More moods swings than your pregnant wife, Emotion 98.3. 感受比你怀孕的妻子还要强烈的情绪波动,尽在情感98.3。
Hello, I am Fernando Martinez and this is Emotion. When I first come to Vice City, I feel all lonely. A man on the outside, a foreigner, then I say, Fernando, you like to talk a lot. So I get a well-paid job on the radio and begin to make my name as a successful DJ. Now I'm not so lonely, but I never forget my roots, I never forget, and so I always have a soft spot for foreigner, I've Been Waiting is next. Hmmm... 大家好,欢迎收听情感电台,我是费尔南多·马丁内斯。我刚来到罪城的时候,一个人漂泊在异国他乡,感到十分孤独。我对自己说,费尔南多,你不是能说会道吗?于是我在电台找了份高薪工作,打算在DJ领域闯出自己的一片天地。而如今,我不再那么孤独了,但我并不会忘记我的归属,永远也忘不了,所以我对异乡人总是有一种莫名的亲切,下一首播放的曲目是我一直在等待着。
音乐:Foreigner - I've Been Waiting (For a Girl Like You)(我一直在等待着像你一样的女孩)
98.3 the Emotion. We give you emotion 24/7, not just once a month. 调频98.3情感电台,我们给你每时每刻的情感浪潮,不仅一月一次。
广告:Complete the Look(完美造型)
Let's keep on breaking hearts and pairing lines. Listen to me and more of this. You're on Emotion. 你现在收听的是情感电台,不要走开,让我们继续心心相印,灵魂共鸣。
I was losing myself in the music there for a moment, forgive me. It just hits me so hard sometimes, like a massive bit or missionary flying from a high building, or something, or a truck driving over your foot you know? Powerful, like a dream where you go to work naked. Let's take a break while I recompose myself. Remember, too much emotion is always a good thing. 原谅我,刚刚的音乐实在太令我陶醉了。有时候我就是会特别的感同身受,那种感觉就像大块的东西或者传教士什么的从一座高楼跳下来,就像是被大卡车轧到脚一样,你懂吗?非常具有冲击力,就仿佛你做了一个忘记穿衣服就去上班的梦。让我们休息片刻,我得重新整理一下心情。记住,太过于感性永远都是件好事。
We express emotion because you can't. Emotion 98.3. 我们宣泄情感因为你做不到。尽在情感98.3。
I think that song says so much about the human heart, don't you? Or as my people say “corazón”. My people make the womens and the cars bounce up and down. You see love important but so is the action, a real man needs more than one thing in life, do you know what I'm saying here? The heart and the loins both on fire, you know? Groaning and straining and making hot dirty passionate encounters with the secretaries, while the wife she sleeps at home. I know I have been there many times. You're on Emotion, where the heart remains true. 我觉得刚刚那首歌讲述了很多人的内心,你们觉得呢?我们那都称其为“corazón”。我们那的人会让女人和汽车都上下摇晃。你看爱情固然很重要,行动也很重要。真正的男人生活中需要的可不只有一件东西,你知道我在说什么吧?心儿似火烧,身上也刺挠,你懂吧?叫声、性奋,与秘书们进行着热烈又肮脏的激情碰撞,与此同时,妻子在家中熟睡。我都懂,因为我经历过很多次了。您现在收听的是情感电台,在这里,心灵始终如一。
音乐:REO Speedwagon - Keep on Loving You(一直爱你)
Oh, magnificent! I play a song for you, tonight you come to Fernando's night appearance at the club, Fernando play some emotional music. Maybe you'll meet a pretty lady who isn't interested in your long-term relationship, but is only interested in the passion of life, maybe even right outside in the parking lot. 噢!真是余音绕梁!我为你放了首歌,你今晚来俱乐部看弗尔南多的夜间表演,到时候我会给你们播放一些更有感染力的音乐。有可能到时候你会遇到一位美丽的小妞,她并不想追求长期的情感,只想感受生命的激情时刻,甚至没准在停车场出口旁就遇到了。
(Weeping) Emotion. 情感电台,好听到哭泣,呜呜呜……
Next up, we have a beautiful record for you to get in touch with yourself with, Cutting Crew - I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight, must have been something you said huh? 接下来,我们为你准备了一首美妙的唱片,让你更能感受到自己的存在,那就是Cutting Crew的今晚我只想死在你怀中,你一定曾经说过这句话吧,哈?
音乐:Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight(今晚我只想死在你怀中)
Let me tell you a story, the other night I was in a nightclub. As usual, I, Fernando was surrounded by beautiful women. I could have made love to any number of them. Then this really ugly girl come in, all fat and hairy and ugly and stuff, like a big fat cow, all walking on 2 legs you know? But she had the most beautiful eyes I ever saw, it was like opening a big dirty crabby shell and finding a beautiful pearl. Then this record come on. It was very appropriate, I talk too long Fernando's rating go down, I finish my story luego. 我来给你们讲个故事,有一天晚上我在夜间俱乐部。像往常一样,我,费尔南多,被一群美女围绕,本来是说只要我乐意,我想和几个女的做就和几个女的做。这时,一位巨丑无比的女人走了过来,又肥又丑,毛还多,就像一头用两条腿走路的肥牛,你能想象吗?但是她拥有着我这辈子见到的最美丽的眼睛,这种感觉就像你掰开一个又脏又烂的大贝壳,却在里面发现了一颗美丽的珍珠。唱片续上了,时机正好,我讲的太多的话,费尔南多的评分可就下降了,我过会儿在把这个故事讲完。
音乐:Roxy Music - More Than This(不止于此)
Every time, that track breaks my heart anew. (Long Pause, Song Continues) So anyway, as I was saying this ugly girl in the nightclub you know? Now of course, I, Fernando Martinez did not come home with this chick, as I have a reputation to keep up, a code. But I could see she was all lonely and stuff, and I feel really bad so I scour the nightclub, from top to bottom. And then I find this snuddy little English kid Paul or something, standing all alone, so I take him over to this ugly girl. I make them think, I make them talk, I tell them some jokes and soon they are singing, and they are dancing. And I say, Fernando, you have a gift my friend, a gift for romance. I like to see mens and womens to get together. People say, Fernando use your gift make money or buy a yacht, maybe a fast car. And I say, Fernando is on the radio, that is my gift to Vice City! 每次听这首歌,都会狠狠的触动我。(长时间停顿)我们接着讲,刚才我说的在夜间俱乐部见到的那位巨丑的女人你还记得不?当然,我,费尔南多到最后并没有带这个妞儿回家。出门在外,我还是有点声誉、有底线的。但我又不忍心看到她一个人在那孤独寂寞,于是我在整个俱乐部找啊找,翻了个遍,最后找到了一个英国的小孩,叫保罗还是什么的,也是一个人孤零零的站在那。然后我把他带到丑女那里,我让他们思考,让他们聊天,我还讲了一些笑话活跃气氛,没一会他们就一起唱歌跳舞。当时我真觉得,费尔南多,你真是有天赋,浪漫的天赋。我这个人就是喜欢给男人和女人牵线搭桥什么的。人们都说,费尔南多,你用这天赋赚点钱,买艘游艇或者买辆跑车多好。我说,我在这个电台直播,这就是我带给罪城最大的礼物。
We just going to take a quick break, listen to some commercials and stuff. Don't go away, you'll break Fernando's heart. 我们先休息片刻,听点广告什么的。不要走开,别让我心碎。
广告:Pastor Richards Salvation Fund(理查德牧师的救赎基金)
Whatever cruising means to you, here's music to cruise to. Emotion. 不管乘车兜风对你来说意味着什么,这些音乐都很适合你边兜风边听。情感电台。
Wasn't that beautiful? Like a gorgeous woman bending over to pick something up you know? Or a fat girl who suddenly loses a lot of weight. Ah yah yah... 是不是很美妙?就像正在弯腰捡东西时的美女一样,懂吗?或者说像一位很胖的女孩突然掉了很多体重。啊呀呀……
Vice City is a beautiful town, no? A real special place filled with hopes and dreams and beautiful and hot women, and men like me. Well, not many men like me. But it is a jungle out there, a bit like Africa. You can go out on a safari in Vice City and get a Rhino if you like. I love all woman, even the fat ones, though I don't tell anybody about that. The next record's all about Africa. Toto, take it away. I love you, mi amor. 罪城实在是美极了,对吧?一个非常特殊的地方,充满了希望、梦想和辣妹,以及像我一样的男人。好吧,其实并没有很多像我一样的男人。罪城宛如一片丛林,就像是非洲一样。只要你愿意,你可以在这里探险,甚至获得一辆犀牛(坦克)。我爱所有的女性,即便胖点也没关系,虽然我从没告诉过别人这些。下一首曲目也是关于非洲的,由Toto演奏,一起欣赏吧。我爱你们,亲爱的。
Welcome back, you're on Emotion conmigo, Fernando Martinez. 欢迎回来,你现在收听的是情感电台,和我,费尔南多·马丁内斯一起。
Stay with me, stay with Fernando, por favor, mi amor, cielito! It's like Fernando say to his ex-wife, "I love you. Please, don't leave me! It is not what you think. I was bitten by a snake and the nice lady, she came to suck out the poison." The story, see no work very well. 待在这,陪陪我,求求你了,亲爱的!这听起来怎么这么像我说给前妻的话:“我爱你,不要离开我!不是你想的那样。我是被蛇和一位好心的太太咬了,我是说她在帮我吸出毒液。”这个故事对她不怎么管用。
The station for laughter and sorrow, heartbreak, and tears and those post therapy session blues. Emotion 98.3. 欢笑和悲伤、心碎与泪水的驻留之地,解忧疗愈你的心。尽在情感98.3。
音乐:Mister Mister - Broken Wings(折断的翅膀)
Marvelous! I love that record. It grabs me by the crotch and shakes me around until I am not sure if I am a man or a woman. Then I remember I am Fernando Martinez, Mister Fernando Martinez, and this is Mister Mister with Broken Wings. 美妙绝伦!我超爱这一首。它就像提着我的胯把我晃来晃去,我都不知道自己是男是女了。然后我只记得我是费尔南多·马丁内斯,是马丁内斯先生。接下来为你献上的音乐是Mister Mister演奏的折断的翅膀。
Interesting stuff, but not as interesting as what happens when a man and woman fall passionately in love, or maybe when things go wrong, you will need a man like Fernando, to sort things out, to make things whole and better again. When your throwing household dishes at each other, when she pulls out the knife, when the heart and the crotch are not in alignment, you know? 很有意思,但是不如发生在男人和女人之间激烈的爱情火花有意思。当生活不如意的时候,你就需要一个男人,就比如我,费尔南多,帮你把烂摊子收拾好,让事情再一次变得完整。当你们互相扔盘子摔碗时,当她拔刀相向时,当心与胯不在一条线上时,你懂吧?
Your prescription for unwanted emotion. (Female Crying) Emotion. 摆脱失落情绪的不二处方,尽在情感98.3,太好哭了呜呜呜……
音乐:John Waite - Missing You(在想你)
This is Emotion breaking hearts and saving lives every hour of everyday. You see I'm your doctor of love, Fernando Martinez. Except I do not go to medical school. Fernando knows many languages, but I mostly know the language of love. Some people call the radio station and say, "Fernando, are you bilingual?" I said I try anything once. Hope you are having a powerful day! Filled with love and passion and hot dirty action, you know? Let's take a break. Don't go away please, I'm begging you! 这里是无时无刻不催人泪下,治愈人心的情感电台。我是你们爱情的医生,费尔南多·马丁内斯,只不过我没上过医学院。费尔南多会很多种语言,但我最会的还是爱情的语言。有人给电台打电话问:“费尔南多,你精通双语吗?”我回答说,我什么东西都会试那么一次。希望你今天充满活力,充满爱情和激情,还有动作片,懂吧?让我们稍作休息。千万不要走开,我求你了!
音乐:Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme(克罗克特主题曲)
Have you noticed how popular synthesizers are getting? It's not the same as a lonely man with a pony tail, singing of his love on a guitar, at the door of his Hermes hacienda. But it is not far short. See what you think of mister Jan Hammer. 你有没有注意到最近合成器越来越流行了?这和那种“扎着辫子的孤独男人,坐在爱马仕庄园门口,伴随着吉他唱出的爱”不同,但也大差不差了。听听看觉得Jan Hammer的这首音乐如何。
Oh, that was magnificent! Like a beautiful woman, or a group of ugly despite ones, you know the kind, anyone can get a hold of, even if you're a little slow and take special classes. You're listening to Fernando Martinez on Emotion. You remember, it's a good thing to feel the emotion but don't have too much emotion or you go get an order of protection against you. 噢,精妙绝伦!就像不管是一位美女,还是一群丑女,懂吧,总有人能欣赏的来,即便你学的比较慢还需要特殊的指导。你现在收听的是情感电台,这里是费尔南多·马丁内斯。记得,有感情是好事,但别太感性了,不然你得去申请个保护令了。
98.3 Emotion. 调频98.3情感电台。
Fernando is feeling very emotional right now, so we need to take a break. 费尔南多听歌听得感动过头了,所以我们先休息一下。
This is Emotion let's keep on with the power, this track will break your heart. It's the power of music. 这里是情感电台,让我们继续保持这份力量。这首歌将会让你痛哭流涕,这就是音乐的力量。
音乐:Night Ranger - Sister Christian(修女)
Oh magnificent! I touch myself. 噢!美妙无比!我都把自己感动哭了。
Really interesting I think, what about you? Do you like that one does it make you tremble and quiver and groan and feel alive? I play the music that makes the people feel touched. Don't go away! 我觉得很有意思,你觉得呢?你喜欢这种让人兴奋到颤抖,不断呻吟的音乐吗?我放的都是打动人心的音乐。不要走开!
广告:Fernando's Medallion Man(费尔南多的男人奖章)
音乐:Luther Vandross - Never Too Much(永不嫌多)
广告:Thor's Norse Power Program(索尔的北欧力量计划)
广告:BJ Smith's Fit For Football(BJ史密斯的健身橄榄球)