That settles it! Every problem is a nail. |
搞定!问题都是钉子,碰到就掏锤子。 |
Kapow! Haha! |
砰砰!哈哈! |
Smack! |
给你一锤! |
Knock knock. |
咚咚咚。 |
Nailed it! |
敲定了! |
The most useful tool of them all. |
这可是最实用的工具。 |
Hammered away! |
一锤定音! |
(Chuckles) Hammer down. |
(窃笑)吃我一锤。 |
Who needs a fist when you have a hammer? |
手上有锤子,谁还用拳头? |
Sorry, thought you were a nail. |
抱歉,把你当成钉子了。 |
- 击杀使用位移技能的英雄时
All that speed seems nice until you run into a hammer. |
跑得快一般都是好事,除非你一头撞在锤子上。 |
Turret deployed!![]() |
炮台已部署! |
A thing of beauty!![]() |
美丽的宝贝儿! |
Show them what you can do!![]() |
让他们瞧瞧! |
Make your maker proud! |
让我为你骄傲吧! |
Turret in position. |
炮台已就位。 |
They're going to love this. |
他们一定会爱上这个的。 |
I've high hopes for you. |
你肯定会有出息的。 |
Show them what you got. |
让他们看看你的本事。 |
Installed and ready to go. |
安装完成,随时开火。 |
(Chuckles) Now it's going to get interesting. |
(窃笑)这下事情可有意思了。 |
You're all set up my dear. |
都安顿好了,宝贝儿。 |
Launching turret! |
发射炮台! |
- 旧版
Let's hear those guns!![]() |
来点儿炮声吧! |
Ha! Now, that's what I had in mind!![]() |
哈!完全跟我计划的一样! |
My masterpiece.![]() |
这可是我的杰作。 |
Alright! Now do what you were built to do!![]() |
好了!快干活! |
Now we're getting somewhere!![]() |
这才像话嘛! |
Fixing you right up! |
这就把你修好! |
I'll get you running like new again. |
我会让你恢复全新的状态。 |
Don't you break on me yet! |
有我在,不会让你坏掉的! |
Just a little touch up. |
小修一下就好。 |
A little mending's all you need. |
只要修补一下就会好起来。 |
Let's patch you up. |
我来帮你处理一下。 |
- 铁甲圣诞老人
(grumble) I need some elves for this!![]() |
啊,我需要一些圣诞小精灵来帮我修这个! |
My turret's under fire!![]() |
我的炮台正遭到攻击! |
(grunt) My turret is being attacked!![]() |
我的炮台正受到攻击! |
My turret's getting hit! |
我的炮台挨打了! |
My baby's under attack! |
我的宝贝被人袭击了! |
They're hurting my turret! |
他们在伤害我的炮台! |
Pick on someone your own size! |
你们只会欺负小朋友吗! |
My baby's destroyed! |
他们拆掉了我的小宝贝! |
My precious work! |
那是我的心血! |
Oops, did I leave that there?![]() |
哎呀,我把炮台留在那儿了? |
(laughs) A marvel of engineering! Don't you think?![]() |
(大笑)简直是工程学奇观!你觉得呢? |
(laugh) A marvel of craftsmanship! Don't you think?![]() |
(laugh) 工艺技巧的奇迹!你不觉得吗? |
Function and beauty! |
强大又美丽! |
Now that's a turret. |
那就是炮台的威力。 |
Wonder who designed that little gem? |
想知道那颗明珠是谁设计的吗? |
Pretty useful, if I do say so myself. |
太好用了,我只能这么评价。 |
Calibration's spot on. |
校准精确无误。 |
My little assistant. |
真是我的小助手。 |
You can't mass-produce that! |
流水线上可造不出这样的宝贝! |
I see you fell for my new Anti-Reinhardt turret technology! |
哼哼,被我最新的反莱因哈特炮台技术教训惨了吧! |
Takes after her maker. |
跟她的制造者一个样。 |
- 其他英雄
Calibrated to the billionth planck length! |
哼哼,这可是普朗克长度十亿分之一的校准精度! |
Psh! I wrote the manual for your gravity compensators. |
切!你的重力补偿器用的说明书还是我写的呢。 |
Let's give you some adjusting. |
我来给你改进一下。 |
Time to upgrade. |
该做个升级了。 |
A little modification. |
得做点儿小改动。 |
Now we're getting somewhere!![]() |
这才像话! |
C'mon, baby!![]() |
加油,宝贝儿! |
That'll do.![]() |
马上就好了。 |
Come on!![]() |
快点! |
Damn machine!![]() |
这该死的机器! |
Just wait and see what I have in mind!![]() |
就瞧好吧你们! |
How about this?![]() |
这样如何? |
I'm overloading!![]() |
我要过载了! |
Time to let off some steam!![]() |
该放放蒸汽了! |
Power overwhelming!![]() |
势不可挡! |
Maximum power!![]() |
能量无限! |
Turning up the heat!![]() |
开始加热! |
Working the bellows!![]() |
铁锤响叮当! |
Time to burn up some stars! |
该烧烧恒星了! |
I can use this.![]() |
对我很有用。 |
I can always use more.![]() |
这玩意儿不嫌多。 |
This will come in handy.![]() |
这会很管用。 |
Oh, yes! Come to me!![]() |
哦,哈哈!来吧宝贝儿! |
Take this armor. |
拿上这个护甲包。 |
Armor ready. |
护甲包做好了。 |
Pick up your armor. |
来拿你的护甲。 |
Grab your armor here! |
来这拿护甲包! |
Here's an armor pack. |
这有个护甲包。 |
- 护甲包未使用时
Hello? Armor's still there. |
喂喂?护甲包还在那呢。 |
Armor's still up for grabs. |
护甲包还在等人拿呢。 |
The armor's going to waste. |
护甲包要被浪费了。 |