“ | 吾未老,尚能战! | ” |
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正义爆轰 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_廉颇.mp3
廉颇出生于南荒,其部族财富远胜周边,所以经常遭到周边劫掠,后来因廉颇的守护,才渐渐扭转形势,廉颇也因此被推举为族长。再后来血族之灾爆发,在白起刺激下,廉颇孤身前往稷下寻求力量,他要证明自己…… |
An unyelding soul, an undying will, an ageless heart. That's what it takes! | |
不屈的灵魂,不灭的斗志,不老的心。 |
I belong in the heavyweight class! | |
我可是重量级的。 |
Feel the wrath of my iron fists! | |
看我无敌铁拳。 |
I correct every failure ten times over! | |
一次不行,那就再来十次。 |
"Old"? I don't even know what that means. | |
我的字典里没有老这个字。 |
A strong heart makes you immortal! | |
心不老,身不灭。 |
If you think you can take me, why don't you come here and try? | |
敢小瞧我,不如来打一架。 |
Just storm in, you say? That's music to my ears. | |
要硬上吗?正合我意! |
Let's cut the talk and start the cutting! | |
不服就干! |
Plans for some big hit? Count me in. | |
要干大事吗,算我一个。 |
Why don't I show you how "old" I still am? | |
吾未老,尚能战! |
Scars are the mark of a true warrior. | |
伤痕,是岁月,是成长,是力量。 |
- 一技能
Smash! | |
重拳出击! |
Make sure you get enough iron! | |
玩过铁拳吗! |
Crush them! | |
粉碎他们! |
- 二技能
Down in one! | |
一拳破敌! |
True strength! | |
名副其实的力量! |
- 三技能
Earthshaker! | |
震天撼地! |
I'm sending all of you fools home! | |
对面的,让我送你们团灭。 |
I protect what I cherish. | |
守护我想守护的一切。 |
- 推掉塔
Am I the only one here, to bring us to victory? | |
还有谁? |
I can still... fight... | |
吾……尚善饭…… |
I tried... | |
这算是轰轰烈烈吗…… |
My spirit will never die... | |
斗志……昂扬不灭…… |