- 我方抢占机器人
Move along! |
上路了! |
The robot's with us now. Push ahead! |
机器人现在归我们了。往前推! |
We've got the robot. Let's move! |
我们控制机器人了。动起来! |
- 敌方抢占机器人
They took the robot. Don't let it move a single step! |
敌人抢了机器人。一步都别让它往前走! |
Enemy's got the robot, don't let them get away! |
机器人被敌人占了,别让他们逃了! |
The enemy took control of the robot! |
敌人控制了机器人! |
- 我方机器人
Pushin' our barricade up! |
把我们的挡板往前推! |
Pushing the barricade. Let's keep it up. |
挡板动起来了。接着推。 |
Robot's movin' the barricade! |
机器人在推挡板了! |
- 敌方机器人
We can't let them push ahead! |
不能让他们推下去了! |
Their barricade is on the move! Let's go. |
敌人的挡板动起来了!动手吧。 |
Don't let them take another step! |
不能再让他们前进了! |
- 我方机器人
This is going pretty well. Let's keep this lead! |
状态不错。把优势保持下去! |
We're in the lead. Keep it up! |
我们领先了。继续保持! |
Nice n' steady everyone. We just took the lead. |
大伙干得好。我们已经领先了。 |
- 敌方机器人
We're falling behind! |
我们落后了! |
Anyone notice they took our lead? Let's pick it up! |
提个醒,敌人抢走了我们的优势。把它夺回来! |
Pick up the pace everyone! They're in the lead. |
大家动作快!敌人领先了。 |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Push that robot! |
推那个机器人! |
Give that robot a shove. |
给机器人推上一把。 |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
Stop that robot! |
拦住那个机器人! |
Anybody gonna stop that robot? |
谁去挡住那个机器人? |
- 我方机动推进
Just a few steps away from 'em! Keep pushing! |
还差几步就赶上他们了!继续推! |
Just a little more and this lead is ours. |
再加把劲,我们就能领先了。 |
We're almost there! |
我们就要领先了! |
- 敌方机动推进
They're gaining on us. Don't let 'em! |
敌人要赶上来了!别让他们得逞! |
We can't let them catch up to us! |
不能让敌人赶上我们! |
We're about to lose the lead! |
我们就要落后了! |
- 我方机动推进
Stay close to the robot. Just a bit further! |
靠近机器人,就差一点儿了! |
We can't let them push us off the robot! |
看好机器人,别让他们搅局了! |
This is our last chance. Stay with the robot! |
这是最后的机会了。盯紧机器人! |
- 敌方机动推进
It's their last push. We've got 'em dead to rights. |
敌人在做最后的推进了。别给他们留机会。 |
We'll win this thing if we get them off the robot. |
干掉机器人边上的敌人,我们就赢了。 |
This is the end. Get them off that robot! |
要结束了。把他们从机器人旁边赶走! |
This is our last chance to stop 'em! |
要想阻止他们,这是最后的机会! |
- 想要占领目标点
Take the objective!![]() |
拿下这个目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
I'm on the objective. You should swing by too. |
我在目标点里了。你们最好也过来。 |
This objective's got my name on it. Could have yours too. |
目标点刻上我的名字了。给你们也留了位置。 |
I'll be taking the objective. |
我要拿下这个目标点。 |
Taking the objective. Round up! |
正在占领目标点。都过来! |
Taking the objective. Anyone in? |
我要占领这里。有一起的吗? |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
Push 'em off the point! |
把他们赶出去! |
Get in there! Don't let them take the point. |
快过去!别让他们把点占了。 |
They're on the point. Send 'em packin'! |
敌人在点里。让他们滚蛋! |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住这个目标点! |
Let's make our stand at the objective.![]() |
我们得守住目标。 |
Defend the objective.![]() |
保护目标。 |
- 呼叫队友推进
Move the payload!![]() |
移走运载目标! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop the payload!![]() |
阻止运载目标! |
- 护送运载目标
Payload's under my control. Let's roll out. |
我控制运载目标了。上路吧。 |
I got the Payload. Let's rumble. |
运载目标在我这儿。一起热闹热闹。 |
I'm on the Payload. Anyone care to join me? |
我盯着运载目标呢。谁跟我一起? |
- 我方运载目标
Payload's stalled. We need to get a move on. |
运载目标停下了,得让它动起来。 |
Payload ain't worth much just sitting here. Let's move! |
再磨蹭运载目标就不值钱了,别停下! |
What's the hold up? Get that thing moving! |
别磨蹭了,让这玩意儿动起来! |
- 敌方运载目标
That Payload's pulling away. Come on! |
运载目标动起来了,这可不行! |
Payload's moving, someone stop that thing! |
运载目标动了,谁去拦住它! |
Don't let that Payload move any further! |
不能再让它往前开了! |
- 运载目标
Ain't much time left, roll 'em over! |
要没时间了,干掉他们! |
Objective's lost if we don't get a move on. |
再不快点儿,目标点就没戏了。 |
We need to take the objective now! |
我们得赶紧拿下目标点! |
- 运载目标
Just a little bit longer!![]() |
再撑一会! |
They're outta time, don't let 'em through. |
敌人没时间了,挡住他们。 |
We just need to hold them off a little longer! |
只要再拖他们一会儿就行! |
Keep the heat on 'em and this win is ours. |
保持这个状态我们就赢了。 |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Get control of their flag!![]() |
快去拿敌人的旗帜! |
Someone take that flag!![]() |
快去夺下那面旗帜。 |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
The flag is ours.![]() |
旗帜是我们的了。 |
Score one for the good guys.![]() |
好人加一分。 |
- 保护我方旗帜
Get on our flag, now!![]() |
夺回我们的旗帜,要快! |
We need to defend our flag!![]() |
保护我们的旗帜! |
- 我方丢下旗帜
Someone else come pick this up.![]() |
快来人把这玩意儿捡起来。 |
Dropping the flag.![]() |
旗帜扔下了。 |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
Not how I would have drawn it up.![]() |
这和我想的不太一样啊。 |
Well that's a fine how do you do.![]() |
这可不太妙啊。 |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
Looks like it was too hot to handle.![]() |
看样子敌人觉得旗帜太烫手了。 |
They dropped our flag, someone pick it up!![]() |
敌人扔下了我们的旗帜,快去拿回来! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
We need to throw the breaks on that flag carrier.![]() |
我们得让拿旗帜的家伙休息会了。 |
Get our flag back!![]() |
把我们的旗帜拿回来! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
We need to throw the breaks on that flag carrier.![]() |
快把我们的旗帜抢回来。 |
Get our flag back!![]() |
快把我们的旗帜拿回来。 |
- 送回我方旗帜
Cleaning up and sending the flag back to base.![]() |
都让开,我要把旗帜带回基地了。 |
Returning the flag to base.![]() |
正在归还旗帜。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
I've got the flag.![]() |
我拿到旗帜了。 |
I got the flag in my custody.![]() |
旗帜在我手里。 |
- 想要摧毁目标
Destroy the objective!![]() |
去摧毁目标! |
We need to blow up that objective. Any ideas?![]() |
我们得炸掉目标,有人有好点子吗? |
- 敌方目标受损
Objective's sustaining damage.![]() |
敌方目标受损了。 |
We're taking down the objective.![]() |
我们就要干掉目标了。 |
- 我方目标受损
Our objective's not looking too good.![]() |
我们的目标情况不妙。 |
- 敌方目标受损严重
The objective can't take much more.![]() |
目标坚持不了多久了。 |
We need to keep the pressure on the objective, now!![]() |
我们得压制住目标,快快快! |
- 清除目标
Think that did the trick.![]() |
刚刚那招真要命。 |
Objective's dead. What's next?![]() |
目标被干掉了,下一个? |
- 到目标那
Get on the objective.![]() |
快去目标那里。 |
- 拿下目标
Take the objective!![]() |
拿下目标! |
Laying my claim on the objective!![]() |
目标是我的了! |
- 指示攻击目标
Eliminate the target!![]() |
消灭目标! |