Enemy down.![]() |
干掉敌人了。 |
Hostile down.![]() |
敌人已清除。 |
Experience always wins in the end.![]() |
姜还是老的辣。 |
Justice delivered.![]() |
正义已得伸张。 |
Age and beauty, I have you on both.![]() |
论经验和美貌,你是赢不了我的。 |
(Arabic) Target eliminated.![]() |
目标已被消灭。 |
You're grounded. |
在地上待着吧。 |
Relax.![]() |
放轻松。 |
Tango down. |
目标已消灭。 |
I'm no easy mark. |
小瞧我是要付出代价的。 |
Not the first. Not the last. |
你不是第一个,也不是最后一个。 |
No wonder I can't retire. |
难怪我一直没法退休。 |
(Arabic) Another one falls. |
(阿拉伯语)又干掉一个。 |
What's one more kill? |
又干掉一个。 |
Kill confirmed. |
确认击毙。 |
Wow, that really is helpful. |
喔,效果确实不错。 |
(Arabic) Fine feathers make fine birds.![]() |
看看你,还真是人靠衣装。 |
- A-7000战神
Do not stand in our way. |
别妄想阻挡我们。 |
We will take no prisoners. |
我们不留活口。 |
Overwatch will fall. |
“守望先锋”必将灭亡。 |
Inferior creation. |
残次品。 |
You will not see our new world. Pity. |
你看不到我们的新世界了,真可惜。 |
(garbled) Jack? Jack! |
(错乱)杰克?杰克! |
(garbled) Reinhardt? What happened? |
(错乱)莱因哈特?怎么会这样? |
(garbled) Who are you? |
(错乱)你是谁? |
(garbled) I remember you. |
(错乱)我记得你。 |
- 艾玛莉大指挥官
The dead should stay dead. |
进了棺材就乖乖躺好。 |
Those bright eyes are blind to the truth. |
空有明亮的眼睛,却看不清真相。 |
Tch. Weak. |
啐,弱者。 |
I chose greatness. You chose failure. |
我选择成就伟业,你选择一败涂地。 |
(sinister laugh) Put down. |
(邪恶的笑)躺好吧。 |
You make all of Reinhardt's mistakes. |
莱因哈特的毛病你都有。 |
Don't make it easy for me, young man. |
别死那么快嘛,年轻人。 |
Youth is wasted on the young.![]() |
年轻人总是虚度光阴。 |
I can't be matched. |
我的水平你学不来。 |
No one to save you, Angela. |
没人能救你,安吉拉。 |
You still have much to learn. |
你要学的还有很多。 |
Make better choices, child. |
你挑错对手了,孩子。 |
One shot, one kill.![]() |
一枪,一个。 |
You will fear me. |
我会让你恐惧。 |
(laughs) Speed isn't everything.![]() |
(笑)速度快有什么用? |
Pipe down. |
安静。 |
Settle down, old man.![]() |
乖乖躺下吧,老头。 |
(Arabic) You can't teach an old dog new tricks.![]() |
老狗学不会新把戏。 |
I keep my secrets. |
我的秘密只属于我。 |
- 击杀使用
You think I’ve never fought an invisible person before? |
你以为我没跟隐身人交过手吗? |
I'm disappointed, Fareeha. |
妈妈很失望,法芮尔。 |
- 击杀使用
What did I teach you about safe barrages? |
火箭弹幕的安全事项我是怎么教的? |
I don't even know you anymore.![]() |
你怎么变成这样了? |
- 击杀使用
We all saw that coming, Gabriel. |
我们早有准备,加布里尔。 |
- 击杀被
I of all people should know how to stop that. |
最清楚该怎么处理这种情况的人就是我。 |
- 击杀使用
Remember, Reinhardt... when you charge, your shield is down. |
记住,莱因哈特……你冲锋的时候没有盾牌保护。 |
- 击杀使用
Sorry, Winston, you're a big target.![]() |
抱歉,温斯顿,但你的目标实在太大了。 |
You're no longer my problem. |
不用再操心你了。 |
Falling is easy. Getting back up is the challenge. |
掉下去很容易,怎么爬上来才是难题。 |
I like to confirm my kills... but this is more fun. |
我一般亲眼确认目标死了才放心……不过这样更有意思。 |
You make it too simple. |
你这样太没挑战了。 |
I keep score. |
我都记着呢。 |
- 超远距离击杀
Long-range takedown confirmed. |
远距离击杀已确认。 |
Not even my longest shot this week. |
还达不到我这周的最远命中纪录。 |
No hesitation this time. |
这次我不会再犹豫了。 |
- 击杀被
Whoever stole my technology does not know how to use it. |
可惜你们只会偷我的技术,却不懂该怎么用。 |
You can't use my tricks against me. |
别想用我的招数击败我。 |
We all die, eventually. |
人终有一死。 |
They never learn. |
总是学不乖。 |
No shortage of work to do. |
真是一会儿都不让我闲着。 |
You'll need more than that to bring me down. |
想干掉我,这点本事可不够。 |
Underestimate me at your own peril. |
低估我,后果自负。 |
Anyone else? |
还有谁? |
- A-7000战神
Oppose us, and fall. |
违抗我们,死路一条。 |
Witness the might of Null Sector. |
见证归零者的力量吧。 |
You're joking. |
你在开玩笑吧。 |
I'm still a threat up close. |
我在近处一样致命。 |
(Arabic) Weak. |
(阿拉伯语)太弱了。 |
- A-7000战神
(laughs) Feeble flesh. |
(笑)弱小的血肉之躯。 |
(garbled) My... daughter? |
(错乱)我的……女儿? |
- 艾玛莉大指挥官
(Scoff) Useless. |
哼哼,软弱无力。 |