Don't worry, I'll be right behind you. |
不用担心,我就在你们身后。 |
- 复仇女神
Don't fail me. I'll be right behind you. |
不要辜负我,我就在你们身后。 |
Mercy on call.![]() |
天使待命中。 |
Mercy has arrived.![]() |
天使来了。 |
- 希格露恩 & 瓦尔基里
Mercy is here.![]() |
天使来了。 |
- 魔女 & 魅魔
Mercy, as summoned.![]() |
天使被召唤而来。 |
- 窈窕女巫 & 婀娜法师
Mercy, as summoned.![]() |
天使被召唤而来。 |
Be careful out there!![]() |
大家都要小心! |
Stay aware of your needs. |
有需要记得告诉我。 |
Let's keep each other safe. |
我们守望相助吧。 |
Don't be too reckless out there! |
上了战场别那么鲁莽! |
(sighs) I'll be busy soon enough.![]() |
(叹气)等下会很忙。 |
Please state the nature of the medical emergency.![]() |
请告诉我你要挂号哪类门诊。 |
I'll enjoy the quiet while it lasts.![]() |
趁现在让我清净会。 |
A moment to enjoy some peace and quiet... Probably just a moment, though.![]() |
总算可以清净一会了……尽管也许就一小会。 |
Well, I suppose I'll be patching you up... as usual.![]() |
好吧,我猜我又得帮你们包扎伤口了……就和往常一样。 |
Take care of each other out there.![]() |
行动时要彼此照应。 |
No unnecessary risks.![]() |
不要做没有必要的冒险。 |
Does everyone know the plan?![]() |
所有人都清楚计划了吗? |
Helping those in need is its own reward.![]() |
帮助别人就是最好的奖励。 |
Must violence always be the solution?![]() |
难道永远要用暴力解决问题? |
I've learned a lot from my experiences.![]() |
我学到了很多。 |
Always consult your doctor before engaging in strenuous activity.![]() |
在进行激烈运动前请记得一定要咨询医生的意见。 |
Keep the skies clear for me.![]() |
别让敌人从空中偷袭。 |
Stay close. I can't heal you if you stray. |
一起行动。要是走散了,我可没法治疗你。 |
We must be very careful not to harm any civilians. Do NOT just assume I can heal them. (Pause) Although I could,. |
我们必须谨慎一点,不要伤害任何平民。千万别认为我可以治疗他们。(停顿)虽然我确实可以。 |
If we can make it here, we can make it anywhere! |
如果我们能在这里成功,在哪里肯定都能成功。 |
It's even more important to stretch before missions as you age. |
等到上了年纪,任务开始前好好热身就更重要了。 |
- 队内多个飞行队友
Looks like I'm going to be in the air, so call if you need me on the ground. |
看来我得待在天上了,地面有需要就随时呼叫我。 |
- 队友都有治疗能力
Everyone on this team can heal themselves. This should be easy! |
这支队伍里人人都能治疗自己。看来我会很轻松! |
- 队友都为老年英雄
It's even more important to stretch before missions as you age. |
等到上了年纪,任务开始前好好热身就更重要了。 |
- 队友为黑百合
I know she's still in there. If I could just run some tests. |
我知道她还在,要是能让我做些测试就好了…… |
- 窈窕女巫 & 婀娜法师
They used to believe that witches lived in these woods. Ridiculous, isn't it?![]() |
他们一直以为女巫只会住在森林里。真可笑,不是吗? |
- 复仇女神
I decide who receives my aid. |
我会帮谁,由我做主。 |
In the name of humanity's future, my plans cannot fail. |
为了人类的未来,我的计划不容闪失。 |
For your sake, I hope you're not questioning my abilities. |
你最好不要质疑我的能力,这是为你好。 |
I could mend you. Though you may have to convince me first. |
我可以治愈你,但你得先给我一个理由。 |
- 上一轮赢了
This is our opportunity, let's not let it go to waste.![]() |
我们的机会来了,不要浪费。 |
We've made the first step, now let's go for victory!![]() |
我们完成了第一步,现在赢得胜利吧! |
The situation is proceeding quite well. |
现在的战局对我们很有利。 |
We have a great chance of success. Let's keep it up. |
胜利的天平倾向了我们。大家保持住。 |
- 上一轮输了
It is not over yet. We can turn this around.![]() |
还没结束,我们可以逆转局势的。 |
The fight has only just begun.![]() |
战斗才刚开始。 |
Don't lose sight of our goals. We can do this! |
别忘记我们的目标。我们一定可以的! |
Don't lose hope! Not all is lost. |
不要放弃希望!我们还有机会。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Victory does not come easily, but now we have a chance.![]() |
胜利并非易事,但现在我们有机会了。 |
If we succeed here, we will be victorious!![]() |
在这里获胜,我们就赢了! |
This is our final chance. We can do this! |
这是最后的机会了。我们一定能行! |
Let's keep our minds clear. We can do this! |
大家保持冷静,我们一定可以的! |
Now, where am I needed? |
谁需要我? |
The wonders of modern medicine. |
现代医学的奇迹。 |
(German) Someone always interrupts my work.![]() |
总有人打断我的工作。 |
I must go where I am needed.![]() |
我必须前往需要我的地方。 |
I'd better be more careful. |
我得再谨慎一点。 |
(German) Time for a new plan. |
(德语)该考虑新的计划了。 |
I must return to my post. |
我得回到自己的岗位上。 |
(German) I'd better hurry back. |
(德语)我得赶紧回到队友身边。 |
Making a full recovery. |
我的状态完全恢复了。 |
My skills are still needed. |
大家还需要我的医学技术。 |
Medical technology is truly extraordinary! |
医学技术真是太奇妙了! |
Healthy body, healthy mind. |
健康的身体,健康的头脑。 |
- 窈窕女巫 & 婀娜法师
Witches don't die that easily.![]() |
女巫可不会那么容易就死掉。 |
- 复仇女神
I will not let them stand in my way. |
我不会让他们成为我的阻碍。 |
(chuckle) No mercy. |
呵呵,天使绝不手软。 |
Time for a new plan. |
该制定新的计划了。 |
Minor setbacks mean nothing. |
小小挫折,不足为惧。 |
That won't be enough to stop me. |
这种程度是阻止不了我的。 |
They dare to make me their enemy? |
他们竟敢与我为敌? |
They'll regret that. |
他们会后悔的。 |
I'll teach them the meaning of pain. |
我会让他们明白痛苦的真正含义。 |
Death will not triumph over me. |
死亡无法征服我。 |
- 被团灭后重生
Full redeployment will take a little longer. |
还要再等一会儿才能全面重新部署。 |
Reinforcements are on the way. |
援军正在路上。 |
My patients are still recuperating. |
我的病人还没有完全康复。 |
We're outnumbered. Careful! |
我们势单力薄。小心! |
They have us outnumbered! |
他们的人手更多! |
Much better.![]() |
好多了。 |
That's better.![]() |
这样好多了。 |
Self medicating.![]() |
正在进行自我治疗。 |
Oh, you are good.![]() |
哦,你真厉害。 |
Thanks for looking out for me.![]() |
谢谢你照顾我。 |
Ahhh.![]() |
啊…… |
Much better!![]() |
好多了! |
(German) Thank you.![]() |
(德语)谢谢。 |
I feel... powerful!![]() |
我感到……很强大! |
Thank you!![]() |
谢谢你! |
Ah, so that's how it feels!![]() |
啊,原来就是这种感觉! |
Now this is a role reversal.![]() |
你把我的活儿给干了。 |
So that's what it feels like!![]() |
原来是这种感觉! |
We could all use a helping hand some time.![]() |
每个人都有需要帮助的时候。 |
- 发现敌人
Enemy seen!![]() |
发现敌人了! |
Let's give them their medicine. |
得好好治一治他们。 |
- 敌人方位
Enemy's on the left.![]() |
敌人在左边。 |
Watch the left side!![]() |
小心左边! |
Watch in front of us!![]() |
小心前面的敌人! |
They're attacking from the front!![]() |
他们从前面打过来了! |
Watch the right!![]() |
小心右边! |
Be careful! They're below us!![]() |
小心!他们在下面! |
They're coming from below!![]() |
他们从下面过来了! |
The enemy is behind us!![]() |
敌人在后面! |
Watch behind us!![]() |
当心身后! |
Watch for targets above you.![]() |
小心上面的目标。 |
Enemy's coming in from above!![]() |
敌人从上面来了! |
Enemy's on the right side!![]() |
敌人在右边! |
- 敌人在集合
They're grouping up here.![]() |
他们在这里集合了。 |
You think you can oppose me?![]() |
你觉得你能做我的对手? |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you!![]() |
当心后面! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper! Be careful!![]() |
狙击手!小心! |
- 敌人被复活
The enemy is being resurrected! |
有个敌人被复活了! |
The enemy is being revived! |
敌人要复活了! |
Resurrecting each other? That's my specialty! |
复活队友?那明明是我的专长! |
Find their teleporter!![]() |
快找到他们的传送器! |
- 寻找敌人
They have a teleporter!![]() |
他们有传送器! |
I believe they have a teleporter.![]() |
我相信附近有敌人的传送器。 |
- 发现敌人
The enemy teleporter is here!![]() |
敌人的传送器在这里! |
- 摧毁敌人
Enemy teleporter destroyed.![]() |
干掉敌人的传送器了。 |
The enemy has a shield generator!![]() |
敌人部署了护盾发生器! |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I've located the shield generator.![]() |
我找到护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed.![]() |
敌方护盾发生器已清除。 |
- 发现
Enemy turret ahead! Watch yourselves.![]() |
前面有敌人的炮台!小心。 |
- 摧毁
Enemy turret neutralized.![]() |
干掉敌人的炮台了。 |
I feel unstoppable!![]() |
没人能阻止我了! |
No one can stop me! |
谁都别想阻拦我! |
I feel the power! |
我感受到了力量! |
That was close.![]() |
好险。 |
(German) (exhales) Not a second too soon.![]() |
呼,就差那么一秒。 |
- 遭受攻击
Get them off me!![]() |
让他们离我远点儿! |
They're all over me!![]() |
他们都朝我来了! |
I'm being attacked!![]() |
我正遭到攻击! |
I'm under attack!![]() |
我遭到了攻击! |
Help me!![]() |
帮帮我! |
Cover me!![]() |
掩护我! |
I could use some assistance.![]() |
我需要你们的协助。 |
(German) I need help!![]() |
我需要帮助! |
- 状态不好
I'm not feeling well.![]() |
我感觉不是很好。 |
I'm not feeling my best.![]() |
我的状态似乎不是很好。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Damn.![]() |
该死。 |
Not good.![]() |
情况不妙。 |
(German) Damn.![]() |
该死! |
Something I could use?![]() |
我能用的东西? |
I don't do this for the reward, but I won't turn it down either.![]() |
我不是为了奖励而干这行的,但也不会拒绝。 |
What do we have here?![]() |
瞧瞧有些什么? |
Well, this is a pleasant surprise!![]() |
嗯,真是个意外的惊喜。 |
I'm on fire.![]() |
我火力全开。 |
I am fully focused! |
我现在全神贯注! |
My duty is being done! |
我正在贯彻自己的使命! |
I'm at the height of my performance! |
我的状态达到了巅峰! |
- 窈窕女巫 & 婀娜法师
I'm on fire! But this witch doesn't burn.![]() |
我冒火了!但我不会被烧死。 |
Well done, everyone. We put up a good fight. |
大家干得好。这一仗打得很漂亮。 |
Great work. They'll need to recover from that. |
干得漂亮。他们需要好好恢复一下了。 |
- 队友倒下
We have an ally down!![]() |
有队友倒下了! |
Dammit! I couldn't get there in time.![]() |
该死!我没能及时到达。 |
I'm sorry, I was too late.![]() |
抱歉,我来得太晚了。 |
I can see I'll have my work cut out for me.![]() |
看起来有活儿干了。 |
Start a fight and this is what happens.![]() |
挑起事端就是这个下场。 |
Another patient for my operating table.![]() |
手术台上又得多一个病人。 |
(German) Another patient for my operating table.![]() |
手术台上又得多一个病人。 |
I lost them!![]() |
我没能守护他们! |
I lost him!![]() |
我跟丢他了! |
I lost her!![]() |
我跟丢她了! |
窈窕女巫 & 婀娜法师
That poor, lost soul.![]() |
一个迷失的灵魂,真可怜。 |
- 队友击杀敌人
Great job!![]() |
干得好! |
Nice shot.![]() |
射的好。 |
(German) Well done!![]() |
干得好! |
(German) Nice shot.![]() |
打得好。 |
Well done. That's quite a feat! |
干得好。你立了大功! |
You really gave it to them. |
你给他们好好上了一课。 |
I'd hate to be the doctor who has to fix that. |
噢,幸好我不用给他们疗伤。 |
Excellent elimination. Ausgezeichnet! |
精彩的消灭。(德语)很了不起! |
You're doing quite well, Fareeha. |
你干得很漂亮,法芮尔。 |
If you must misuse my technology, I'm glad you're good at it. |
虽然你非要滥用我的技术,但幸好你的水平不赖。 |
- 给队友报位置
I'm right here.![]() |
我就在这儿。 |
I'm over here.![]() |
我在这里。 |
- 拯救队友
Don't thank me. Just doing my job.![]() |
不用感谢我,这是我的工作。 |
Help comes in many forms. |
救命的方法有很多种。 |
(German) You are not alone. |
(德语)你不是孤身一人。 |
I'm always watching over you. |
我一直在守护你。 |
- 复活队友
(German) Doctor's orders. |
要听医生的话。 |
We still need you.![]() |
我们还需要你。 |
Let's get you back into the fight.![]() |
回去战斗吧。 |
Get up, Torbjörn. You're not going to die that easily.![]() |
起来,托比昂。你没那么容易死的。 |
No lying down on the job, lieutenant.![]() |
执行任务时不准睡觉,中尉。 |
- 升级
Improvements have been made.![]() |
我进步了。 |
I'm at the top of my field.![]() |
我越来越厉害了! |
Combat procedures optimized.![]() |
战斗程序已优化。 |
New advancements discovered.![]() |
获得最新科技进展。 |
- 投票史诗
Excellent!![]() |
非常好! |
It's nice to be appreciated.![]() |
得到赞扬的感觉真好。 |
- 投票传奇
I couldn't have done it alone.![]() |
多亏有我的队友。 |