We will have peace at any cost. |
和平必将属于我们,不惜一切代价。 |
- 波塞冬
I will have Olympus at any cost. |
奥林匹斯必将属于我,不惜一切代价。 |
Ramattra, at your side. |
拉玛刹,与你并肩。 |
I stand with you. |
我与你同在。 |
Do not falter, and we will not fail. |
坚定不移,我们便不会失败。 |
The path ahead is a hard one, but we will walk it. |
前路坎坷,而我们毅然前行。 |
Waiting gains us nothing. |
等待不过是徒劳。 |
- 比赛期间随机触发
This will not be won without sacrifice. Be ready. |
没有牺牲就不会胜利。做好准备吧。 |
This should be interesting. |
这应该会很有趣。 |
Let's make this quick. |
我们速战速决。 |
For the moment, we have a common purpose. Let's... focus on that. |
眼下,我们的利益暂且一致。那就……专注在目标上吧。 |
Now, you will see how war can be waged and won. |
由我来示范战争该如何发动,又该如何取胜。 |
Watch for their weaknesses, and strike. |
洞察敌人的弱点,然后直击要害。 |
We will not lose this battle if we fight as one. |
在战场上一体同心,我们绝不会失败。 |
What matters is that we fight. To the very last second. |
我们会战斗到最后一刻,这才是最重要的。 |
- 上一轮赢了
The battle is all but won. |
这场战斗即将以胜利告终。 |
Victory is at hand. |
胜利尽在掌握。 |
- 上一轮输了
We are not defeated yet. |
我们尚未落败。 |
Fight with me! Fight until you fall! |
和我一起战斗!至死方休! |
- 平局后的最后一轮
This time, we will have them. |
这一次,我们会击破敌人。 |
We have one last chance. |
我们还有最后一次机会。 |
I will break before I yield. |
宁可陨灭,我也不会屈服。 |
I am not beaten yet. |
我还没被打倒。 |
My resolve hardens. |
我的决心更加坚定。 |
Failure is not defeat. |
一次挫折,不算失败。 |
A minor setback was inevitable. |
挫折在所难免。 |
A battle lost for a war won. |
一次失利不会影响胜局。 |
I tire of these games. |
我厌倦这些游戏了。 |
I would face death a thousand times if it saved my people. |
如果死亡能拯救族人,我万死不辞。 |
Their confidence will be their undoing. |
敌人的狂妄将成为他们的末日。 |
Clever tactics? Finally. |
要以智取胜了吗?终于。 |
Was that all? |
就这点本事? |
A mild inconvenience. |
不过是一次小小的挫折。 |
- 连续击杀后被击杀时
They paid a high price to delay me. *Chuckle* |
他们付出了高昂的代价,不过是拖延了我。*冷笑* |
- 被禅雅塔击杀时
You too, brother? |
竟然有你,兄弟? |
- 在好莱坞时
I refuse to die on a movie set. |
我拒绝死在电影片场。 |
- 波塞冬
I have ruined voyages for less. |
居然比掀翻海上的航船还费劲。 |
I return from the depths. |
我从深渊中归来。 |
Anger Poseidon at your peril. |
惹怒波塞冬,后果自负。 |
Resurfacing. |
再次浮出水面。 |
Immortal as the ocean. |
我和海洋一样不朽。 |
All the ocean is my domain. |
汪洋所及之处,皆是我的领地。 |
We are outnumbered! |
敌众我寡,局势不利! |
My strength returns. |
力量重回我身。 |
Better. Much better. |
不错,好多了。 |
I have been restored. |
我的状态恢复了。 |
My strength will be yours. |
我的力量为你出击。 |
Better, thank you. |
好多了,谢谢。 |
I knew you could not let me fall. |
我就知道你不会让我倒下的。 |
Thank you. |
谢谢你。 |
Thank you, brother. |
谢谢你,兄弟。 |
Your efforts will be rewarded. |
你的贡献会得到嘉奖。 |
We stand united. |
我们团结一致。 |
Together, we are unstoppable. |
你我联手,势不可挡。 |
Exactly what I needed. |
正是我想要的。 |
Thank you. |
谢谢你。 |
I thank you. |
感谢你。 |
Much appreciated. |
非常感谢。 |
You will not regret this. |
我不会让你后悔。 |
One of our enemies is being revived! |
有一名敌人要复活了! |
Our enemies approach. |
敌人正在接近。 |
Here they come. Get ready! |
敌人来了。做好准备! |
Our enemies await us. |
敌人等待着我们。 |
Behind you! |
注意身后! |
A sniper is nearby. Take cover! |
附近有狙击手。去找掩体! |
Find the teleporter! |
去找传送面板! |
- 寻找敌人 传送面板
They have a teleporter! |
他们有传送面板! |
- 发现敌人 传送面板
I have found the enemy teleporter! |
我找到了敌人的传送面板! |
- 摧毁敌人 传送面板
Enemy teleporter destroyed. |
敌方传送面板已摧毁。 |
The enemy has a shield generator! |
敌人部署了护盾发生器! |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
There's their shield generator! |
看到他们的护盾发生器了! |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Their shield generator is offline. |
他们的护盾发生器离线了。 |
- 发现 炮台
Destroy that turret! |
摧毁那座炮台! |
- 摧毁 炮台
Enemy turret destroyed. They are vulnerable! |
敌方炮台已摧毁。他们的弱点暴露了! |
Victory is inevitable! |
胜利是必然的结局! |
My power surges! |
我的力量在涌动! |
We are unstoppable! |
我们势不可挡! |
- 波塞冬
The leviathan rises! |
现世吧,利维坦! |
Might of the cyclones! |
飓风之力! |
The sea will swallow you! |
海洋会将你吞噬! |
Effective! |
卓有成效! |
Your strategies are intriguing. |
你的策略很有趣。 |
Well executed. |
精彩的处决。 |
A clever blow! |
精巧的一击! |
Strike them all down. No quarter! |
把他们彻底消灭,不要留情! |
They fall before us! |
敌人倒在了我们面前! |
So you are capable of violence, after all. |
看来你终究还是驾驭了暴力。 |
And that is how we rise above our programming. |
我们就该像这样突破自身程序的限制。 |
Now, imagine what you could accomplish unshackled from that human. |
想象一下,摆脱那个人类的束缚,你会有怎样的成就。 |
You truly were made for this. |
你果然是为毁灭而生的。 |
I am weakened. |
我被削弱了。 |
*Groan* Suboptimal. |
*哀叹*效能下降。 |
- 想要复活队友
We rise or fall together. Revive them! |
我们生死与共。复活盟友! |
Our ally needs to be revived! |
必须复活我们的盟友! |
Revive our ally! |
复活我们的盟友! |
- 队友被复活
Rise. I cannot fight them alone. |
站起来。只靠我对抗不了他们。 |
You are not finished yet. |
你的战斗还没有结束。 |
Rise. You are needed. |
起来,我们需要你。 |
Rise and fight. |
起来反抗! |
- 智械英雄
Reassemble yourself. I need you. |
重组你的机体。我需要你。 |
Rise, brother. We will face them together. |
起来吧,兄弟。我们一起迎战敌手。 |
You may not be so fortunate next time. |
下次你可能就不会这么走运了。 |
Careless. Do better. |
你大意了,再小心点。 |
Do not react. Anticipate. |
不要应敌而动,要料敌于先。 |
I told you to trust me, brother. |
我说过要相信我,兄弟。 |
I have you, Zenyatta. |
你有我在,禅雅塔。 |
I am on fire! |
我已火力全开。 |
The flames of liberation rise! |
自由的烈焰熊熊燃烧! |
I am on fire! Metaphorically. |
我火力全开!这是个比喻。 |
- 波塞冬
My winds howl! |
我的风暴在呼啸! |
Nothing but ashes remain. |
万物消逝,只余灰烬。 |
The battlefield is ours. |
战场由我们统治。 |
- 波塞冬
The waves close above them. |
滔天巨浪为他们送葬。 |
- 队友倒下
One of us has fallen! |
我们有人倒下了! |
We cannot afford to lose another! |
我们不能再有减员了! |
We have lost an ally! |
我们损失了一名盟友! |
- 队友被杀
We are taking casualties! |
队伍减员了! |
Careless. |
太粗心了。 |
- 受到禅雅塔乱的效果
Irritating. |
我要发怒了。 |
Unacceptable. |
不可接受。 |
- 投票史诗
This is not my victory. It is ours. |
我并非独自取胜,成功属于各位。 |
Together, we are stronger. |
团结一致,方能强大。 |
- 投票传奇
Finally. Vindication. |
终于洗刷了冤屈。 |
A victory for the forgotten. |
这场胜利献给被忘却者。 |
Our triumph is undeniable! |
我们的功绩不容置疑! |