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第3行: 第3行:
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau06.mp3|Script = The V3 is a powerful long-range artillery weapon. Beware commander, it can level your base in minutes without you ever getting a chance to even return fire.|Translation=V3 是威力强大的长程火箭。当心,指挥官,V3 能在几分钟内将您的基地夷为平地,您甚至连还击的机会都没有。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau06.mp3|Script = The V3 is a powerful long-range artillery weapon. Beware commander, it can level your base in minutes without you ever getting a chance to even return fire.|Translation=V3 是威力强大的长程火箭。当心,指挥官,V3 能在几分钟内将您的基地夷为平地,您甚至连还击的机会都没有}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau07.mp3|Script = The most powerful Soviet Tank ever built, the Apocalpyse is a small army all by itself and is equipped to handle both ground and air threats.|Translation=天启坦克是苏联史上最强的坦克,本身就具备一只小型军队的火力,装备对空及对地的武装。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau07.mp3|Script = The most powerful Soviet Tank ever built, the Apocalpyse is a small army all by itself and is equipped to handle both ground and air threats.|Translation=天启坦克是苏联史上最强的坦克,本身就具备一只小型军队的火力,装备对空及对地的武装}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau08.mp3|Script = The most powerful air unit ever created, the Kirov can take a beating and drop an almost unlimitted number of heavy iron bombs.|Translation=基洛夫空艇是最强的空中武器,能投掷无限的铁制炸弹,攻击敌人。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau08.mp3|Script = The most powerful air unit ever created, the Kirov can take a beating and drop an almost unlimitted number of heavy iron bombs.|Translation=基洛夫空艇是最强的空中武器,能投掷无限的铁制炸弹,攻击敌人}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau13.mp3|Script = The ultimate in Soviet long-range bombardment, the Dreadnought is powerful from a distance but can be easily destroyed at close range. The Dreadnought's missiles can also be shot down by patriot missiles.|Translation=无畏级战舰是苏联究极的长程炮轰武器,远距攻击力无以伦比,但很容易在近距离被击沉。无畏级战舰所发射的飞弹能用爱国者飞弹加以击落。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau13.mp3|Script = The ultimate in Soviet long-range bombardment, the Dreadnought is powerful from a distance but can be easily destroyed at close range. The Dreadnought's missiles can also be shot down by patriot missiles.|Translation=无畏级战舰是苏联究极的长程炮轰武器,远距攻击力无以伦比,但很容易在近距离被击沉。无畏级战舰所发射的飞弹能用爱国者飞弹加以击落}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau15.mp3|Script = The Soviets have taken Tesla Technology to the final step, a man in a Tesla powered suit. These soldiers are excellent at destroying tanks and also seem to be able to power up Tesla Coils with their extra energy.|Translation=苏联磁能科技的最后阶段,身穿磁能动力装的士兵。这些士兵最擅长对付坦克,也能用他们额外的能源加强磁爆线圈。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau15.mp3|Script = The Soviets have taken Tesla Technology to the final step, a man in a Tesla powered suit. These soldiers are excellent at destroying tanks and also seem to be able to power up Tesla Coils with their extra energy.|Translation=苏联磁能科技的最后阶段,身穿磁能动力装的士兵。这些士兵最擅长对付坦克,也能用他们额外的能源加强磁爆线圈}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau19.mp3|Script = This soldier is equiped with a nuclear battlesuit. He can irradiate large patches of ground, making them impassible to infantry or light vehicles.|Translation=这个士兵装备了核子战斗装。他能让周围大片土地被辐射照射,使得步兵或轻型车辆无法通过。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau19.mp3|Script = This soldier is equiped with a nuclear battlesuit. He can irradiate large patches of ground, making them impassible to infantry or light vehicles.|Translation=这个士兵装备了核子战斗装。他能让周围大片土地被辐射照射,使得步兵或轻型车辆无法通过}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau20.mp3|Script = The Soviets have been experimenting with Psychic technology with some success. Their elite PsiCorps can cause our own loyal soldiers to turn against us.|Translation=苏联已经在心灵科技上取得一些成功。他们的精英超能力部队能让我方忠诚的士兵倒戈,兵戎相向。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau20.mp3|Script = The Soviets have been experimenting with Psychic technology with some success. Their elite PsiCorps can cause our own loyal soldiers to turn against us.|Translation=苏联已经在心灵科技上取得一些成功。他们的精英超能力部队能让我方忠诚的士兵倒戈,兵戎相向}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau22.mp3|Script = This, sir, is our IFV. It is a multipurpose raider capable of boosting the standard weapon capabilities of any infantryman inside.|Translation=长官,这是我方的步兵战斗车。多功能,适合发动突袭,能加强车内步兵制式武器的威力。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau22.mp3|Script = This, sir, is our IFV. It is a multipurpose raider capable of boosting the standard weapon capabilities of any infantryman inside.|Translation=长官,这是我方的步兵战斗车。多功能,适合发动突袭,能加强车内步兵制式武器的威力}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau23.mp3|Script = Sir, this is an engineer. He can repair any Allied building and once inside an enemy building turn it to our side. He is much smarter than his Soviet counterpart.|Translation=长官,这是名工程师。他可以修护任何盟军建筑,一旦进入敌方建筑,就能将之转换为我方所有。他比苏联工程师要能干的许多。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau23.mp3|Script = Sir, this is an engineer. He can repair any Allied building and once inside an enemy building turn it to our side. He is much smarter than his Soviet counterpart.|Translation=长官,这是名工程师。他可以修护任何盟军建筑,一旦进入敌方建筑,就能将之转换为我方所有。他比苏联工程师要能干的许多}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau24.mp3|Script = Sir, the SEAL is the elite soldier. No enemy is safe from him, whether on land or water.|Translation=长官,海豹部队是精英战士。不论是在陆地或是水中,没有敌人能逃过他的魔掌。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau24.mp3|Script = Sir, the SEAL is the elite soldier. No enemy is safe from him, whether on land or water.|Translation=长官,海豹部队是精英战士。不论是在陆地或是水中,没有敌人能逃过他的魔掌}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau25.mp3|Script = Commander, the spy's ability to mask himself as the enemy and pass through their ranks gives him the needed edge to infiltrate even the most well guarded enemy building. If only they didn't taste so good to their dogs.|Translation=指挥官,间谍的能力是伪装自己成为敌军,比敌军高的官阶,让他就连渗透进防卫最森严的敌方建筑,也游刃有余。要是他们对那些狗来说味道不好的话。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau25.mp3|Script = Commander, the spy's ability to mask himself as the enemy and pass through their ranks gives him the needed edge to infiltrate even the most well guarded enemy building. If only they didn't taste so good to their dogs.|Translation=指挥官,间谍的能力是伪装自己成为敌军,比敌军高的官阶,让他就连渗透进防卫最森严的敌方建筑,也游刃有余。要是他们对那些狗来说味道不好的话}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau26.mp3|Script = The Rocketeers are the brave men who strap maneuvering thrusters to their backs and then go out to hunt enemy tanks and air forces. They are very brave.|Translation=火箭飞行兵是英勇的士兵,背上捆绑着推进器,能飞行猎杀敌方坦克及空军战机,他们十分勇敢。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau26.mp3|Script = The Rocketeers are the brave men who strap maneuvering thrusters to their backs and then go out to hunt enemy tanks and air forces. They are very brave.|Translation=火箭飞行兵是英勇的士兵,背上捆绑着推进器,能飞行猎杀敌方坦克及空军战机,他们十分勇敢}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau27.mp3|Script = Commander, this is a Chrono Legionnaire. Using Professor Einstein's Chronal technology they teleport next to any enemy and utterly erase them from time.|Translation=指挥官,这是超时空军团兵。利用爱因斯坦教授的超时空科技,他们能瞬间传送到敌人身边,让他们彻底消失在时空中。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau27.mp3|Script = Commander, this is a Chrono Legionnaire. Using Professor Einstein's Chronal technology they teleport next to any enemy and utterly erase them from time.|Translation=指挥官,这是超时空军团兵。利用爱因斯坦教授的超时空科技,他们能瞬间传送到敌人身边,让他们彻底消失在时空中}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau31.mp3|Script = Commander, our Mirage Tank's ability to hide itself among any natural objects around it make it the perfect ambush or covert surveillance vehicle.|Translation=指挥官,我方的幻影坦克的能力,是能隐藏于周围的任何自然物体中,最适合用来埋伏或秘密侦察。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau31.mp3|Script = Commander, our Mirage Tank's ability to hide itself among any natural objects around it make it the perfect ambush or covert surveillance vehicle.|Translation=指挥官,我方的幻影坦克的能力,是能隐藏于周围的任何自然物体中,最适合用来埋伏或秘密侦察}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau36.mp3|Script = Commander, our Destroyer is the workhorse of the navy. No naval unit can long hide from it and once detected, it makes short work of the enemy.|Translation=指挥官,我方的驱逐舰是海军的苦力。没有海军部队能在驱逐舰之前躲藏太久,一旦侦测到敌人,就能迅速将之解决。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau36.mp3|Script = Commander, our Destroyer is the workhorse of the navy. No naval unit can long hide from it and once detected, it makes short work of the enemy.|Translation=指挥官,我方的驱逐舰是海军的苦力。没有海军部队能在驱逐舰之前躲藏太久,一旦侦测到敌人,就能迅速将之解决}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau37.mp3|Script = Commander, there is no airborne threat that can evade the sight or missile of the Aegis Cruiser. It is the premier anti-air weapon.|Translation=指挥官,没有任何来自空中的威胁能逃过神盾巡洋舰的雷达、飞弹。它是主要的防空武器。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau37.mp3|Script = Commander, there is no airborne threat that can evade the sight or missile of the Aegis Cruiser. It is the premier anti-air weapon.|Translation=指挥官,没有任何来自空中的威胁能逃过神盾巡洋舰的雷达、飞弹。它是主要的防空武器}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau38.mp3|Script = Sir, our Aircraft Carriers are the pride of the Allied navy. In a moments notice, the carrier's planes can take out any target quickly and from a very safe distance.|Translation=长官,我方航空母舰是盟军海军的荣耀。片刻之间,舰上的战机能迅速在非常安全的距离外,摧毁任何目标。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_cevau38.mp3|Script = Sir, our Aircraft Carriers are the pride of the Allied navy. In a moments notice, the carrier's planes can take out any target quickly and from a very safe distance.|Translation=长官,我方航空母舰是盟军海军的荣耀。片刻之间,舰上的战机能迅速在非常安全的距离外,摧毁任何目标}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev01.mp3|Script = Don't forget, Sir! Order Tanya as you see fit, but we CANNOT afford to lose her. You must reach Fort Bradley before it is destroyed.|Translation= 别忘记,长官!您可以用自己觉得合适的方式来指挥谭雅,但我们可承受不起失去谭雅的损失。您必须在布雷利要塞被摧毁之前,先行抵达。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev01.mp3|Script = Don't forget, Sir! Order Tanya as you see fit, but we CANNOT afford to lose her. You must reach Fort Bradley before it is destroyed.|Translation= 别忘记,长官!您可以用自己觉得合适的方式来指挥谭雅,但我们可承受不起失去谭雅的损失。您必须在布雷利要塞被摧毁之前,先行抵达}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev02.mp3|Script = Looks like the bridge has beem blown, we have to find another way to Fort Bradly.|Translation= 看来桥被炸了。我们必须再找别的路到布雷利要塞。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev02.mp3|Script = Looks like the bridge has beem blown, we have to find another way to Fort Bradly.|Translation= 看来桥被炸了。我们必须再找别的路到布雷利要塞}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev03.mp3|Script = The Soviet Navy is attacking the Statue of Liberty, we can't let them get away with that. Sir, is there anything you can do?|Translation= 苏联海军正在攻击自由女神像!我们不能让他们得逞!长官,您可以做些什么来阻止他们吗?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev03.mp3|Script = The Soviet Navy is attacking the Statue of Liberty, we can't let them get away with that. Sir, is there anything you can do?|Translation= 苏联海军正在攻击自由女神像!我们不能让他们得逞!长官,您可以做些什么来阻止他们吗?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev04.mp3|Script = Doesn't sound good, sir. We're going to have double time at the rest of way to reach Fort Bradly in time.|Translation= 听起来不太好,长官!我们接下来到布雷利要塞的路程得要加倍赶路才能及时赶到!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev04.mp3|Script = Doesn't sound good, sir. We're going to have double time at the rest of way to reach Fort Bradly in time.|Translation= 听起来不太好,长官!我们接下来到布雷利要塞的路程得要加倍赶路才能及时赶到!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev05.mp3|Script = Congratulations, we've re-established the contact with Fort Bradley. They're turning controls of the base and its troops to you.|Translation= 恭喜!我们与布雷利要塞重新恢复连系了!他们倾覆了基地的控制权,还有部队,转向您这边了。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev05.mp3|Script = Congratulations, we've re-established the contact with Fort Bradley. They're turning controls of the base and its troops to you.|Translation= 恭喜!我们与布雷利要塞重新恢复连系了!他们倾覆了基地的控制权,还有部队,转向您这边了}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev06.mp3|Script = We seem to have lost power, sir! Build more power plants.|Translation= 我们好像在失去电力,长官!请兴建更多的发电厂。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev06.mp3|Script = We seem to have lost power, sir! Build more power plants.|Translation= 我们好像在失去电力,长官!请兴建更多的发电厂}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev07.mp3|Script = Looks like the bridge has collapsed. We'll have to get our Engineers to repair it!|Translation= 看来桥好像塌了。我们得找工程师来修护!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev07.mp3|Script = Looks like the bridge has collapsed. We'll have to get our Engineers to repair it!|Translation= 看来桥好像塌了。我们得找工程师来修护!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev08.mp3|Script = Watch out for those patrol barrels, they seem highly unstable. Perhaps we can use them to advantage.|Translation= 当心这些油桶,看来很不稳定!或许我们可用利用这些油桶。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev08.mp3|Script = Watch out for those patrol barrels, they seem highly unstable. Perhaps we can use them to advantage.|Translation= 当心这些油桶,看来很不稳定!或许我们可用利用这些油桶}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev09.mp3|Script = Our GI's are too exposed to enemy fire! Maybe they should take shelter in nearby buildings!|Translation= 我们的大兵暴露于敌人炮火下!或许他们应该就近到建筑物里找寻掩蔽!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev09.mp3|Script = Our GI's are too exposed to enemy fire! Maybe they should take shelter in nearby buildings!|Translation= 我们的大兵暴露于敌人炮火下!或许他们应该就近到建筑物里找寻掩蔽!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev10.mp3|Script = Sir, I'm sorry to report that we've lost Tanya.|Translation= 长官,我很抱歉向您报告,我们失去了谭雅。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev10.mp3|Script = Sir, I'm sorry to report that we've lost Tanya.|Translation= 长官,我很抱歉向您报告,我们失去了谭雅}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev11.mp3|Script = There's the Supply Base! Destroy all of the buildings, and we'll buy some time for the rest of the country!|Translation= 那里就是补给基地!摧毁所有建筑物,我们就能争取一点时间,为国家争取一点时间!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev11.mp3|Script = There's the Supply Base! Destroy all of the buildings, and we'll buy some time for the rest of the country!|Translation= 那里就是补给基地!摧毁所有建筑物,我们就能争取一点时间,为国家争取一点时间!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev12.mp3|Script = We've done it Sir! The Supply Base has been eliminated!|Translation= 我们办到了,长官!补给基地已经被我们消灭了!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma1ev12.mp3|Script = We've done it Sir! The Supply Base has been eliminated!|Translation= 我们办到了,长官!补给基地已经被我们消灭了!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma2ta01.mp3|Script = All right! This beacon's neutralized! Send in the cavalry.|Translation= 好极了!心灵信标失效了!把装甲车开进来吧。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma2ta01.mp3|Script = All right! This beacon's neutralized! Send in the cavalry.|Translation= 好极了!心灵信标失效了!把装甲车开进来吧}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev01.mp3|Script = You can check one missile off your list, Sir! That bird will never fly again.|Translation= 您可以从列表中移掉一枚飞弹,长官!那枚飞弹再也不会飞了。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev01.mp3|Script = You can check one missile off your list, Sir! That bird will never fly again.|Translation= 您可以从列表中移掉一枚飞弹,长官!那枚飞弹再也不会飞了}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev02.mp3|Script = Sir, we managed to capture one of the Silos - instead of destroying it! Why don't we just turn it against the other missile Silo?|Translation= 长官,我们成功的占据了其中一个飞弹发射井,而不是直接摧毁!为什么不干脆把它调头对准另一个飞弹发射井呢?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev02.mp3|Script = Sir, we managed to capture one of the Silos - instead of destroying it! Why don't we just turn it against the other missile Silo?|Translation= 长官,我们成功的占据了其中一个飞弹发射井,而不是直接摧毁!为什么不干脆把它调头对准另一个飞弹发射井呢?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev03.mp3|Script = lf you can get a Spy to one of the Tesla Generators, he can probably shut down all the bases power for a good 30 seconds.|Translation= 要是您能让一位间谍进入这些磁能产生器中,或许他可以暂时关掉这个基地的电力,约三十秒左右的时间。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev03.mp3|Script = lf you can get a Spy to one of the Tesla Generators, he can probably shut down all the bases power for a good 30 seconds.|Translation= 要是您能让一位间谍进入这些磁能产生器中,或许他可以暂时关掉这个基地的电力,约三十秒左右的时间}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev04.mp3|Script = I'm resizing your radar to compensate for the Nuclear missile coordinates that we just received. Stand by.|Translation= 我重新调整了雷达的侦测范围,以补偿我们刚刚收到的核弹坐标。请稍候。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev04.mp3|Script = I'm resizing your radar to compensate for the Nuclear missile coordinates that we just received. Stand by.|Translation= 我重新调整了雷达的侦测范围,以补偿我们刚刚收到的核弹坐标。请稍候}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev05.mp3|Script = Sir! You just blew up the Soviet Battlelab! Without the Missile Silo coordinates, we can't complete our mission!|Translation= 长官!您刚刚炸毁了苏联的作战实验室!没有了飞弹发射井坐标,我们就无法完成任务!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev05.mp3|Script = Sir! You just blew up the Soviet Battlelab! Without the Missile Silo coordinates, we can't complete our mission!|Translation= 长官!您刚刚炸毁了苏联的作战实验室!没有了飞弹发射井坐标,我们就无法完成任务!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev06.mp3|Script = Congratulations, Sir! With both nukes neutralized, the European Alliance can join the war! We may have just changed the course of history!|Translation= 恭喜!长官,两座核弹都失效之后,欧洲盟军就能参战了!我们已经改变了历史的轨迹!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ev06.mp3|Script = Congratulations, Sir! With both nukes neutralized, the European Alliance can join the war! We may have just changed the course of history!|Translation= 恭喜!长官,两座核弹都失效之后,欧洲盟军就能参战了!我们已经改变了历史的轨迹!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i101.mp3|Script = Thanks for rescuing us, Sir! Our plane was shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft. There's probably more survivors around here.|Translation= 感谢您营救我们,长官!我们的飞机被苏联防空炮击坠。说不定这附近还有更多的生还者。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i101.mp3|Script = Thanks for rescuing us, Sir! Our plane was shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft. There's probably more survivors around here.|Translation= 感谢您营救我们,长官!我们的飞机被苏联防空炮击坠。说不定这附近还有更多的生还者}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i201.mp3|Script = Glad you found us, Sir! We're freezing out here!|Translation=很高兴您找到我们,长官!我们在这好冷!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i201.mp3|Script = Glad you found us, Sir! We're freezing out here!|Translation=很高兴您找到我们,长官!我们在这好冷!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i301.mp3|Script = Good to see you, Sir! What are our orders?|Translation= 很高兴见到您,长官!我们的命令?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i301.mp3|Script = Good to see you, Sir! What are our orders?|Translation= 很高兴见到您,长官!我们的命令?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i401.mp3|Script = Be on the lookout for spies, Comrade. It seems a little quiet tonight.|Translation= 同志,仔细盯着,不要让间谍混进来。今晚看来有点安静。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i401.mp3|Script = Be on the lookout for spies, Comrade. It seems a little quiet tonight.|Translation= 同志,仔细盯着,不要让间谍混进来。今晚看来有点安静}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i501.mp3|Script = Heheh... We don't need to worry about stupid American spies. That's what the dogs are for.|Translation= 呵呵...我们不需要担心愚笨的美国间谍。有警犭在就可以高枕无忧了。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5i501.mp3|Script = Heheh... We don't need to worry about stupid American spies. That's what the dogs are for.|Translation= 呵呵...我们不需要担心愚笨的美国间谍。有警犭在就可以高枕无忧了}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta01.mp3|Script = Looks like we're going to need some more Spies, Sir!|Translation= 看来我们需要更多间谍,长官!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta01.mp3|Script = Looks like we're going to need some more Spies, Sir!|Translation= 看来我们需要更多间谍,长官!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta02.mp3|Script = Sir, could you send some more Spies without neon camouflage this time?|Translation= 长官,您能再派遣没有氖伪装的间谍吗?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta02.mp3|Script = Sir, could you send some more Spies without neon camouflage this time?|Translation= 长官,您能再派遣没有氖伪装的间谍吗?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta03.mp3|Script = Looks like Spies are becoming an Endangered Species. Send some more!|Translation= 看来间谍已经成为濒临绝种的动物。再派更多来!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta03.mp3|Script = Looks like Spies are becoming an Endangered Species. Send some more!|Translation= 看来间谍已经成为濒临绝种的动物。再派更多来!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta04.mp3|Script = Cru...(Beep) son of a ... Sorry, Sir, but we need some more Spies.|Translation= 真是...他...的!抱歉长官,但我们需要更多间谍。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma5ta04.mp3|Script = Cru...(Beep) son of a ... Sorry, Sir, but we need some more Spies.|Translation= 真是...他...的!抱歉长官,但我们需要更多间谍}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma6ev01.mp3|Script = Hey! That's not Lincoln. They've put a Stalin head on him!|Translation= 嘿,这不是林肯。他们在林肯身上换了斯大林的头。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma6ev01.mp3|Script = Hey! That's not Lincoln. They've put a Stalin head on him!|Translation= 嘿,这不是林肯。他们在林肯身上换了斯大林的头}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma6ev02.mp3|Script = Sir, several of our vehicles have been eaten by Terror Drones. Our Service Depot can remove the drones and save our vehicles.|Translation= 长官,我们有几台车辆被恐怖机器人吃了。我们的维修厂能移除这些机器人,挽救我们的车辆。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma6ev02.mp3|Script = Sir, several of our vehicles have been eaten by Terror Drones. Our Service Depot can remove the drones and save our vehicles.|Translation= 长官,我们有几台车辆被恐怖机器人吃了。我们的维修厂能移除这些机器人,挽救我们的车辆}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma7ev01.mp3|Script = Commander, Niihau Island has fallen. We should prepare the rest of Hawaii for invasion.|Translation=指挥官,尼伊豪岛陷落了。我们应该在夏威夷其他群岛加强准备,等待入侵敌军。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma7ev01.mp3|Script = Commander, Niihau Island has fallen. We should prepare the rest of Hawaii for invasion.|Translation=指挥官,尼伊豪岛陷落了。我们应该在夏威夷其他群岛加强准备,等待入侵敌军}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma8ia01.mp3|Script = Can't concentrate voices in my head - victory to the Soviet Union.|Translation= 无法集中我脑海中的声音——苏联胜利。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma8ia01.mp3|Script = Can't concentrate voices in my head - victory to the Soviet Union.|Translation= 无法集中我脑海中的声音——苏联胜利}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma8ia02.mp3|Script = Victory to the Sov... We're free! Get'em!|Translation= 苏联胜利,我们自由了!抓住他们!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma8ia02.mp3|Script = Victory to the Sov... We're free! Get'em!|Translation= 苏联胜利,我们自由了!抓住他们!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma8ta01.mp3|Script = Must reach the beacon just a little bit farther long live the glorious peoples Soviet state.|Translation= 必须抵达心灵信标,苏联的光荣人民活得比较长久一些。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma8ta01.mp3|Script = Must reach the beacon just a little bit farther long live the glorious peoples Soviet state.|Translation= 必须抵达心灵信标,苏联的光荣人民活得比较长久一些}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma9se01.mp3|Script = We're going to need some help getting through those defenses.|Translation=我们需要一些帮助来通过那些防线。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma9se01.mp3|Script = We're going to need some help getting through those defenses.|Translation=我们需要一些帮助来通过那些防线}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma9se02.mp3|Script = Hot Tamale! That's no Mayan Pyramid, that's a Prism Cannon.|Translation=太酷了!那根本不是玛雅金字塔,那是个棱镜加农炮。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma9se02.mp3|Script = Hot Tamale! That's no Mayan Pyramid, that's a Prism Cannon.|Translation=太酷了!那根本不是玛雅金字塔,那是个棱镜加农炮}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma9se03.mp3|Script = Sir, these freedom fighters want to join up.|Translation=长官,这些自由斗士想要加入我们。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ma9se03.mp3|Script = Sir, these freedom fighters want to join up.|Translation=长官,这些自由斗士想要加入我们}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei01.mp3|Script = What does this button do? Please don't touch the auxiliary controls, professor. They notify the commander of important events. |Translation=这个按钮是干嘛的?请不要按这个辅助控制按钮,教授。它们可以通知指挥官很多重要的情报。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei01.mp3|Script = What does this button do? Please don't touch the auxiliary controls, professor. They notify the commander of important events. |Translation=这个按钮是干嘛的?请不要按这个辅助控制按钮,教授。它们可以通知指挥官很多重要的情报}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei02.mp3|Script = Commander! Look out! They are over here. Professor, please stay off this channel. |Translation= 指挥官!注意!他们过来了。教授,请您离开这个频道。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei02.mp3|Script = Commander! Look out! They are over here. Professor, please stay off this channel. |Translation= 指挥官!注意!他们过来了。教授,请您离开这个频道}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei03.mp3|Script = Get these commander! Here they are! Here! Professor Einstein! I'm sure the Commander sees that. |Translation= 抓住这些人,指挥官!他们在这!在这!爱因斯坦教授,我非常确信指挥官已经看到了。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei03.mp3|Script = Get these commander! Here they are! Here! Professor Einstein! I'm sure the Commander sees that. |Translation= 抓住这些人,指挥官!他们在这!在这!爱因斯坦教授,我非常确信指挥官已经看到了}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei04.mp3|Script = You should see this Commander! Professor if you touch the controls again...|Translation=您应该见见这个,指挥官!教授,如果您再触碰这些控制按钮一下... }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaei04.mp3|Script = You should see this Commander! Professor if you touch the controls again...|Translation=您应该见见这个,指挥官!教授,如果您再触碰这些控制按钮一下... }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaev05.mp3|Script = Sir, if you build and deploy a spy satellite you will be able to see the entire combat area.|Translation= 长官,要是您兴建并部署一枚间谍卫星,您就能看见整个作战区域。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaev05.mp3|Script = Sir, if you build and deploy a spy satellite you will be able to see the entire combat area.|Translation= 长官,要是您兴建并部署一枚间谍卫星,您就能看见整个作战区域}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaev06.mp3|Script = We're rather low on resources in this location, sir. Perhaps you should construct an Ore Purifier so we can get more out of what we have.|Translation= 我们在这区域的资源不足,长官。或许您应该兴建矿石精炼器,我们就能从所有的得到更多。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_maaev06.mp3|Script = We're rather low on resources in this location, sir. Perhaps you should construct an Ore Purifier so we can get more out of what we have.|Translation= 我们在这区域的资源不足,长官。或许您应该兴建矿石精炼器,我们就能从所有的得到更多}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev01.mp3|Script = Attemping to jam Soviet Command's calls for help, but a few got through. Heavier Soviet reinforcements arriving soon.|Translation= 尝试干扰苏联指挥官的求救讯息,但还是有一些讯息传出去了。更大规模的苏联援军很快就会赶到。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev01.mp3|Script = Attemping to jam Soviet Command's calls for help, but a few got through. Heavier Soviet reinforcements arriving soon.|Translation= 尝试干扰苏联指挥官的求救讯息,但还是有一些讯息传出去了。更大规模的苏联援军很快就会赶到}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev02.mp3|Script = Teleporting troops arriving in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.|Translation=传送部队将在5,4,3,2,1秒后到达。 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev02.mp3|Script = Teleporting troops arriving in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.|Translation=传送部队将在5,4,3,2,1秒后到达}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev03.mp3|Script = Intercepting broadcast from Soviet Command. Romanov's panicking, sir. He's called for air evacuation. The transports will arrive in 2 minutes.|Translation= 拦截苏联指挥部的广播消息。罗曼诺夫陷入惊慌,长官。他呼叫空军前来撤离。运输机两分钟内会抵达。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev03.mp3|Script = Intercepting broadcast from Soviet Command. Romanov's panicking, sir. He's called for air evacuation. The transports will arrive in 2 minutes.|Translation= 拦截苏联指挥部的广播消息。罗曼诺夫陷入惊慌,长官。他呼叫空军前来撤离。运输机两分钟内会抵达}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev04.mp3|Script = Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 1 minute.|Translation= 苏联撤退输送船一分钟内会抵达。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev04.mp3|Script = Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 1 minute.|Translation= 苏联撤退输送船一分钟内会抵达}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev05.mp3|Script = Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 30 seconds.|Translation= 苏联撤退输送船三十秒钟内会抵达。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev05.mp3|Script = Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 30 seconds.|Translation= 苏联撤退输送船三十秒钟内会抵达}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev06.mp3|Script = Sir, Romanov is calling for evacuation again. He is trying to escape.|Translation= 长官,罗曼诺夫再度呼叫撤离。他打算要溜了!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev06.mp3|Script = Sir, Romanov is calling for evacuation again. He is trying to escape.|Translation= 长官,罗曼诺夫再度呼叫撤离。他打算要溜了!}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev07.mp3|Script = Psionic Amplifier captured. Soviet units are defecting to our side.|Translation= 占领心灵控制增幅器!苏联部队投向我方了。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev07.mp3|Script = Psionic Amplifier captured. Soviet units are defecting to our side.|Translation= 占领心灵控制增幅器!苏联部队投向我方了}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev08.mp3|Script = Psionic Amplifier destroyed.|Translation= 摧毁心灵控制增幅器。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev08.mp3|Script = Psionic Amplifier destroyed.|Translation= 摧毁心灵控制增幅器}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev09.mp3|Script = Romanov captured.|Translation= 俘虏罗曼诺夫。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macev09.mp3|Script = Romanov captured.|Translation= 俘虏罗曼诺夫}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macis01.mp3|Script = We will never surrender! Death to the Allies!|Translation=我们绝不投降!同盟国去死吧! }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macis01.mp3|Script = We will never surrender! Death to the Allies!|Translation=我们绝不投降!同盟国去死吧! }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macta01.mp3|Script = We can't let Romanov get away!|Translation= 我们不能让罗曼诺夫离开。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macta01.mp3|Script = We can't let Romanov get away!|Translation= 我们不能让罗曼诺夫离开}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macve01.mp3|Script = I'm going to be sick.|Translation= 我好像不太舒服。}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macve01.mp3|Script = I'm going to be sick.|Translation= 我好像不太舒服}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macve02.mp3|Script = Where are we?|Translation= 我们在哪里?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macve02.mp3|Script = Where are we?|Translation= 我们在哪里?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macve03.mp3|Script = Is this Russia?|Translation= 这里是俄罗斯吗?}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_macve03.mp3|Script = Is this Russia?|Translation= 这里是俄罗斯吗?}}

2022年5月29日 (日) 14:44的版本





The V3 is a powerful long-range artillery weapon. Beware commander, it can level your base in minutes without you ever getting a chance to even return fire.
V3 是威力强大的长程火箭。当心,指挥官,V3 能在几分钟内将您的基地夷为平地,您甚至连还击的机会都没有
The most powerful Soviet Tank ever built, the Apocalpyse is a small army all by itself and is equipped to handle both ground and air threats.
The most powerful air unit ever created, the Kirov can take a beating and drop an almost unlimitted number of heavy iron bombs.
The ultimate in Soviet long-range bombardment, the Dreadnought is powerful from a distance but can be easily destroyed at close range. The Dreadnought's missiles can also be shot down by patriot missiles.
The Soviets have taken Tesla Technology to the final step, a man in a Tesla powered suit. These soldiers are excellent at destroying tanks and also seem to be able to power up Tesla Coils with their extra energy.
This soldier is equiped with a nuclear battlesuit. He can irradiate large patches of ground, making them impassible to infantry or light vehicles.
The Soviets have been experimenting with Psychic technology with some success. Their elite PsiCorps can cause our own loyal soldiers to turn against us.
This, sir, is our IFV. It is a multipurpose raider capable of boosting the standard weapon capabilities of any infantryman inside.
Sir, this is an engineer. He can repair any Allied building and once inside an enemy building turn it to our side. He is much smarter than his Soviet counterpart.
Sir, the SEAL is the elite soldier. No enemy is safe from him, whether on land or water.
Commander, the spy's ability to mask himself as the enemy and pass through their ranks gives him the needed edge to infiltrate even the most well guarded enemy building. If only they didn't taste so good to their dogs.
The Rocketeers are the brave men who strap maneuvering thrusters to their backs and then go out to hunt enemy tanks and air forces. They are very brave.
Commander, this is a Chrono Legionnaire. Using Professor Einstein's Chronal technology they teleport next to any enemy and utterly erase them from time.
Commander, our Mirage Tank's ability to hide itself among any natural objects around it make it the perfect ambush or covert surveillance vehicle.
Commander, our Destroyer is the workhorse of the navy. No naval unit can long hide from it and once detected, it makes short work of the enemy.
Commander, there is no airborne threat that can evade the sight or missile of the Aegis Cruiser. It is the premier anti-air weapon.
Sir, our Aircraft Carriers are the pride of the Allied navy. In a moments notice, the carrier's planes can take out any target quickly and from a very safe distance.


Don't forget, Sir! Order Tanya as you see fit, but we CANNOT afford to lose her. You must reach Fort Bradley before it is destroyed.
Looks like the bridge has beem blown, we have to find another way to Fort Bradly.
The Soviet Navy is attacking the Statue of Liberty, we can't let them get away with that. Sir, is there anything you can do?
Doesn't sound good, sir. We're going to have double time at the rest of way to reach Fort Bradly in time.
Congratulations, we've re-established the contact with Fort Bradley. They're turning controls of the base and its troops to you.
We seem to have lost power, sir! Build more power plants.
Looks like the bridge has collapsed. We'll have to get our Engineers to repair it!
Watch out for those patrol barrels, they seem highly unstable. Perhaps we can use them to advantage.
Our GI's are too exposed to enemy fire! Maybe they should take shelter in nearby buildings!
Sir, I'm sorry to report that we've lost Tanya.
There's the Supply Base! Destroy all of the buildings, and we'll buy some time for the rest of the country!
We've done it Sir! The Supply Base has been eliminated!


All right! This beacon's neutralized! Send in the cavalry.


You can check one missile off your list, Sir! That bird will never fly again.
Sir, we managed to capture one of the Silos - instead of destroying it! Why don't we just turn it against the other missile Silo?
lf you can get a Spy to one of the Tesla Generators, he can probably shut down all the bases power for a good 30 seconds.
I'm resizing your radar to compensate for the Nuclear missile coordinates that we just received. Stand by.
Sir! You just blew up the Soviet Battlelab! Without the Missile Silo coordinates, we can't complete our mission!
Congratulations, Sir! With both nukes neutralized, the European Alliance can join the war! We may have just changed the course of history!
Thanks for rescuing us, Sir! Our plane was shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft. There's probably more survivors around here.
Glad you found us, Sir! We're freezing out here!
Good to see you, Sir! What are our orders?
Be on the lookout for spies, Comrade. It seems a little quiet tonight.
Heheh... We don't need to worry about stupid American spies. That's what the dogs are for.
Looks like we're going to need some more Spies, Sir!
Sir, could you send some more Spies without neon camouflage this time?
Looks like Spies are becoming an Endangered Species. Send some more!
Cru...(Beep) son of a ... Sorry, Sir, but we need some more Spies.


Hey! That's not Lincoln. They've put a Stalin head on him!
Sir, several of our vehicles have been eaten by Terror Drones. Our Service Depot can remove the drones and save our vehicles.


Commander, Niihau Island has fallen. We should prepare the rest of Hawaii for invasion.


Can't concentrate voices in my head - victory to the Soviet Union.
Victory to the Sov... We're free! Get'em!
Must reach the beacon just a little bit farther long live the glorious peoples Soviet state.


We're going to need some help getting through those defenses.
Hot Tamale! That's no Mayan Pyramid, that's a Prism Cannon.
Sir, these freedom fighters want to join up.


What does this button do? Please don't touch the auxiliary controls, professor. They notify the commander of important events.
Commander! Look out! They are over here. Professor, please stay off this channel.
Get these commander! Here they are! Here! Professor Einstein! I'm sure the Commander sees that.
You should see this Commander! Professor if you touch the controls again...
Sir, if you build and deploy a spy satellite you will be able to see the entire combat area.
We're rather low on resources in this location, sir. Perhaps you should construct an Ore Purifier so we can get more out of what we have.


Attemping to jam Soviet Command's calls for help, but a few got through. Heavier Soviet reinforcements arriving soon.
Teleporting troops arriving in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Intercepting broadcast from Soviet Command. Romanov's panicking, sir. He's called for air evacuation. The transports will arrive in 2 minutes.
Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 1 minute.
Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 30 seconds.
Sir, Romanov is calling for evacuation again. He is trying to escape.
Psionic Amplifier captured. Soviet units are defecting to our side.
Psionic Amplifier destroyed.
Romanov captured.
We will never surrender! Death to the Allies!
We can't let Romanov get away!
I'm going to be sick.
Where are we?
Is this Russia?
