Everyone heal up!![]() |
所有人都恢复一下! |
I'll heal you over here!![]() |
到我这儿来治疗! |
Come over here and get healed.![]() |
过来恢复一下。 |
Setting up meds. |
治疗装置启动。 |
Biotics deployed. |
生物力场已部署。 |
Heals coming up. |
状态恢复中。 |
Field's online. |
力场已启动。 |
Mobilizing biotic field. |
生物力场进入机动模式。 |
Come and get me. |
有本事过来抓我。 |
- 烧烤老板:76
I dropped a healing well.![]() |
这儿有治疗之泉。 |
Time to drink up.![]() |
该喝一杯了。 |
Can's down.![]() |
喝的来了。 |
Team, drink up here!![]() |
到我这儿来喝一杯! |
Everyone drink up!![]() |
大伙儿,干杯! |
Anyone need some cold refreshment?![]() |
有人想要来点儿饮料吗? |
Come here and get refreshed.![]() |
过来喝一杯爽一下。 |
Get over here and drink up!![]() |
快过来干了这杯! |
- 未知
Anyone need some shields? |
有人需要护盾吗? |
Get over here and shield up! |
到这儿来,有护盾! |
Stick with me for heals. |
想恢复状态就跟好我。 |
Team, shield up here! |
士兵们,这儿有护盾! |
Follow me for healing. |
需要治疗就跟紧我。 |
Get off my lawn. |
离我远点。 |
Heal field's pulsing. |
治疗力场发射脉冲。 |
Who needs healing? |
谁需要治疗? |
Come get healed. |
过来疗伤。 |
I've got meds. Who needs them? |
我有治疗装置,谁需要? |
Biotic healing ready for use. |
生物治疗已就绪。 |
Heh, the rocket got you. |
呵,一发飞弹就解决了。 |
Smithereens. |
粉身碎骨了。 |
Death spiral. |
死亡螺旋。 |
Can't argue with a well-timed rocket. |
一发时机精准的飞弹比什么都强。 |
Launch trajectory perfectly calibrated. |
炮弹轨迹完美测定。 |
Perfect jettison. |
投弹完美命中。 |
Aim where they're going, not where they are. |
要预判敌人的行动,不能只顾眼前。 |
Watch where you're dodging. |
躲闪的时候多长个心眼。 |
You're not the only one with rockets. |
会用火箭弹的不止你一个。 |
Aww… Did things blow up in your face again, Gabe? |
噢……又有东西在你脸上爆炸了吗,加比? |
Detected. (Chuckle). |
发现你了。(轻笑) |
I love the smell of pulse munitions in the morning.![]() |
我喜欢一大早脉冲弹药的味道。 |
Works every time.![]() |
屡试不爽。 |
Tag 'em and bag 'em.![]() |
轻轻松松。 |
My aim is still true.![]() |
我还是百发百中。 |
Destroy them before they get any closer!![]() |
消灭他们,别让他们靠近! |
Our enemies fall.![]() |
敌人全倒下了。 |
I love the smell of charcoal in the morning.![]() |
我喜欢一大早烤碳的味道。 |
That'll warm you up.![]() |
这下暖和了吧。 |
All work and no play. |
只工作不玩耍…… |
Pulse munitions delivered to target. |
目标已收到脉冲弹药。 |
Plenty for everyone. |
人人都有份。 |
Good effect on hostiles. |
对敌杀伤效果良好。 |
Couldn't handle me, huh? |
是不是拿我没办法了? |
- 击杀使用
When everyone has auto-aim, no one has auto-aim. |
人人都开自动瞄准,等于谁也没开。 |
Hmm. Guess my targeting algorithm's better. |
嗯。看来我的目标锁定算法更有效。 |