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OrangePig讨论 | 贡献2022年6月1日 (三) 23:09的版本
种族 GTAVCRace White Icon.png白人
性别 GTAVCGender Female Icon.png女性
年龄 GTAVCAge Young Icon.png年轻
身份 救生员
Woman in Red Bikini
  • Oh, like I couldn't be more bummed over this.
  • This is worse than being pale.
  • You jerk, I'm like, so stuck!
  • Whatever, you totally suck.
  • Hello? I'm a girl!
  • That's like the rudest thing ever.
  • I hope you wipeout.
  • Whatever, you could like, say sorry.
  • Watch it doofus!
  • Umm hello?
  • Oh my God, I could just die.
  • This is like the worst thing since sliced bread.
  • You total and utter spaz!
  • Gross, you like, actually hit me.
  • So I was all "nuh-uh, whatever." She's just jealous because I'm dating Ted.
  • Boogie boarders are even radder than surfers!
  • My blonde streaks turned green and it was gross.
  • Gag me!
  • Are we going to Becky's skate party or what?
  • Tan lines are SO 1983.
  • You came totally too close to me, loser!
  • Stay away from my beach!
  • It's like, such a good thing he didn't whale me!
  • Bogus driving!
  • You like so almost hit me!
  • Hello? Driving school for the gifted!
  • My boyfriend Ted is totally gonna mess you up.
  • It's like so not cool to kill.
  • I totally don't wanna die!
  • Don't shoot me, I'm totally spazzing out!
  • You loser, I'm totally gonna have to take the nasty bus.
  • Being chased is so my pet peeve.
  • Ahh total wacko!
  • Oh that's so totally messed up.