![]() |
破败之王 |
破败王生前曾是国王,只爱他的皇后。语音绝大多数与皇后有关。 |
Media:Viego Select.mp3Media:Viego Select_zh.mp3 | Love ruins all. |
永失吾爱,举目破败 |
Media:Viego Ban.mp3Media:Viego Ban_zh.mp3 | My heart was already broken. |
我早已心如槁木 |
Media:Viego.move1.mp3Media:Viego.move1_zh.mp3 | This mist has but one cure... and I will find her. |
这片迷雾唯有一法可解,伊苏尔德我一定会找到你 |
Media:Viego.move2.mp3Media:Viego.move2_zh.mp3 | The curve of her lips, the softness of her smile. |
她唇角的一弯,笑意中的温柔 |
Media:Viego.move3.mp3Media:Viego.move3_zh.mp3 | I am already a monster suited for the horrors I must inflict. |
我早已成了一头怪物,在尘世间散播着恐怖 |
Media:Viego.move4.mp3Media:Viego.move4_zh.mp3 | My forces scour the world. Nothing will escape. |
我将荼毒世间,一切都难逃厄运 |
Media:Viego.move5.mp3Media:Viego.move5_zh.mp3 | I feel her calling out 'Viego, save me!' |
我仍能听见她的哭喊∶佛耶戈,救我! |
Media:Viego.move7.mp3Media:Viego.move7_zh.mp3 | It hurts, my heart. It hurts so much. |
痛,太痛了 |
Media:Viego.move8.mp3Media:Viego.move8_zh.mp3 | The world denied my happiness. Now, all will die. |
世界将我无情毁弃现在,我将以痛报之 |
Media:Viego.move9.mp3Media:Viego.move9_zh.mp3 | What is a wraith but the ravenous shadow of a man? |
所谓的幽灵,不过是一个抱着渴望的狂热残影吧 |
Media:Viego.move10.mp3Media:Viego.move10_zh.mp3 | There is no salvation from the dark, for the dark is me. |
这片黑暗,希望无存,无可救赎,因为这黑暗就是我自己 |
Media:Viego.move11.mp3Media:Viego.move11_zh.mp3 | She was the star that lit my path. Without her... darkness. |
她是唯一的星光,看顾着我的长路;自她离去,前方只剩黑暗 |
Media:Viego.move12.mp3Media:Viego.move12_zh.mp3 | And so it was that love was the gravest sin of all. |
原来,爱,才是最深重的罪孽 |
Media:Viego.move13.mp3Media:Viego.move13_zh.mp3 | Her eyes were portraits of a world without my cruelty. |
她的双眼,映出一整个合我平和欢喜的世界 |
Media:Viego.move14.mp3Media:Viego.move14_zh.mp3 | We were beautiful once. |
我们,曾是美好 |
Media:Viego.move15.mp3Media:Viego.move15_zh.mp3 | The mist is my great unending sadness. |
茫茫大雾,是我无穷无尽无边无际的哀恸 |
Media:Viego.move16.mp3Media:Viego.move16_zh.mp3 | Soon, this long cruel night will end. But not yet. |
无需太久,这残忍的长夜便会告终但不是现在 |
Media:Viego.move17.mp3Media:Viego.move17_zh.mp3 | Isolde is gone. Yet I remain. |
伊苏尔德已经不在,徒留我一人流连 |
Media:Viego.move18.mp3Media:Viego.move18_zh.mp3 | I will take, and take, until there is nothing left but her. |
我将不断索取,不断抢夺直到世上再无一物,只剩她一人 |
Media:Viego.move19.mp3Media:Viego.move19_zh.mp3 | Stand against me. Call me villain. Die. |
忤逆我,批判我,就受死吧 |
Media:Viego.move20.mp3Media:Viego.move20_zh.mp3 | The Shadow Isles are just the beginning. |
暗影岛只是开端 |
Media:Viego.move21.mp3Media:Viego.move21_zh.mp3 | It is such a small and fragile thing, love. |
爱,是何等的渺茫又脆弱 |
Media:Viego.move22.mp3Media:Viego.move22_zh.mp3 | I want precious little yet am forced to kill for it. |
我所求的何其简单但我却要为此不惜一切 |
Media:Viego.move23.mp3Media:Viego.move23_zh.mp3 | What is lost is never lost to me. |
逝去的,都在我身边 |
Media:Viego.move24.mp3Media:Viego.move24_zh.mp3 | Submission or death for all who live. In the end, it matters not. I will see her face again. |
在世之人,或苟且求活,或慷慨赴死;到头来都是无谓,我终将再次与她相遇 |
Media:Viego.move25.mp3Media:Viego.move25_zh.mp3 | She waits for me beyond the mist. My queen. My love. My black and broken heart. |
她在黑雾尽头,亭亭而待;我的王后,我的爱人,我那焦土一般破败的心啊 |
Media:Viego.move26.mp3Media:Viego.move26_zh.mp3 | No price is too great. No atrocity beyond my reach. For her, I will do anything. |
任何代价一概不论,一切暴行但求有功为她,我必当如此 |
Media:Viego.move27.mp3Media:Viego.move27_zh.mp3 | The black mist flows from me like a tide. At times, it ebbs, but now we surge forward. |
黑雾由我滚滚而出,宛如大潮;虽然偶有衰落,但如今我们将汹涌无前 |
Media:Viego.move28.mp3Media:Viego.move28_zh.mp3 | Hate me if you must. Until she returns to my arms, all will be brought to ruin. |
恨我咒我,世人请便;一切终将破溃,直到她重归我的怀抱 |
Media:Viego.move29.mp3Media:Viego.move29_zh.mp3 | I will rip her from the jaws of death. Fate cannot stop me. Nothing can. |
我会从死亡的血口中将她夺回,无人可以违逆,即便是命运 |
Media:Viego.move30.mp3Media:Viego.move30_zh.mp3 | A crown lost long ago, reborn in unlife, ripped away from his only love. |
失落多年的一顶王冠,从他唯一的挚爱身上剥夺 |
Media:Viego.move31.mp3Media:Viego.move31_zh.mp3 | I remember her sinking beneath the waters... and then... and then... |
我记得她沉入水中,然后,然后就 |
Media:Viego.move32.mp3Media:Viego.move32_zh.mp3 | A world that would rob me of beauty is a world that deserves destruction. |
若是世界将我的至美无情剥夺毁灭,便是它理所应当的结局 |
Media:Viego.move33.mp3Media:Viego.move33_zh.mp3 | Isolde was my life. Viego died when she did and the ruined king was born. |
伊苏尔德,我的爱人,她的逝去也带走了佛耶戈 破败之王,从此降临 |
Media:Viego.move34.mp3Media:Viego.move34_zh.mp3 | Now, do as I say! Forward! |
现在,听我号合!前进! |
Media:Viego.move35.mp3Media:Viego.move35_zh.mp3 | Every living thing is my subject! |
凡有活物,皆为臣属 |
Media:Viego.move36.mp3Media:Viego.move36_zh.mp3 | Fight, puppet! Fight for your king! |
让我指使的傀儡,为你的王奋战吧! |
Media:Viego.move37.mp3Media:Viego.move37_zh.mp3 | This form is nothing to me! |
这身躯于我毫无意义 |
Media:Viego.move38.mp3Media:Viego.move38_zh.mp3 | Take me to her! Now! |
带我去见她,马上! |
Media:Viego.move39.mp3Media:Viego.move39_zh.mp3 | Kill them! Kill them all! |
不留活口!全部杀光! |
Media:Viego.move40.mp3Media:Viego.move40_zh.mp3 | This body, is this what you desire?! |
这副皮囊,就是你所不舍的吗? |
Media:Viego.move41.mp3Media:Viego.move41_zh.mp3 | This flesh will do. |
这身体,可堪一用 |
Media:Viego.move42.mp3Media:Viego.move42_zh.mp3 | I command, you obey! |
我的旨意,就是你的意志 |
Media:Viego.move43.mp3Media:Viego.move43_zh.mp3 | No power in this world can stop me! |
世上无人可以阻拦我 |
Media:Viego.taunt1.mp3Media:Viego.taunt1_zh.mp3 | You stand in the way of my love. A mistake. |
你挡住了我与她的对望,罪不可恕 |
Media:Viego.taunt2.mp3Media:Viego.taunt2_zh.mp3 | Step aside, peasant. You are nothing compared to my queen. |
别挡路,下贱东西。我的王后比你光耀百倍 |
Media:Viego.taunt3.mp3Media:Viego.taunt3_zh.mp3 | I cannot hear you over the tremble in your voice. |
你声音颤抖,我根本听不清你的言语 |
Media:Viego.joke1.mp3Media:Viego.joke1_zh.mp3 | Mist, get out of my lungs, I command you. |
咳,从我的肺里滚出去,黑雾,王命不可违逆 |
Media:Viego.joke2.mp3Media:Viego.joke2_zh.mp3 | Sorry, went down the wrong pipe. |
抱歉,我呛住了 |
Media:Viego.joke3.mp3Media:Viego.joke3_zh.mp3 | Humor was better a thousand years ago. |
上千年前,幽默可没有这么低级 |
Media:Viego.laugh1.mp3Media:Viego.laugh1_zh.mp3 | Viego laughs. |
哈哈哈哈哈哈~ |
Media:Viego.death1.mp3Media:Viego.death1_zh.mp3 | Viego groans. |
啊啊啊啊 |
Media:Viego.death2.mp3Media:Viego.death2_zh.mp3 | Viego groans. |
额~~ |
Media:Viego.death3.mp3Media:Viego.death3_zh.mp3 | Isolde... why? |
伊苏尔德,这是为何 |
Media:Viego.death4.mp3Media:Viego.death4_zh.mp3 | Viego groans. |
额~~ |
Media:Viego.respawn1.mp3Media:Viego.respawn1_zh.mp3 | In a world without love, death means nothing. |
爱既已需落,死亡便不再命人挂怀 |
Media:Viego.respawn2.mp3Media:Viego.respawn2_zh.mp3 | The ruination cannot end. Not yet. |
破败之咒不可断绝,生生不息 |
Media:Viego.respawn3.mp3Media:Viego.respawn3_zh.mp3 | No. She remains in this world. I can feel it. |
不,我感觉到,她仍在这世上盘桓 |
Media:Viego.b1.mp3Media:Viego.b1_zh.mp3 | The mist will consume all. My victory is simply a matter of time. |
黑雾终会满盈,假以时日,必定迎来我的凯旋 |
Media:Viego.b2.mp3Media:Viego.b2_zh.mp3 | She will reign again at my side, and I shall be ruined no more. |
她将再次傍我左右,母仪天下,而我,也将不再破败如死灰 |
Media:Viego.b3.mp3Media:Viego.b3_zh.mp3 | I cast myself upon this broken throne awaiting her return. |
我将自己困在这支离的王座上,祈望着她的归来 |
Media:Viego.attack31.mp3Media:Viego.attack31_zh.mp3 | Viego grunts. |
哈 |
Media:Viego.attack32.mp3Media:Viego.attack32_zh.mp3 | Viego grunts. |
Media:Viego.attack33.mp3Media:Viego.attack33_zh.mp3 | Viego grunts. |
Media:Viego.attack34.mp3Media:Viego.attack34_zh.mp3 | Viego grunts. |
Media:Viego.attack1.mp3Media:Viego.attack1_zh.mp3 | Stand aside, churl! |
让路,低贱之人 |
Media:Viego.attack2.mp3Media:Viego.attack2_zh.mp3 | Ruin to all! |
天下,破败 |
Media:Viego.attack3.mp3Media:Viego.attack3_zh.mp3 | Serve me in death. |
死后再来服侍 |
Media:Viego.attack4.mp3Media:Viego.attack4_zh.mp3 | Die for her! |
为她,受死 |
Media:Viego.attack5.mp3Media:Viego.attack5_zh.mp3 | Peasant! |
无知莽夫 |
Media:Viego.attack6.mp3Media:Viego.attack6_zh.mp3 | This is my decree! |
听我旨意 |
Media:Viego.attack7.mp3Media:Viego.attack7_zh.mp3 | You face the ruined king. |
破败之王,谁敢轻慢。 |
Media:Viego.attack8.mp3Media:Viego.attack8_zh.mp3 | I will rip your heart.. |
你将肝肠寸断 |
Media:Viego.attack9.mp3Media:Viego.attack9_zh.mp3 | Love is my weapon! |
爱,让我所向披靡 |
Media:Viego.attack10.mp3Media:Viego.attack10_zh.mp3 | The mist devours all! |
黑雾永不饱足 |
Media:Viego.attack11.mp3Media:Viego.attack11_zh.mp3 | All shall know my pain. |
我的苦痛,无人能免 |
Media:Viego.attack12.mp3Media:Viego.attack12_zh.mp3 | Be one with the mist. |
投身黑雾吧 |
Media:Viego.attack13.mp3Media:Viego.attack13_zh.mp3 | She would want this! |
正合她愿 |
Media:Viego.attack14.mp3Media:Viego.attack14_zh.mp3 | Fall beneath my blade! |
引颈就戮 |
Media:Viego.attack15.mp3Media:Viego.attack15_zh.mp3 | Tell me where she is! |
告诉我,她在哪里? |
Media:Viego.attack16.mp3Media:Viego.attack16_zh.mp3 | I am inevitable. |
我,正是必然 |
Media:Viego.attack17.mp3Media:Viego.attack17_zh.mp3 | Be brought to ruin. |
身不由己,步入破败 |
Media:Viego.attack18.mp3Media:Viego.attack18_zh.mp3 | You would stop me? |
你胆敢阻止我? |
Media:Viego.attack19.mp3Media:Viego.attack19_zh.mp3 | You dare face a king?! |
你胆敢直视本王? |
Media:Viego.attack20.mp3Media:Viego.attack20_zh.mp3 | Return her to me! |
把她还给我 |
Media:Viego.attack21.mp3Media:Viego.attack21_zh.mp3 | Deny me no longer! |
我不可违逆 |
Media:Viego.attack22.mp3Media:Viego.attack22_zh.mp3 | You stole her from me! |
是你把她偷去了 |
Media:Viego.attack23.mp3Media:Viego.attack23_zh.mp3 | My love! my love! |
我的爱人,我的最爱 |
Media:Viego.attack24.mp3Media:Viego.attack24_zh.mp3 | Lowborn filth. |
卑贱的渣滓 |
Media:Viego.attack25.mp3Media:Viego.attack25_zh.mp3 | Bring her back! |
带她回来 |
Media:Viego.attack26.mp3Media:Viego.attack26_zh.mp3 | I must have her back! |
我必定与她重逢 |
Media:Viego.attack27.mp3Media:Viego.attack27_zh.mp3 | Where is she? |
她在哪里? |
Media:Viego.attack28.mp3Media:Viego.attack28_zh.mp3 | Why do you fight?! |
你,师出何名? |
Media:Viego.attack29.mp3Media:Viego.attack29_zh.mp3 | The mist beckons! |
黑雾自会清算 |
Media:Viego.attack30.mp3Media:Viego.attack30_zh.mp3 | Anything for her. |
为她,无所不做 |
Media:Viego.kill1.mp3Media:Viego.kill1_zh.mp3 | Your pain is nothing compared to mine. |
与我相比,你的苦痛轻如鸿毛 |
Media:Viego.kill2.mp3Media:Viego.kill2_zh.mp3 | The weight of this moment is so much more than you." |
这一刻远比你本身的存在,更有分量 |
Media:Viego.kill3.mp3Media:Viego.kill3_zh.mp3 | You are not the hero of this tale. You are not anything. |
你并非这段故事的主角,你甚至不如蝼蚁 |
Media:Viego.kill4.mp3Media:Viego.kill4_zh.mp3 | The dead will not rest until I am whole once more. |
我一日不得圆满,亡魂便一日不得安宁 |
Media:Viego.kill5.mp3Media:Viego.kill5_zh.mp3 | I will find my love again. You matter so little. |
我注定会我的爱人重逢,而你不值一提 |
Media:Viego.kill6.mp3Media:Viego.kill6_zh.mp3 | Love is cruel. Yet, it will conquer. |
爱何其残忍,然而却能征服万物 |
Media:Viego.passive1.mp3Media:Viego.passive1_zh.mp3 | You will serve! |
你将忠诚不二 |
Media:Viego.passive2.mp3Media:Viego.passive2_zh.mp3 | Give me your heart! |
你的心,也要归我 |
Media:Viego.passive3.mp3Media:Viego.passive3_zh.mp3 | This body is mine! |
这身体归我所有 |
Media:Viego.passive4.mp3Media:Viego.passive4_zh.mp3 | I demand this! |
正合我意 |
Media:Viego.passive5.mp3Media:Viego.passive5_zh.mp3 | Surrender yourself! |
诚心归顺 |
Media:Viego.q1.mp3Media:Viego.q1_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.q2.mp3Media:Viego.q2_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.q3.mp3Media:Viego.q3_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.w1.mp3Media:Viego.w1_zh.mp3 | Viego laughs. |
哈哈哈 |
Media:Viego.w2.mp3Media:Viego.w2_zh.mp3 | Viego laughs. |
哈哈哈 |
Media:Viego.w3.mp3Media:Viego.w3_zh.mp3 | Viego laughs. |
哈哈哈 |
Media:Viego.e1.mp3Media:Viego.e1_zh.mp3 | Spill forth! |
汹涌向前 |
Media:Viego.e2.mp3Media:Viego.e2_zh.mp3 | Forward, mist! |
黑雾前去 |
Media:Viego.e3.mp3Media:Viego.e3_zh.mp3 | Consume everything! |
化尽万物 |
Media:Viego.e4.mp3Media:Viego.e4_zh.mp3 | Flow from me! |
大潮奔涌 |
Media:Viego.e5.mp3Media:Viego.e5_zh.mp3 | Find her! |
找她回来 |
Media:Viego.e6.mp3Media:Viego.e6_zh.mp3 | My heart beckons! |
我心如狂潮 |
Media:Viego.e7.mp3Media:Viego.e7_zh.mp3 | Grant me passage! |
任我通行 |
Media:Viego.e8.mp3Media:Viego.e8_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.e9.mp3Media:Viego.e9_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.e10.mp3Media:Viego.e10_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.r1.mp3Media:Viego.r1_zh.mp3 | ! |
Media:Viego.r2.mp3Media:Viego.r2_zh.mp3 | ! |
臣服于我! |
Media:Viego.r3.mp3Media:Viego.r3_zh.mp3 | Where is she?! |
她在哪里! |
Media:Viego.r4.mp3Media:Viego.r4_zh.mp3 | Isolde! |
伊苏尔德! |
Media:Viego.r5.mp3Media:Viego.r5_zh.mp3 | ! |
HA |
Media:Viego.r6.mp3Media:Viego.r6_zh.mp3 | ! |
是我的,就必属于我! |
Media:Viego.sp1.mp3Media:Viego.sp1_zh.mp3 | Ur-demon. When all life ends, you will return to your slumber. |
厄之魔物,一切生命寂灭,你将重归长眠。初遇【费德提克】 |
Media:Viego.sp2.mp3Media:Viego.sp2_zh.mp3 | For all your ambition, Hecarim, this is what you are reduced to. |
赫卡里姆,正是你的野心,让你沦为此物 初遇【赫卡里姆】 |
Media:Viego.sp4.mp3Media:Viego.sp4_zh.mp3 | Your god could not stop me before, sea priestess. Do not challenge me again. |
海祭司,你的神未曾能够将我阻挡所以切勿再犯 初遇【俄洛伊】 |
Media:Viego.sp5.mp3Media:Viego.sp5_zh.mp3 | You will never have your vengeance, Kalista. Never. |
卡莉斯塔,你的复仇永远不能如愿,永远 初遇【卡莉丝塔】 |
Media:Viego.sp7.mp3Media:Viego.sp7_zh.mp3 | Sing, Karthus. Sing of all that must be lost and she who must be found. |
唱吧,卡尔萨斯,为注定消逝的一切放歌,为了注定回归的她咏唱 初遇【卡尔萨斯】 |
Media:Viego.sp8.mp3Media:Viego.sp8_zh.mp3 | Answer for your crimes, death. Answer me. |
死神,你该认罪,向我认罪 初遇【千珏】 |
Media:Viego.sp10.mp3Media:Viego.sp10_zh.mp3 | Go on then, tree. Defeat me if you can. It will never restore the isles. |
尽管来吧,大树,即便你将我击垮,这片岛屿也永远不会复苏 初遇【茂凯】 |
Media:Viego.sp11.mp3Media:Viego.sp11_zh.mp3 | Why, Isolde? Why do you hide your face from me? |
伊苏尔德,你为何,为何要躲着我呢?初遇【赛娜】 |
Media:Viego.sp13.mp3Media:Viego.sp13_zh.mp3 | Your treachery does not surprise me, Thresh. Only that you believed you'd win. |
锤石,你的背叛我并不意外。意外的只是,你觉得自己能赢 初遇【锤石】 |
Media:Viego.sp15.mp3Media:Viego.sp15_zh.mp3 | Hello, uncle. I'm surprised you haven't been torn apart by an angry mob. |
叔祖,你好。你居然没有被哪个暴民碎尸万段,我很惊讶。初遇【弗拉基米尔】 |
Media:Viego.sp17.mp3Media:Viego.sp17_zh.mp3 | Ah, the monk from the waters. And... someone else. Isolde? |
海岛上的僧人,还有……你是?伊苏尔德吗? 初遇【约里克】 |
Media:Viego.sp3.mp3Media:Viego.sp3_zh.mp3 | In death as in life, Hecarim. You will only fight for me. |
死后一如生前,赫卡里姆,你将为我所用 击杀【赫卡里姆】 |
Media:Viego.sp6.mp3Media:Viego.sp6_zh.mp3 | You never believed in my rule, Kalista, and now, this is your fate. |
卡莉斯塔,你从来不会认可我的旨意,现在这就是你的宿命。击杀【卡利丝塔】 |
Media:Viego.sp9.mp3Media:Viego.sp9_zh.mp3 | Arise, death, and greet the king who conquered you back! |
起来吧死神,恭迎将你征服的本王 击杀【千珏】 |
Media:Viego.sp12.mp3Media:Viego.sp12_zh.mp3 | Isolde... I could not see myself in your eyes. |
伊苏尔德,在你眼中,我竟看不到自己的身影 击杀【赛娜】 |
Media:Viego.sp14.mp3Media:Viego.sp14_zh.mp3 | You are simply the latest to defy me, jailer. |
狱卒,你不过是又一个忤逆者。击杀【锤石】 |
Media:Viego.sp16.mp3Media:Viego.sp16_zh.mp3 | So angry, uncle. It was one unanswered letter a thousand years ago. |
叔祖,不过是为了千年前一封未回的信,你别愤怒至今。击杀【弗拉基米尔】 |
Media:Viego.sp18.mp3Media:Viego.sp18_zh.mp3 | Isolde! I know it is you! Show yourself to me! |
伊苏尔德,我知道你在,与我相见吧击杀【约里克】 |
Media:Viego.pantakill1.mp3Media:Viego.pantakill1_zh.mp3 | All this carnage. Do you see?! I do it for you! |
滔天的血海,你可曾看见?为你,我甘愿如此 |