That's it!![]() |
就这样! |
You walked right into that one.![]() |
这是你自己往枪口上撞的。 |
Back to the slag heaps!![]() |
滚回垃圾场吧! |
I think I've made improvements... to your face.![]() |
我觉得我给你……整了整容。 |
What a riveting experience!![]() |
真精彩! |
If you can't stand the heat... stay out of my way.![]() |
如果你受不了这么热……那就别挡道。 |
Slagged.![]() |
渣渣。 |
I told you the size of the hammer's not important.![]() |
我告诉过你锤子的大小无所谓。 |
Must be a bug in your system.![]() |
肯定是你的系统里还有问题没修复。 |
Back to the midden heap.![]() |
滚回垃圾堆吧。 |
Don't tell your mother about this.![]() |
千万别跟你妈告状。 |
Scrapped! |
报废了! |
(Chuckles) And I only needed one eye. |
哈,我只用一只眼睛。 |
Don't underestimate a Lindholm. |
别小看林德霍姆家的人。 |
Didn't account for that weak spot, did you? |
哟呵,没想到被我打中要害了吧? |
It's an honor to get dismantled by me! |
被我报废是你的荣幸! |
You're not cut out for the big leagues yet! |
你还嫩了点儿,再多练练! |
Should've gotten the Lindholm upgrade! |
叫你装林德霍姆升级包你不听! |
All that sophistication can't save you. |
再复杂的系统也救不了你的命。 |
I'll never hear the end of this from Ingrid. |
英格瑞德会骂我一辈子的。 |
I always knew your foolishness would be the end of you. |
我就知道你早晚会为你的愚蠢搭上性命。 |
Stay out of my systems! |
别碰我的系统! |
All fun and games until someone gets hurt. |
某些人受伤的时候,游戏就不好玩了。 |
This old screw's still got it! |
我这颗老螺丝还有点能耐! |
That's your last haunt. |
不许再装神弄鬼了。 |
I think you need more genetic enhancements. |
我看你的基因强化做得还不够彻底。 |
Torbjorn's on top. |
托比昂更强。 |
I planned that perfectly. |
被我安排得明明白白。 |
All according to design. |
计划执行得严丝合缝。 |
Go on, get out of here. |
赶紧滚一边去吧。 |
I saw right through you. (chuckles). |
我看穿你了。(窃笑) |
Popped in the mouth, right there in the sky! |
就算在天上,我照样送你上天! |
Bold of Amari to use my own tech against me. |
艾玛莉,你竟敢用我的科技来对付我。 |
Try to do that right in my face? You deserve what you got! |
在我面前耍花样?你还嫩得很! |
You maniac! What were you doing up there? |
你这个疯子!跑天上去干什么? |
They never expect a flying Lindholm! |
没想到吧,会飞的林德霍姆! |
Don't play around with lava. |
熔岩不是给你闹着玩的。 |
Couldn't we have talked this over, Reyes? |
就不能好好谈谈吗,莱耶斯? |
(laughs) Sniped! |
(大笑)狙死你! |
Looks like a fault in your jump pack, Winston. |
喷射背包出故障了吧,温斯顿。 |
That settles it! Every problem is a nail. |
搞定!问题都是钉子,碰到就掏锤子。 |
Kapow! Haha! |
砰砰!哈哈! |
Smack! |
给你一锤! |
Knock knock. |
咚咚咚。 |
Nailed it! |
敲定了! |
The most useful tool of them all. |
这可是最实用的工具。 |
Hammered away! |
一锤定音! |
(Chuckles) Hammer down. |
(窃笑)吃我一锤。 |
Who needs a fist when you have a hammer? |
手上有锤子,谁还用拳头? |
Sorry, thought you were a nail. |
抱歉,把你当成钉子了。 |
- 击杀使用位移技能的英雄时
All that speed seems nice until you run into a hammer. |
跑得快一般都是好事,除非你一头撞在锤子上。 |
- 黑胡子船长&红胡子船长
Shiver me timbers!![]() |
敢吓唬老子! |
Bah! That starship wasn't meant to fly. |
啊!那艘星舰就不该在天上飞。 |
That's for increasing taxation on turbodrive parts! |
这就是上调涡轮发动机零件税金的代价! |
That's why you don't put all your tendrils in one garbutrex! |
呵,这下知道为什么不能把触须都放在一个嘎布脆里了吧! |
Looks like you've been decommissioned! |
看来你下台了! |
Foo'reestu hee miwaroo! |
(外星语)Foo'reestu hee miwaroo! |
Ah! Free parts! |
啊!免费的零件! |
Gor'ibblo! Stop fooling around! |
戈尔瑞波罗!别胡闹了! |
Shove that up your exhaust pipe! |
去你的排气管! |
Ha! Take that, you teek-teek-wu'ree! |
哈!尝尝这个,你这(外星语)teek-teek-wu'ree! |
Just as I thought. |
和我算得一样。 |
I engineered that perfectly. |
被我设计得清清楚楚。 |
How satisfactory. |
这就对了。 |
Haha! Enjoy your flight. |
哈哈!一路走好。 |
Hope you packed your wings. |
希望你带了翅膀。 |
Off you go. |
下去吧你。 |
Enjoy the free fall. |
当个快乐的自由落体吧。 |
Exhibit A? gravity. |
证据1:重力。 |
No one messes with the beard. |
别把大胡子惹毛了。 |
Thought I'd forget? |
你以为我忘了吗? |
And stay out of my way. |
别挡我的道。 |
Here's your old cheese back. |
动我的奶酪就是这个下场。 |
- 超远距离击杀
- 重伤击杀
Everything is awesome.![]() |
一切都超棒的! |
I'm in the zone!![]() |
这儿我最厉害! |
(Chuckles) Short but deadly. |
(大笑)个虽矮却致命。 |
One eye, one arm, countless wins! |
一条胳膊,一只眼睛,但却赢个不停! |
And that's how it's done. |
活就得这么干。 |
Don't count the oldies out yet. |
别拿老头子不当回事。 |
I've still got the fire! |
我的火还没熄呢! |
Sometimes I surprise myself. |
有时候,我自己都惊讶。 |
Who's next? |
下一个轮到谁? |
It's not luck. It's all skill. |
不是运气,是技术。 |
(Laughs) They walked straight into that! |
(大笑)他们就这么送上门来了! |
(Whistles) Efficient! |
(吹口哨)这才叫效率! |
A beautiful shot! |
那一下真漂亮! |
Who's counting? I am. |
谁在数人头?是我。 |
Greasing the old shoulder. |
给我的肩膀上上油。 |
Hit the nail on the head! |
一锤敲在钉头上! |
Hammered. |
砸扁你。 |
Here's some percussive maintenance. |
给你敲打敲打。 |
Kapow! |
砰砰! |