Together, we'll strike them down! |
齐心协力,我们无坚不摧! |
Reinhardt, at your service!![]() |
莱因哈特,为您效命! |
Get ready!![]() |
准备好! |
Don't worry, my friends, I will be your shield!![]() |
别担心,朋友,我会是你的护盾! |
Forward, my friends!![]() |
前进,朋友们! |
Hold fast! Do not let them through!![]() |
坚持住!别让他们过去! |
Let's show them our strength! |
让敌人看看我们的实力! |
I'm looking forward to this! |
我等的就是这一刻! |
Forward with courage! |
勇敢向前! |
Stand strong, we will not fall! |
坚守信念,我们绝不会倒下! |
- 上一轮赢了
Victory is so close I can taste it!![]() |
胜利近在咫尺,我已经可以感觉到了! |
This victory has our name on it! |
这场胜利将由我们创造! |
Victory is in our hands! |
胜利掌握在我们手中! |
- 上一轮输了
We are not beaten yet. We can still win this!![]() |
我们还没被击败,我们还有机会! |
My friends, now is not the time to give up! Let us show them our mettle.![]() |
朋友们,现在不该放弃!让他们看看我们的勇气! |
If we give this everything we've got, we may have a chance! |
只要我们全力以赴,就还有机会! |
Dust yourselves off, friends. This isn't the end! |
振作起来,朋友们。还没到结束的时候! |
- 平局后的最后一轮
This will be decided with a trial by combat!![]() |
比赛的胜负,就由这场战斗决定! |
This is our moment, let us seize it!![]() |
属于我们的时刻到了,抓住这次机会! |
This is the final fight. Let's do whatever it takes! |
最后一战了。大伙使出全力! |
This is where the fight ends. Make it count! |
成败在此一举。全力以赴吧! |
*laughs* Still kicking!![]() |
*大笑*我还没完呢! |
There is still more to my tale!![]() |
我的传奇还没结束! |
I am purified.![]() |
重新做人。 |
Maybe I taught her too well. |
教会徒弟,饿死师傅。 |
Pah! I've been knocked down before. |
哈!从哪跌倒就从哪爬起来。 |
What's next? |
接下来做什么? |
I can take more than that! |
想打倒我还早得很! |
My journey continues! |
我的征程还在继续! |
There is no challenge I cannot face! |
没有我不敢面对的挑战! |
The battle awaits me! |
战场在等待我! |
I'm not through just yet! |
我的战斗还没结束! |
Haha! I will never tire of this! |
哈哈!再来多少次我也不嫌烦! |
Oh, Winston, my friend. You are going to pay for that. |
哦,温斯顿老伙计,你等着吧。 |
We're outnumbered! |
他们人多! |
We are fewer in number, but greater in spirit! |
我们人数虽少,但气势更强! |
Much better.![]() |
好多了。 |
Ah, I feel like a new man!![]() |
啊,我感觉重获新生! |
*sighs*.![]() |
*叹气* |
Much obliged.![]() |
多谢。 |
Thank you, my friend!![]() |
谢谢你,朋友! |
Much better.![]() |
好多了。 |
You've come to my aid again!![]() |
你又帮了我一次! |
Thank you, squire!![]() |
谢了,丫头! |
Yes!![]() |
太好了! |
Let me at them!![]() |
让我来教训他们! |
Let's fight!![]() |
开始战斗吧! |
You honor me!![]() |
啊,很好,我很荣幸! |
I'm back!![]() |
我回来了! |
Huh_ What did I miss? |
啊?我错过了什么? |
*Triumphant laugh* You thought that would stop me? |
*得意地大笑*你以为那样能阻止我? |
Enemy is back for more!![]() |
敌人杀回来了! |
Enemy is back in the fight.![]() |
敌人又回到了战场! |
Watch out, they're already back in the fight. |
小心,他们又杀回来了。 |
What? They're back already! |
不是吧?敌人又回来了! |
I have found the enemy! Come and face me!![]() |
我找到敌人了!面对我! |
Haha! Let's show them why it doesn't pay to be the enemy! |
哈哈!让他们知道当我们的敌人会是什么下场! |
Time for a fight. Make me proud! |
战斗的时候到了。别让我失望! |
Enemies are on our right!![]() |
敌人在右边! |
Enemies on the left!![]() |
敌人在左边! |
They are coming straight for us!![]() |
他们从正面攻过来了! |
The enemy stands before us!![]() |
敌人就在前方! |
The enemy is below us!![]() |
敌人在下面! |
They attack from the rear!![]() |
他们从后面打过来了! |
The enemy is behind us! Cowards!![]() |
敌人从背后偷袭了!懦夫! |
The enemy is above us!![]() |
敌人在上面! |
They are forming up!![]() |
他们正在集结! |
Behind you!![]() |
当心后面! |
Sniper!![]() |
狙击手! |
Sniper! Fight toe to toe, you coward!![]() |
有狙击手!懦夫,面对面挑战我! |
Find their teleporter!![]() |
快找到他们的传送器! |
- 寻找敌人传送面板
Our enemies have a teleporter!![]() |
敌人有传送器! |
- 发现敌人传送面板
I've found the enemy's teleporter!![]() |
我找到敌人的传送器了! |
- 摧毁敌人传送面板
Enemy teleporter destroyed.![]() |
砸烂敌人的传送器了。 |
The enemy has a shield generator!![]() |
敌人部署了护盾发生器! |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I've found the shield generator!![]() |
我找到护盾发生器了! |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed!![]() |
摧毁护盾发生器了! |
- 发现炮台
Enemy turret ahead.![]() |
前方有敌人的炮台。 |
- 摧毁炮台
Enemy turret destroyed.![]() |
已摧毁敌人的炮台。 |
I am unstoppable!![]() |
没人能够阻止我! |
Watch out, I'm powered up! |
都小心,力量在我体内涌动! |
What a glorious feeling! |
我的力量强大无比! |
Face me if you dare! |
谁敢面对我! |
Well done, my friend!![]() |
干得好,朋友! |
A commendable hit! |
那一下真了不起! |
Didn't that feel fantastic? |
刚才感觉很不错吧? |
You earned the glory for that one! |
算得上是荣耀的一击! |
You show great valor! |
你勇气可嘉! |
Ana would be proud.![]() |
安娜会感到骄傲的。 |
Your mother would approve.![]() |
你母亲会喜欢的。 |
Well done, my diminutive Swedish friend!![]() |
干得好,我的小个子瑞典朋友! |
I taught her that. *laughs*. |
她这本事可是我教的。 |
I am filled with pride!![]() |
真为你骄傲! |
Well struck, Brigitte!![]() |
打得不错,布丽吉塔! |
A close shave!![]() |
就差一点儿! |
- 状态不好
Not feeling so good.![]() |
感觉不太好…… |
Something's wrong.![]() |
感觉不对劲。 |
Don't thank me. Put it on my tab.![]() |
别感谢我,记在我的记录里。 |
You aren't in this fight alone! |
你不是一个人在战斗! |
We stand together, my squire! |
我们要并肩战斗,丫头! |
Like old times, right, Captain? |
有点过去的意思了,对吧,上尉? |
I would never let you fall! |
有我在,绝不会让你倒下! |
A reward for my dedication.![]() |
给我的奖励。 |
My just reward!![]() |
公平的奖励! |
What magnificent treasure is this?![]() |
这份迷人的宝藏是什么东西? |
I'm on fire!![]() |
我火力全开了! |
He could go all the way!![]() |
伟大的德国前锋!德意志万岁! |
I am on fire! Come face me! |
我火力全开了!过来面对我! |
I'm feeling the burn! |
烈火在我体内燃烧! |
*Laughs* Can you feel the heat? |
*大笑*感受到我的炽热了吗? |
You can't stop me! I'm on fire! |
谁敢挡我?我火力全开了! |
The enemy team is eliminated! We have the advantage!![]() |
敌人被全歼了!我们取得了优势! |
*Laughs* Where did they all go? |
*大笑*他们怎么都不见了? |
That was all of them_ I was just getting warmed up! |
他们这就趴下了?我才刚热完身! |
- 受到 禅雅塔 乱的效果
Unacceptable.![]() |
无法接受。 |
Damn!![]() |
可恶! |
- 升级
*laughs*.![]() |
*大笑* |
*laugh* I can still learn some new tricks.![]() |
*laugh*我还可以学几招。 |
- 投票史诗
To see justice done is its own reward.![]() |
看到正义得到伸张,本身就是种奖励。 |
Impressive, if I do say so myself.![]() |
令人惊讶,我自己都不得不这么说。 |
Wonderful!![]() |
出色! |
That's how it's done.![]() |
就该如此。 |
- 投票传奇
I am the champion!![]() |
我是一流的! |
What a performance!![]() |
真是精彩! |