“ | 生命一分为二,灵魂独一无二。 | ” |
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淬命双剑 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_干将莫邪.mp3
干将之剑名扬云梦泽,但始终次于天下第一铸剑大师。强烈的执念使得他辗转疯魔,东皇太一兀然前来告知其大师铸剑之法,为铸出有魂之剑,妻子莫邪纵身剑炉,身陨,剑成。 |
Two souls, one body. One love, never-ending. | |
一分为二的生命,独一无二的魂灵。 |
The sword is drawn. Drawn, for revenge. | |
扔掉了无谓的剑鞘,给你复仇。 |
The best sword. Is always the next one. | |
最好的剑,永远是下一把。 |
In death or in life. Together or apart. Always with you. Just as I promised. I asked for your hand. I give you my life. | |
生死契阔,与子成说,执子之手,与子偕老。 |
We are one. A double-edged sword. We forged our own separation. Now, we'll forge theirs. | |
我们一体的,我们永不分离;我们锻造别离,不可弥补的别离。 |
I'll forge a sword! I'll be the crucible. I'll forge your blood and bone! I'll be your blade. | |
锵!我欲铸剑!锵!铸我为剑!我淬炼你的骨血!我成就你的锋芒! |
We forge blasphemous things. As sublime offerings. | |
锻造这大逆不道,作崇高的祭礼。 |
Melt down their lives. Cast them in their tombs. | |
敲打他们的生命,敲打他们的坟墓。 |
Return with me. To ashes and dust. | |
千锤,百炼。 |
They will soon... be torn to shreds. | |
他们会很快,破碎万千。 |
My sword... is unstoppable. | |
我的剑,势不可挡。 |
They're jealous. Because they're lonely. They're furious. Because they're helpless. | |
他们羡慕,因为孤独,他们愤怒,因为无助。 |
Taste my sword. Taste your doom. | |
试试剑,试试终结。 |
We've gone through... fire and water. | |
随我归去,往蒿里去。 |