“ | 生存还是死亡,这是个问题。 | ” |
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善恶怪医 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_扁鹊.mp3
扁鹊曾是徐福弟子,醉心医术,憧憬救世。但救治王的过程中却遭到师父的背叛,接踵而至的追杀几度让扁鹊与死神擦肩而过。现在,善良的医生已死,活下来的是冷酷的怪医。 |
Shall I let you live? Or let you die. | |
生存还是死亡,这是个问题。 |
The only truly kind people are those who can no longer speak. | |
善良的唯有永不开口之人。 |
Don't forget to take your medicine. | |
别放弃治疗! |
You want the power to control life and death? | |
操纵生死?哼,愚不可及。 |
Life is not cheap. Indeed, saving one can be quite costly. | |
命不是廉价品,治疗很昂贵。 |
Who ever lives the longest, wins. | |
命长的是赢家。 |
Hmm... We're fighting against people with incurable diseases. | |
一群病入膏肓的家伙。 |
Now I'm surrounded by walking corpses. | |
人人都是行尸走肉。 |
Bitter medicine is good for you! | |
良药苦口! |
I have just the thing you need! | |
该吃药了! |
See a doctor if you're sick! | |
有病就得治! |
This new formula works great! | |
新配方,效果不错! |
Umm... got it! The test results are back. They say you're gutless! | |
解剖结果,你的胆子可是出乎意料的小。 |
And so I rot away... as all things must. | |
无可避免的……腐朽了。 |
- 鼓掌
这个病,得的好啊。 |
- 拒绝
感冒这种小病,别来找我。 |
- 开心
笑一笑,十年少。 |
- 恐惧
不……师傅。 |
- 狂喜
哈哈哈……被点了笑穴。 |
- 抬手
绝世神医,就在这! |
- 悲伤
实验……失败了。 |
- 愤怒
怎么又没有病人了? |
- 敲鼓
猜猜我的药箱里装了什么? |
- 扔瓶子
我也不知道这瓶子里是解药,还是毒药。 |
- 舞蹈
跳舞,新型治疗法。 |