Honor is all I have left. |
除了荣誉,我一无所有。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
Vengeance is all I have left. |
除了仇恨,我一无所有。 |
Hanzo, at your service.![]() |
半藏为你效命。 |
My bow is at your service.![]() |
我的弓箭为您效命。 |
We shall leave the ground littered with their dead.![]() |
让他们尸横遍野。 |
Me thinks a cupid I shall play.![]() |
我可以偶尔客串一下丘比特。 |
This . . . will determine everything. |
这一战……将决定一切。 |
Our task begins. |
我们的任务开始了。 |
Sharpen yourselves for battle. |
砥砺战魂,准备战斗。 |
Ready yourselves. |
做好准备。 |
I have lost my home and my brother, but I will not lose my honor.![]() |
我失去了家人和弟弟,但我不会再失去荣誉。 |
It is time to act.![]() |
行动的时刻到了。 |
I grow tired of waiting.![]() |
我厌倦了等待。 |
If you sit by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.![]() |
如果你在河边坐得时间够久,就会看到敌人的尸体飘过来。 |
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. |
一分冒险,一分收获。 |
As good as I am with a bow, I promise you--I was better with a sword. |
虽然我射箭的本事很强,但我跟你保证,我用刀的本事更强。 |
I bear my burdens as best I can. |
我责任重大。 |
I do not wish to be feared, but to be left alone. |
我不愿被人畏惧,只愿孑然一身。 |
I craft my own arrows. Each one, a meditation. |
我的箭都是自己做的。每一支,都是一段冥思。 |
With each step, my burden lightens. |
每迈出一步,我的重担都会变轻一分。 |
- 白狼
The wolf stirs from his den.![]() |
白狼现身。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
(Mournful wail) (Ominous laugh). |
(哀嚎和不详的笑声) |
(Ghost noises). |
(恶灵的呻吟) |
Fall upon them like a cursed rain. |
像诅咒之雨一般轰击他们。 |
Usher them from this world to the next. |
把他们从现世引向冥世。 |
In life, none could match my strength. In death, I am more fearsome still. |
我生时,无人能敌。死后,亦众人畏惧。 |
Tonight, we will teach them to fear the dark. |
今晚,我们要让敌人畏惧黑暗。 |
The traitors' swords... so sharp, so... cold. But I made them pay. |
叛徒的剑……是那么锋利、那么冰冷。但是他们也付出了代价。 |
If not for that betrayal, I would have seized the throne--and with it, the world. |
如果不是那次背叛,我早就夺取了王位,然后就是整个世界。 |
I long for the days where Hanabusagō bore me into battle. Oh, to hear the thunder of her hooves again. |
我盼望着能再次和花房号一起驰骋疆场。哦,真想再听听她隆隆的蹄声。 |
Depending on others brings nothing but disappointment. |
依靠他人,只会让我失望。 |
Something here speaks to me... urges me toward peace... but I will never listen. |
这里有个声音在催促我……走向安息……但是我心意已决。 |
Could we not have struck at dusk? This sunlight is so... ugh. |
我们能不能在黄昏时交战?这阳光也太……呃。 |
- 上一轮赢了
Victory is within our grasp.![]() |
胜利就在眼前。 |
Our victory is at hand.![]() |
胜利近在咫尺。 |
If we focus, we will succeed. |
只要保持专注,我们就能成功。 |
We are close to victory. |
我们就要胜利了。 |
- 上一轮输了
Let us turn defeat into victory.![]() |
让我们扭转战局。 |
Do not dwell on the past. We must win here!![]() |
不要在意过去,我们必须赢得眼前的胜利! |
What is done is done. We must move forward! |
事已至此,我们得向前看! |
We must not be defeated! |
我们绝不能落败! |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Soon our fate will be decided.![]() |
很快我们的命运就会显现。 |
Do not falter now, and victory will be ours.![]() |
只要我们现在继续前进,胜利就将属于我们。 |
We will determine the course of this battle. |
战斗的结果将由我们书写。 |
Let the balance of battle tip in our favor. |
让胜利的天平倒向我们吧。 |
All my suffering has led to this. |
我承受的痛苦都是为了这一刻! |
I will persevere. |
我会战斗到底。 |
This time, I will be sharper. |
这一次,我会更加锋利。 |
It is not my time yet. |
我的命数未尽。 |
The arrow returns to the quiver. |
箭矢重回箭袋。 |
I will do better. |
我会做得更好。 |
They will pay. |
他们会付出代价。 |
I cannot give up yet. |
还不到放弃的时候。 |
There is still much I must do. |
我还有很多使命必须完成。 |
Once again, I set forth. |
我再度启程。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
My wrath is not yet sated. |
我的怒火还没有平息。 |
This haunting is far from over. |
鬼魂远远不到消散之时。 |
I will grind their bones to dust. |
我会把他们的骸骨碾成碎屑。 |
I've endured a thousand deaths. What's one more? |
我经历过无数次死亡。再来一次又何妨? |
An Onryō is not banished so easily. |
驱逐怨灵可没那么容易。 |
Betrayed again! (Furious noise). |
又一次背叛,啊! |
Oh, Hanabusagō... how I miss you. |
哦,花房号……我好想你。 |
Soon, they will join me in the grave. |
很快,他们就会在坟墓中与我作伴。 |
If only I still had my horse. |
真希望我还有战马相伴。 |
Blades cannot slay me, I'm afraid. You will have to do better. |
想要消灭我,恐怕不能只靠剑刃。你得换个方法。 |
What foul trickery was that? |
那是什么肮脏的把戏? |
The sunlight burns... but I will endure. |
日光灼痛……但我会撑下去。 |
Was that their champion? His bones will make a fitting monument. |
那就是他们的勇士吗?他的尸骨正适合搭一座丰碑。 |
It seems I must show that hideous oni his place. |
看来我得让那个丑陋的恶鬼认清自己的地位。 |
Their forces outnumber our own. |
他们人数占优。 |
We are outnumbered. Take heed. |
敌众我寡,小心行事。 |
The odds lean heavy against us. |
战局对我们非常不利。 |
I am healed.![]() |
我痊愈了。 |
I am restored.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
Better.![]() |
这样好多了。 |
You honor me.![]() |
我很荣幸。 |
I am restored.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
I am in your debt.![]() |
我欠你一份人情。 |
Your concern touches me.![]() |
你的关心让我很感动。 |
The dragon stirs within me.![]() |
巨龙与我同在。 |
The dragon awakens.![]() |
巨龙苏醒了。 |
My power grows stronger.![]() |
我的力量更强了。 |
- 白狼
The wolf awakens.![]() |
白狼苏醒了。 |
The wolf stirs within me.![]() |
白狼躁动不安。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
Your demise has come! |
你死期已至! |
My wrath grows! |
怒火在翻涌! |
This time I will not fail!![]() |
这次我不会失败的! |
- 发现敌人
The enemy is here.![]() |
敌人来了。 |
The enemy approaches.![]() |
敌人接近了。 |
We must strike them down. |
必须打倒他们。 |
- 敌人方位
The doctor's creations are upon us!![]() |
博士的造物过来了! |
They are coming straight at us!![]() |
他们冲过来了! |
Look! The enemy attacks from below!![]() |
注意!敌人在下面! |
The enemy approaches from the rear!![]() |
敌人在我们后面! |
Our enemies are above us!![]() |
敌人在上面! |
Above you!![]() |
在你上面! |
They are coming straight at you!![]() |
他们直奔你那儿去了! |
On the left!![]() |
左边有敌人! |
They attack from the left!![]() |
他们从左边攻过来了! |
On the right!![]() |
右边有敌人! |
Our enemies approach from the right.![]() |
敌人从右边接近了。 |
- 敌人在集合
Our enemies gather.![]() |
敌人正在集结。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you!![]() |
当心后面! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper!![]() |
狙击手! |
- 敌人被复活
The enemy returns from the grave. |
敌人从墓地里爬起来了。 |
The enemy lives again. |
敌人又活过来了。 |
I have come to expect his return. |
我就知道,他会回来。 |
The witch has raised them all from the dead!![]() |
女巫把他们全复活了! |
Find their teleporter!![]() |
快找到他们的传送器! |
- 寻找敌人
They possess a teleporter.![]() |
他们有传送器。 |
- 发现敌人
Their teleporter is here.![]() |
传送器在这里。 |
- 摧毁敌人
Enemy teleporter destroyed.![]() |
摧毁敌人的传送器了。 |
The enemy has a shield generator.![]() |
敌人部署了护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I have found the shield generator.![]() |
我找到护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed.![]() |
敌方护盾发生器已清除。 |
- 发现
Enemy turret ahead.![]() |
前方有敌人炮台。 |
- 摧毁
Enemy turret destroyed!![]() |
摧毁敌人炮台了! |
I am unstoppable!![]() |
没人能够阻止我! |
Do not challenge me! |
不要挑衅我! |
Look the dragon in its eyes! |
直视巨龙之眼! |
- 惊骇怨灵
Look the Onryō in its eyes! |
直视怨灵之眼! |
Lament, worms! |
哀痛吧,蛆虫! |
(Building otherworldly roar). |
(异界之物的咆哮) |
Not quite.![]() |
还差一点。 |
- 状态不好
Something is amiss.![]() |
我感觉身体不适。 |
I am unwell.![]() |
我状态不佳。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Damn!![]() |
可恶! |
To the victor goes the spoils.![]() |
战利品属于胜者。 |
A warrior's reward.![]() |
一位武士的奖励。 |
A fitting reward!![]() |
我应得的奖励! |
What treasures lie within?![]() |
里面有什么宝贝? |
I'm on fire.![]() |
我火力全开。 |
The dragon rages within me.![]() |
巨龙之怒在我体内燃烧。 |
Willpower burns within me! |
意志之火在我体内燃烧! |
Forged in the dragon's breath! |
巨龙之息,喷薄之焰! |
Witness the flame of my soul. |
见证我灵魂的怒焰吧! |
- 白狼
The wolf howls within me.![]() |
白狼之魂在我体内咆哮。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
The flames of purgatory engulf me! |
炼狱的烈火吞噬了我! |
I burn with ethereal fire! |
我燃烧着轻灵的火焰! |
None remain to oppose us. For now. |
和我们作对的,现在一个不留。 |
Our foes have fallen. Now is the time. |
敌人都倒下了。现在时机正好。 |
- 惊骇怨灵
An empty battlefield, if not for the wailing dead. |
空荡荡的战场上只有死灵的哀鸣。 |
Can you hear their whispers? |
你能听到他们的低语吗? |
- 队友倒下
Our ally has been felled!![]() |
我们的队友倒下了! |
Down an ally. Hold together! |
一位盟友倒下了。坚持住! |
We lost one. Here we make our stand! |
失去了一个队友。我们要坚守防线! |
- 队友击杀敌人
Well struck.![]() |
打得好。 |
You have some skill, then.![]() |
你很有技巧。 |
Well done.![]() |
做得很好。 |
Do not let up!![]() |
继续保持! |
You are effective, I will give you that.![]() |
不得不说,你很厉害。 |
How elegant.![]() |
真是优雅。 |
You strike with remarkable fury. |
你散发的怒火令人印象深刻。 |
I cannot deny your skill. |
不可否认,你技巧精湛。 |
You made them regret that. (chuckle). |
你让他们后悔做你的对手了。(轻笑) |
Your experience shows. |
不愧是沙场老将。 |
An undignified kill, but a kill nonetheless. |
那一枪不成体统,不过也算数。 |
Not bad, brother. |
不错嘛,弟弟。 |
I feel sorry for the Hashimoto. |
我开始可怜桥元家族了。 |
Anyone can kill with bullets. |
有了子弹,这活什么人都能干。 |
- 给队友报位置
This is my position.![]() |
我在这儿。 |
I'm over here.![]() |
我在这里。 |
- 拯救队友
I will guard your back.![]() |
我会掩护你。 |
Watch yourself.![]() |
小心点儿。 |
It was my duty to save you. |
救你,是我的责任。 |
I have saved you . . . this time. |
我救了你……仅此一次。 |
- 复活队友
You are not dead yet.![]() |
你还没死。 |
Back into the fight.![]() |
重返战斗。 |
It is not your time. |
你时候未到。 |
Rise, and repent. |
起来,好好反省。 |
Your mother would kill me if I let you die. |
你要是死了,令堂绝不会饶过我。 |
This is no place for a scientist. |
这里不是科学家该来的地方。 |
Another chance, Genji. |
你的第二次机会,源氏。 |
- 看见队友使用终极技能
Such subtlety.![]() |
真是巧妙。 |
- 升级
My power grows!![]() |
我更强了! |
- 投票史诗
Excellent!![]() |
精彩至极! |
- 投票传奇
Strive for perfection.![]() |
我追求完美。 |
True mastery is the highest art.![]() |
真正的大师如艺术一般。 |