Here we go! |
滑起来! |
(Laughs) Yeah! |
(大笑)耶! |
And slide! |
秀出舞步! |
Can't beat this feeling. |
没有比这更爽的啦! |
You see this? |
快看我! |
Surf's up! |
冲浪好手! |
That's what I'm talking about! |
要的就是这个感觉! |
Back off! |
退后! |
Too close! |
别靠太近! |
Get lost! |
闪开! |
No invading my space! |
别想入侵我的空间! |
Sky boop! |
凌空一推! |
Airborne arpeggio! |
天籁之音! |
Heal up!![]() |
痊愈音效! |
Audio medic.![]() |
音乐疗法。 |
Feel the healing beat!![]() |
感受到治愈效果了吗! |
Healing boost!![]() |
治愈音效启动! |
These vibes will heal you. |
音波治愈你的心。 |
Let's get some healing beats going! |
来点儿治愈的节拍! |
Let's get into a healing rhythm! |
进入治愈节奏! |
Let the healing sound wash over you! |
用治愈的旋律抚慰你! |
I think we could use some good vibes. |
给大伙放些好听的旋律。 |
I feel this in my bones! |
旋律在我体内奏响! |
This beat will heal you up! |
这段节拍能治好你! |
Heal to this beat! |
听听节拍,恢复一下! |
Catch these healing waves. |
聆听这段治愈音波。 |
How's that for sound therapy? |
音乐疗法效果如何? |
- 赫尔墨斯
Divine healing! |
来自神的治愈! |
Hermes will heal you! |
赫尔墨斯为你治疗! |
- 太空王子
I'm the center of the healing system! |
我是治疗系统的中心! |
Healing signal incoming! |
开始发射治愈信号! |
Time to accelerate!![]() |
哦哦哦,加速! |
Yeah! Let's move it, people!![]() |
耶!大伙快跑起来! |
Let's up the tempo!![]() |
节奏加快了! |
Speed boost!![]() |
加速! |
Gotta go quick! |
加速前进! |
Accelerando! |
速度加快! |
Pick it up, pick it up! |
跑起来,跑起来! |
Quicken the pace! |
节奏再快点儿! |
Aw yeah! Move it! |
嗷耶!动起来! |
Let's do it faster! |
我们再快一点儿! |
Match this BPM! |
跟上这个节奏! |
Party time! Let's go! |
派对开始了!嗨起来! |
Get into this groove! |
跟着节奏动起来! |
Speed it up, everyone! |
大伙加速! |
- 赫尔墨斯
Let those feet fly! |
健步如飞! |
- 太空王子
Spiral galaxy speed! |
感受星系旋转的速度! |
Lightspeed! |
光速前进! |
Making use of that speed, I see! |
看来速度优势派上用场了! |
Accelerated assist. |
快速助攻。 |
Zoom zoom! Look at us go. |
轰!轰!我们可真厉害。 |
We're a speedy team! |
我们真是风驰电掣! |
I love helping others succeed. |
我喜欢助人一臂之力。 |
Sped you up, you did the rest! |
我负责加速,你搞定一切! |
We're bringing out your best self! |
我们助你飞得更高! |
(Brazilian Portuguese) That's what I'm talking about!![]() |
就是这感觉! |
(Brazilian Portuguese) Off the hook!![]() |
大家动起来! |
This is my favorite part. |
我最爱这段了。 |
Yeah, I'll turn it up! |
好,我来燃爆全场! |
Louder this time! |
大声来一段! |
Crank up the gain! |
增益加大! |
Oh, you'll wanna hear this! |
哦,这段你肯定想听! |
(Laugh) You want that louder? |
(笑)还想再大声点儿? |
Amp up this beat! |
奏响这段节拍! |
Turn it up, turn it up! |
再响点,再响点! |
Let's get loud! |
我们嗨起来! |
Blast it! |
轰爆全场! |
- 太空王子
Raise the sonosphere! |
掀翻声流层! |
Make some noise, planet people! |
各位星际公民,嗨起来! |
Max healing boost!![]() |
治愈音效来喽! |
Healing boost amped!![]() |
治愈音效已强化! |
Let's get some more healing! |
治愈效果再强点儿! |
Healing on maximum blast! |
治愈音效嗨翻全场! |
Max speed boost!![]() |
快跑快跑快跑! |
Speed boost amped!![]() |
加速音效已强化! |
Speed's maxed out! |
超高速节拍! |
Steppin' up the speed! |
节奏再快点儿! |