Initiating match. |
比赛即将开始。 |
Ready for battle. |
准备战斗 |
Prepare for operations. |
准备行动。 |
Prepare your defenses. |
准备防守 |
Prepare to attack. |
准备进攻 |
Attacking. |
进攻。 |
Defending. |
防守。 |
Defend the objective. |
防守目标点 |
Capture the objective. |
占领目标点 |
Battle? |
开战: |
Fight! |
开始! |
Match point. |
赛点。 |
Destination? |
目的地? |
Initiating training match. |
正在初始化练习赛 |
Balancing teams. |
正在自动平衡队伍 |
Now changing skirmish locations. |
正在更换突击模式地点。 |
Now entering a skirmish. |
正在进入突击模式。 |
Now entering the arena. |
正在进入竞技场。 |
Select your hero. |
选择你的英雄 |
Round 1. |
第1回合。 |
Round 2. |
第2回合。 |
Round 3. |
第3回合。 |
Round 4. |
第4回合。 |
Round 5. |
第5回合。 |
Round 6. |
第六回合。 |
Round 7. |
第七回合。 |
Round 8. |
第八回合。 |
Round 9. |
第九回合。 |
Round 10. |
第十回合。 |
Round 11. |
第十一回合。 |
Round 12. |
第十二回合。 |
Round 13. |
第十三回合。 |
Round 14. |
第十四回合。 |
Round 15. |
第十五回合。 |
Round 16. |
第十六回合。 |
Round 17. |
第十七回合。 |
Round 18. |
第十八回合。 |
Round 19. |
第十九回合。 |
Round 20. |
第二十回合。 |
Next round. |
下一回合。 |
- 左边
0. |
0 |
1. |
1 |
2. |
2 |
3. |
3 |
4. |
4 |
5. |
5 |
6. |
6 |
7. |
7 |
8. |
8 |
9. |
9 |
10. |
10 |
11. |
11 |
12. |
12 |
13. |
13 |
14. |
14 |
15. |
15 |
16. |
16 |
17. |
17 |
18. |
18 |
19. |
19 |
20. |
20 |
21. |
21 |
22. |
22 |
23. |
23 |
24. |
24 |
25. |
25 |
26. |
26 |
27. |
27 |
28. |
28 |
29. |
29 |
30. |
30 |
- 右边
to 0. |
比0 |
to 1. |
比1 |
to 2. |
比2 |
to 3. |
比3 |
to 4. |
比4 |
to 5. |
比5 |
to 6. |
比6 |
to 7. |
比7 |
to 8. |
比8 |
to 9. |
比9 |
to 10. |
比10 |
to 11. |
比11 |
to 12. |
比12 |
to 13. |
比13 |
to 14. |
比14 |
to 15. |
比15 |
to 16. |
比16 |
to 17. |
比17 |
to 18. |
比18 |
to 19. |
比19 |
to 20. |
比20 |
to 21. |
比21 |
to 22. |
比22 |
to 23. |
比23 |
to 24. |
比24 |
to 25. |
比25 |
to 26. |
比26 |
to 27. |
比27 |
to 28. |
比28 |
to 29. |
比29 |
to 30. |
比30 |
Ten. |
10 |
Nine. |
9 |
Eight. |
8 |
Seven. |
7 |
Six. |
6 |
Five. |
5 |
Four. |
4 |
Three. |
3 |
Two. |
2 |
One. |
1 |
- 结束倒计时
Ten seconds remaining. |
还剩十秒 |
Thirty seconds remaining. |
还剩三十秒 |
Sixty seconds remaining. |
还剩六十秒 |
- 进攻相关
Attackers incoming in ten seconds. |
十秒后敌方开始进攻 |
Attack commences in ten seconds. |
十秒后开始进攻 |
Attackers incoming in sixty seconds. |
六十秒后敌方开始进攻 |
Attack commences in sixty seconds. |
六十秒后开始进攻 |
Attackers incoming. |
敌人来袭 |
Attack commencing. |
开始进攻 |
Three on three. |
3对3 |
Three on two. |
3对2 |
Three on one. |
3对1 |
Two on three. |
2对3 |
Two on two. |
2对2 |
Two on one. |
2对1 |
One on three. |
1对3 |
One on two. |
1对2 |
One on one. |
1对1 |
Round 1. Capture the objective. |
第1回合。占领目标点。 |
Round 2. Capture the objective. |
第2回合。占领目标点。 |
Round 3. Capture the objective. |
第3回合。占领目标点。 |
Round 4. Capture the objective. |
第4回合。占领目标点。 |
Round 5. Capture the objective. |
第5回合。占领目标点。 |
- 目标解锁
Objective unlocks in 30 seconds. |
目标将在30秒后解锁。 |
Objective unlocked. |
目标点已解锁。 |
The objective is now active. |
目标点已被激活。 |
- 防守目标
New defense point: objective D. |
新防御点:目标点D |
New defense point: objective E. |
新防御点:目标点E |
New defense point: objective C. |
新防御点:目标点C |
New defense point: objective B. |
新防御点:目标点B |
Defend objective A. |
防守目标点A |
- 正在占领
You are taking the objective. |
你正在占领目标点 |
You are taking objective E. |
你正在占领目标点E |
You are taking objective D. |
你正在占领目标点D |
You are taking objective C. |
你正在占领目标点C |
You are taking objective B. |
你正在占领目标点B |
You are taking objective A. |
你正在占领目标点A |
- 夺回目标
The objective is under attack. |
目标点正遭到攻击 |
Objective E is under attack. |
目标点E正遭到攻击 |
Objective D is under attack. |
目标点D正遭到攻击 |
Objective C is under attack. |
目标点C正遭到攻击 |
Objective B is under attack. |
目标点B正遭到攻击 |
Objective A is under attack. |
目标点A正遭到攻击 |
- 占领完成
Objective captured. |
已占领目标点 |
Objective E captured. |
已占领目标点E |
Objective D captured. |
已占领目标点D |
Objective C captured. |
已占领目标点C |
Objective B captured. |
已占领目标点B |
Objective A captured. |
已占领目标点A |
- 目标失守
Objective lost. |
目标点已失守 |
Objective E has been lost. |
目标点E已失守 |
Objective D has been lost. |
目标点D已失守 |
Objective C has been lost. |
目标点C已失守 |
Objective B has been lost. |
目标点B已失守 |
Objective A has been lost. |
目标点A已失守 |
- 更新任务
Capture objective A. |
占领目标点A |
Commence attack on objective B. |
开始攻击目标点B |
Commence attack on objective C. |
开始攻击目标点C |
Commence attack on objective D. |
开始攻击目标点D |
Commence attack on objective E. |
开始攻击目标点E |
Stop the payload. |
阻止运载目标 |
The payload is stopped. |
运载目标被阻止了 |
The payload has reached the checkpoint. |
运载目标抵达了检查点 |
The payload is approaching its destination. |
运载目标即将抵达终点 |
The payload is approaching the checkpoint. |
运载目标即将抵达检查点 |
The payload is moving. |
运载目标正在移动 |
Escort the payload. |
护送运载目标 |
Recover your flag. |
夺回我方旗帜。 |
You have returned the flag. |
你归还了旗帜。 |
Enemy flag returned. |
敌方旗帜已归还。 |
Your team has dropped the flag. |
我方扔下了旗帜。 |
Your team has captured the flag. |
我方已夺取旗帜。 |
The enemy has captured your flag. |
敌人已夺取我方旗帜。 |
Your flag was returned. |
我方旗帜已归还。 |
Enemy has been revealed. |
敌人已现身。 |
Enemy eliminated. |
敌人被消灭。 |
Teammate eliminated. |
队友被消灭。 |
Capture the enemy flag. |
夺取敌方旗帜。 |
The enemy has taken your flag. |
敌人已拾取我方旗帜。 |
Your team has the flag. |
我方拾取了旗帜。 |
Flag dropped. |
旗帜被扔下。 |
Flag captured. |
已夺取旗帜。 |
You have the flag. |
你拾取了旗帜。 |
Flag activated. |
旗帜已激活。 |
Draw. |
平局 |
Defeat. |
战败 |
Victory. |
胜利 |
Sudden death! |
绝杀局! |
Overtime! |
加时! |
Score? |
得分: |
Final score? |
最终得分: |
Complete. |
结束 |
Winner. |
获胜。 |
Match complete. |
比赛结束。 |
First round lost. |
第一回合战败。 |
First round won. |
第一回合获胜。 |
Round 2 lost. |
第二回合战败。 |
Round 2 won. |
第二回合获胜。 |
Round 3 lost. |
第三回合战败。 |
Round 3 won. |
第三回合获胜。 |
Round 4 lost. |
第四回合战败。 |
Round 4 won. |
第四回合获胜。 |
Play of the game. |
全场最佳。 |
Play of the match. |
全场最佳。 |
Epic. |
史诗。 |
Legendary. |
传奇。 |
Placement matches complete. |
定级赛已完成。 |
Determining skill rating. |
正在评定竞技等级。 |
Multiple personal bests! |
多项个人最佳纪录! |
New personal best. |
新个人最佳纪录 |
Lifesaver. |
守护者。 |
Sharpshooter. |
神枪手。 |
Final attempt. |
最后一搏。 |
Shutdown. |
终结者。 |
Perfect. |
完美无瑕。 |
New challenger! |
新挑战者登场! |
Unstoppable! |
无坚不摧! |
Dominating! |
主宰比赛! |
Revenge kill! |
复仇完成! |
Revenge! |
复仇! |