“ | 诸神黄昏,人间黎明。 | ” |
根源之目 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_杨戬(王者荣耀).mp3
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额间隐藏着天眼的杨戬,被女娲选中为继承人。他被赋予"守护人间"的任务,却在长久的狩猎与巡视中渐渐产生了疑虑。当权者不过是在拥护一个虚假的旧日理想,而这世间万物有自己的意志与生命,他将为此而战。 |
I shall protect this mortal world! | |
执行人间的意志! |
Unleash your true potential, even if the world seems too small. | |
尽情驰骋的,纵使天地也太狭小! |
I open my third eye, so that I can see my opponent clearly. | |
张开第三只眼,好看清对面的扑街。 |
Dusk of the superbeings, dawn of humanity. | |
诸神黄昏,人间黎明。 |
In life, the base are elevated beyond themselves, and nobility buried for being noble. | |
卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭! |
I have 1,001 ways to defeat you. | |
懂得一千零一种,赋予你失败的方法。 |
Why not listen to yourself, rather than take orders from others? | |
与其受制于人,不妨听命自己。 |
Turn the tides! | |
将大局逆转吧! |
See through the secret of our origin! | |
看破根源的奥秘! |
I keep an eye on the future. | |
注视未来! |
Shake your head. Do you hear waves? | |
晃晃你的脑子,听到海水的声音了吗? |
This world is all too real! | |
足够现实的世界! |
Death comes to every man... | |
人终有一死…… |