目前语音维基上有2054个页面。 在上方输入您想创建的页面名称或单击以下标题之一,即可开始撰写!



第1行: 第1行:
== 被粗暴地撞到 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3815.mp3|Script = Hey watch it.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3816.mp3|Script = Hey man, lay out the penny lovers.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3817.mp3|Script = Do you know who I am?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3818.mp3|Script = I could buy you.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3819.mp3|Script = Hey watch the threads.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3820.mp3|Script = This wouldn't happen at the country club.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3821.mp3|Script = You're not my squash partner.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3822.mp3|Script = I'm not really happy about this.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3823.mp3|Script = Did you even look where you were going?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3824.mp3|Script = I'm gonna be late for a meeting.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3825.mp3|Script = I'm not really happy about this.|Translation = }}
== 汽车碰撞 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3826.mp3|Script = Unreal!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3827.mp3|Script = Can anyone get a license?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3828.mp3|Script = My beautiful car!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3829.mp3|Script = I hope you have insurance!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3830.mp3|Script = You're here for my lawyer!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3831.mp3|Script = I'm gonna sue your ass.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3832.mp3|Script = I hope you like Baycrumbsy!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3833.mp3|Script = Call 911!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3834.mp3|Script = I need a neck brace.|Translation = }}
== 随意交谈 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3835.mp3|Script = The future's looking so bright I gotta wear shades.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3836.mp3|Script = greed is good.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3837.mp3|Script = Watch the Lovers.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3838.mp3|Script = Nothing but 100s.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3839.mp3|Script = Jacket and tie required.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3840.mp3|Script = Has anyone seen my attaché?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3841.mp3|Script = Jon Quarrings, Love Up|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3842.mp3|Script = The market is going higher.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3843.mp3|Script = Bye now.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3844.mp3|Script = Selhai, bye-bye.|Translation = }}
== 差点被碾过 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3845.mp3|Script = Whoa, was that a domestic or an import?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3846.mp3|Script = That driver's a menace!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3847.mp3|Script = Did anyone get that plate?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3848.mp3|Script = Watch it!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3849.mp3|Script = You could have done some serious damage.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3850.mp3|Script = no respect for the rules of the road|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3851.mp3|Script = I can't get hit by a piece of junk like that.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3852.mp3|Script = Enough is enough!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3853.mp3|Script = Wake up!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3854.mp3|Script = F Inaudible Remodeling|Translation = }}
== 撩妹 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3855.mp3|Script = I'm young, rich and cute.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3856.mp3|Script = There's nothing my money can't buy.|Translation = }}
== 非汽车碰撞 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3857.mp3|Script = You'll hear from my law, years!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3858.mp3|Script = You shouldn't be allowed to drive.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3859.mp3|Script = Unreal!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3860.mp3|Script = I hope you have insurance.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3861.mp3|Script = You're here for my lawyer!|Translation = }}
== 被枪吓到 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3862.mp3|Script = I'm too important!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3863.mp3|Script = Nothing risky.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3864.mp3|Script = Be careful, I'm wealthy.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3865.mp3|Script = I can't get blood on this new tie.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3866.mp3|Script = Watch where you weigh that thing.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3867.mp3|Script = This is quite unorthodox.|Translation = }}
== 回应警察 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3868.mp3|Script = I'm innocent, I didn't do it.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3869.mp3|Script = That's not my style man, I don't know what you're talking about.|Translation = }}
== 被揍 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3870.mp3|Script = This might hurt my credit.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3871.mp3|Script = I just got this detailed!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3872.mp3|Script = This is the special edition, SE.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3873.mp3|Script = *No sound*|Translation = *没声音*}}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3874.mp3|Script = Damn, I just leased this one!|Translation = }}
== 迷路 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3875.mp3|Script = I need a break from my crazy pace.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3876.mp3|Script = I can't be late for my meeting.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3877.mp3|Script = What is this tree?|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3878.mp3|Script = I've never seen that building before.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3879.mp3|Script = I have no idea where I am.|Translation = }}
== 被抢钱 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3880.mp3|Script = Take it, call tuition money at damn criminal.|Translation = }}
== 惊慌逃窜 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3881.mp3|Script = I can't risk it, my company depends on me.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3882.mp3|Script = I'm White Collar.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3883.mp3|Script = This isn't in my job description.|Translation = }}
== 死而复生 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3884.mp3|Script = You've done the world a great service.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3885.mp3|Script = You stop the tragedy. Thank you.|Translation = }}
== 调查事件 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3886.mp3|Script = Not looking good.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3887.mp3|Script = Too bad for you.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3888.mp3|Script = Better you than me.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3889.mp3|Script = This is not good.|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3890.mp3|Script = I do not like this.|Translation = }}
== 叫出租车 ==
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3891.mp3|Script = Sexy!|Translation = }}
{{GTAAudio|File = GTAVC_3892.mp3|Script = Taxi!|Translation = }}

2023年11月28日 (二) 15:47的最新版本

种族 GTAVCRace White Icon.png白人
性别 GTAVCGender Male Icon.png男性
年龄 GTAVCAge Young Icon.png年轻
身份 商务人员



Hey watch it.

Hey man, lay out the penny lovers.

Do you know who I am?

I could buy you.

Hey watch the threads.

This wouldn't happen at the country club.

You're not my squash partner.

I'm not really happy about this.

Did you even look where you were going?

I'm gonna be late for a meeting.

I'm not really happy about this.



Can anyone get a license?

My beautiful car!

I hope you have insurance!

You're here for my lawyer!

I'm gonna sue your ass.

I hope you like Baycrumbsy!

Call 911!

I need a neck brace.


The future's looking so bright I gotta wear shades.

greed is good.

Watch the Lovers.

Nothing but 100s.

Jacket and tie required.

Has anyone seen my attaché?

Jon Quarrings, Love Up

The market is going higher.

Bye now.

Selhai, bye-bye.


Whoa, was that a domestic or an import?

That driver's a menace!

Did anyone get that plate?

Watch it!

You could have done some serious damage.

no respect for the rules of the road

I can't get hit by a piece of junk like that.

Enough is enough!

Wake up!

F Inaudible Remodeling


I'm young, rich and cute.

There's nothing my money can't buy.


You'll hear from my law, years!

You shouldn't be allowed to drive.


I hope you have insurance.

You're here for my lawyer!


I'm too important!

Nothing risky.

Be careful, I'm wealthy.

I can't get blood on this new tie.

Watch where you weigh that thing.

This is quite unorthodox.


I'm innocent, I didn't do it.

That's not my style man, I don't know what you're talking about.


This might hurt my credit.

I just got this detailed!

This is the special edition, SE.

*No sound*

Damn, I just leased this one!


I need a break from my crazy pace.

I can't be late for my meeting.

What is this tree?

I've never seen that building before.

I have no idea where I am.


Take it, call tuition money at damn criminal.


I can't risk it, my company depends on me.

I'm White Collar.

This isn't in my job description.


You've done the world a great service.

You stop the tragedy. Thank you.


Not looking good.

Too bad for you.

Better you than me.

This is not good.

I do not like this.




公共机构 警察特警FBI便衣警察医护人员
帮派语音 古巴帮海地帮鲨鱼帮迪亚兹帮PIG安保集团飞车党维赛迪家族
路人语音 拉丁裔街头女青年拉丁裔街头中年女性拉丁裔街头男青年拉丁裔街头中年男性拉丁裔富贵女青年拉丁裔富贵中年女性拉丁裔富贵男青年拉丁裔富贵中年男性拉丁裔海滩女青年拉丁裔海滩中年女性拉丁裔海滩男青年拉丁裔海滩中年男性拉丁裔商务女青年拉丁裔酒吧女侍拉丁裔卖烟女性拉丁裔服务女青年拉丁裔流浪中年女性拉丁裔流浪中年男性拉丁裔机场工人拉丁裔男出租司机非裔码头工人非裔男青年罪犯非裔街头女青年非裔街头中年女性非裔街头男青年非裔街头中年男性非裔富贵女青年非裔富贵中年女性非裔富贵男青年非裔海滩女青年非裔海滩男青年非裔海滩中年女性非裔海滩中年男性非裔商务男青年非裔服务女青年非裔流浪中年女性非裔流浪中年男性非裔男皮条客非裔说唱男青年白人男青年罪犯白人街头女青年白人街头中年女性白人街头男青年白人街头中年男性白人富贵女青年白人富贵中年女性白人富贵男青年白人富贵中年男性白人海滩女青年白人海滩男青年白人海滩中年女性白人海滩中年男性白人建筑工白人高尔夫男青年白人高尔夫中年女性白人高尔夫中年男性白人女救生员白人男救生员白人商务女青年白人商务男青年白人商务中年男性白人服务女青年白人流浪中年女性白人流浪中年男性白人男皮条客白人男出租司机白人慢跑女青年白人慢跑男青年白人轮滑女青年白人轮滑男青年白人购物女青年白人购物中年女性日本女游客日本男游客
电台语音 狂野风格闪电FMK-聊天狂热105V-摇滚罪城公共广播惊人电台情感98.3浪潮103电台广告