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第17行: 第17行:
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_xc1ev01.mp3|Script = The Soviet bases in Cuba must be eliminated. One commander will be positioned near Havana. The second commander will be positioned on the northern shore near a secret Allied airbase, the Soviets have two bases to the east. |Translation= 必须消灭苏联在古巴的基地,一名指挥官将驻扎在哈瓦那附近,第二名指挥官将被安置在靠近盟军秘密空军基地的北岸,苏军在东边有两个基地}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_xc1ev01.mp3|Script = The Soviet bases in Cuba must be eliminated. One commander will be positioned near Havana. The second commander will be positioned on the northern shore near a secret Allied airbase, the Soviets have two bases to the east. |Translation= 必须消灭苏联在古巴的基地,一名指挥官将驻扎在哈瓦那附近,第二名指挥官将被安置在靠近盟军秘密空军基地的北岸,苏军在东边有两个基地}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_xc1in01.mp3|Script = The Allied have constructed defenses around their precious White House. They hide behind their technology like scared children. They stand no chance against our psychic powers. Crush the American capital and the spirit of its peoples. |Translation= 盟军在他们宝贵的白宫周围造满了防御工事,他们像受惊的孩子一样躲在科技背后,他们没有办法对抗我们的精神力量。粉碎美国首都及其人民的精神}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_xc1in01.mp3|Script = The Allied have constructed defenses around their precious White House. They hide behind their technology like scared children. They stand no chance against our psychic powers. Crush the American capital and the spirit of its peoples. |Translation= 盟军在他们宝贵的白宫周围造满了防御工事,他们像受惊的孩子一样躲在科技背后,没有任何办法对抗我们的精神力量。粉碎美国首都及其人民精神}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_xc1so01.mp3|Script = The Allied have a stronghold in the city of Seattle. They have established a base with heavy artillery near the space xxx. A second base resides in the heart of the city. Defensive positions have been constructed around the city perimeter.|Translation= 盟军在西雅图拥有据点,他们在太空xxx附近建立了一个拥有重炮的基地,第二个基地位于市中心,防御阵地已在城市周边建立}}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_xc1so01.mp3|Script = The Allied have a stronghold in the city of Seattle. They have established a base with heavy artillery near the space xxx. A second base resides in the heart of the city. Defensive positions have been constructed around the city perimeter.|Translation= 盟军在西雅图拥有据点,他们在太空xxx附近建立了一个拥有重炮的基地,第二个基地位于市中心,防御阵地已在城市周边建立}}

2021年7月15日 (四) 21:02的版本



Teleporting troops arriving in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
They're breaking in! Do something!
You don't want the Vice President running the country, do you?




Defend America against the Soviet threat by destroying their bases in Cuba. Save the city of Los Angeles from Yuri's forces and drive him back to Russia. In the Russian motherland neutralize any remaining threat posed by Yuri and the Soviets.
Support Yuri's request for world domination by capturing the American capital, then take command of the Yuri forces in South America to destroy the Soviet secret base into Yucatan. Annihilate the last of the Allied and Soviet forces fleeing to London then Yuri can assume his rightful role as ruler of all mankind.
Ensure the success of the Soviet invasion by crushing the Allied Forces in Seattle. Punish the traitor Yuri by taking away his oil reserves and destroying his secret base in Egypt, then travel to the Black Forest in Germany and wipe out our enemies as they gather for a last stand against the mighty Soviet Union.


The Soviet bases in Cuba must be eliminated. One commander will be positioned near Havana. The second commander will be positioned on the northern shore near a secret Allied airbase, the Soviets have two bases to the east.
The Allied have constructed defenses around their precious White House. They hide behind their technology like scared children. They stand no chance against our psychic powers. Crush the American capital and the spirit of its peoples.
The Allied have a stronghold in the city of Seattle. They have established a base with heavy artillery near the space xxx. A second base resides in the heart of the city. Defensive positions have been constructed around the city perimeter.


Yuri has two bases in Los Angeles. One commander will begin near xxx, the other commander will be positioned to the east near several oil derricks and power plants.
尤里在洛杉矶有两个基地。一名指挥官将在 xxx 附近开始攻打,另一位指挥官将位于东边几个石油井和发电厂附近
Xxx army has managed to steal the Allies prism technology. They are trying to develop their own version of the prism tower and a secret research facility deep in Yucatan jungle. Launch a surprise attack on their base and squash the Soviet's last hope for victory.
Xxx 军队成功窃取了盟军棱镜技术,他们正在尝试开发自己版本的棱镜塔和位于尤卡坦丛林深处的秘密研究设施,对他们的基地发动突袭,粉碎苏军最后的胜利希望
The traitor Yuri is rebuilding his forces in the Egyptian desert. He has established two bases in the area and placed Gattling canons around the pyramids to protect his position.


Yuri and Soviet have been pushed back into Russian, but they still have enough combined forces to pos a serious threat to Allied Nations.
The Allies and Soviets have joined forces against us. They have recruited and gathered the last of their forces in the city of London. You will be position to the assault of the enemy across the Thames River. Victory will be ours once the last of enemy forces have been annihilated.
盟军和苏联已经开始联手对付我们了, 他们在伦敦市招募并集结了最后一支部队。这次将由您来歼灭位于泰晤士河对面的敌军。 一旦最后的敌军被歼灭,胜利将属于我们
It appears the Black Forest of Germany will be the final resting place for both of our enemies. The Allies lost production facility is located there. Yuri's remaining forces have also retreated into the same forest. We believe that Yuri is looking for Einstein's secret laboratory to steal technology that will help him rebuild his army. If either commander can locate Einstein laboratory before Yuri finds it, he may be able to steal useful Allied technology.



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