitor, now you're mulch!
Media:kled.kill8.mp3Media:kled.kill8_zh.mp3 Skaarl, that was what we call a predictable scenario.
Media:kled.kill9.mp3Media:kled.kill9_zh.mp3 I told 'em what was gonna' happen if they came onto my land!
Media:kled.kill10.mp3Media:kled.kill10_zh.mp3 Next time you visit, bring more stuff I can take!
Media:kled.kill11.mp3Media:kled.kill11_zh.mp3 I might be a deranged lizard-riding bandito, but I whooped you real good!
Media:kled.kill12.mp3Media:kled.kill12_zh.mp3 Now, I might have overreacted to you unlawfully entering my property - but I don't think so!
Media:kled.kill13.mp3Media:kled.kill13_zh.mp3 Ahahahaha! I warned him! I did warn him!
Media:kled.kill14.mp3Media:kled.kill14_zh.mp3 It's funny, 'cause he died right on the border of my land, and more of my land!
Media:kled.kill15.mp3Media:kled.kill15_zh.mp3 Glad you could visit!
Media:kled.kill16.mp3Media:kled.kill16_zh.mp3 Don't let the door hit you on your way to hell!
Media:kled.kill17.mp3Media:kled.kill17_zh.mp3 They never learn.
Media:kled.kill18.mp3Media:kled.kill18_zh.mp3 Tried to bushwhack a bushwhacker!
Media:kled.kill19.mp3Media:kled.kill19_zh.mp3 That learned 'em real good.
Media:kled.kill20.mp3Media:kled.kill20_zh.mp3 We didn't come here to teach lessons in humanity!
Media:kled.kill21.mp3Media:kled.kill21_zh.mp3 Y'all made a nice stabbing bag.
Media:kled.kill22.mp3Media:kled.kill22_zh.mp3 Killing makes me thirsty.
Media:kled.kill23.mp3Media:kled.kill23_zh.mp3 Nothing like a river of blood to send a message.
Media:kled.kill24.mp3Media:kled.kill24_zh.mp3 Y'know, a long time ago, being crazy meant something.


Media:kled.placingWard1.mp3Media:kled.placingWard1_zh.mp3 I keep my eyes open - all the time.
Media:kled.placingWard2.mp3Media:kled.placingWard2_zh.mp3 I ain't paranoid - I'm ready. Real ready.
Media:kled.placingWard3.mp3Media:kled.placingWard3_zh.mp3 They's always trying to sneak up on us. Trying, that is.
Media:kled.placingWard4.mp3Media:kled.placingWard4_zh.mp3 I know them trespassers is somewhere...
Media:kled.placingWard5.mp3Media:kled.placingWard5_zh.mp3 Them sneaky-sneaks ain't gonna' sneak on us, no sir!
Media:kled.placingWard6.mp3Media:kled.placingWard6_zh.mp3 It's mine, and I got my eye on it!
Media:kled.placingWard7.mp3Media:kled.placingWard7_zh.mp3 Yeah, any of them varmints sneak up on us, we'll know.
Media:kled.placingWard8.mp3Media:kled.placingWard8_zh.mp3 It ain't paranoia if everyone is out to get you.
Media:kled.placingWard9.mp3Media:kled.placingWard9_zh.mp3 Paranoia... means having all the facts.
Media:kled.placingWard10.mp3Media:kled.placingWard10_zh.mp3 There's no such thing as paranoia; your worst fears can come true at any moment.
Media:kled.placingWard11.mp3Media:kled.placingWard11_zh.mp3 Paranoia is just another word for ignorance.
Media:kled.placingWard12.mp3Media:kled.placingWard12_zh.mp3 Total paranoia is just total awareness!


Media:kled.b1.mp3Media:kled.b1_zh.mp3 Skaarl! Skaarl!




Media:kled.sp1.mp3Media:kled.sp1_zh.mp3 Just 'cause we was kin don't mean I ain't feeding you to Skaarl!
Media:kled.sp2.mp3Media:kled.sp2_zh.mp3 Hey cous', glad you came to visit!
Media:kled.sp3.mp3Media:kled.sp3_zh.mp3 A relative's just another unwanted guest.
Media:kled.sp4.mp3Media:kled.sp4_zh.mp3 Afraid I had to cut your visit short.
Media:kled.sp5.mp3Media:kled.sp5_zh.mp3 You ain't cute now!
Media:kled.sp6.mp3Media:kled.sp6_zh.mp3 Aw, you are so cute... fore I ripped your fuzzy head off!
Media:kled.sp7.mp3Media:kled.sp7_zh.mp3 I could feel bad about killing you, or we could stomp on your corpse!
Media:kled.sp8.mp3Media:kled.sp8_zh.mp3 You was cute - lousy, but cute.


Media:kled.sp9.mp3Media:kled.sp9_zh.mp3 He died as dumb as he sounded.
Media:kled.sp10.mp3Media:kled.sp10_zh.mp3 And he ain't even had the indignity to call himself a demon.
Media:kled.sp11.mp3Media:kled.sp11_zh.mp3 Never had much to say, but I'm sure glad we shut him up.


Media:kled.sp12.mp3Media:kled.sp12_zh.mp3 Girl was all messed up. (Skaarl growls) I mean, before we killed her. Snake for legs? Crazy!
Media:kled.sp13.mp3Media:kled.sp13_zh.mp3 I guess it's snake dinner tonight!
Media:kled.sp14.mp3Media:kled.sp14_zh.mp3 Was that lady half-snake, or that snake half-human? She is... confusing. Dead, but confusing.


Media:kled.sp15.mp3Media:kled.sp15_zh.mp3 Hey, lizard food! What exactly was you general of?
Media:kled.sp16.mp3Media:kled.sp16_zh.mp3 Nice axe! Learn to use it!
Media:kled.sp17.mp3Media:kled.sp17_zh.mp3 Death by my hand!
Media:kled.sp18.mp3Media:kled.sp18_zh.mp3 He wanted to unify Noxus. Guess that makes me a secessionist.


Media:kled.sp19.mp3Media:kled.sp19_zh.mp3 KLEEEEEED... naw, it's just Kled.
Media:kled.sp20.mp3Media:kled.sp20_zh.mp3 Who wants some Kled?
Media:kled.sp21.mp3Media:kled.sp21_zh.mp3 This is where Kled shines!


Media:kled.sp22.mp3Media:kled.sp22_zh.mp3 Skaarl? You eatin' good tonight! That girl's got some meat on her!
Media:kled.sp23.mp3Media:kled.sp23_zh.mp3 And you thought I talked crazy!
Media:kled.sp24.mp3Media:kled.sp24_zh.mp3 I gotta' stop the mushroom juice... I swear that girl had some tentacles or something!


Media:kled.sp25.mp3Media:kled.sp25_zh.mp3 Bye bye, fancy pants!
Media:kled.sp26.mp3Media:kled.sp26_zh.mp3 Hey, fancy pants! Got your cloak dirty!
Media:kled.sp27.mp3Media:kled.sp27_zh.mp3 I don't know what he was. I just needed him to shut up.
Media:kled.sp28.mp3Media:kled.sp28_zh.mp3 I can respect crazy, but what kind of fool reloads in the middle of a fight?


Media:kled.sp29.mp3Media:kled.sp29_zh.mp3 A sinister blade? Heck, girl, Skaarl's got farts more sinister than you was.
Media:kled.sp30.mp3Media:kled.sp30_zh.mp3 I like a girl with moxie. (Skaarl growls) No, obviously she didn't have any! That's the darn point!
Media:kled.sp31.mp3Media:kled.sp31_zh.mp3 Humans is such easy prey.


Media:kled.sp32.mp3Media:kled.sp32_zh.mp3 She had one crazy getup! Them city-folk clothes is getting ridiculous. (Skaarl growls) Yeah, I'll try it on later.
Media:kled.sp33.mp3Media:kled.sp33_zh.mp3 Go back to Noxus Prime!
Media:kled.sp34.mp3Media:kled.sp34_zh.mp3 All your little city-girl dreams just got stomped.


Media:kled.sp35.mp3Media:kled.sp35_zh.mp3 We wrecked that thing!
Media:kled.sp36.mp3Media:kled.sp36_zh.mp3 Damn varmint left holes all over the yard.
Media:kled.sp37.mp3Media:kled.sp37_zh.mp3 Queen of what? Darn thing made Skaarl look smart!


Media:kled.sp38.mp3Media:kled.sp38_zh.mp3 Pure Noxian girl. Almost liked her. Almost.
Media:kled.sp39.mp3Media:kled.sp39_zh.mp3 Seems to have lost your bounce, girl.
Media:kled.sp40.mp3Media:kled.sp40_zh.mp3 All that hippy hop! Getting on my nerves!


Media:kled.sp41.mp3Media:kled.sp41_zh.mp3 How many times do I gotta' kill him? (Skaarl growls) I know!
Media:kled.sp42.mp3Media:kled.sp42_zh.mp3 Too stupid to live, too dumb to die.
Media:kled.sp43.mp3Media:kled.sp43_zh.mp3 I don't think you can eat that one. (Skaarl growls) He looks a little overripe.
Media:kled.sp44.mp3Media:kled.sp44_zh.mp3 Huh. I liked him better when he was alive.


Media:kled.sp45.mp3Media:kled.sp45_zh.mp3 Tactician? More like bird brain.
Media:kled.sp46.mp3Media:kled.sp46_zh.mp3 Master Tactician? He can keep that title.
Media:kled.sp47.mp3Media:kled.sp47_zh.mp3 He gonna' taste good deep-fried.
Media:kled.sp48.mp3Media:kled.sp48_zh.mp3 I figure he gonna' taste like chicken. (Skaarl growls) Sure!


Media:kled.sp49.mp3Media:kled.sp49_zh.mp3 Well, that shut him up!
Media:kled.sp50.mp3Media:kled.sp50_zh.mp3 Finally, some silence.
Media:kled.sp51.mp3Media:kled.sp51_zh.mp3 I knew he was a liar, 'cause he used them big words.


Media:kled.sp52.mp3Media:kled.sp52_zh.mp3 I've seem some dumb outfits, Skaarl, but a cape made out of knives? Woo, ha! That took the cake!
Media:kled.sp53.mp3Media:kled.sp53_zh.mp3 Another dead city boy, thinking he could sneaky-sneak on my land.
Media:kled.sp54.mp3Media:kled.sp54_zh.mp3 Let that be a lesson for all them sneaky-sneaks!



Media:kled.sp55.mp3Media:kled.sp55_zh.mp3 You may be from Noxus, but you ain't Noxian.
Media:kled.sp56.mp3Media:kled.sp56_zh.mp3 Don't mess with Noxus, brother.
Media:kled.sp57.mp3Media:kled.sp57_zh.mp3 You know, I like you, brother. As much as I can like a lily-livered jungle-sniffer.
Media:kled.sp58.mp3Media:kled.sp58_zh.mp3 You sure you're Noxian? You look a little Ionian to me.
Media:kled.sp59.mp3Media:kled.sp59_zh.mp3 Watch your stepping! That's my land you're gallivanting on!


Media:kled.sp60.mp3Media:kled.sp60_zh.mp3 Drinking from battle? What kind of dumb crap is that?
Media:kled.sp61.mp3Media:kled.sp61_zh.mp3 Telling people you're a god? Hell, you're barely a paring knife.
Media:kled.sp62.mp3Media:kled.sp62_zh.mp3 Something caught in your throat? 'cause you sound desperate!
