We're here to be heard! |
让大家听到我们的声音! |
- 太空王子
I'm here to be heard! |
让大家听到我的声音! |
- 赫尔墨斯
We're here to be a herald! |
让大家听到我们的传令! |
Lúcio coming at you!![]() |
卢西奥来找你咯! |
- 冰球选手 & 强打球手
Lucio, checking in the game.![]() |
该卢西奥上场了。 |
I am so ready for this. |
我一直在等这一刻。 |
Let's get a groove on! |
舞步跳起来! |
Roll out! |
出发喽! |
Alright, here we go! |
好了,我们出发吧! |
Let's put them on the spot! |
让他们尝尝厉害! |
I am ready to roll!![]() |
你知道我的风格,我随时准备着! |
Enough waiting around, let's get out there!![]() |
等够了,让我们出发吧! |
Let's show them what we can do!![]() |
让他们瞧瞧我们的厉害! |
Look at this team. We're going to do great!![]() |
看看这阵容,我们赢定了! |
(idle singing).![]() |
(被闲置时的哼唱) |
Hey! Break time's over! Let's get moving!![]() |
嘿!休息够了!快走吧! |
Practice? I mean... what are we talking about... practice? We're talking about practice.![]() |
练球?我们在说什么呢……练球?我们居然要练球? |
Everyone ready? |
大家准备好了吗? |
Another day, another mission. Man, I'm so excited! |
新的一天,新的任务。啊,我好兴奋! |
Pump up the bass! It's time to roll out! |
低音再响点儿!要出发了! |
Let's get this show on the road! |
开始我们的表演吧! |
Setting my equalizer to absolute destruction! |
把我的均衡器调节到绝对毁灭模式! |
I think this mission might inspire my next single? ?Lúcio Saves the Day.? |
没准这次行动能给我灵感,写出下一首单曲:“卢西奥拯救世界”。 |
- 队友全为守望先锋成员
Overwatch? Oh, man. You guys are my heroes! |
“守望先锋”?哦,天呐,你们是我的英雄! |
- 在情人节期间
It's Valentine's Day! Anyone need help making a mixtape?![]() |
今天可是情人节!有人要我帮忙做首曲子吗? |
- 在新年期间
My new year's resolution? New skates for all the kids in the neighborhood.![]() |
我的新年愿望?嗯……希望我家附近的小孩都能有一双轮滑鞋。 |
- 在冰雪节期间
This is the time of year to think about everything we have to be thankful for.![]() |
每年这时候都该想想这一年要感激的人和事。 |
- 足球队员 & 前锋球员
Oh, nothing like playing in front of the home fans!![]() |
哦,能在主场踢球这感觉再好不过了! |
(hoots) This is one good looking team. The beautiful game, am I right?![]() |
(hoots)这支球队阵容太豪华了。真是一项美丽的运动,对吧。 |
My ratings? 99 pace, 99 dribbling, 99 making this look good.![]() |
我的数值?速度:99、控球:99,这分数不错吧。 |
- 冰球选手 & 强打球手
Brought my gear, time to find a game!![]() |
我把装备带来了,哪里有比赛? |
- 爵士舞者
Let's kick the beat!![]() |
节奏打起来! |
Everybody get your stuff together and let's jam!![]() |
大伙儿都准备好,来段即兴表演! |
- 太空王子
Wonder if my new tracks have hit this galaxy yet. |
不知道我的新专辑在这个星系火不火。 |
I would much rather tour the galaxy than deal with sound crystal trade routes. |
管理音能水晶的贸易航线挺没劲的,我宁可在星系里多逛逛。 |
- 赫尔墨斯
Olympus or bust, baby! |
为了奥林匹斯,宝贝! |
The blessings of Hermes be upon you. You're welcome. |
我赫尔墨斯会保佑你们的,放心吧。 |
- 上一轮赢了
That went great! Let's do it again.![]() |
刚才真是顺利!再来一次吧。 |
See, what did I tell you? Such a great team. |
看,我刚才怎么说的?我们队很厉害的。 |
Look at that! We're on track for a win! |
看看!我们要一路赢到底! |
What's that sound? The sound of nearing victory! |
那是什么声音?是马上要胜利的声音! |
- 上一轮输了
Let's be honest? that could have gone better. But we can still turn it around!![]() |
老实说确实不太理想。但我们还是可以扭转局势的! |
Okay, not our best fight, but we can still do this. |
好了,虽然刚才没发挥好,不过我们还是有机会的。 |
We lost, but now it's time to win! Right? |
我们输了一局,但接下来就该赢了!对吧? |
- 平局后的最后一轮
All that matters is what we do here, so let's win this!![]() |
我们现在做什么才是最关键的,一起赢下这场比赛吧! |
This is it, everyone, final round!![]() |
就是这一局了各位,最后一回合! |
We've got this in the bag for sure! Let's do this! |
这局我们一定能拿下!大家加油! |
Final round! You ready for this? I'm ready for this. |
最后一局!你们准备好了吗?我准备好了。 |
Let's take it from the top.![]() |
好了,从头来过。 |
Back in the mix.![]() |
又回来打架啦。 |
Time for a remix! |
该来一版remix了! |
You know, it's not always going to be a top hit. |
其实也不是每首歌都能火。 |
Uh, maybe I'll try something different this time. |
呃,不如这次我换个风格。 |
Uh... next track! |
呃……下一首! |
Switching tracks. |
切歌。 |
This music stops for no one! |
音乐不等人! |
Switching tracks. |
切歌。 |
That was just a sound check. |
刚才只是在试音。 |
- 连续击杀后被杀
Yeah, I took a beat... but they took a beating. |
我只是睡了,他们是埋了。 |
- 造成多个地形击杀后被杀
I was knocking them off left and right. Let's do it some more! |
刚才我把他们都推傻了。等会再让我露几手! |
Honestly, getting knocked out by Reinhardt Wilhelm? Kind of an honor. |
说实话,能被莱因哈特·威尔海姆击倒,还是挺荣幸的。 |
These music rivalries get heated, man. |
音乐家之间的较量要热闹起来了…… |
That's the last time I invite her to a charity concert. |
下次不会带她去慈善音乐会了。 |
- 赫尔墨斯
Ran to Hades and back. I'm warmed up! |
去了趟冥界,权当热身了! |
Cerberus said to tell y'all: "bark bark bark." |
刻耳柏洛斯托我带个话:“汪汪汪。” |
A god always gets back up. |
神嘛,总是会回来的。 |
They're just not getting the message. |
该让他们看懂我的信了。 |
- 太空王子
Ha! A real star takes millions of years to burn out. |
哈!想熄灭真正的明星,先等个几百万年吧。 |
I get it. Everyone in the system wants a piece of this. |
我看出来了,这个星系里人人都离不开我。 |
Uh, they know I'm royalty, right? |
呃,他们应该知道我是王室成员吧? |
Aw man, they messed up the sparkles on my suit! |
不是吧,他们把我衣服上的亮片弄乱了! |
Tough crowd on this hunk of rock. |
看来这颗星球上都是硬茬。 |
- 等队友重生
Let's get the band back together. |
我们的乐队该复合了。 |
Where's the rest of the band? |
乐队的其他人呢? |
Backup's still coming. |
增援还在赶来。 |
Am I supposed to wait for my team, or...? |
我是应该等队友,还是…… |
They've got us outnumbered! |
他们比我们人多! |
This is an uphill fight. Careful! |
这是一场苦战。要小心! |
Now, that's more like it!![]() |
啊,好极了! |
Good as new!![]() |
感觉好极了! |
I feel great!![]() |
伙计,我感觉好多了! |
Whew, thanks!![]() |
咻,谢谢! |
I'm feeling good!![]() |
感觉很好! |
(laughs) Now that's more like it!![]() |
(笑)这才像话嘛! |
Get hyped!![]() |
燥起来吧! |
Thanks!![]() |
谢谢,老兄! |
Nothing's going to stop me!![]() |
没人可以阻止我啦! |
We're on the same wavelength.![]() |
嘿,我们波长相同。 |
I'm too young to die!![]() |
我还年轻,还死不了! |
- 发现敌人
Here they come!![]() |
他们来了! |
They're crashing the party.![]() |
他们在砸我们的场。 |
Found them!![]() |
找到他们咯! |
Time to start the party! |
准备大闹一场吧! |
Let's give 'em a show! |
好戏就要开演了! |
- 敌人方位
Enemy's on the right!![]() |
敌人在右边! |
Watch the right!![]() |
小心右边! |
Enemy's on the left!![]() |
敌人在左边! |
Watch the left!![]() |
小心左边! |
Enemy's straight ahead!![]() |
敌人冲过来了! |
They're coming right at us!![]() |
他们冲过来了! |
Enemy's coming up from below!![]() |
敌人在下面! |
Below us!![]() |
在我们下面! |
Enemy's sneaking up behind us!![]() |
敌人从后面偷袭了! |
Watch out behind us!![]() |
当心身后的敌人! |
Watch for enemies up above!![]() |
小心上面的敌人! |
Above us!![]() |
在上面! |
- 敌人在集合
Looks like we have an audience!![]() |
看样子有观众来了! |
- 敌人在队友身后
Watch your back!![]() |
当心身后! |
Behind you!![]() |
当心后面! |
- 发现狙击手
Uh oh! Sniper! Keep moving!![]() |
噢哦,有狙击手!别停下不动! |
Sniper! Check your head!![]() |
有狙击手!小心你的头! |
- 敌人被复活
Guess they aren't done yet. |
看来他们还不肯认输。 |
Aw man, they're getting up again! |
噢,伙计,敌人又站起来了! |
We need to find the teleporter!![]() |
我们得找到传送器! |
- 寻找敌人
Heads up! They have a teleporter!![]() |
小心!他们有传送器! |
- 发现敌人
Found their teleporter! Let's take it out!![]() |
找到传送器了!炸烂它! |
- 摧毁敌人
Enemy teleporter destroyed.![]() |
干掉敌人的传送器了。 |
I got their teleporter. That should slow them down!![]() |
我找到传送器了。干掉就能挡住他们! |
They've got a shield generator here somewhere!![]() |
他们在附近部署了一台护盾发生器! |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
Found their shield generator, time to knock it out!![]() |
找到敌人的护盾发生器了,该砸烂它了! |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed!![]() |
干掉敌人的护盾发生器了! |
- 发现
Watch out for that turret!![]() |
小心那座炮台! |
Check it! Enemy turret ahead!![]() |
瞧啊!前面有敌人的炮台! |
- 摧毁
Hope you didn't work too hard on that.![]() |
老兄,希望你没有花太多心思在那上面。 |
Enemy turret destroyed.![]() |
干掉敌人的炮台了。 |
You remember that turret? Me neither.![]() |
你还记得那炮台吗?我也不记得了。 |
I am unstoppable!![]() |
没人能够阻止我! |
Boost-i-oooo!![]() |
谁想吃我一拳! |
Time for the collab of the century! |
让你们看看顶级的强强联手! |
Can't stop me now! |
现在,我无人能挡! |
I am in the zone! |
我状态爆棚! |
- 赫尔墨斯
Who wants a trip to Hades? |
谁想去见哈迪斯? |
No brakes on the H-Train! |
冥界专列要发车啦! |
My lucky day!![]() |
今天真走运! |
That was close!![]() |
真险! |
- 状态不好
Something's not right.![]() |
有点不对劲。 |
Not feeling so hot.![]() |
我感觉……不嗨了。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
That's not right!![]() |
这可不太对啊! |
Is it hot in here or is it just me?![]() |
是这儿太热了,还是就我一个人这么觉得? |
Woo! Check this out. I am on fire!![]() |
喔!注意了,我火力全开了! |
Woo! I am on fire!![]() |
我火力全开啦! |
Haha, I'm burnin' up! |
哈哈,我燃起来了! |
Ow! These beats are fire! |
嗷!我的节拍燃爆全场! |
I'm turning up the heat! |
我热力升级了! |
- 赫尔墨斯
Ran so fast, my feet caught fire! |
我的脚底都快着火了! |
Team kill? (Whoop) Look at us go! |
团灭?呼,我们可太强了! |
This team's in perfect harmony! |
我们的默契堪称完美! |
- 队友倒下
Stay focused, we don't want to lose another one!![]() |
集中精神,我可不想再失去一位队友! |
We're shorthanded!![]() |
我们人手不足! |
So not cool!![]() |
这可不太酷! |
Oh, no!![]() |
哦不! |
We have to pull together!![]() |
我们得一起行动! |
Ugh, major buzzkill.![]() |
呃,真扫兴。 |
Tracer's down! |
“猎空”倒下了! |
Reinhardt's out of commission! |
莱因哈特起不来了! |
足球队员 & 前锋球员
C'mon ref, show him a card!![]() |
拜托,裁判,快掏牌啊! |
That was a dive!![]() |
那是假摔! |
C'mon, ref!![]() |
裁判到底在干嘛? |
Are you blind, ref?![]() |
你眼睛没问题吧,裁判? |
- 队友击杀敌人
Have you been practicing?![]() |
你一直在偷偷练习? |
You gonna show me how to do that? |
这一招回头也教教我呗? |
I got front row tickets for that! |
那一下我在前排看得超清楚! |
You've been holding out on me! |
原来你一直深藏不露啊! |
Okay, okay! You've got some moves! |
不错,不错!你确实有两下子! |
You're the star of the show! |
你是舞台上的明星! |
You got chops!![]() |
你技术不错啊! |
- 给队友报位置
Hanging out over here.![]() |
我就在这儿。 |
I'm over here!![]() |
我在这儿呢! |
- 拯救队友
I got you! |
有我在! |
Don't sweat it. |
不要慌。 |
I got your back. |
有我看着你呢。 |
Now you really owe me one! |
这下你可欠我一个大人情! |
- 复活队友
I have your back! |
我罩着你! |
Oh, it's not over yet. Get back in there!![]() |
还没结束呢,回来继续战斗! |
- 投票史诗
Unreal!![]() |
不敢相信! |
Thank you, thank you.![]() |
谢谢,谢谢。 |
- 投票传奇
I am running this show!![]() |
全是我在表演! |
I make this look easy!![]() |
有我在,太轻松了! |