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第52行: 第52行:
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ms4so03.mp3|Script = The Allied air forces are threatening our position. Deploy our flak cannon and they will turn the enemy's air units into scrap metal.|Translation= }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ms4so03.mp3|Script = The Allied air forces are threatening our position. Deploy our flak cannon and they will turn the enemy's air units into scrap metal.|Translation= }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ms5te01.mp3|Script = Get me close to the tower and I'll take care of the rest commander.|Translation= }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ms5te01.mp3|Script = Get me close to the tower and I'll take care of the rest commander.|Translation=让我靠近埃尔菲铁塔,我会注意其余的,指挥官 }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ms7so01.mp3|Script = Sources have reported that Allied troops are amassing outside their Chronosphere. A squad has just been teleported.|Translation= }}
{{RA2Audio|File = RA2_ms7so01.mp3|Script = Sources have reported that Allied troops are amassing outside their Chronosphere. A squad has just been teleported.|Translation= }}

2022年5月29日 (日) 13:29的版本




Soviet technology at its finest. Terror Drones can enter and destroy enemy vehicles from the inside.
The V3 Launcher has extreme range capabilities coupled with devastating damage potential. Destruction guaranteed just don't leave it undefended.
The appropriately named Apocalypse Tank is war in a can. It can attack any ground or air targets and be expected to be the last unit standing.
They may be slow, but the Kirov Airships can take great punishment and deliver even more.
The Sea Scorpion is a fast-attack sea raider. It can't win the war for you but you can't win the war without it. It is your only anti-air defense on the water.
I don't agree with this kind of experimentation, but you cannot deny the results. A Giant Squid can immobilize and eventually destroy any sea vessel.
The Typhoon Attack Sub is undetectable by normal Allied units, but look out for Allied Dolphins and Destroyers.
The Tesla Troopers have powerful weapons, but they are useless against buildings. They also make excellent base defense as they can over-power Tesla Coils with their weapons.
The Soviet Engineer can repair buildings or capture enemy buildings, if you can get them past defenses.
Crazy Ivan can plant bombs on enemy buildings or perhaps a Conscript would agree to carry them for you.
The Allies cannot match our nuclear power. Deploy the Desolator to sterilize an area.
Our most top-secret weapon, the PsiCorps is useful for quickly turning Allied units to our side.
Commander, this Allied GI is a well trained soldier capable of quickly deploying a heavy machine gun when stationed within buildings or deployed with his sandbag nest.
These arrogant Allied Spies believe their disguises will allow them to infiltrate our buildings. They will soon find that the only thing they can infiltrate is our faithful dogs' stomachs.
The Allied Rocketeers are men who hurl themselves through the air thanks to some jet-pack strapped to them in the hopes of wounding one of our tanks or buildings. Fools.
Commander, beware these Chrono Legionnaires. They use some unknown technology to teleport themselves anywhere and then simply erase our forces.
Comrade, this Prism Tank of the Allies is a dangerous threat to our massed forces. Its directed energy weapon has no trouble harming many of our forces in a single shot.
Another annoying trick of the Allies, their Mirage Tank can mask itself a nearly any object nearby it and then remain concealed and fire upon us.
The Allied Intruder is an airborne threat to any of our forces who do not have adequate anti-air support. It does not stand up well to flak, Commander.


Commander, this is the first step in our glorious conquest. Victory here is crucial! Remember, we must crush the Pentagon - above all else, the Pentagon must be destroyed!
We can't let a mere bridge delay our conquest, commander! Order your Engineers to enter the bridge's control station!
Commander, pay no heed to casualties. For every Conscript who dies in the crusade, there are a thousand more who stand eager to replace him!
Commander, you can order your Conscripts into nearby buildings to fortify them against the enemy.
At last, the Pentagon is within our grasp! Destroy it, immediately.
Ah... Our Comrades have decided to lend us support. These reinforcement Commander, are some of our most useful vehicles - Flak Tracks! Their speed armor, and ability to carry infantry are the perfect support for our legion of Conscripts
啊…我们的同志们决定支持我们。这些增援,是我们最有用的车辆 - 防空履带车!他们的速度、装甲和携带步兵的能力是我们军队的完美支援
Superb, Commander! The Pentagon has been destroyed!
Our base is out of power! We must build more generators to bring our radar and defenses back online!
Be wary of those barrels of petrol! If damaged, they will surely explode violently. Perhaps we can use them to our advantage...
Capture the airport commander in order to allow paratroopers to land in the area.
Excellent, Comrade Commander! As soon as the Paratroopers are completely prepared, we will be able to strike anywhere you desire!
The building that you've just discovered is one of America's special civilian buildings. Use an Engineer to convert the building and gain its powers.


By your command, Comrade.
Death to the capitalists!
Glory to Mother Russia!
I will obey the Soviet ooh! where am I?
Yes master.
Welcome to New York, Commander. Capture the Allied Battle Lab at the World Trade Center and use their technology to build the PSYCHIC BEACON.
The beacon is placed, Commander, but it needs time to charge. Keep theAllies from destroying the beacon.
Beacon deployed and online.
Excellent, Commander. Now use our new conscripts to deal with theremaining Allied Forces.


Allied fleet has arrived.
I have displayed the estimated time remaining until the Allied fleet arrives, Commander.
The Allied air forces are threatening our position. Deploy our flak cannon and they will turn the enemy's air units into scrap metal.


Get me close to the tower and I'll take care of the rest commander.


Sources have reported that Allied troops are amassing outside their Chronosphere. A squad has just been teleported.
Another enemy platoon has been teleported by the Chronosphere.
One last Allied platoon has been teleported by the Chronosphere.


Now that the beacon is destroyed, the Americans are free from Vladimir's mind control!
Destroy monuments to receive a cash bonus from Moscow.


Get me outta here!
You Soviet scum, you'll never take me!
They're breaking in! Do something!
You don't want the Vice President running the country, do you?
Get the President out of here! Go go go!
Intelligence reports that there is another bridge south of your position.
Yuri is in route to your position. Clear out the enemy defenses for his arrival.
Careful not to destroy the bunker, Commander. We want the President alive for interrogation.
The President is on the rescue ship. Sink the ship and we'll fish him from the water.
Perhaps he needs some gentle persuasion.


Greetings, Commander. Your forces need to invade the Allied base and take over their Battle Lab. Get an Engineer in there so we can pin-point the location of their Super Weapon.
Ah-ha, there it is! A Weather Control Device. Luckily Intel says that it couldn't possibly be operational yet. Take it out, Commander.


Yuri will destroy us all. He must be stopped, no matter what the cost.
Commander, Yuri must be using an Iron Curtain device to make his troops invulnerable to attack! Intel indicates that the Iron Curtain effect can't possibly be maintained for long.
Commander, looks like our Nuclear Silo has been noticed... Yuri's sending bunch of Kirovs our way!
We'd better get some Flak Cannons in place.
You don't really think that War Factory will help you defeat me, do you?
So you're building a Kirov I'm impressed.
I wouldn't build that Psychic Sensor if I were you.
You're not really planning to nuke mother Russia, are you?
Terror Drones are such mindless beasts. Why don't you train an Engineer instead?


Now move up the coast. There is a small airfield there where we can build a base and reclaim our captured Kirov airships.
They are using the Chronosphere to transport troops into our base! We cannot stop this assault. Attack soon, Commander, or we will be overrun!


This beach is well defended, but it is also the only place to land troops effectively. Good luck, Sir.
When your men are ready, I suggest you begin your assault here, Commander.
Apparently our intelligence was wrong. Apologies, Commander. I'm now downloading schematics for a Nuclear Missile Silo so you can deal with this new threat.
Perhaps I could be of assistance.
