- 我方抢占机器人
Starting the push. |
开始推进。 |
Let's go, robot! |
走吧,机器人! |
Come on, robot. Let's move. |
来吧,机器人。我们走。 |
- 敌方抢占机器人
We need to get the robot back! |
我们得把机器人抢回来! |
They took it from us! |
他们抢走了机器人! |
The enemy stole the robot! |
敌人偷走了机器人! |
- 我方机器人正在推进
Robot's pushing the barricade. |
机器人在推进挡板。 |
Moving with the robot! |
和机器人一起前进! |
Pushing up with the robot. |
和机器人一起推进。 |
- 敌方机器人正在推进
Their barricade's advancing. |
他们的挡板正在前进。 |
Their barricade is on the move. Stop them! |
敌人的挡板正在移动。阻止他们! |
They're pushing the barricade! |
他们正在推进挡板! |
- 我方机器人获得优势
We're ahead. Don't let that change. |
我们领先了。把握住这个优势。 |
The lead is ours. Let's keep this up. |
我们领先了,继续保持住。 |
We've taken the lead. Let's keep going. |
我们现在领先,再接再厉吧。 |
- 敌方机器人获得优势
They took the lead! |
敌人领先了! |
They've pushed further than us! |
敌人的进度超过我们了! |
(frustrated sound) We've fallen behind. |
(沮丧)我们居然落后了。 |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Move the robot! |
让机器人动起来! |
Push the robot! |
来推机器人! |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
Stop the robot! |
拦住机器人! |
Stop their push! |
阻止他们的推进! |
- 我方机动推进进度逼近
Just a bit farther and we'll take the lead! |
再推进一点,我们就领先了! |
We're almost in the lead. Keep going! |
我们马上就领先了,再加把劲! |
We're close to taking the lead. Push forward! |
我们就快领先了。继续推进! |
- 敌方机动推进进度逼近
They're going to overtake us! |
他们快要赶上我们了! |
Don't let them take the lead! |
别叫他们领先了! |
They've almost caught up! |
他们就要反超了! |
- 机动推进加时进攻
This is our last chance. Stay on the robot! |
这是最后的机会了。跟紧机器人! |
Stay at the robot's side or we lose! |
不想输的话就待在机器人身边! |
Don't leave the robot no matter what! |
不管怎么样都不能离开机器人! |
- 机动推进加时防守
If we stop them, it's over! |
只要拦住敌人,比赛就结束了! |
If we stop them, we can end this! |
只要拦住他们,就能终结这场战斗! |
Stop them and we'll win! |
拦住敌人,我们就赢了! |
- 想要占领目标点
Focus on the objective! |
集中攻击目标点! |
Attack the objective! |
攻击目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
I'm taking the objective. |
我正在夺取目标点。 |
I'll take the point. |
我来占领目标点。 |
The objective is mine. |
目标点属于我了。 |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
Get them away from the point! |
把他们从目标点逼退! |
They're on the point! |
他们在目标点里! |
They're taking the point. Push them off! |
敌人在夺取目标点。把他们赶走! |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Protect the objective! |
保护目标点! |
Defend the objective! |
守住目标点! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Move the payload! |
快转移运载目标! |
Push the payload! |
推进运载目标! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop the payload! |
阻止运载目标! |
- 护送运载目标时
Payload's moving. Let's go. |
运载目标正在移动。跟上它! |
I'm on the payload. |
我在盯着运载目标。 |
I'm moving the payload. |
我正在转移运载目标。 |
- 我方运载目标停下时
Hurry up and move the payload. |
抓紧推进运载目标! |
Why isn't the Payload moving? |
运载目标怎么停住了? |
That payload needs to move! |
必须让运载目标动起来! |
- 敌方运载目标动起来时
The payload's moving. Stop them! |
运载目标在移动。快阻止他们! |
Get them away from the payload! |
把他们从运载目标旁赶走! |
We have to stop the payload! |
我们得阻止运载目标! |
- 运载目标进攻方加时赛
Hurry up! There's no time left! |
快点!时间不多了! |
We're running out of time! |
我们没时间了! |
If we don't get moving, we lose everything! |
再不行动的话,我们就彻底输了! |
- 运载目标防守方加时赛
Stand your ground. We won't lose! |
坚守阵地。我们绝不会输! |
Keep holding out. We're almost done here. |
坚持住。我们马上就能成功了。 |
It's almost over. Don't give in! |
马上就结束了。不要放弃! |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Capture the flag! |
把旗帜夺下来! |
Attack the enemy flag! |
攻击敌方旗帜! |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
Flag delivered. |
旗帜已送达。 |
Easy. |
真轻松。 |
- 保护我方旗帜
Defend the flag! |
守住旗帜! |
Protect our flag! |
保护我们的旗帜! |
- 我方丢下旗帜
I dropped the flag! |
我丢下了旗帜! |
Dropped the flag. |
旗帜掉了。 |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
Don't let them do that again. |
不能让他们再得逞了。 |
How did we let that happen? |
怎么能让敌人得逞呢? |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
They dropped our flag! |
敌人丢下了我们的旗帜! |
Retrieve our flag! |
拿回我们的旗帜了! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
Get our flag back! |
把旗帜夺回来! |
They took our flag! |
敌人抢走了我们的旗帜! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
Let's get the flag back. |
我们得把旗帜夺回来。 |
Recover the flag! |
夺回旗帜! |
- 送回我方旗帜
Securing the flag. |
旗帜安全了。 |
Returning the flag to base. |
正在归还旗帜。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
Taking the flag back to base. |
正在将旗帜带回基地。 |
I have the flag. |
我拿到旗帜了。 |