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厄尔卡斯讨论 | 贡献2021年12月31日 (五) 21:20的版本




The V3 is a powerful long-range artillery weapon. Beware commander, it can level your base in minutes without you ever getting a chance to even return fire.
V3 是威力强大的长程火箭。当心,指挥官,V3 能在几分钟内将您的基地夷为平地,您甚至连还击的机会都没有。
The most powerful Soviet Tank ever built, the Apocalpyse is a small army all by itself and is equipped to handle both ground and air threats.
The most powerful air unit ever created, the Kirov can take a beating and drop an almost unlimitted number of heavy iron bombs.
The ultimate in Soviet long-range bombardment, the Dreadnought is powerful from a distance but can be easily destroyed at close range. The Dreadnought's missiles can also be shot down by patriot missiles.
The Soviets have taken Tesla Technology to the final step, a man in a Tesla powered suit. These soldiers are excellent at destroying tanks and also seem to be able to power up Tesla Coils with their extra energy.
This soldier is equiped with a nuclear battlesuit. He can irradiate large patches of ground, making them impassible to infantry or light vehicles.
The Soviets have been experimenting with Psychic technology with some success. Their elite PsiCorps can cause our own loyal soldiers to turn against us.
This, sir, is our IFV. It is a multipurpose raider capable of boosting the standard weapon capabilities of any infantryman inside.
Sir, this is an engineer. He can repair any Allied building and once inside an enemy building turn it to our side. He is much smarter than his Soviet counterpart.
Sir, the SEAL is the elite soldier. No enemy is safe from him, whether on land or water.
Commander, the spy's ability to mask himself as the enemy and pass through their ranks gives him the needed edge to infiltrate even the most well guarded enemy building. If only they didn't taste so good to their dogs_
The Rocketeers are the brave men who strap maneuvering thrusters to their backs and then go out to hunt enemy tanks and air forces. They are very brave.
Commander, this is a Chrono Legionnaire. Using Professor Einstein's Chronal technology they teleport next to any enemy and utterly erase them from time.
Commander, our Mirage Tank's ability to hide itself among any natural objects around it make it the perfect ambush or covert surveillance vehicle.
Commander, our Destroyer is the workhorse of the navy. No naval unit can long hide from it and once detected, it makes short work of the enemy.
Commander, there is no airborne threat that can evade the sight or missile of the Aegis Cruiser. It is the premier anti-air weapon.
Sir, our Aircraft Carriers are the pride of the Allied navy. In a moments notice, the carrier's planes can take out any target quickly and from a very safe distance.


Don't forget, Sir! Order Tanya as you see fit, but we CANNOT afford to lose her. You must reach Fort Bradley before it is destroyed.
Looks like the bridge has beem blown, we have to find another way to Fort Bradly.
The Soviet Navy is attacking the Statue of Liberty, we can't let them get away with that. Sir, is there anything you can do?
Doesn't sound good, sir. We're going to have double time at the rest of way to reach Fort Bradly in time.
Congratulations, we've re-established the contact with Fort Bradley. They're turning controls of the base and its troops to you.
We seem to have lost power, sir! Build more power plants.
Looks like the bridge has collapsed. We'll have to get our Engineers to repair it!
Watch out for those patrol barrels, they seem highly unstable. Perhaps we can use them to advantage.
Our GI's are too exposed to enemy fire! Maybe they should take shelter in nearby buildings!
Sir, I'm sorry to report that we've lost Tanya.
There's the Supply Base! Destroy all of the buildings, and we'll buy some time for the rest of the country!
We've done it Sir! The Supply Base has been eliminated!


All right! This beacon's neutralized! Send in the cavalry.


You can check one missile off your list, Sir! That bird will never fly again.
Sir, we managed to capture one of the Silos - instead of destroying it! Why don't we just turn it against the other missile Silo?
lf you can get a Spy to one of the Tesla Generators, he can probably shut down all the bases power for a good 30 seconds.
I'm resizing your radar to compensate for the Nuclear missile coordinates that we just received. Stand by.
Sir! You just blew up the Soviet Battlelab! Without the Missile Silo coordinates, we can't complete our mission!
Congratulations, Sir! With both nukes neutralized, the European Alliance can join the war! We may have just changed the course of history!
Thanks for rescuing us, Sir! Our plane was shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft. There's probably more survivors around here.
Good to see you, Sir! What are our orders?
Be on the lookout for spies, Comrade. It seems a little quiet tonight.
Heheh... We don't need to worry about stupid American spies. That's what the dogs are for.
Looks like we're going to need some more Spies, Sir!
Sir, could you send some more Spies without neon camouflage this time?
Looks like Spies are becoming an Endangered Species. Send some more!
Cru...(Beep) son of a ... Sorry, Sir, but we need some more Spies.


Hey! That's not Lincoln. They've put a Stalin head on him!
Sir, several of our vehicles have been eaten by Terror Drones. Our Service Depot can remove the drones and save our vehicles.


Commander, Niihau Island has fallen. We should prepare the rest of Hawaii for invasion.


Can't concentrate voices in my head_ _victory to the Soviet Union.
Victory to the Sov... We're free! Get'em!
Must reach the beacon just a little bit farther long live the glorious peoples Soviet state.


We're going to need some help getting through those defenses.
Hot Tamale! That's no Mayan Pyramid_ that's a Prism Cannon.
Sir, these freedom fighters want to join up.


What does this button do?
Commander! Look out! They are over here.
Get these commander! Here they are! Here!
You should see this Commander!


Glad you found us, Sir! We're freezing out here!
Teleporting troops arriving in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
We will never surrender! Death to the Allies!


Sir, if you build and deploy a spy satellite you will be able to see the entire combat area.
We're rather low on resources in this location, sir. Perhaps you should construct an Ore Purifier so we can get more out of what we have.
Attemping to jam Soviet Command's calls for help, but a few got through. Heavier Soviet reinforcements arriving soon.
Intercepting broadcast from Soviet Command. Romanov's panicking, sir. He's called for air evacuation. The transports will arrive in 2 minutes.
Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 1 minute.
Soviet evacuation transports arriving in 30 seconds.
Sir, Romanov is calling for evacuation again. He is trying to escape.
Psionic Amplifier captured. Soviet units are defecting to our side.
Psionic Amplifier destroyed.
Romanov captured.
We can't let Romanov get away!
I'm going to be sick.
Where are we?
Is this Russia?
