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You can be improved.
你还有改造的空间。 4

Somebody has to stand up for the people!
总要有人挺身而出! 9

Perhaps we only exist in the memory of a person now gone.
或许我们不过是已逝之人记忆中的幽影。 19

Wait 'til you see me on my bike.
等我骑上摩托你就知道了。 25

Watch your step. It's a long way down.
未来很长,切记留心脚下。 29

This is my neck of the woods.
这片林子是我的。 34

It's all connected.
这些都不是偶然…… 39

High tech, low tech... we all die, in the end.
科技是高是低……到头来,我们终有一死。 45

You are parts, and I am whole.
你们是残破的,而我是完整的。 49

With these upgrades, they don't stand a chance.
有了这些改造,敌人不堪一击。 54

The dragon and I are one.
天龙与我,人龙合一。 58

I run with blades all the time.
刀锋就是我的银色羽翼。 62

Ooh! I do love neon.
我喜欢霓虹灯! 67

I do not cower in the presence of evil.
面对邪恶,我不会退缩。 73



Do not tell the mammal how high he can go.
不要告诉小动物能飞多高。 4

Call me Cyclops again and see what happens.
再叫我独眼巨人就让你好看。 9

I lay claim to divine fire.
圣火应当归我所有。 18

You trying to get - is it "smited" or "smitten"?
你是不是想挨——“挨锤”,还是“挨劈”来着? 25

I've got the Midas touch! That's a good thing, right?
我有点金之手!这是好事,对吧? 29

Make like Odysseus and get lost.
像奥德修斯一样迷失吧。 34

I wield the scales and the sword.
我手持天秤和利剑。 39

If I was a Greek god I'd be Dyne... Dyon.... The one with the grapes.
如果让我当希腊神,我要当狄恩……狄昂……反正就是那个管葡萄酒的。 46

The man who enters hell is not the man who leaves.
进入冥界再走出冥界,人便不是同一个人。 49

Shape up, or I'll have you cleaning stables!
精神点儿,不然让你去扫牛棚! 54

It's called a marathon but once I do it they'll call it a Tracer-thon. (Pause) (Awkward Laughing) Yeah!
马拉松的故事大家都知道,不过如果当时派我去送信的话,这项运动可能就要叫“猎空松”了。(停顿)(尴尬的笑)耶! 58

Justice is cruel. It demands sacrifice.
正义是残酷的,要想成就它,唯有牺牲。 62

Go push a rock up a hill.
把石头推到山顶上去。 67

Real life is not like the stories our fathers told us.
现实不可能和父亲说的故事一样。 73



My beard is older than you are.
我的胡子都比你年纪大。 3

Tell me a story. And make it a good one.
给我讲个故事吧。讲得好听点。 9

What reason have you to fear me?
你那么怕我是为什么? 18

I've always had a gift for fire!
三昧真火我也会! 28

Who’d have thought that strontium and barium, properly oxidized, could make the night sky so beautiful?
谁能想到,一点点锶和钡(哦,要经过适当的氧化),居然能让夜空变得这么好看。 33

Who wants to be immortal?
维生力场让你不朽,谁想来? 38

I'm obviously the most precious.
最宝贵的那一个肯定是我。 44

(Chinese) With persistence, we can move mountains!
愚公移山! 54

I'm feeling divine!
我感觉如有神助! 59

Lure me out. I dare you.
有本事,就把我引出去。 62

(Japanese) Dreaming of a fond reality.
(日语)浮生若梦。 66

Sometimes, it's six shots, one kill.
有时候,要六枪才能干掉一个。 76



This is no time for diplomacy!
现在不是搞外交的时候! 4

Drift into the void.
飘向虚空。 9

An opera? In space? (Pause) I'd watch it.
歌剧?在太空里演的?(停顿)嗯,可以看看。 18

The galaxy will tremble before us.
银河将在我们面前颤抖。 28

I want a nebula to myself.
我想要个星云。 33

There are many stars in the sky.
苍穹之上,群星闪耀。 38

Dream of paradise, and live in hope.
憧憬天堂,心怀希望。 44

Unlimited power!
无限的力量! 54

Throw a planet at me? I'll throw it back.
把星球扔到我脸上?我再扔回去就是了。 59

Prepare to be boarded.
准备登船作战。 62

That's hard vacuum, baby.
这可是高真空,宝贝。 66

Infinitus in infinitum.
无穷无尽,无限无垠。 76



We are simply on different levels.
我们不在同一个级别。 3

Who said chivalry is dead?
谁说骑士精神过时了? 9

Rust... my greatest weakness.
生锈……是我最大的弱点。 18

You know yourself.
你心里清楚。 28

Gain more experience before you challenge me again.
想挑战我?先去练练级再说。 33

There are slimes with more personality than you.
你还不如某些史莱姆有魅力。 38

How do you want to do this?
现在你想怎么做? 44

This time, I'll roll higher.
这一次,我的骰运肯定好。 54

It was a dark and stormy night. That was pretty good!
那是一个月黑风高的夜晚。感觉还不错吧! 59

You can still be good while being up to no good.
行“不义”之事,怀正义之心。 62

I could use an adventure.
我想冒个险…… 66

Six demonic hearts burn within my chest!
我的胸膛里燃烧着六颗恶魔心脏! 76



We did not start this war.
这场战争不是我们挑起的。 3

level failed beeps
关卡失败的哔哔声 9

Diagnostics complete. All systems go.
自检完毕。所有系统正常。 18

I would know if I was a robot. Wouldn't I?
我要是机器人,我还能不知道吗,对吧? 28

Someone call for the repairman?
有人需要修理师吗? 33

I fought for peace for too long. I was a fool.
我为和平奋斗了太久,何等的愚蠢。 38

The real "Null Sector" is the space between your ears!
被“归零”的其实是你两只耳朵中间的那一块! 44

History will forgive me, even if you cannot.
就算你们不肯原谅,历史也会原谅我。 54

Old habits die hard.
旧习难改。 59

I have accepted what I am.
我已经接受了现在的自己。 62

Don't make me your nemesis.
别让我成为你的天罚。 66

Even the best journeys end.
再精彩的旅途也有终点。 76



It's the witching hour.
现在是女巫时刻。 3

Want to hear something scary? (Whispers) Easy mode.
想听点恐怖的吗?(低语)简单模式。 9

You're lucky I don't have my chainsaw.
我没带电锯,算你走运。 16

What evil dooms, I will save.
邪恶要毁灭的,由我来拯救。 22

The only ghosts are the worries that haunt us.
唯一的鬼魂就是萦绕内心的忧虑。 28

No tricks from you.
你就别想捣蛋了。 33

What lurks in the dark?
黑暗中潜藏着什么? 38

Pumpkin spice... latte? Tell me that isn't real.
南瓜香料拿铁……?这不是认真的吧? 44

(Wolf howl)
(狼嚎) 49

Fear is just in your amygdala.
恐惧是由你的杏仁核产生的。 54

Don't scream.
别瞎叫唤。 59

The hamster smells your fear.
仓鼠闻到了你的恐惧。 62

Without fear, there is no fury.
没有恐惧,就没有愤怒。 66

See you in your nightmares.
我们噩梦里见。 76