Execute maneuver 284. |
执行284号方案。 |
Target terminated.存在于守望先锋1代 |
目标终结。 |
Eliminated.存在于守望先锋1代 |
已消灭! |
New champion crowned.存在于守望先锋1代 |
新的冠军诞生了。 |
We are the champions. |
我们才是冠军。 |
The hamster will not remember you. |
你没有给仓鼠留下印象。 |
Regicide, ha ha. |
弑君成功,哈哈。 |
So much for higher mammals. |
高等动物不过如此。 |
Untranslatable shriek of glee. |
喜悦的尖叫,无法翻译。 |
Combat protocols 3 through 7 active. |
激活3至7号战斗程序。 |
Warning: hamster triumphant. |
警告:仓鼠大获全胜。 |
Do not come at him. |
不要威胁他。 |
Tee hee. |
嘻嘻。 |
He has still got it. |
他的技术依然犀利。 |
Easy prey. |
手到擒来。 |
He wonders if that was your best. |
他想知道你是否只有这点本事。 |
Your failure delights the hamster. |
你的失败取悦了仓鼠。 |
Archnemesis defeated. |
宿敌:已击败。 |
You had it coming. |
这是你活该。 |
Inferior hamster. |
低等仓鼠。 |
Evolution was wasted on you. |
你白进化了。 |
The Queen sends her regards. |
女王向你问好。 |
Annihilated. |
已歼灭。 |
Clowns belong in the circus. |
小丑应该待在马戏团里。 |
He finds your talent... lacking. |
他说你……没有天赋。 |
You had the advantage and you still lost. |
你虽然有优势,但还是输了。 |
At the beep, the time will be 12?01. Beep. |
哔声一响,午时已过。哔。 |
Gravity cannot stop this mammal. |
重力困不住这只小动物。 |
Primal rage is inferior to hamster fury. |
原始暴怒可比不过仓鼠发飙。 |
Do not kick rocks in the hamster's house. |
别在仓鼠的地盘上撒野。 |
Spinning is his thing. |
旋转是他的长项。 |
The skies belong to Wrecking Ball. |
天空属于“破坏球”。 |
Welcome to the hamster's playground. |
欢迎来到仓鼠游乐场。 |
You were fast. He was faster. |
你很快,但他更快。 |
- 击败特定英雄
Gravity is for lesser mammals. |
重力是用来限制低等动物的。 |
Try using your grapple, ha ha. |
你应该用抓钩的,哈哈。 |
Enjoy your fall. He will. |
下坠快乐。至少他很快乐。 |
The hamster says, "Goodbye." |
仓鼠说:再见。 |
Hamsters always come back. |
仓鼠总会回来的。 |
You were unwise to anger him. |
激怒他是不明智的举动。 |
He says, "We're even." |
他说:我们扯平了。 |
- 超远距离击杀
- 重伤击杀
Wrecking Ball is dominating. |
“破坏球”主宰比赛。 |
Unbreakable, unstoppable, invincible. |
坚不可摧,势不可挡,所向披靡。 |
The hamster will live forever. |
仓鼠名垂千古。 |
Fighting at peak efficiency. |
战斗力已达峰值。 |
Multiple enemies eliminated. |
消灭多名敌人。 |
Fist of the Hamster. |
仓鼠重拳。 |
Get out of his way. |
别挡他的路。 |
Close-range target eliminated. |
近身目标已消灭。 |