“ | 星光荡开宇宙,本人闪耀其中。 | ” |
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星辰之子 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_曜.mp3
曜从小是一个争强好胜的热血少年,以李白为偶像,希望能成为如他一般潇洒骄傲的剑客。进入稷下学习后,通过组建星之队参加庄周举行的归虚梦演大赛,他获得了友谊、能量和自我认知。星之队夺得了第一,然而他的英雄之旅才刚刚开始... |
Look up to the night sky, and you'll know where I'm from. | |
仰望夜空,你就知道我来自哪里! |
All the watchful eyes are waiting for a star. | |
所有的星星眼,都在等一颗星。 |
The sword points toward the home of a genius. | |
剑指的方向,就是天才的故乡! |
This blinding brilliance, it can only belong to a genius like me. | |
好耀眼,这就是属于天才的星芒。 |
Observe the night sky and you'll realize who shines the brightest. | |
夜观星象,你就知道,谁光芒万丈。 |
Oh, I thought they already lost. | |
我还以为对面已经输了。 |
Man...Why haven't they given up yet? | |
喂,对面怎么还不投降? |
Wow, look at the stars... I'll shine just as bright! | |
天上那条灿烂的银河里,必定有我的一席之地。 |
You don't think Take This is my only line, do you? | |
你不会以为,我只会说看剑吧? |
Towards the sky I point my sword, and press on. As we fight with all our might, the spoils of war are our reward! | |
长剑向天昂,开团心痒痒,想到就这么做,才是好儿郎。 |
Go for it, everybody! Second place is still up for grabs! | |
加油各位,勇夺第二吧!祝福你们! |
The stars light up the universe, and I'm one of them. | |
星光荡开宇宙,本人闪耀其中。 |
I've never memorized the names of the constellations. I just go with my gut feeling! | |
角木犹比蛟,亢金宛如龙,尾火形似虎、箕水貌若豹……我可从没记过,凭感觉咯! |
Every man with a scar on his forehead must be a legend. | |
额上有疤的男人,个个都是传奇。 |
I'm not showing off. This is just what I do. | |
我没耍帅,有些东西是天生的。 |
How do I become ordinary? Please teach me. | |
怎样才能变得平凡?求攻略,在线等。 |
This one guy called me a second-rate fool. Hah! I'm never second! | |
想叫我中二少年,也得把二改成一。 |
- 一技能
Take this! | |
看剑! |
And this! | |
继续看剑! |
- 二技能
Look at the stars! | |
看星星咯。 |
A stroke of genius! | |
神来之笔! |
Hah, brilliant! | |
哈,潇洒如星。 |
Hya! A shooting star! | |
呀,天外飞星。 |
- 三技能
Feeling dazzled? Sounds about right! | |
看花眼了吗!这就对啦! |
Hah, I'm back! Didn't expect that, did you? | |
哈,想不到吧,我又回来了。 |
Hya, and another! Seeing stars yet? | |
再来一次,闪瞎眼了没? |
Haha, here I am again! Take this! | |
哈哈,我又来啦,接着看剑。 |
- 技能没打中
I meant to do that. | |
让你三招。 |
This is just the build-up to the climax. | |
此乃绝招前的铺垫,你懂吗? |
Take this, can you? | |
你看剑吗? |
Are you blinded by my dazzling looks yet? | |
准备好被本人的帅气,闪瞎眼了吗? |
Freeze! Any false movements, and the supernova inside me will be triggered. | |
别动,超级能量蕴藏在我体中时辰不对就会一碰就炸。 |
Twinkle, twinkle, little star... | |
一闪一闪亮晶晶…… |
I know a lot of moves, but you got to see the flashiest one. | |
我会很多绝招,但最帅的只有这招。 |
That wasn't even a challenge. | |
来点难度行不行? |
- 击杀镜
Did you see that? I won, sister! | |
姐姐看到了吗?我打败了你。 |
- 推塔
Hahaha, that was too easy! | |
哈哈哈,这是假的吧?太不经打了。 |
- 没拿到一血
I'll prove myself soon enough. | |
我会证明给你们看的。 |
Heaven must have made me for a different purpose. | |
天生我材必有用。 |
- 助攻
I'll let you take the limelight for now! | |
出风头这种事,让给你们啦。 |
- 一血
Taste my star-blade! | |
灼灼流星剑。 |
You got hit by a shooting star! | |
飒踏如流星! |
Taste my blade! | |
看我一剑。 |
- 累计10杀
To the heavens! | |
直上青天,揽星辰! |
- 累计20杀
My sword is like the stars—always right above your head! | |
剑如银河,落九天! |
Is it so bad to show a bit of zeal? | |
热血,是少年的原罪吗? |
- 被多人击杀
It is the fate of the talented to be envied. | |
遭人妒忌,是高手宿命。 |
Hah, don't dare to face me one-on-one? | |
哈,敢单挑吗? |
Hey, don't run away! | |
哎,别跑啊对面的。 |
Just you wait. | |
等着瞧。 |
Even experts need rest. | |
高手也是需要休息的。 |
- 获得MVP
I'm number one again! That's my fate, getting old. | |
回回第一,无法摆脱的永恒宿命! |
My eternal fate! | |
永恒宿命! |
Blinded yet? | |
你看到这星光了吗? |
- 与李白连招
The Star Blade, descending from the heavens! | |
大河之剑天上来。 |