Do not let up until the last enemy has fallen.![]() |
在最后一个敌人倒下之前不要放松警惕。 |
I will not leave a broken world behind. |
我不会抛下这个残破的世界。 |
- A-7000战神
I will break this world. |
我会摧毁这个世界。 |
- 艾玛莉大指挥官
I will not leave a peaceful world behind. |
我不会容忍这个和平的世界。 |
Ana, checking in.![]() |
安娜来报到了。 |
- 海盗女王
Ana, at the helm.![]() |
安娜,前来报道。 |
- 先锋队长 & 法老护卫
Captain Amari, reporting for duty.![]() |
艾玛莉上尉,向你报告。 |
- A-7000战神
Ana online. |
安娜上线。 |
(Arabic) I am watching over you. |
(阿拉伯语)我会照看你们的。 |
Stay focused. We have everything we need. |
保持专注。该有的我们都有。 |
Let's move out. |
我们上。 |
Keep in sight, and this will go smoothly. |
相互照应,就能顺利完成任务。 |
Look after yourselves out there. I'll get us home safe.![]() |
你们都小心一点,我会让所有人都平安回家的。 |
Stick to the plan and if you get into trouble, I'll bail you out.![]() |
你们按计划行动就行了,万一出了问题我会帮你们解决的。 |
There's nothing I haven't seen before. Stick together, we will complete our mission.![]() |
大风大浪我都经历过。只要我们团结在一起,就能完成任务。 |
We must all find a cause worth fighting for. |
我们所有人都必须找到值得为之奋斗的目标。 |
(sigh) A mother's work is never done. |
(哈欠)做母亲的永远闲不下来。 |
Keep in sight. I'll have us in and out in no time. |
别离开我的视线。我会带大家快进快出。 |
Just one more mission. |
呵,又来一个任务。 |
Stay sharp. It's harder to keep you alive when you're distracted. |
保持警惕。敢在战场上分心,那可是想救都救不回来。 |
Maybe one day, we'll go on missions in Hawaii. |
说不定有一天,我们会去夏威夷执行任务。 |
- A-7000战神
Stand together, or fall alone. |
团结者存,孤立者亡。 |
Humans are a blight and a weakness. They must not hinder us. |
人类不过是软弱的疫病,休想阻挡我们的步伐。 |
A-7000 Wargod online. Standing by. |
A-7000战神机体上线。正在待命。 |
A new era will soon be upon us. |
属于我们的新时代即将到来。 |
(garbled) This place... I know this place. |
(错乱)这个地方……我记得这里。 |
- 艾玛莉大指挥官
No surrender, no survivors. |
宁死不降,格杀勿论。 |
The world has grown complacent... a mistake it will soon regret. |
这个世界越来越自以为是了……很快,它将会后悔。 |
My command is law. You'd be wise to remember that. |
我的命令就是律法。识相的话就牢记这一点。 |
Mind yourself, Reinhardt. You're still of use to me. |
小心点,莱因哈特。你对我还有利用价值呢。 |
- 上一轮赢了
They're going to throw everything they have at us. But it won't be enough.![]() |
这次他们一定会拼尽全力,但他们是不会成功的。 |
Let's do it again, from the top.![]() |
从头开始,再赢一次。 |
Not bad. Now, let's finish this. |
还不错。就这样赢下比赛吧。 |
They can try all they like. We won't falter. |
让他们放马过来。我们不会退缩的。 |
- 上一轮输了
We can still turn this around. Everyone, focus.![]() |
我们还有机会,所有人都打起精神。 |
Let's get it together. We are not losing this.![]() |
一起前进,我们不会输的。 |
We're getting sloppy. Shape up! |
我们太散漫了。态度放端正! |
Hold it together. We haven't lost yet. |
保持冷静。我们还没输。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Forget what happened in the past, we just have to win here.![]() |
不要再想着以前了,我们只需要赢下这一局就行了。 |
Win here and our jobs are done.![]() |
只要在这里获胜,我们的任务就完成了。 |
Last chance. Let's finish this. |
最后的机会了。做个了结吧。 |
This is the end. We must give it our all. |
这是最后一战,我们得全力以赴。 |
(Sigh) One of these days I'll end up in Fiji. |
打完仗我要去斐济度假…… |
(Arabic) There is still work to be done. |
(阿拉伯语)还有活没干完呢。 |
I won't give in. |
我不会放弃的。 |
I still have some fight in me. |
我还能再战。 |
You'll have to try harder than that. |
想打倒我,还得再加把劲。 |
This is not the end. |
还没结束呢。 |
I'm not finished. |
我还没倒下呢。 |
I go out on my terms. |
什么时候退场由我做主。 |
Our enemies will regret their defiance. |
敌人会为他们的负隅顽抗后悔。 |
Our fight is not over. |
我的战斗还没结束。 |
- 装备A-7000战神皮肤并被法老之鹰击杀
(garbled) Fareeha? Why? |
(错乱)法芮尔?为什么? |
We're outnumbered. Be careful! |
我们寡不敌众。当心! |
They have superior numbers! |
他们人数占优! |
Patched up.![]() |
恢复了。 |
That's much better.![]() |
好多了。 |
Healed up.![]() |
痊愈了。 |
I appreciate the support.![]() |
感谢你协助我。 |
(exhales) I needed that.![]() |
(呼气)正是我需要的。 |
I'm feeling young again.![]() |
我感觉又年轻了。 |
I'll make quick work of them.![]() |
我会给他们一个痛快。 |
You won't regret it.![]() |
你不会后悔的。 |
I remember this feeling.![]() |
我记得这种感觉。 |
Correct choice.![]() |
正确的选择。 |
(Arabic) Now to defeat my enemies!![]() |
我要击溃所有敌人。 |
Thank you, Angela.![]() |
谢谢你,安吉拉。 |
I am in your debt.![]() |
我欠你一份人情。 |
Back again.![]() |
重返战斗。 |
- 发现敌人
Enemy in my sights.![]() |
我发现敌人了。 |
Enemy contact.![]() |
看到敌人了。 |
Engage the enemy! |
发现敌人! |
- 敌人方位
Our enemies are advancing.![]() |
敌人正在逼近。 |
I see them!![]() |
我看到他们了! |
They're above us!![]() |
他们在我们上面! |
The enemy is behind us.![]() |
敌人在后面。 |
Enemy's on the left.![]() |
敌人在左边。 |
The enemy's attacking from the front.![]() |
敌人从正面突破了。 |
They're coming right for us.![]() |
他们冲过来了。 |
The enemy is below us.![]() |
敌人在我们下面。 |
Watch for enemies to our rear.![]() |
小心后面的敌人。 |
Watch the left side.![]() |
注意左边。 |
Watch the right.![]() |
注意右边。 |
They are on the right.![]() |
他们在右边。 |
- 敌人在集合
They're over here!![]() |
他们在这里! |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you!![]() |
在你后面! |
Watch your back!![]() |
小心后面! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper! Be careful!![]() |
有狙击手!小心! |
- 敌人被复活
Enemies reengaging.![]() |
敌人又回来了。 |
I guess they weren't finished. |
看来那家伙还没死透。 |
They're back? ?Sigh? Always something. |
敌人又回来了?唉,老是这样…… |
Locate their teleporter!![]() |
找到他们的传送器了! |
- 寻找敌人
They have a teleporter. Find and destroy it.![]() |
他们有传送器。快找到它。 |
- 发现敌人
Enemy teleporter at my location.![]() |
敌人的传送器在我这儿。 |
- 摧毁敌人
Enemy teleporter destroyed.![]() |
干掉敌人的传送器了。 |
They're using a shield generator.![]() |
他们有护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I've found the shield generator.![]() |
我找到护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed.![]() |
敌方护盾发生器已清除。 |
- 发现
Enemy turret here.![]() |
这儿有敌人的炮台。 |
- 摧毁
Enemy turret destroyed.![]() |
干掉敌人的炮台了。 |
Now it's my turn. |
该轮到我了。 |
(Arabic) Challenge me! |
(阿拉伯语)有本事就来挑战我! |
That was closer than I like.![]() |
刚才真是好险。 |
- 状态不好
Something isn't right.![]() |
有些不对劲。 |
Not feeling 100%.![]() |
我感觉不在状态。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
(Arabic) Damn!![]() |
呼! |
Damn!![]() |
可恶! |
I never did collect my pension.![]() |
我还从来没领过退休金呢。 |
Hard work is rewarded.![]() |
认真工作总有回报。 |
I am unbreakable! |
我坚不可摧! |
The Eye of Horus watches over you! |
荷鲁斯之眼注视着你! |
(Arabic) I'm on fire! |
(阿拉伯语)我现在火力全开! |
- A-7000战神
(garbled) Beware the Eye of Horus! |
(错乱)畏惧荷鲁斯之眼的神威! |
- 艾玛莉大指挥官
I feel alive! |
我如同新生! |
- A-7000战神
Scorched-earth. Well done. |
遍地焦土。干得好。 |
All who oppose us will be annihilated. |
妨碍我们的事业,必将被诛灭。 |
- 队友倒下
We lost one. Keep it together! |
有人倒下了。大家坚持住! |
Teammate down. Be careful. |
有队友倒下了。当心。 |
We're down a soldier. Stick together. |
有士兵倒下了。团结起来。 |
Reinhardt's down. (Sigh) Hold on, dear. |
莱因哈特倒下了。(叹气)坚持住,亲爱的。 |
- 队友击杀敌人
Keep that up and maybe I will retire.![]() |
照这样下去,我可真的得退休了。 |
(Arabic) A master's hit!![]() |
职业表现! |
(Arabic) Well done!![]() |
干得好! |
Hmph. Not bad.![]() |
哼,还算不错。 |
Do not be too overconfident. The enemy's numbers are great.![]() |
不要放松警惕,敌人的数量远超我们。 |
Keep your guard up!![]() |
保持高度警惕! |
You're good company. |
你是个优秀的战友。 |
It's good to have backup again. |
真怀念这种有帮手的感觉。 |
Thank goodness someone taught you to shoot. |
幸好有人教了你怎么开枪。 |
Well struck. |
打得好。 |
That was quite the shot! |
那一枪很漂亮! |
Hm. Impressive. |
嗯,有两下子。 |
- A-7000战神
You are of use to our cause. |
你对我们的事业很有用。 |
That's my daughter.![]() |
那才是我的女儿。 |
(Arabic) Like mother, like daughter.![]() |
就跟妈妈当年一样。 |
Like mother, like daughter.![]() |
有其母必有其女。 |
Reinhardt, you haven't lost a step!![]() |
莱因哈特你还是和以前一样勇猛! |
You always did watch my back, Torbjörn.![]() |
你总是会保护我,托比昂。 |
Nice shooting, Jack.![]() |
射得很准,杰克。 |
Well struck, archer!![]() |
打得好,弓箭手! |
Clean work as always, Vivian. |
你还是那么利索,维维安。 |
?Clever like the fox? |
“像狐狸一样机灵。” |
Trying to impress me, young man? |
是想在我面前表现一下吗,年轻人? |
I knew you had a mean streak, Angela. |
我就知道你不是善茬,安吉拉。 |
Don't you miss watching my back, Gabriel? |
帮我盯着背后的感觉你怀念吗,加布里尔? |
- 给队友报位置
I'm over here.![]() |
我在这里。 |
I'm in position.![]() |
我已就位。 |
- 拯救队友
I watch over you. |
我看着你呢。 |
You are under my guard. |
我会保护你的。 |
- 复活队友
(relief) Not this time.![]() |
(relief)千钧一发…… |
You're going to be okay.![]() |
你会没事的。 |
Don't be so dramatic. You're fine.![]() |
别那么娇气,你没什么大碍。 |
- 升级
Still improving.![]() |
活到老学到老。 |
I must keep my skills sharp.![]() |
我必须继续保持。 |
- 投票史诗
Someone needs to show how it's done.![]() |
总得有人做个榜样。 |
- 投票传奇
A vintage performance.![]() |
经典的表现。 |
I don't do speeches.![]() |
别让我说得奖感言。 |
When I was younger, we'd call this routine.![]() |
我年轻的时候,这只能算正常表现。 |