I carry my burdens alone. |
我的重担只能由我自己承受。 |
Illari. Reporting in. |
伊拉锐前来报到。 |
Don't slow me down. |
别拖后腿。 |
No holding back. Let's move. |
我们上,不要手软。 |
I won't fail. |
我不会失败的。 |
I'll see this through. No matter what. |
不管怎么样,我都会坚持到底。 |
I wonder if Chuño misses me. I'll kick his butt if he doesn't. |
不知道丘纽有没有想我。敢不想的话我就踹他屁股。 |
No mistakes. No mercy. |
不许犯错,不要留情。 |
No one rests until this is done. |
不许松懈,坚持到最后一刻。 |
If you're going to die, do it when I'm not looking. |
你要是想死,找个我看不到的地方。 |
Stay in range. If you wander off, I can't protect you. |
别走太远。要是到处乱跑,我可保护不了你。 |
You're only my responsibility if you're close enough to me. |
离我近点儿,我才能负责为你治疗。 |
- 上一轮赢了
This is almost a victory. Don't drop your guard. |
离胜利只有一步之遥了,别放松警惕。 |
Just need one more win. |
只差一局就赢了。 |
- 上一轮输了
Don't let up. This isn't over yet. |
不要泄气,还没结束呢。 |
No giving up. We need to turn this around. |
别放弃,我们得扭转战局。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
This is our last chance. We have to fight. |
这是最后的机会了,我们得血战到底。 |
We'll do this. We have to. |
我们能行,这次必须成功。 |
I won't fail again. |
我不会再次失败。 |
I'll walk a different path this time. |
这一次我会走上不同的道路。 |
(Spanish) How many more times will I fail? |
我还要失败多少次才行? |
I won't falter. |
我绝不会动摇。 |
They won't get the best of me. |
休想轻易打败我。 |
They'll pay for that. |
他们会付出代价的。 |
(Spanish) No turning back. |
(西班牙语)没有回头的机会了。 |
I don't have time to be weak. |
没时间优柔寡断了。 |
What am I missing? |
我错过什么了? |
I have to stay focused. |
我得保持专注。 |
(Spanish) This isn't the end of my road. |
(西班牙语)我的旅途还没到尽头。 |
(Spanish) My journey only gets longer. |
我的道路还会向前。 |
(Spanish) I won't lose my way again. |
我不会再次迷失方向了。 |
- 被D.Va自毁击杀
It's like I'm reliving that day. |
简直就像那一天的重演。 |
They outnumber us. |
他们人数占优。 |
We're outnumbered! |
我们人数不够! |
Good. |
很好。 |
(relieved sigh). |
(松了口气) |
That's better. |
这下好多了。 |
Thank you. That helps. |
谢谢你的帮助。 |
Feels better. Thanks. |
感觉好多了,谢谢。 |
(relieved sigh) Thank you. |
(松了口气)多谢。 |
- 被莫伊拉完全治疗
Don't experiment on me. |
别想拿我做实验。 |
Don't act like you want to help, Doctor. |
别假惺惺地帮忙了,博士。 |
I feel stronger. |
我变得更强了。 |
This is real strength. |
这是真正的力量。 |
I'll show you what I can do. |
让你见识一下我的实力。 |
Time to be strong. |
该拿出我的力量了。 |
I won't stay down. |
我不会就这么倒下的。 |
- 发现敌人
They're coming. Let's go! |
敌人来了。上吧! |
Make them regret facing us. |
让他们后悔做我们的对手。 |
Here they come. Brace yourselves. |
他们过来了,都做好准备。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you! |
注意身后! |
- 发现狙击手
Enemy sniper! |
敌人有狙击手! |
- 敌人被复活
Why won't they stay down? |
这些家伙怎么就不能乖乖躺着? |
They're coming back to life! |
敌人又复活了! |
Find their teleporter! |
快去找他们的传送面板! |
- 寻找敌人 传送面板
They built a teleporter somewhere. |
他们在附近制造了传送面板。 |
- 发现敌人 传送面板
Enemy teleporter seen. |
我发现了敌人的传送面板。 |
- 摧毁敌人 传送面板
Teleporter destroyed. |
已摧毁传送面板。 |
They have a shield generator. |
敌人部署了护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I see their shield generator. |
我看到他们的护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed. |
已摧毁敌人的护盾发生器。 |
- 发现 炮台
Enemy turret ahead. |
前方有敌人的炮台。 |
- 摧毁 炮台
I destroyed their turret. |
我摧毁了他们的炮台。 |
Enemy turret destroyed. |
已摧毁敌方炮台。 |
I am unstoppable! |
没人能阻挡我! |
Is this what you wanted? |
你想尝尝这个吗? |
Don't try to stop me! |
别想阻止我! |
(Quechua) Let disaster strike! |
(克丘亚语)天劫来袭! |
(Spanish) Let disaster strike! |
烈阳之灾降临! |
(Spanish) Face the coming dawn! |
直视耀眼的骄阳! |
- 受伤呼唤
I'm not finished here. Help me up! |
我还没死,帮我一把! |
Get me back up! |
快来帮我一下! |
I'm not staying down. Revive me! |
我不能就这么倒下,复活我! |
I need to be revived! |
快来复活我! |
- 状态不好
I don't feel well. |
感觉不太妙。 |
Something's wrong. |
有点不对劲。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔 乱 的效果
Damn. |
可恶。 |
Seriously? |
来真的? |
(Spanish) Damn. |
(西班牙语)该死。 |
I'm on fire! |
我火力全开了! |
I was made for this. |
燃烧是我的使命。 |
(Spanish) I burn like the sun! |
(西班牙语)我如烈日一般耀眼! |
We didn't have a choice. |
我们没有别的选择。 |
We wiped them out. All of them. |
敌人被彻底消灭了,一个不留。 |
- 队友倒下
Someone's down. Hold tight! |
有人倒下了,大家撑住! |
Our teammate's down! |
我们的队友倒下了! |
Teammate down. Keep it together! |
有队友倒下了。坚持一下! |
- 队友击杀敌人
Keep that up. |
再接再厉。 |
Good. You took them down. |
漂亮,你出手很利索。 |
You're a strong ally. |
你是个强大的盟友。 |
You're ruthless. Good. |
够冷酷,很好。 |
Not bad. |
不赖嘛。 |
Your sins will catch up with you someday. |
你终归要为你的罪孽付出代价。 |
- 给队友报位置
I'm in position. |
我就位了。 |
I'm over here. |
我在这里。 |
- 拯救队友
Don't think I'm here just to help. |
别以为我来这里只是为了救人。 |
I didn't do it for you. |
这可不是为了你。 |
Watch yourself. |
小心点。 |
Don't thank me. |
不用感谢我。 |
- 复活队友
Don't just stay down. |
该起来了。 |
What are you doing? Get up. |
你在干什么?快起来呀。 |
I'm pulling you up. Come on. |
我拉你起来,坚持住。 |
- 投票史诗
If you say so. |
也不是不可以。 |
I'll take it. |
那我就收下了。 |
- 投票传奇
Glad you think so. |
很有眼光。 |
That's a success. |
还算成功。 |