“ | 凌驾于命运之上的,从不是神明,而是决心。 | ” |
| |
他本是天之骄子,却在一夕间失去父母,命运神杖彰显预言,其家族注定走向衰亡,他不相信命运既定。风雨飘摇中,独自接过家族重任,带领家族再现辉煌…… |
It's not the divine that rules over fate, but the determined. | |
凌驾于命运之上的,从不是神明,而是决心。 |
Cold and emotionless — what's wrong with that? | |
冰冷无情,那就是吧。 |
I don't like harming the innocent. | |
不要伤及无辜。 |
Fate isn't a shackle—it's an inspiration. | |
命运不是枷锁,而是启示。 |
Never be subservient to anyone. | |
不要成为任何人的附庸。 |
I don't believe our fates are set in stone. | |
我不相信既定的命运。 |
From the top of Stargazer Tower, you can see all the possibilities the city holds. | |
站在瞭望星塔的顶端,窥见整个城市的可能。 |
Adversity reveals a person's heart most clearly. | |
逆境,更折射人心。 |
In the end, even the proudest clans will return to dust. | |
高傲自大的家族,终散于尘埃。 |
It only takes a moment to turn the tides. | |
转机藏纳一瞬。 |
Only by overcoming adversity can you see true wonders. | |
透过厄运看到奇迹。 |
If you don't reach your limits, how will you know how powerful you are? | |
不到绝境,怎知全力。 |
"Do not stray from the path fate has set." Humph... is a warning long obsolete. | |
“命运有定,勿行歧路”,哼,过时的忠告。 |
What fate shows is not reality. Only that which you experience yourself can be called truth. | |
命运所见并非真实,亲身接触,才是真相。 |
Moon, Hightower—who among the Arkana Clans has not suffered their fair share? | |
月亮,高塔,哪一个阿尔卡纳,不曾伤痕累累。 |
The truth is always hidden amongst lies. | |
真理,总藏在谎言之中。 |
Sleepless nights are far better than eternal sleep. | |
夜夜失眠,也好过长睡不醒。 |
命运无端,亦是命运有端。 |
- 与朵莉亚同时出场
Learn from the revelation of fate and sail against the tides! | |
聆听命运的启示,逆流而上。 |
- 一技能(远程)
Heed my command! | |
命运之线,听我指令。 |
Listen. | |
观群星。 |
Observe. | |
洞察无穷。 |
击破宿命枷锁。 |
- 一技能(近战)
To the death! | |
舍身一搏。 |
I will not disgrace the Fate Clan. | |
不坠命运之名。 |
Don't lose the upper hand. | |
别错失先机。 |
- 二技能(远程)
Endless roaming. | |
无限遨游。 |
Imagine the future. | |
瞭望未来。 |
We are all wading in the currents of fate. | |
置身命运洪流。 |
行无穷命途。 |
见万千命运。 |
- 二技能(近战)
Everything is under control. | |
命运如线,皆在掌中。 |
Time to clean this mess up. | |
开始收拾残局。 |
跨过生死边缘。 |
- 三技能
Try again. | |
超越终焉,尘世回转。 |
Even in the endgame, the tides can still turn. | |
终局亦可逆转。 |
Now, to overturn fate. | |
将既定颠覆。 |
Time to make our comeback! | |
现在,让我们绝地反击。 |
This is not the end. | |
此际,力挽狂澜。 |
The cycle continues. | |
命运转动。 |
- 使用被朵莉亚刷新三技能
All stands still at this moment, as fate resounds. | |
宿命回响,万物凝滞。 |
Fate may have its plans, but the future is in my hands. | |
命运重奏,未来由我执掌。 |
我是,命运之引。 |
This sunset is much like the one on the day of my clan's downfall. | |
这日落的景象,就像家族破落的那日…… |
The sea may seem calm, but who knows what dangers lurk below the surface. | |
谁又知道这平静的海面下,藏着多少波涛…… |
- 路过河道
过去与未来,皆被命运交缠。 |
Boring. | |
无聊。 |
Your foolishness is laughable. | |
行为愚蠢,毫不可取。 |
Another unnecessary tragedy. | |
又一场无端的厄运。 |
There's no use in struggling. | |
你的挣扎,无济于事。 |
No need for words. | |
无需多言。 |
- 一血
One has to leave their mark. | |
掷地,要有声。 |
- 双杀
A well-used blade never rusts. | |
利刃常用,才不生锈。 |
- 五杀
The wheels of fate keep turning, but all things will come to an end. | |
命运轮转,终有所终。 |
- 大招击杀
Fate is devoid of reason. The final choice lies with me. | |
命运无端,抉择在我。 |
You'll only truly see someone for who they are when you're at your lowest. | |
低谷,让人学会甄别人心。 |
Brilliance always fades, in the end... | |
辉煌,终将落幕…… |
This is the end... | |
终局已至…… |
A twist of fate... | |
寒夜将临…… |
- 一血
I won't miss again. | |
不会再失手了。 |
I've experienced my fair share of despair, but what of it? | |
我亦经历过绝望,但那又如何? |
- 购买噬神之书
Even the divine will bow their heads before me. | |
拦在面前的就算是神明,也让祂低头。 |
- 购买破茧之衣
The Fate Clan will not be defeated. | |
命运家族,不会消亡。 |
- 购买时之预言
The prophecy has been broken. A new future is unfolding. | |
预言已经打破,新的未来正在开启。 |
- 购买博学者之怒
Some victories depend on brawn, others on brain. | |
有的胜利靠刀刃,有的靠脑子。 |
- 购买巫术法杖
Endless desire will raze everything to ash. | |
无尽的欲望,会燃尽一切。 |
- 购买辉月
We now possess only a sliver of our former glory. | |
比起曾经的辉煌,我们已十不存一。 |
- 购买光辉之剑
A cursed, glowing blade. Heh, truly fitting of an Arkana Clan. | |
光辉的咒刃,真是和阿尔卡纳相称的东西。 |
- 购买冷静/秘法之靴
Stare fate straight in the eyes as you carve your own path. | |
凝视命运的眼睛,踏出自己的路。 |
- 相遇友方亚连
为什么会选择我呢? |
Blades are a dime a dozen, but kind souls are hard to find. | |
利刃常有,纯善难得。 |
过去的记忆真的存在吗? |
Getting lost in the past only serves to hide the future from us. | |
沉迷过往,只会遮掩真正的未来。 |
我的故乡还会有人记得我吗? |
The most important thing is that you know who you are. | |
明白自己是谁,才更重要。 |
- 相遇友方米莱狄
The Fate Clan has no desire to engage in petty squabbles, only to fulfill our duties. | |
命运家族无意争势,只想履行自己的责任。 |
No one sheds a tear over the misfortunes of the nobility. We don't look to others for compassion. We rely on ourselves. | |
无须哀告命运的不幸,我们不求怜悯,依靠自己。 |
Each Arkana Clan has their own motives. What is it that you want, Milady? | |
每个阿尔卡纳都各怀心思,执政官大人想要的,又是什么? |
- 相遇友方露娜
The Arkana Clans have long been plagued by troubles. How is it the Moon remains unaffected? | |
阿尔卡纳早已千疮百孔,月亮如何置身事外。 |
- 相遇友方铠
It's better to rush forward sword in hand than to linger on the past. | |
与其空望过去,不如挥刃而行。 |
- 相遇友方马可波罗
That's why people like Navenia. | |
这正是大家喜欢海都的原因。 |
Those were naught but childish dreams. | |
不过是些稚子之言。 |
Go do what you want to do. There's a world out there. You shouldn't sit like you're stuck on a deserted island. | |
去做你想做的事吧,世界,本就不该困身孤岛。 |
Heh, truly a world-renowned moron. | |
哼,世界家的笨蛋。 |
- 相遇敌方雅典娜
The divine look down at the mortal world. But we humans have grown tired of looking up. | |
神俯视世间,但人类,已不想再仰视了。 |
The time of the deities has long since ended. It's time we humans took command. | |
神明的时代,早已结束,现在,由人来引领。 |
- 相遇友方莱西奥
I haven't heard their music for a long time. | |
星辰酒馆的歌声,久已未闻。 |
Those who know the truth must bear the responsibility that comes with it. | |
知道真相之人,也必将承当这背后的责任。 |
- 相遇友方狂铁
No matter who it is, I wish them success. | |
不论是谁,我都祝愿他成功。 |
- 相遇敌方狂铁
If you look beyond the pretense, you'll find a different truth. | |
透过伪饰,也能看到另一种事实。 |
- 相遇友方姬小满
The Duskvales are an inconspicuous bunch. No one can speak on them but themselves. | |
隐者从不彰显,除了他们自己,没人说得清。 |
- 相遇敌方姬小满
Forget it, it's just gossip. | |
无谓的闲言碎语,随它去吧。 |
- 相遇友方桑启
People remember the difficult times, but no one talks about the good times anymore. | |
腥风血雨人们记得,美好过往,早已无人讴歌。 |
- 获得胜方MVP
There is no such thing as predetermined fate, only unyielding resistance. | |
从无既定的命运,只有不屈的反击。 |
- 获得败方MVP
It is not our past that defines us, but rather the meaning we give to it. | |
决定我们的不是过去,而是赋予过去的意义。 |
I don't think I've ever seen a mermaid swim using two legs. | |
从没见过人鱼族用双腿游泳。 |
I'm not sure you know what "magnificent" means. | |
很难相信你说的华丽。 |
There are certainly plenty of people with nothing better to do. | |
无聊之人,真是不少。 |
If you like music, you should go to the Foron Opera House. They put on a great show. | |
想听歌的话,可以去弗伦歌剧院,那里的旋律不错。 |
Thanks for saving me while we were on the ocean floor. | |
在海底的时候,谢谢你救了我。 |
Have you got a place to stay? You can stay with us at the Fate Clan for a while, but if you break something… | |
还没落脚之地?命运家族可以让你暂住,但是打坏了东西…… |