释放实验屏障 时
Barrier initialized! |
屏障初始化完成! |
The barrier appears! |
屏障出现! |
Actuating the barrier! |
正在启动屏障! |
实验屏障 受到攻击时
The barrier endures assault! |
屏障正在遭受攻击! |
The enemy attacks the barrier! |
敌人在攻击屏障! |
Barrier is sustaining damage! |
屏障遭受重创! |
实验屏障 即将破碎时
The barrier is weakened! |
屏障被削弱了。 |
Barrier is nearly spent! |
屏障几乎要碎了! |
The barrier cannot withstand much more! |
屏障快撑不住了! |
Barrier is splintering! |
屏障即将解体! |
实验屏障 破碎时
The barrier has fallen! |
屏障已经损坏! |
Barrier has been overwhelmed! |
屏障被毁了! |
My barrier is gone! |
我的屏障失效了! |
Barrier unsuccessful! |
屏障已破裂! |
收起 实验屏障 时
Collapsing the barrier! |
正在收起屏障! |
Withdrawing the barrier! |
正在撤回屏障! |
Return to me! |
回我这里来! |
释放 动能俘获 时
*Kinetic Grasp*存在于守望先锋1代 |
*动能俘获* |
*Kinetic Grasp*存在于守望先锋1代 |
*动能俘获* |
*Kinetic Grasp*存在于守望先锋1代 |
*动能俘获* |
动能俘获 转化伤害时
KE equals one half mass times velocity squared. |
动能等于二分之一的质量乘速度的平方。 |
Energy converted. |
能量已转换。 |
动能俘获 转化大量伤害时
Mass, velocity... no, no, no! |
质量,速度……不,不,不! |
What is it... what is it? |
那是什么……是什么? |
It's wrong... it's all wrong! |
不对……完全不对! |
Hold it together, hold it together...! |
冷静,冷静……! |
I... I need to think! |
我……我需要思考! |
动能俘获 吸收终极技能时
- 吸收卡西迪的神射手时
Reach for the stars! |
手握星辰! |
- 吸收查莉娅的重力喷涌时
The power of attraction! |
引力的力量! |
I have harnessed the harness.存在于守望先锋1代 |
引力由我掌控。 |
- 吸收美的暴雪时
The void of space is colder, still. |
宇宙空间的温度更低。 |
- 吸收半藏的竜时( 竜 变成巨龙前)
A draconic anomaly! |
这奇异的现象如同巨龙! |
- 吸收法老之鹰的火箭弹幕时
The storm has been weathered. |
降在我手中。 |
- 吸收士兵:76的战术目镜时
You see but a fraction of the universe. |
你看到的不过是宇宙的一角。 |
- 吸收猎空的脉冲炸弹时
Out of time, once again. |
你的时间又不够了。 |
释放 质量吸附 时
*Accretion Mass*.存在于守望先锋1代 |
*质量吸附* |
*Accretion Mass*.存在于守望先锋1代 |
*质量吸附* |
*Accretion Mass*.存在于守望先锋1代 |
*质量吸附* |
质量吸附 击杀敌人时
Brute force! |
野蛮的力量! |
Crumble! |
粉碎! |
So obvious! |
太显眼了! |
Fundamental... *Laugh* elemental! |
物理学的基石……*大笑*基石! |
Collision! |
冲击! |
A fateful trajectory! |
这是命运的轨迹! |
The asteroid's shadow looms! |
小行星带来了末日! |
Earth meets sky! |
天地碰撞! |
Death has travelled lightyears to take you! |
死亡穿越了无数光年,只为和你相见! |
Ultimately, a rock. |
终结于一块石头。 |
Invisible object, unstoppable force. |
无法观测的目标,无法阻挡的力量。 |
Re-enter the atmosphere! |
重返大气层! |
Counter-argument? a boulder. |
解决纷争,只需一块石头。 |
How about a rock? |
来块石头尝尝! |
Irresistible! |
反抗毫无意义! |
Immovable object, unstoppable force. |
无法移动的目标,无法阻挡的力量。 |
释放终极技能 引力乱流 时
引力乱流 击杀敌人时
To dust you shall return!存在于守望先锋1代 |
你们都将归于尘土! |
The unbearable weight of gravity! |
引力,不可承受之重! |
Collapse! |
坍缩吧! |
To the void! |
归于虚空! |
Fallen and forgotten! |
沉沦在时空之中! |
The unfathomable weight of gravity! |
引力,不可理解之重! |
To the abyss! |
归于深渊! |