“ | 生于尘土,根扎深林。与火同源,光照大地。 | ” |
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火蛇残党,天空之家的孤儿,虹湾帮派里的喽啰,灰薪堆里打滚的无名小卒……卢雅那曾经有过无数个身份,但如今她已经找到了自己人生的目标。 |
In my name, unleash the tempest! | |
以我之名,腥风血雨! |
Honor, land... Everything that belongs to me will one day be returned. | |
土地,尊严……属于我的,终将归还! |
Yuhh!...Born of the earth rooted among the trees, from flames, I emerge to light up the world. | |
生于尘土,根扎深林。与火同源,光照大地。 |
It is I who will bring order to Rainbow Bay! | |
我,就是虹湾的规矩。 |
The more a flame is sealed away, the fiercer it burns. | |
火被关的越紧,烧起来就越猛烈。 |
Once, I was a pitiful creature, crawling through the ashes. But now, all of Rainbow Bay knows my name! | |
曾经我只能在灰薪堆里打滚,如今整个虹湾都要背诵我的大名。 |
On the ladder of chaos, while others fall off, I climb higher. | |
混乱是阶梯,有人掉下来了,而我爬上去了。 |
The Fire Serpents will not be forgotten, and we will not hide. | |
火蛇一族不会被遗忘,我和族人将不再躲藏。 |
Here we stand. Head held high. | |
我们站在这里,昂起头颅,站在这里。 |
Even the most noble of people can be turned into ash. | |
再贵重的生命也终将化为尘埃。 |
Let's blow this place up! Any objections? Well? You? | |
果然还是轰掉这里好了,谁反对?哦,你反对。 |
Those who have nothing, also have nothing to fear. | |
别小瞧那些一无所有的人,他们都无所畏惧。 |
- 一技能
More! I need more! | |
不够,还是不够! |
Die! Die! Die! | |
该死!该死!该死! |
Fight! Fight! Fight! | |
战!战!战! |
- 二技能
Care to dance? | |
要跳舞吗? |
Look into my eyes! | |
看着我的眼睛! |
We've got our eyes on you. | |
蛇在盯着你呢,我也一样。 |
- 三技能
My inferno knows no bounds! It never wanes! | |
我的怒火,无穷无尽!不止不息! |
Answer me, Boitata! Flames as far as the eye can see! | |
回应我,波伊塔塔!目之所及,燃烧殆尽! |
Embrace the terror! Face your fears! | |
拥抱颤抖!直面恐惧! |
Keep it coming! | |
送上门的。 |
Hahahaha… I'm just getting started. | |
才刚开始呢! |
Consumed by the flames. | |
残躯焚于烈火…… |
From the ashes, new life will rise! The ashes bring life! | |
灰烬赋予新生。 |
The smell of something burning soothes me. | |
焦味,让人愉悦和安心。 |
Look at this feast of ashes. | |
瞧瞧,这灰烬的盛宴。 |
A tooth for a tooth. | |
以牙还牙。 |
Want my autograph? I'll sign it on your grave. | |
要我给你签个名吗?在你的墓志铭上。 |
People who play with fire usually have a temper. | |
玩火的人,脾气都不会太好。 |
I am you and you are me. | |
我即是你,你即是我。 |
No rush. All will get a taste of my wrath. | |
别着急,我的怒火,见者有份。 |
A storm is brewing and a bloodbath is imminent. Let me translate. You're about to die. | |
血雨将至,狂风乍起。翻译一下,你们死到临头了。 |
Two birds with one serpent. | |
一击两命。 |
The inferno is unforgiving. | |
烈火无情。 |
The fang of a fire serpent is sharper than any blade. | |
蛇的獠牙,比刀更锋利。 |