Let’s make history! |
历史由我们书写! |
Venture here! |
“探奇”来喽! |
C'mon, slowpokes! |
快走吧,磨蹭鬼! |
Let's make it one to remember! |
这趟旅程一定刻骨铭心! |
This is gonna be so much fun! |
等待我们的肯定是精彩的冒险! |
(Spanish) Let's go! Let's go! |
(西班牙语)出发吧,出发吧! |
Venture forth! |
探寻奇境! |
Goggles? On. Boots? On. Drill? Being… held. I’m ready to get into trouble! |
目镜?戴了。靴子?穿了。钻头?就在……手上。我准备好冒险了! |
The cool thing about this site is... well, I'm saying that like there's not a HUNDRED cool things. Ah, just wait. |
这座遗址有一点很棒……嗐,瞧我说的,这里很棒的地方多了去了。准备好大饱眼福吧! |
I can't wait to get out there! |
我等不及要去外面看看了! |
Ahh! Let's go already! |
啊!赶紧出发吧! |
Gear up, crew! Who knows what we'll find out there? |
大家要做好准备!天知道接下来我们会有什么发现? |
- 上一轮赢了
Winning already? But we just got here! |
这就要赢了吗?可我们才刚到这里! |
Let's do what we did last time, but... this time! |
之前我们赢过,这次……再赢一次! |
- 上一轮输了
We can do this. I just know it! |
我们能赢的,相信我! |
Loss schmoss. This is totally winnable. |
成败交给历史评判,我们现在还有机会。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Last chance. I believe in us! |
最后的机会了。我相信大家! |
Remember: "history is written by the victor"! |
记住:“历史是由胜者书写的”! |
Out of the crypt and into the quicksand! |
刚出古墓,又陷流沙! |
Back in action, baby! |
我又回来了,宝贝! |
That's a bump on the noggin for sure! |
这下脑袋上肯定要起包了! |
Pick self up? Check! Dust self off? Uh... in progress. |
重新站起来?没问题!把土拍干净?呃……在拍了在拍了。 |
If Joan of Arc didn't quit, I won't either! |
圣女贞德绝不放弃,我也一样! |
¡Demonios! That one hurt! |
(西班牙语)真见鬼!刚才那下好疼! |
Uh, let's try that one more time. |
呃,让我再试一次吧。 |
(Spanish) They will speak about my death throughout history! |
我殒命的故事会成为千古奇谈! |
I'll keep that off the record. |
刚才的经历就不记录了。 |
(laugh) I am such a klutz! |
(笑)我怎么笨手笨脚的! |
Whew! I'm okay! |
呼!我没事! |
I can't die. I've still got more stuff to see! |
还不能死,还有那么多东西等着我见识呢! |
- 被布丽吉塔击杀
(sniffle) Et tu, Brigitte? |
(啜泣)竟然有你,布丽吉塔? |
One, two... uh, yeah, we're outnumbered! |
一、二……呃,不好,我们的人手不够! |
We're outnumbered! Oh, just like Thermopylae! |
敌人比我们人多!哦,这不就是温泉关战役嘛! |
Careful, we're outnumbered! |
小心,我们的人数处于劣势! |
(sigh) All better! |
(叹气)好多了! |
Patched up! |
恢复了! |
Good as new! |
重获新生了! |
Whew! That really helps! |
呼!太及时了! |
Thanks! I thought I was a goner. |
多谢!我还以为我完蛋了。 |
Good looking out! |
谢谢照顾! |
Whoa! This stuff gives me the zoomies! |
哇!我感觉浑身都是劲! |
I'm raring to go! |
我要大干一场! |
Aw, yeah! (laugh) Let's get 'em! |
啊哈哈,好诶!让他们尝尝厉害! |
Aw! I wanted to be a mummy. |
嗷!我想当木乃伊。 |
You missed me? Shucks. |
你想我了吗?嗨呀。 |
- 发现敌人
Here comes trouble! |
来了群惹麻烦的! |
Let's get these bozos! |
准备收拾那些笨蛋! |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you! |
小心背后! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper! Watch your head, gang! |
有狙击手!大家小心脑袋! |
- 敌人被复活
They're back from the dead? Awesome! |
敌人起死回生了?好厉害! |
They're back? Good grief! |
敌人回来了?不是吧! |
Uh-oh. They brought one back! |
呃,敌人救活了一个! |
Find their teleporter! |
快去找他们的传送面板! |
- 寻找敌人
Hmm... I bet they have a teleporter. |
嗯……敌人好像有块传送面板。 |
- 发现敌人
There! There's the teleporter! |
快看!那边有传送面板! |
Ahh! There's the teleporter. So cool! |
啊!有块传送面板。太酷了! |
- 摧毁敌人
Enemy teleporter scrapped! |
敌人的传送面板报废了! |
Call me crazy, but I think they have a shield generator. |
你们敢相信吗?敌人好像有护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I see the enemy shield generator! |
我看到敌人的护盾发生器了! |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Consider their shields ?ungenerated?! |
这下敌人的护盾没法发生了! |
- 发现
Watch it--enemy turret ahead! |
小心!前面有敌人的炮台! |
- 摧毁
Turret's busted! |
拆掉炮台了! |
Let's rock! |
石破天惊! |
(Spanish) I'm gonna go crazy! |
(西班牙语)我要狂起来了! |
Come and get me! |
来尝尝我的厉害! |
- 受伤呼唤
Little help? Anyone? |
有人吗?能不能帮我一下? |
Could someone please pick me up? |
谁能把我拉起来? |
I could use a hand! |
能帮我一把吗! |
I might need a little help! |
我可能需要一点帮助! |
- 状态不好
I don't feel so good. |
我有点不舒服…… |
Something's not right. |
感觉不对劲。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Shoot! |
见鬼! |
Dang it! |
可恶! |
Come on! |
不是吧! |
Keepin' the heat on! |
我现在热力十足! |
Phew! Getting sweaty over here! |
呼!热得我浑身冒汗! |
I'm on fire! |
我火力全开了! |
Now this is a team that can party! |
一队人这下齐齐整整了! |
No way that was all of them, right? |
居然把他们全解决了,哈? |
- 队友倒下
Someone's down. Be careful! |
有人倒下了。大家小心! |
Oh, no. We have one down! |
不好,有个队友倒下了! |
Teammate down. Hang in there! |
队友倒下了。大家坚持住! |
- 队友击杀敌人
Hey, nice one! |
嘿,干得漂亮! |
Talk about one for the ages! |
这一幕会流芳百世! |
Wow! I'm taking notes! |
哇!这招我要记下来! |
(Spanish) You're killing it! |
(西班牙语)精彩的一击! |
Now that's what you love to see! |
这才是你想要的结果! |
A toast to a knight of old! |
为老骑士干杯! |
Lookin' good, Mr. Lindholm! |
厉害啊,林德霍姆先生! |
- 给队友报位置
Hey! Over here! |
嘿!到这儿来! |
I'm over here! |
我在这里! |
- 拯救队友
Don't worry! I've got your back. |
别怕!有我在呢。 |
Got you covered! |
我来帮你了! |
Watching out for you! |
有我掩护你! |
- 复活队友
C'mon! We're in this together! |
来吧!我们要同生共死! |
What are you lying around for? Let's go! |
你怎么躺在地上呀?快起来吧! |
Up and at 'em, friendo! |
起来收拾他们去,朋友! |
Promise to be nicer if I help you out? |
这次我救了你,你能不能友善点儿? |
See? A helping hand's better than sticky fingers! |
瞧见没?与其当扒手,不如做帮手! |
I've got you, Mr. Lindholm! |
我来帮您,林德霍姆先生! |
Get up, Ana! You still need to show me that necropolis you found! |
站起来,安娜!你还得带我去看你发现的那座墓园呢! |
- 投票史诗
Aw, shucks! |
噢,过奖啦! |
Doing what I do best! |
我最擅长这个了! |
Not too shabby! |
还不赖吧! |
- 投票传奇
There's nowhere I'd rather be! |
没有比这儿更适合我的地方了! |
A legend for the ages! |
好一段千年的传奇! |