“ | 千窟为佑,太平无忧。 | ” |
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千窟城自古以来便贮藏着无数古老典籍,受祖辈的教导,伽罗自幼便坚信:文明或许会陨落,唯有知识令其意志长存,守护书本即是守护文明。 |
With Madinat Erudit's blessing, the world shall know peace and security. | |
千窟为佑,太平无忧。 |
Ignorance is the root of all evil. | |
无知是恶。 |
No sacrifice is too great, when it comes to protecting civilization. | |
既皈依文明,绝不轻易令其破灭。 |
A sad tune bemoans the spring breeze, never felt beyond Yumen Pass. | |
羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。 |
Our names might be destroyed in fire, but our ashes will strengthen the scions to come. | |
你我的姓名,将湮灭于野火,家乡的魂灵,随原上草木而复苏。 |
I do not know where the wind comes from on this ancient road, but it is blowing towards my home. | |
不知古道上的风从何处起,可它去往的是故里。 |
Books are easily lost. Only civilizations can last forever. | |
书本是转瞬即逝的东西,唯有文明才能长存不灭。 |
When knowledge is spread to Madinat Erudit, thousands of minds awake from their long slumber. | |
当学问走过漫漫古道凿刻入千窟,心也从愚昧中苏醒。 |
Wisdom guides me! | |
学识告诉你何谓不可触碰。 |
May light shine everywhere! | |
消散愚昧! |
Only those who understand all realms of existence are permitted to seek peace within the Pure Land. | |
读过六道的文字,才能安心抵达彼岸净土。 |
The tragedy of those who refuse to learn... | |
不学无术的悲哀。 |
Bless the Madinat Erudit... | |
千窟为佑,万代千秋。 |