Enough of you. |
我受够你了。 |
Another casualty. What a pity. |
又一个牺牲品,真遗憾。 |
Stay down. |
别起来了。 |
Inevitable. |
在劫难逃。 |
Was it worth it? |
这值得吗? |
You were warned. |
我警告过你。 |
You are finished. |
你被终结了。 |
And so you fall. |
你就此陨落。 |
A necessary elimination. |
必要的灭亡。 |
This was your best effort? |
你就只有这点本事吗? |
Missteps punished. |
错误已得到惩罚。 |
Capsized. |
覆舟巨浪。 |
Crushed by the thunder of my waves. |
轰鸣的巨浪让你粉身碎骨。 |
The riptide pulls you back. * Laughs* |
激流再次吞没你。* 笑* |
The sea belongs to me. |
大海是属于我的。 |
None can withstand the ocean's might. |
海洋之力无人能敌。 |
Inexorable triumph. |
胜利早已注定。 |
- 米诺陶洛斯莱因哈特
Even bulls are powerless before the flood. |
蛮牛之力难挡滔天洪水。 |
- 赫尔墨斯卢西奥
Did you get that message, Hermes? |
那封信你收到了吗,赫尔墨斯? |
- 美杜莎黑百合
Drown, little gorgon. |
溺毙吧,小戈耳工。 |
- 宙斯渣客女王
Olympus will be mine. |
奥林匹斯必将属于我。 |
A just end for your hubris, sister. |
这就是心高气傲的下场,妹妹。 |
- 哈迪斯法老之鹰
My realm is as deep and dark as yours. |
我的国度和你的一样黑暗深邃。 |
- 独眼巨人路霸
I gave you life, and now I have taken it away. |
我给了你生命,现在便要将它夺走。 |
You've lost your way, son. |
你迷失了方向,儿子。 |
I'm sorry, brother. |
对不起了,兄弟。 |
You should have joined me, brother. |
你应该加入我的,兄弟。 |
And now, Mondatta's lessons have betrayed you too. |
孟达塔的理念现在也背叛了你。 |
Someone's forgotten our lessons. |
有人忘记了曾经的教训。 |
You must learn to block, brother. |
你要学会格挡,兄弟。 |
And that is the end of my brother's pet human. |
我兄弟的人类宠物就这样被终结了。 |
My brother pitied you. I do not. |
怜悯你的是我的兄弟,不是我。 |
Your performative servitude sickens me. |
你甘当走狗的样子让我恶心。 |
You have preyed on my people for the last time. |
以后你别想再猎杀我的族人了。 |
Return to your rest. |
继续休眠吧。 |
Not advanced enough, it seems. |
看来你还不够先进。 |
Your scheming ends now. |
你的阴谋到此为止。 |
Weak after all. |
终究是个弱者。 |
I expected more from the fabled Crusaders. |
传说中的十字军也不过如此。 |
You should have joined me. |
你应该加入我的。 |
I truly had no quarrel with you. I'm sorry. |
我不是有意和你争斗的。抱歉。 |
All that muscle, and it still isn't enough. |
如此健硕的肌肉,依然不堪其用。 |
- 击杀使用
So fast, so careless. |
动得太快,想得太少。 |
- 击杀使用
By all means, keep charging in. |
就是这样,闷头冲吧。 |
- 击杀使用
You and your visor are obsolete. |
你和你的目镜都过时了。 |
- 击杀使用
Speak not of justice to me, human. |
你不配跟我说正义,人类。 |
- 击杀使用
Don't presume to judge me. |
不要对我妄加审判。 |
- 击杀使用
Ninjas should be neither seen nor heard. |
身为忍者,就该避人耳目。 |
- 击杀使用
A rather pathetic crescendo. |
你的渐强演奏太可悲了。 |
Absurd, but effective. |
荒谬,却有效。 |
* Tch tch* Careless. |
* 啧啧* 大意了吧。 |
I honestly didn't think that would work. |
实话说,我没想到那都可以。 |
Sink into the depths. |
沉入深渊。 |
Choose your enemies more carefully next time. |
下次选对手记得要慎重。 |
Did you think me forgiving? |
你觉得我会原谅你吗? |
Ah, that was satisfying. |
啊,你的死令我舒畅。 |
Did you hope I had forgotten? |
你以为我会忘记你吗? |
- 低生命值击杀
You shouldn't have pressed me. |
逼我是个错误的决定。 |
- 近距离击杀
Should have kept your distance. |
不该离我这么近的。 |
- 击杀被天使
Stay down this time. |
这次就别再起来了。 |
- 击杀空中目标
Try looking before you leap. |
起跳前要先观察。 |
Did someone clip your wings? |
你的翅膀被人折断了吗? |
- 击杀使用终极技能的目标
Was that all? |
仅此而已? |
Such spectacle, and for what? |
的确壮观,但又有何意义? |
You wage a war you cannot win. |
你挑起了一场没有胜算的战争。 |
Another one falls. |
又打倒一个。 |
An efficient tactic, that. |
高效的战术。 |
Multiple targets eliminated. |
成功消灭多个目标。 |
- 波塞冬
I summon wave after wave. |
一浪盖一浪。 |
What's the matter_ It's only water. |
很可怕吗?不过是水流而已。 |
Never doubt the ocean's hunger. |
大海的胃口不容置疑。 |
As if swallowed by a whale. |
仿佛被巨鲸吞没。 |
This storm will not relent. |
这股风暴狂怒不息。 |
Charybdis claims them all. |
卡律布狄斯彻底淹没了他们。 |
Such overwhelming power! |
势不可挡的力量! |
Against all odds, I will prevail! |
历尽艰险,我是最后的胜者! |
You were foolish to get so close. |
离我太近是愚蠢之举。 |
Enough! |
够了! |
Fall down. Stay down. |
倒下就别起来了。 |
Simplicity itself. |
简单至极。 |
- 近战击杀禅雅塔时
You taught me that one. |
这一手是你教我的。 |
- 波塞冬
Shipwrecked. |
一场海难。 |
Tossed upon the waves. |
波涛将你席卷。 |
Clawed my way back. |
这一下,是我回来的证明。 |