Hmph.![]() |
哼。 |
My aim is true.![]() |
箭无虚发。 |
Is that the best you can do?![]() |
那就是你的最好表现吗? |
You were foolish to face me. |
迎战我是愚蠢之举。 |
Inevitable as winter. |
刺骨寒冬,终将到来。 |
There is no escape. |
无路可逃。 |
Killing brings me no pleasure. |
我不以杀生为乐。 |
A well-trained shot. |
苦练自然准。 |
My arrows fly true. |
我箭无虚发。 |
Can anyone match my skill? |
谁能与我匹敌? |
Bullseye. |
正中靶心。 |
Death waits for no one. |
死亡不等人。 |
Struck down. |
一箭封喉。 |
With discipline comes focus. |
严于律己,则心无旁骛。 |
You are weak. |
你太弱了。 |
All lives come to an end. |
众生皆有一死。 |
A bitter end. |
悲惨的结局。 |
You are done. |
你完了。 |
A testament to my skill. |
这是我能力的证明。 |
Unerring precision. |
百发百中。 |
Life is not forgiving. |
生死无情,不求原谅。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
As fierce in death as I was in life. |
生为人杰,死为鬼雄。 |
Shame be upon you! |
你该感到羞耻! |
Your death fuels me! |
用你的死亡点燃我的灵火! |
Your strange contraption could not save you. |
那套奇怪的装置可救不了你。 |
Such mortal follies. |
真是致命的愚蠢。 |
Have some spine. |
真是没有骨气。 |
You think your torment worse than mine? |
你遭受的折磨根本比不过我! |
My wrath levels villages. Yours would barely stir a curtain. |
我的愤怒可以夷平村庄。你却只能搅动帷幔。 |
To perish in a giggling crouch? Ridiculous. |
蹲着死在自己的笑声中?确实可笑。 |
My vengeance will find you, wherever you are. |
无论你在哪里,我的复仇如影随形。 |
Ah... If only I could still taste the blood. |
啊……真希望我还能品尝鲜血的味道。 |
Boo. (Chuckle). |
嘿!哈哈哈哈。 |
Suffer the Onryō's vengeance! |
这就是怨灵的复仇! |
Hmm. What are these... memories? |
嗯。这些回忆……是怎么回事? |
Finally, some darkness! |
终于没有那么刺眼了! |
A mechanical horse? Preposterous. |
一匹机械马?真是荒唐。 |
Rather fragile, for a spirit. |
竟有你这般不堪一击的鬼魂…… |
This passes for a champion, in this age? (Chuckle). |
哈哈哈,在这个时代,这种人也能算是勇士吗? |
Notoriety comes at a cost. |
作恶就得付出代价。 |
Your path leads only to loss. Trust me. |
你选择的道路注定失败。相信我。 |
Reckless girl. |
鲁莽的姑娘。 |
Imagine what father would say. |
想想父亲会怎么说。 |
Why must I relive this loss? |
我为什么要重温失去的滋味? |
Headstrong as ever. |
还是那么固执。 |
You were never my equal.![]() |
你永远都不是我的对手。 |
I always suspected I was self-defeating. |
难怪我总怀疑自己在自我否定…… |
Did your mother not teach you caution? |
令堂没教过你要小心谨慎吗? |
Death calls for your return. |
死亡在召你回去。 |
Fade into darkness. |
在黑暗中消散吧。 |
Curiosity got the better of you. |
好奇害死你。 |
Truly, an honor. |
荣幸之至。 |
Good looks are not enough. |
徒有其表。 |
- 击杀使用
Not invisible to me. |
你躲不过我的眼睛。 |
- 击杀使用
Outdrawn. |
快你一步。 |
- 击杀使用
The surge breaks upon the shore. |
妄图撼动大地,不自量力。 |
(laughs).![]() |
(大笑) |
Fall from grace, as I have. |
我也曾像这样跌落尘泥。 |
Plummet. |
坠落吧。 |
They say falling is like flying. |
据说坠落的感觉就像飞翔。 |
You do not want me for your enemy.![]() |
你不会想和我作对的。 |
I offer only what you deserve. |
我只是让你付出了应有的代价。 |
The thrill of vengeance . . . is brief. |
复仇的快感……转瞬即逝。 |
Such is my repentance. |
这就是我的忏悔。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
A morsel of revenge. |
小小的复仇。 |
I am a vengeful ghost. |
怨灵就是这么记仇。 |
- 超远距离击杀
A magnificent shot, even for me. |
即便是我,这一箭也堪称神准。 |
The wind lifts my arrows however far it must. |
风擎飞矢,箭掣长空。 |
An uncanny shot. |
不可思议的一击。 |
- 击杀空中目标
It was your fate to fall. |
陨落是注定的命运。 |
Keep your head out of the clouds. |
云端上的白日梦该醒了。 |
You will soar no longer. |
你飞不了了。 |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
Foolish to test my reflexes. |
傻瓜才会挑战我的反应。 |
Leap as fast and far as you wish; I will still seek you out. |
你跳得再快再远,也逃不过我的眼睛。 |
Oh. *Quiet chuckle* |
哦。*轻声窃笑* |
A revealing death. |
现身便是消亡。 |
*Chuckle* Found you. |
*窃笑*找到你了。 |
Marked; unlike their graves. |
标记刻在这里,墓碑上就免了。 |
(Evil laugh). |
(邪恶的大笑) |
Death is prescient. (Chuckle). |
先声夺命,哈哈哈。 |
白狼 & 独狼
See through the wolf's eyes.![]() |
白狼之眼看穿一切。 |
The wolf marks his prey.![]() |
白狼盯上了猎物。 |
The storm breaks!![]() |
疾风骤雨! |
Swift as the wind.![]() |
动如疾风。 |
Pummeled. |
狂风怒号。 |
Caught in a storm. |
风暴将你吞没。 |
Couldn't dodge that, hmm? |
还是没躲开吧,嗯? |
Blotted out. |
风卷残云。 |
Suffer my fury! |
感受我的怒火! |
Splinter! |
粉碎吧! |
My spirit brings the storm. |
吾魂掀起风暴。 |
A plague of arrows. |
箭雨散布疫病。 |
My rage is a flood. |
怒火化作狂潮。 |
Eh. We got there. |
呃。干掉就行。 |
No kill is truly clean. |
完美的击杀并不存在。 |
The dragon consumes.![]() |
巨龙吞噬一切。 |
You have been judged.![]() |
这是对你的审判。 |
Tooth and claw. |
牙尖爪利。 |
Dragon bait. |
巨龙的饵料。 |
白狼 & 独狼
The wolf feasts.![]() |
白狼满足了。 |
The wolf is sated.![]() |
白狼已经饱了。 |
They fall before me, one after another.![]() |
他们在我面前倒下,一个接一个。 |
Send all you want. I'll cut them down. |
随你们来多少,我一个不留。 |
Do you fear me yet? |
现在怕我了吗? |
I leave a trail of red. |
利箭划过,留下一片殷红。 |
The dragon will never be sated. |
巨龙永不满足。 |
Like cherry blossoms in the rain. |
如同樱花落雨。 |
I feel the dragon's power! |
我感受到了巨龙之力! |
Death surrounds me.![]() |
死亡随我而来。 |
I will beg forgiveness . . . later. |
忏悔的事,以后再说。 |
Don't you see? I will do what I must! |
看到了吗?我会履行我的使命! |
They crumble like ash before me! |
他们在我面前化为齑粉! |
- 在多拉多
My enemies fall like (chuckles) destroyed piñatas.![]() |
敌人……呵呵,如皮纳塔般凋零。 |
- 在花村
My enemies fall like... snowflakes.![]() |
敌人如雪花般……飘落。 |
- 被安娜
With this power, I could do terrible things. |
这股力量能让我做出可怕的事情。 |
- 白狼
The wolf hungers.![]() |
白狼饿了。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
I will never be laid to rest! |
我绝不会乖乖安息! |
My wrath will burn forever! |
我的怒火永不熄灭! |
My curse lies upon you all! |
你们都得承受我的诅咒! |
Thus did I rend the battlegrounds of old! |
以前我就是这样撕裂了战场。 |
How's that calamity? |
这场灾祸的滋味如何? |
The doors of hell swing wide. |
地狱之门已然大开。 |
Into the earth. All of them! |
他们都将入土! |
Your ancestors tell me they are very disappointed. |
我听闻你们的祖先对你们非常失望。 |
Their bones will be a warning. |
他们的尸骨就是我的警告。 |
Uncouth.![]() |
技艺不精。 |
Blood on my hands. |
我的手染了血。 |
Stay down. |
别起来了。 |
Up close, death is gruesome. |
近看死亡,阴森可怖。 |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
I turned your momentum against you. |
你的动势就是我的优势。 |
I need no sword. |
我不需要剑。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
Did you doubt my materiality? |
你不会以为我没有实体吧? |
The light fades from their eyes. |
逝者眼中的光芒暗淡了…… |
A ghostly strike. |
鬼影一击。 |