Make some turrets, haha! Usually they say make some noise, so that was a joke.存在于守望先锋1代 |
熔火核心!哈哈哈,我只是要清清嗓子,你们在怕什么? |
Watch me shake my claw. Haha. I'm not a dwarf, but I'll give you more, solid down to my molten core!存在于守望先锋1代 |
都给我听好了,哈哈哈,挥起铁锤响叮当,敲起炮台隆隆响! |
Well, the view's not bad.存在于守望先锋1代 |
嗯,这景色还不赖嘛。 |
There better be no penguins on this base. |
基地里要是没有企鹅就更好了。 |
That damn tower... I don't care if tourists like it, it's falling over and needs to be fixed! |
那座破塔……我才不管游客喜不喜欢,它都快倒了,得赶紧修一修! |
I can't believe I fell for all that anti-omnic claptrap. |
真不敢相信我当初居然信了那些反智械的废话。 |
You ask me, the Brits have their heads on straight. Omnic rights. (scoffs).存在于守望先锋1代 |
要我说,英国人在处理智能机械的问题上还是挺有一套的。(scoff) |
I thought I left Overwatch! But, here we are. |
我当初明明离开了“守望先锋”!可大伙又聚在一起了…… |
This place is like the terrible culmination of a thousand of my worst nightmares. Are you kidding me?存在于守望先锋1代 |
这个地方比噩梦还糟糕。你在跟我开玩笑吗? |
I'm a little… embarrassed of some things I said here. But I'm doing my best to learn. |
我以前在这里说了些话,还挺……不好意思的。不过我在尽力学习了。 |
Now this is a city that understands engineering. And that child genius, whew! A future Ironclad, no doubt. |
这才是真正懂工程学的城市。还有那个小天才,呼!将来绝对是个顶尖的铁甲工匠。 |
City of Lights? I prefer the northern lights. |
“光之城”?我还是更喜欢北极光。 |
All these skyscrapers just hurt my neck. |
那么多的摩天大楼,对我的脖子太不友好了。 |
Now this is what proper engineering does for a city! |
优秀的工程技术就应该像这样为城市增光添彩! |
Broken safety compliances everywhere! |
这儿完全不把安全规范当回事的吗! |
New York's Chief Engineering Advisor has returned! |
纽约的首席工程顾问回来了! |
I'd love to get a look at that fusion core.存在于守望先锋1代 |
我想看看那台聚变核心…… |
Now this is my kind of factory.存在于守望先锋1代 |
这才是我心目中的工厂。 |
I'd love to get a look at that fusion core.存在于守望先锋1代 |
我想看看那台聚变核心…… |