Six feet under! |
入土为安吧! |
Get mummified! |
把你做成木乃伊! |
You're ancient history! |
你被扫进历史的尘埃了! |
Done and dusted! |
尘归尘,土归土! |
Rocked and rolled! |
滚石摇,命不保! |
See you in a few thousand years! |
几千年后见! |
(Spanish) Ooh, unlucky! |
哦,算你倒霉! |
You died here? Lucky! |
你居然能倒在这里?真幸运! |
(yawn) Old news! |
(打哈欠)扫进故纸堆! |
Let's see... "cause of death: me". |
我看看……“死亡原因:我”。 |
Gone, but not forgotten! |
你会活在我们心里! |
Bit the dust, huh? |
这下你入土了吧? |
Wow, you're almost too quick! |
哇,差点就盯不住你了! |
- 黑爪成员
No looting on my watch, Talon goons! |
有我在,“黑爪”就别想打文物的主意了! |
Losers, weepers, you big bozo! |
谁输谁哭,你个大笨蛋! |
No hard feelings, Helix? |
别难过嘛,海力士的。 |
(sigh) Guess chivalry is dead. |
(叹气)这下骑士精神真的死了。 |
Sorry, Mr. Lindholm! |
抱歉,林德霍姆先生! |
(sigh) Into the Iris, Tekhartha. |
唉,遁入智瞳吧,泰哈撒。 |
(Spanish) My bad, pal! |
(西班牙语)抱歉了,伙计! |
- 击杀使用
Hang on, what time is it? |
等等,现在几点了? |
- 击杀使用
Gosh, that sword is too cool! |
我去,那把刀太帅了吧! |
- 击杀使用
Ha! Who needs lidar? |
哈!用不着激光雷达! |
- 击杀使用
Got a bit too close to the sun! |
你离太阳太近了! |
Good ol'-fashioned gravity! |
经典的重力作用! |
Oof. That's not gonna be pretty! |
喔,这下可摔惨了! |
People have survived higher falls! (pause) Maybe! |
从更高的地方摔下去都没事!(停顿)我听说的! |
(Spanish) Seeya later! |
下回见! |
Stop pickin' on me! |
看你再惹我! |
Right back atcha! |
原样奉还! |
You had it coming. |
这是你自找的。 |
- 击杀空中目标
Taking names from strata to stratosphere! |
下可深岩探宝,上可九天摘星! |
- 击杀被天使
Back to the tomb with you! |
回坟墓里躺好吧! |
- 在伊利奥斯
I hear the Styx is lovely this time of year! |
听说每年这个时候的冥河都很美! |
Oops! Didn't see you there! |
噢哟!不小心撞到你了! |
I should watch where I'm going. |
下次我再小心点。 |
Dirt hurts! |
地板也会咬人! |
Lost and found! |
来无影去无踪! |
Right under your nose! |
就在你鼻子底下! |
Might wanna watch your step! |
下次记得当心脚下! |
(snort) What were you doing down here? You can fly! |
(鼻息)你怎么在地上站着?不是会飞的吗? |
Again, and again, and again! |
传说就这样一遍遍重演! |
I'm a whole terra-cotta army! |
我的实力如同兵马战俑! |
This'll go down in history! |
这一招可以载入史册了! |
Lethal like a mummy's curse! |
堪比夺魂的木乃伊诅咒! |
It looks like a necropolis in here! |
这地方都快变成墓园了! |
- 在斗兽场
I came, I saw, I conquered! |
我来,我看,我征服! |
Really drilled it in, huh? |
感觉“钻”到了是吧? |
Eugh. This job can't always be glamorous! |
呃,这活也有无聊的时候! |
Head spinning? |
天旋地转吗? |
Sorry to bore you! |
抱歉钻了你的空子! |